2,125 zoekresultaten voor “russian he literature from en popcultuur” in de Publieke website
Self-Adjusting Surrogate-Assisted Optimization Techniques for Expensive Constrained Black Box ProblemsBagheri, S.
Optimization tasks in practice have multifaceted challenges as they are often black box, subject to multiple equality and inequality constraints and expensive to evaluate.
Giant galactic outflows and shocks in the Cosmic Web
The radio sky harbours both galactic and extragalactic sources of arcminute- to degree-scale emission of various physical origins. To discover extragalactic diffuse emission in the Cosmic Web beyond galaxy clusters, one must image low–surface brightness structures amidst a sea of brighter compact fore-…
Fuzzy systems and unsupervised computing: exploration of applications in biology
In this thesis we will explore the use of fuzzy systems theory for applications in bioinformatics.
Forces and symmetries in cells and tissues
The way organisms develop from the initial single-cellular state to a complex final assembly like the human body, and how the final body is maintained throughout life, is one of the greatest mysteries and it’s understanding one of the biggest scientific challenges.
Real-time foresight: preparedness for dynamic innovation networks
Promotor: H.J. van den Herik, B.R. Katzy, Co-promotor: K. Sailer
eV-TEM: Transmission Electron Microscopy with few-eV Electrons
Electron microscopy has become an extremely important techniquein a wide variety of elds.
Hunting for the fastest stars in the Milky Way
The high velocity tail of the total velocity distribution of stars provides essential insight into fundamental properties of the Galaxy.
Bridging the gap between physics and chemistry in early stages of star formation
A dense region of a gaseous and dusty cloud collapses to form a protostar surrounded by a disk and an envelope. This thesis uses both observations and models to study physical and chemical conditions of these protostellar systems which are likely where planets start to form.
Photocleavable activity-based acid glucosylceramidase probes
Lysosomal acid glucosylceramidase (GBA1) is a lysosomal enzyme that degrades glucolipids with its main substrate being glucosylceramide (GlcCer). Defects in the GBA1 gene lead to glycosphingolipidosis Gaucher disease (GD), in which the hydrolysis of GlcCer is impaired and therefore, it accumulates in…
Network flow algorithms for discrete tomography
Promotor: R. Tijdeman, Co-promotor: H.J.J. te Riele
Op deze pagina vindt u de opnames van de online This Week's Discoveries vanaf 12 mei 2020 en een lijst sprekers vanaf oktober 2015.
Best Spaans proefschrift in Soil Science in 2015 voor CML onderzoeker Daniel Arenas Lago
Activity-Based Proteasome Profiling
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.S. Overkleeft
Bibliotheek en LU-Card
Als alumnus van de Universiteit Leiden kunt u uw hele leven lang gebruik blijven maken van de Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden (UBL).
Indicators for "decoupling"
Indicators to measure progress in de-linking economic growth and environmental pressure.
Wil je een volledige academische opleiding? Dan ga je na je bachelor door met een masteropleiding. Met een masterdiploma op zak heb je meer kans op een baan op academisch niveau. Na afronding krijg je de titel Master of Arts (MA).
Meeloopdag Duitse taal en cultuur
Student for a day African Studies
OSINT: From Theory, Intelligence to Evidence
Islam en samenleving
Kennis van moslimsamenlevingen is onmisbaar om in een geglobaliseerde wereld te kunnen functioneren en om onze eigen Nederlandse maatschappij goed te begrijpen. In Leiden verdiepen onderzoekers zich in de talen, cultuur, religie, rechtssystemen en geschiedenis van moslimsamenlevingen en zetten daarmee…
Research Seminar Series
For questions and suggestions regarding the series, please contact prof. dr. Olaf van Vliet or dr. Max van Lent
- Futures from the frontiers of climate science
Data-driven donation strategies: understanding and predicting blood donor deferral
The research in this dissertation aims to optimise blood donation processes in the framework of the Dutch national blood bank Sanquin. The primary health risk for blood donors is iron deficiency, which is evaluated based on donors' hemoglobin and ferritin levels.
Cardiomyocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells
Lattice Cryptography, from Cryptanalysis to New Foundations
From intracluster medium dynamics to particle acceleration
Congenital heart defects: from a fetal perspective
Acute pancreatitis - from treatment to prevention
Travelling patterns on Discrete Media
This thesis describes how complex and real-world relevant analytical solutions can be found starting from a simple Nagumo problem posed on one or two-dimensional lattices.
Chemical synthesis of fragments of galactosaminogalactan and pel polysaccharides
The work described in this Thesis is focused on the assembly of oligosaccharide fragments derived from a fungal polysaccharide, galactosaminogalactan (GAG) and fragments of the exopolysaccharide Pel, generated by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Resource Panel
Contributions to the UNEP international panel for sustainable resource management
Dynamics of a β-lactamase
BlaC is the β-lactamase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We show that it can recover from inhibition by clavulanic acid and that phosphate helps it do so.
