2,435 zoekresultaten voor “discovery of the yuan” in de Publieke website
Inhibitor discovery of phospholipases and N-acyltransferases
In this thesis an activity-based probe was discovered that could visualize the activity of PLAATs. With an optimized gel-based ABPP assay in hand, screening of a compound library led to the discovery of alpha-ketoamides as a hit for PLAAT3.
Discovery of BUB1 kinase inhibitors for the treatment of cancer
The spindle-assembly checkpoint (SAC) is a safety mechanism which secures accurate chromosome segregation during mitosis.
Discovery of Reversible Monoacylglycerol Lipase Inhibitors
Monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) is the principal enzyme responsible for hydrolysis of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). MAGL inhibition provides several potential therapeutic opportunities, including anti-nociceptive, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activity.
Discovery of selective diacylglycerol lipase β inhibitors
Diacylglycerol lipases (DAGLα and DAGLβ) are responsible for the biosynthesis of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) in the brain and peripheral tissues. Selective DAGLβ inhibitors have been proposed as a potential treatment for inflammatory diseases with reduced potential for central…
Discovery of FLT3 inhibitors for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia
The disease acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is characterized by fast progression and low survival rates.
Discovery of antibiotics and their targets in multidrug-resistant bacteria
Global healthcare is on the verge of an antibiotic availability crisis as bacteria have evolved resistance to nearly all known antibacterials. Identifying new antibiotics that operate via novel modes-of-action is therefore of high priority.
Yuan Liu
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Discovery of novel inhibitors to investigate diacylglycerol lipases and α/β hydrolase domain 16A
Promotor: H.S. Overkleeft, Co-promotor: M. van der Stelt
Discovery of novel Antibiotics from Actinomycetes by Integrated Metabolomics & Genomics Approaches
Promotor: G.P. van Wezel, Co-promotor: Y.H. Choi
LED3 & LUCID Drug Discovery Meeting
Rong Yuan
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Yao Yuan
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Yuan Chen
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Yuan Liu
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Beibei Yuan
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Zihao Yuan
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Discovery and exploitation of the transcriptional regulatory system of pectinases in Aspergillus niger
Pectin is a plant cell wall polysaccharide made of mainly D-galacturonic acid (GA) subunits. The potency of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger to naturally secrete high amounts of pectinases to degrade pectin has been utilized for the industrial production of pectinases.
Activity-based protein profiling in drug discovery
In the last decades, activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) has emerged as a powerful chemical tool that may aid the ever-challenging drug discovery process.
Antibiotic Discovery: From mechanistic studies to target ID
The investigations described in this thesis lay out strategies aimed at advancing antibiotic research and development. The examples presented revolve around two main approaches: understanding drug-target interactions and target identification.
Modern Drug Discovery
How are new drugs developed? This question is central to the Minor Modern Drug Discovery (MDD), which covers the entire trajectory from disease to drug molecule and vice versa. The various research groups involved offer a complementary and interdisciplinary perspective by connecting the diverse subjects…
Drug Discovery & Safety
In het onderzoeksprogramma Drug Discovery & Safety zijn we geïnteresseerd in de werkzaamheid en veiligheid van nieuwe medicijnen en nieuwe manieren om deze aspecten te bepalen. Daarvoor combineren we geavanceerde imaging en high-throughput screening technieken met computationele aanpakken zoals chem-…
Yuan Yi Zhu
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Affinity-based profiling of the adenosine receptors
The adenosine receptors are proteins that reside in the extracellular membranes of cells. Activation of adenosine receptors plays a role in many physiological and pathological processes, such as immune responses and cancers.
Nanofluidic tools for bioanalysis : the large advantages of the nano-scale
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Hankemeier, Prof.dr. J.C.T. Eijkel (Twente University)
Causal Discovery from High-Dimensional Data in the Large-Sample Limit
Developing robust algorithms and theory for establishing cause-effect relationships from observational data that scale up to large data sets
Genomics driven metabolomics novel strategies for the discovery and identification of secondary metabolites
Promotor: T. Hankemeier, Co-promotor: R.J. Vreeken
Mechanistic modelling of drug target binding kinetics as determinant of the time course of drug action in vivo
Drug-target binding kinetics determine the time course of the central event in pharmacotherapy: Drug-target interaction.
On the Emergence of the Energy Transition
The energy system is at the heart of two of the greatest challenges of the 21st century: decreasing CO2 emissions to meet the ambitions of the Paris agreement while fulfilling the growing energy demand associated with the economic aspirations of a growing world population.
Discovery and characterization of new glucosylated metabolites: pathophysiological consequences
Within this thesis the central stage is taken by the discovery and investigation of transglycosylation of sterols. First, investigation focuses on the development of a method to accurately detect and quantify glucosylated metabolites in biological materials.
