3,664 zoekresultaten voor “from campus to cabaret” in de Publieke website
belowground interactions in Jacobaea vulgaris: zooming in and zooming out from a plant-soil feedback perspective
In this thesis, I focused on studying the above- and belowground interactions of J. vulgaris from a plant-soil feedback (hereafter, PSF) perspective. I investigated the temporal variation of negative PSF and examined the effects of root-associated bacteria on plant performance and aboveground herbiv…
evolution in an invasive plant species: evolutionary changes in allocation to growth, defense, competitive ability and regrowth of invasive Jacobaea
Promotor: Prof.dr. P.G.L Klinkhamer, Co-promotor: K. Vrieling
Vragen over Humanities Campus? Lees de Q&A
Vastgoed heeft een handige Q&A met veelgestelde vragen over de nieuwe Humanities Campus opgesteld voor met name de omwonenden van het Witte Singel-Doelencomplex. Niet alle berichtgeving in de media is juist, daarom plaatsen we de Q&A ook voor alle medewerkers. Wil je weten hoe het zit met de gebouwen…
for evaluating dose-response relationships of metal-based nanoparticles to Zebrafish embryos
Promotores: Prof.dr. W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg & Dr. M.G. Vijver
Universiteit in gesprek met buurtbewoners over Humanities Campus
De Universiteit Leiden wil op het Witte Singel-Doelencomplex een vernieuwde Humanities Campus ontwikkelen. Ze onderzoekt de mogelijkheid om grond van woningbouwvereniging De Sleutels te verwerven. Op 17 november ging zij met de bewoners in gesprek.
The diverse roles of integrin α3β1 in cancer: Lessons learned from skin and breast carcinogenesis
In this thesis, we aim to shed light on the diverse and often opposing roles of integrin α3β1 in cancer.
When materials become critical: lessons from the 2010 rare earth crisis
Promotor: G.J. Kramer Co-Promotor: E.G.M. Kleijn
Far from home: the science exploitation of the fastest Milky Way stars
The Sun and all the stars in the night sky reside in the Milky Way galaxy. In the at-rest reference frame of the Galaxy, typical stars travel with velocities of about 100-200 kilometres per second.
From every angle: novel insights into CC chemokine receptor 2 pharmacology
The CC chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2), a member of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily, is widely involved in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. However, no drugs for this receptor have made it to the pharmaceutical market yet.
Development and application of cryo-EM tools to study the ultrastructure of microbes in changing environments
Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is a powerful technique used to visualize the inside of cells and to study specific protein complexes. Within this thesis, I describe the use of various cryo-EM techniques to gain insight into the structural changes of the human pathogen, Vibrio cholerae, as it…
Optimizing antifungal treatment through pharmacometrics: dosing considerations to enhance outcome
Fungal infections pose a significant threat to individuals with compromised immune systems and despite advancements in diagnosis and treatment, they continue to jeopardize patient’s health.
Hoe zie jij de Humanities Campus van de toekomst?
Voor het project toekomst WSD-complex worden we graag door jou geïnspireerd over hoe de Humanities Campus van de toekomst eruit moet zien. We horen graag hoe jij leren, werken en ontmoeten in de toekomst wil beleven en wat je prettig en onprettig vindt aan de huidige situatie.
Innovative strategies to clinically characterize the human tear proteome
Transplantation of labial salivary glands to the eyelids for patients with dry eye appears to give excellent results clinically.
To foreignise or to domesticate? How media vary cross-nationally in their degrees of incorporating foreign events
In dit artikel onderzoeken de auteurs de mate van domesticatie van buitenlandse gebeurtenissen als onderzoeksonderwerp.
Voorbereiding op de inrichting van het bouwterrein nieuwe Bèta Campus
Vanaf 15 augustus a.s. worden er sloopwerkzaamheden uitgevoerd in de omgeving van het LMUY gebouw. De werkzaamheden vinden plaats op maandag t/m vrijdag tussen 07:00 en 19:00u. De aannemer is geïnformeerd dat het veroorzaken van trillingen zo veel mogelijk voorkomen moet worden.
Bioorthogonal Labeling Tools to Study Pathogenic Intracellular Bacteria
In this thesis, bioorthogonal chemistry is combined with correlative light-electron microscopy to selectively label and study pathogenic intracellular bacteria within the host immune cell.
Methods to simulate fermions on quantum computers with hardware limitations
This thesis is a collection of theoretical works aiming at adjusting quantum algorithms to the hardware of quantum computers.
Emerging approaches to study cell-cell interactions
The aim of this thesis is to study cell-cell interactions and the development of an assay to explore and quantify the exchange of membrane compounds.
A novel formulation for skin barrier repair : from ex vivo assessment towards clinical studies
The stratum corneum is the outermost skin layer and consists of dead cells embedded in a lipid matrix.
Anti-microbial and Anti-biofilm compounds From Indonesian Medicinal Plants
Promotor: C.A.M.J.J. van den Hondel, Co-promotor: Sandra de Weert
Group benefits from genomic instability: a tale of antibiotic warriors in Streptomyces
Streptomyces are filamentous bacteria that produce more than two-thirds of known antibiotics.
