1,630 zoekresultaten voor “environmental politiek and policy” in de Publieke website
Principles of Environmental Sciences
Principles of Environmental Sciences provides a comprehensive picture of the principles, concepts and methods that are applicable to problems originating from the interaction between the living and non-living environment and mankind. Both the analysis of such problems and the way solutions to environmental…
Environmental and health impact of informal e-waste recycling
The majority (80%) of e-waste generated globally are recycled informally in developing countries.
Opportunity and Problem in Context (OPiC). A framework for environmental management in developing countries
Promotor: W.T. de Groot
Environmental Impacts of Diet Changes
Evaluating the environmental consequences of diet changes in the European Union.
Environmental footprints: assessing anthropogenic effects on the planet's environment
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Co-promotor: R. Heijungs
Policy Review on Decoupling
Development of indicators to assess decoupling of economic development and environmental pressure in the EU-25 and AC-3 countries.
Environmental Biology
De afdeling richt zich op het verbeteren van het wetenschappelijk begrip in de relatie tussen mens en natuur. Hoe beïnvloedt menselijk handelen (via bijvoorbeeld klimaatverandering, landgebruiksverandering en de emissie van mogelijk toxische verbindingen) de natuur in het algemeen en de biodiversiteit…
Services on Environmental Statistics and Accounts
What is the best way to combine the environmental and economic data and how can we create an operational system to do so, thereby supporting the delivery of data to the Data centres on Products and Resources?
Customary Authorities and Environmental Governance in Africa: A Systematic Review
Deze systematische review van 68 Engelstalige artikelen onderzoekt de rol van gewoonterechten in het milieubeheer in Afrika bezuiden de Sahara.
CECILIA2050 - Optimal EU climate policy
Development of scenarios for 2050 detailed in an IO framework
Data Management Policy
The department of CADS adheres to the Leiden University Research Data Management Regulations and to the international principles for FAIR data.
Evaluation of the environmental impact of products (EIPRO)
Identification of the products or product groups that have the greatest environmental impact from a life-cycle perspective using environmentally extended input-output analysis.
Language policy and planning
Op microniveau bij interactie tussen familie of vrienden, op mesoniveau bij scholen, winkels, religieuze groeperingen of bedrijven, en op macroniveau bij natiestaten en internationale organisaties: Language Policy and Planning (LPP) is overal!
Public Ethics & Policy
Overheidsbeleid is vaak het onderwerp van alomtegenwoordige en diepe morele onenigheid. Morele onenigheid, gedefinieerd als het verschil tussen en verzet tegen principiële morele argumenten, kan voorkomen tussen beleidmakers, verschillende politieke partijen en individuen en het bredere publiek.
The underlying causes of strategic surprise in EU foreign policy
Dit artikel maakt meer bekend over de structurele kwetsbaarheid voor verrassingen in internationale organisaties zoals de Europese Unie.
Mining and environmental protection in Indonesia
Op 24 april verdedigde Feby Kartikasari het proefschrift 'Mining and environmental protection in Indonesia: regulatory pitfalls'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door Adriaan Bedner en Bernardo Ribeiro de Almeida.
Chainet - European network on chain analysis for environmental decision support
Analytical tools for environmental design and management in a systems perspective. The combined use of analytical tools.
Using commitment to improve environmental quality
Promotores: E. van Dijk, G.R. de Snoo. Co-promotor: H. Staats
Does knowledge of environmental performance change farmer's behaviour?
Does knowledge of environmental performance change farmer's behaviour?
Positioning of current Environmental tools & an outlook to the future
Review of new technical decisionsupport systems in the environmental field, and application in water management decission processes.
Creating Global Scenarios of Environmental Impacts with Structural Economic Models
To limit the effects of climate change, global average temperature since pre-industrial measurements are to be kept well below 2 °C preferably even at 1.5 °C.
Compiling and Refining Environmental and Economic Accounts (CREAA)
CREEA is a FP7 project on compiling and refining environmental and economic accounts. The project runs from April 2011 to March 2014.
Sociology of Policy in Practice (MSc)
De masterspecialisatie Sociology of Policy in Practice biedt de mogelijkheid om een onderzoeksstage te doen om het beleid van een bedrijf of organisatie in de praktijk te bestuderen..
The Role of Emotions in EU Foreign Policy (EUMOTIONS)
EUMOTIONS onderzoekt welke rol emoties van politieke elites (op EU- en lidstaatniveau) spelen in het formuleren van beleidsmogelijkheden van de EU tijdens internationale crises.
Afdeling Environmental Biology (CML-EB)
De afdeling Environmental Biology (CML-EB) houdt zich bezig met vraagstukken rondom biodiversiteit en natuurlijke hulpbronnen op het platteland in westerse en niet-westerse gebieden.
Political Economy and Public Policy
Veel van de grote uitdagingen van de 21ste eeuw (klimaatverandering, internationale migratie, financiële instabiliteit, sociaal-economische ongelijkheid) vinden hun oorsprong in de organisatie van de wereldeconomie. Elke oplossing voor de grote uitdagingen van de wereld vereist daarom krachtige beleidsinterventies…
Think tanks and strategic policy-making; the contribution of think tanks to policy advisory systems
In de afgelopen drie decennia is er een sterke toename van het aantal denktanks in de meeste westerse democratieën, waarbij zij steeds meer gezien worden als belangrijke spelers in beleidsprocessen. Toch blijft hun precieze bijdrage aan beleidsvorming gecontesteerd.