The activation mechanisms of G protein-coupled receptors: the case of the adenosine A2B and HCA2/3 receptors
Promotor: A.P. IJzerman
The application of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child by national courts
Op 3 december 2019 verdedigde Meda Couzens haar proefschrift 'The application of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child by national courts'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.dr. T. Liefaard en prof.mr. J.J. Sloth-Nielsen.
The flux and flow of data: connecting large datasets with machine learning in a drug discovery envirionment
This thesis focuses on data found in the field of computational drug discovery. New insight can be obtained by applying machine learning in various ways and in a variety of domains. Two studies delved into the application of proteochemometrics (PCM), a machine learning technique that can be used to…
The colours of the extreme universe
This thesis presents pioneering work on the panchromatic emission of some of the most luminous galaxies in the early Universe: star forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei.
The Role of the Domestic Law of the Host State in Determining the ratione materiae Jurisdiction of Investment Treaty Tribunals: The Partial Revival
Op 19 december 2019 verdedigde Reza Eftekhar zijn proefschrift 'The Role of the Domestic Law of the Host State in Determining the ratione materiae Jurisdiction of Investment Treaty Tribunals: The Partial Revival of the Localisation Theory'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. E.…
The Role and Effectiveness of the G20
The Role and Effectiveness of the G20. In dit artikel, gepubliceerd in The Changing Global Order onderdeel van the United Nations University Series on Regionalism book series, bespreekt auteur Jaroslaw Kantorowicz de evolutie van de G20.
Microengineered Human Blood Vessels For Next Generation Drug Discovery
Heart failure is a major health care problem with high mortality.
The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South - INVISIHIST
The main aim of this project is to reveal and unravel the invisible histories of the UN, transcending the dominant Western perspective to recover the historical agency of Global South actors. The research will investigate how the UN has both facilitated and limited their role in shaping global order…
Unlocking the chemistry of the heavens
Litigating the Rights of the Child
Dit boek onderzoekt de impact van het VN-Verdrag inzake de Rechten van het Kind (IVRK) op nationale en internationale rechtspraak, sinds de aanname van dit verdrag in 1989. Het boek verschaft inzicht in de functies, uitdagingen en beperkingen van het IVRK in nationale, regionale en internationale juridische…
The deadliest sin of the financial crisis
Op 11 mei 2016 ontving het Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law Robert Pickel voor de elfde Hazelhoff Guest Lecture, getiteld ‘The Deadliest Sin of the Financial Crisis’.
Proteins in harmony: Tuning selectivity in early drug discovery
This thesis describes the importance of being able to control the selectivity of potential drug candidates.
Changing the Nature of the Beast
Op de eerste dag van jouw nieuwe baan heb je zweethanden, ben je nerveus en onzeker, maar een paar maanden later zijn die gevoelens al weer verdwenen. Je hebt jouw nieuw rol eigen gemaakt en je bent nu onderdeel van de organisatie. Het proces dat daar naar toe leidt heet
Harnessing zebrafish xenograft models for ocular melanoma treatment discovery
The aim of this thesis was to develop novel treatment strategies for different types of eye melanoma utilizing zebrafish models. We first establish orthotopic and ectopic xenograft models for uveal and conjunctival melanoma by engraftment of the immortalized cells derived from these tumors into zebrafish…
The shell evolution of the Hydrocenidae of Malaysian Borneo
The thesis is about the study of shell evolution of the Hydrocenidae of the genus Georissa. This thesis started with a general overview on the evolutionary process of animals due to ecological changes.
The energy and material related impacts of the transition towards low-carbon heating: a case study of the Netherlands
This dissertation investigates the energy and material related impacts of the transition towards a low-carbon heating system in the Netherlands, in the context of its 2050 climate and circular economy policy goals.
On the nature of the right to resist: a rights-based theory of the ius resistendi in liberal democracies
Op 7 september verdedigde Francesc Claret Traid het proefschrift 'On the nature of the right to resist: a rights-based theory of the ius resistendi in liberal democracies'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door Afshin Ellian en Gelijn Molier.
The structure of the dusty cores of active galactic nuclei
Promotor: W. Jaffe, Co-promotor: K. Meisenheimer
The role of the interleukin 12 family in atherosclerosis
Promotor: Johan Kuiper, Co-promotor: Saskia C.A. de Jager
Contributions to the phylogeny of the haplolepideous mosses
The haplolepideous mosses (Dicranidae) comprise about 4000 species distributed over a wide range of habitats, with great gametophytic and sporophytic morphological variation. Their monophyly is well supported by the results of several molecular phylogenetic studies, which shed light on their relationships…
The assembly history of the milky way nuclear star cluster
Promotor: P. T. de Zeeuw, Co-promotor: N. Neumayer; G. van de Ven