Extended Essays
Leiden University’s Academic Challenge
Witnessing the Process of Bacterial Cell Death: Novel Antimicrobials and Their Mechanisms of Action
This thesis describes the antimicrobial discovery strategy developed in our group, the den Hertog Group at the Hubrecht Institute. It includes a cultivation-based screening approach for novel antimicrobial agents from the source of fungi, and a bacterial time-lapse imaging approach for antimicrobial…
Where photons meet phonons
We investigate how radiation pressure can be used to influence the mechanical motion of a micro-mirror suspended from springs.
Lattice models for Josephson junctions and graphene superlattices
In this thesis we study quantum transport phenomena on the nanometer scale, in two classes of materials: topological insulators with induced superconductivity and graphene superlattices.
Dawn of the red and dead: stellar kinematics of massive quiescent galaxies out to z = 2
Promotores: Prof.dr. M. Franx, Prof.dr. M. Kriek (Univ. of California at Berkeley)
Assessing global regionalized impacts of eutrophication on freshwater fish biodiversity
Freshwater biodiversity has been threatened by eutrophication due to excessive nutrients in the environment. Releasing the freshwater species from such pressures requires efforts from industry and manufacturers to avoid emissions to vulnerable and high-risk regions.
- Admission and application
Human Evolution
This multidisciplinary minor provides students with knowledge on how and why humans became the way they are. The minor focuses on the evolution of the species Homo sapiens from other hominin lineages and animal ancestors, and on the various factors shaping this process. Not only is human evolution of…
- Material Culture (5 ECTS)
From tropical jumble to urban jungle
Lezing, NGL-lezing
Een Perzisch liefdesverhaal en het ontstaan van een rockclassic
Wat doet de naam van de middeleeuwse Perzische dichter Nezami (✞ ca. 1209) op de cover van een rockalbum van Eric Clapton? Asghar Seyed Gohrab, universitair hoofddocent aan het Instituut voor Area Studies, vertelt erover in een nieuwe blog voor het Leiden Medievalists Blog.
Anna Dlabacova ontvangt ERC Starting Grant voor onderzoek naar laatmiddeleeuwse gebedenboeken
Universitair docent Anna Dlabacova krijgt een Starting Grant van de European Research Council. Ze gaat de beurs van ongeveer 1,5 miljoen euro gebruiken om onderzoek te doen naar het Nederlandstalige getijden- en gebedenboek.
Opvoedkundig middel? Japanse kinderboeken waren meer dan dat
Lang werd gedacht dat de vroege ontwikkeling van Japanse kinderboeken vooral diende als propagandamiddel van de staat: de literatuur zou zijn geschreven om kinderen te vormen tot de perfecte burger. Promovenda Aafke van Ewijk nuanceert dit beeld. ‘Kinderboekenschrijvers wilden hun eigen zegje doen.’…
3 Veni's voor Leidse Geesteswetenschappers
Drie Leidse geesteswetenschappers hebben een Veni-subsidie van NWO in de wacht gesleept voor hun onderzoeksprojecten. De veelbelovende, pas gepromoveerde onderzoekers kunnen daarmee de komende drie jaar hun wetenschappelijke ideeën verder uitwerken. De Veni's zijn toegekend aan Lucien van Beek, Karwan…
Met een camera door de rug van een boek: ‘Je zult maar net die ene zeldzame tekst vinden’
Wat doe je als je een boek uit de zestiende of zeventiende eeuw hebt, maar je vermoedt dat in de boekrug een fragment van een middeleeuws handschrift is verwerkt? Universitair docent Thijs Porck kreeg een NWO-beurs om aan de slag te gaan met een camera aan een slang. ‘Het project komt neer op kijkoperaties…
MULTIPLY - MULTIscale SENTINEL land surface information retrieval Platform
Aim: To develop and enable application of a practical, flexible, user-friendly platform to provide the scientific community with a tool to generate land surface products and its associated uncertainties and exploit these for data-intensive science.
Urbanism and municipal administration in Roman North Africa
This project uses archaeological, literary and epigraphic evidence to investigate urban development in Roman-period North Africa, compiling this in a GIS-linked database in order to analyse the development of urban settlement spatially over time.
Corruption & Integrity in the Netherlands (1945 - present)
Corruption, integrity (or a lack thereof…) and public values are near omnipresent elements in public administration and politics of all times. Cases of corrupt public officials and politicians continuously emerge. Strangely enough, however, it often remains unknown what actually occurred, how something…