Co-benefits & Co-damages of environmental policies related to climate change and long-range transboundary air pollution
Using the principles of Industrial Ecology in Environmental Policy making in two cases: transition to a hydrogen economy and chlorinated compounds.
Legislative Policy in Brazil: limits and possibilities
Felipe de Paula verdedigde zijn proefschrift op 27 maart 2018.
Environmental Humanities in the New Himalayas: Symbiotic Indigeneity, Commoning, Sustainability
Environmental Humanities in the New Himalayas: Symbiotic Indigeneity, Commoning, Sustainability' laat zien hoe de eco-geologische creativiteit van de aarde verweven is met de landvormen, culturen en wereldvisies van moderne Himalayagemeenschappen. Het boek laat casestudies zien uit Bhutan, Assam, Sikkim,…
Prosecuting environmental harm before the international criminal court
Op 19 juni 2018 verdedigde Matthew Gillett zijn proefschrift ‘Prosecuting environmental harm before the international criminal court’. De promotoren is prof.dr. L.J. van den Herik.
Adaptive responses to environmental changes in Lake Victoria cichlids
Promotor: M.K. Richardson, Co-Promotor: F. Witte
International Environmental Obligations and Liabilities in Deep Seabed Mining
Op dinsdag 26 juni 2018 verdedigde Linlin Sun haar proefschrift ‘International Environmental Obligations and Liabilities in Deep Seabed Mining’. Het onderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof. dr. N.J. Schrijver en prof. dr. E.C.P.D.C. De Brabandere.
Online Course EU Policy & Implementation: Making Europe Work!
In this top-rated course, you will learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various authorities. It discusses the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure and the main causes of policy failure or…
Ecological functions and environmental fate of exopolymers of Acidobacteria
Acidobacteria is a widely distributed phylum but their functional roles in ecosystem processes are still largely elusive.
On the Term “Environmental Refugee”: Normative Assumptions and Empirical Realities
De auteurs vergelijken aannames over het normatieve nut van de term 'milieuvluchteling' met empirische bewijs van die term anders dan 'milieumigrant'.
large-scale implementation of BioSolarCells, Early stage assessment of environmental value propositions
What performance criteria does a new technology have to fulfill in order to be added to the list of future energy options and what constraints exist in terms of broad market penetration?
Addressing Environmental Concerns Through Trade: A Case for Extraterritoriality?,
Kunnen landen bij gebrek aan een sterk internationaal kader voor milieubescherming unilateraal optreden om het wereldwijde milieu te beschermen?
Environmental and metabolomic study of antibiotic production by actinomycetes
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.P. van Wezel
Making migration and migration policy decisions amidst societal transformations (PACES)
Wat is het effect van maatschappelijke veranderingen, persoonlijke levensomstandigheden en migratiebeleid op iemands besluit te migreren?
Parliamentary oversight of European monetary policy and banking supervision
In dit artikel breiden Adina Akbik en Sebastian Diessner de klassieke typologie van politiepatrouille en brandalarmtoezicht uit.
Historical institutionalism and policy coordination: origins of the European semester
This paper explores whether multilateral surveillance and policy coordination under the ES was based on a path-changing or a path-dependent mechanism
Student Assistant-Text as Data for Chinese Policy Research
Geesteswetenschappen, Institute for Area Studies, Chinese Studies
EU Personal Data Protection in Policy and Practice
Hoewel de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) vanaf mei 2018 de bescherming van persoonsgegevens in de hele EU harmoniseert, resulteren de open normen ervan in combinatie met culturele verschillen tussen landen in verschillen in de praktische implementatie, interpretatie en handhaving van…
The environmental rebound effect: a new paradigm for an old challenge. The case of transport eco-innovation
What is the role of the rebound effect in achieving environmental savings from transport eco-innovation? Are traditional definitions of the rebound effect adequate in the context of transformative innovations and multidimensional environmental issues?
Gus Greenstein
Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
Measuring sustainability: an elaboration and application of the system of environmental-economic accounting for Indonesia
Indonesia is experiencing various environmental challenges related to its fast economic growth. Therefore, it is necessary to have measurable and applicable indicators to obtain accurate data and information regarding the costs of adverse environmental impacts arising from economic activities to support…
Macro-level assessment of environmental implications of changes to circularity
How to ensure the environmental and economic benefits of circularity transition at macro-scale?
Environmental assessment and guidance for the future offshore wind energy development
This thesis aims to address offshore wind energy (OWE)-related environmental impacts.
The Policy of ‘Total Peace’ in Colombia: Challenges and Opportunities
Dit project brengt het beleid van ‘Paz Total’ (Totale Vrede) en de lopende vredesonderhandelingen tussen gewapende niet-statelijke groeperingen en de regering van Colombia onder het presidentschap van Gustavo Petro (2022-2026) in kaart.