Lithium-ion batteries and the transition to electric vehicles
The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) reduces vehicle emissions to combat climate change. EVs raise concerns regarding the production of lithium-ion batteries and related emissions; while batteries can also provide energy storage services for the electricity system.
Adaptive responses to environmental changes in Lake Victoria cichlids
Promotor: M.K. Richardson, Co-Promotor: F. Witte
Student-teachers' commitment to teaching
De motivatie van studenten van lerarenopleidingen voor het beroep van leraar is afhankelijk van diverse factoren. Lerarenopleidingen kunnen de betrokkenheid van hun studenten beïnvloeden.
Classical and paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy applied to different protein systems
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Ubbink
Quantitative pharmacology approaches to inform treatment strategies against tuberculosis
Tuberculosis (TB) is associated with 1.5 million deaths annually. There is a need exists to optimize both current as well as novel antibiotic combination treatment strategies to improve the effectiveness and safety of treatments against TB.
Bloomington Grove Kickapoo Creek Restoration to Enhance Biodiversity
Does a high quality prairie restoration in an urban/agricultural landscape provide invertebrates necessary for a sustainable ecosystem?
Periodic pulse solutions to slowly nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems
Promotor: A. Doelman, Co-promotor: J.D.M. Rademacher
Computational Approaches to Disease, Signaling and Drug Targets
The Minor Computational Approaches to Disease, Signaling and Drug Targets (CADSDT) is focused on fundamental scientific research required for discovery of new drug targets and development of new drugs.
Online Course Introduction to Comparative Indo-European Lingistics
Indo-European is the name of the language family to which English belongs, along with many sub-families such as Germanic languages and Romance languages. In this course, you will delve into the structure and origins of these branches, the oldest languages belonging to the language family, linguistic…
Politics, Culture and National Identities, 1789 to the Present (MA)
De masteropleiding Politics, Culture and National Identities, 1789 to the Present van de Universiteit Leiden geeft je de mogelijkheid om op een nieuwe manier Europese politiek en identiteit te onderzoeken.
Systems vaccinology: molecular signatures of immunity to Bordetella pertussis
Promotor: G.F.A. Kersten, W. Jiskoot, Co-promotor: B. Metz
Swimming Bass under Pounding Bass: fish response to sound exposure
Promotor: C.J. ten Cate, Co-promotor: H.W. Slabbekoorn
Synthesis of chemical tools to study the immune system
This thesis describes the synthesis and biological evaluation of TLR2/6, TLR4, TLR7/8 and TLR9 ligands, of which the activity can be conditionally controlled.
The ins and outs of ligand binding to CCR2
Promotor: Prof.dr. A. P. IJzerman, Co-Promotor: L.H. Heitman
Chemical tools to study the cannabinoid receptor type 2
The cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2R) is associated with several inflammatory diseases with an unmet medical need (e.g. Alzheimers, multiple sclerosis, reumatoid arthritis). Development of new chemical biology strategies to study this protein is essential to aid future development of drugs for these…
A Corrective Approach to Reduce Aircraft Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Op donderdag 16 november 2017 is Thomas Leclerc gepromoveerd op zijn proefschrift ‘A Corrective Approach to Reduce Aircraft Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Contribution to the Study of Interactions between Legal Orders of International Law’. Zijn promotoren zijn prof.dr. P.M.J. Mendes De Leon en prof. L.…
Professional learning: what teachers want to learn
Het doel van dit promotieonderzoek was te onderzoeken wat leraren zelf willen leren. De centrale onderzoeksvraag luidde: wat, hoe en waarom willen leraren leren? En hangt dit af van hun jaren leservaring en de school waarin ze werken?
Cross-border Resolution of Financial Institutions: Perspectives from International Insolvency Law
In deze publicatie worden problemen met betrekking tot de grensoverschrijdende afwikkeling van financiële instellingen onderzocht.
A meta-analysis of wetland plant traits in relation to the strategies of wetland plants and the impacts on ecosystem functioning
What are trait-trait relationships in wetlands? To what extent the so-called leaf economics traits deviate from terrestrial ecosystems? How traits specific to wetland plant relate to plant strategies? What’s the relationship between wetland plant traits to the ecosystem functioning (e.g. productivity,…
The Right to Travel by Air of Persons with Disabilities
Op donderdag 16 november 2017 heeft Lalin Kovudhikulrungsri haar proefschrift ‘The Right to Travel by Air of Persons with Disabilities’ verdedigd. Haar promotoren zijn Prof.dr. P.M.J. Mendes De Leon en Prof.mr.dr. A.C. Hendriks.
Pair configurations to molecular activity coefficients: PAC-MAC
This thesis provides an overview of the development of the Pair Configuration to Molecular Activity Coefficient (PAC-MAC) model.
Post-doctoral researcher in empirical approaches to rule of law
Governance and Global Affairs, Institute of Security and Global Affairs
The political effects of intra-EU migration: Evidence from national and European elections in seven countries
This article examines how immigration from Central and Eastern Europe influences political support for Eurosceptic parties.
Catalysis of the electrochemical water oxidation to oxygen
Promotor: Prof.dr. M.T.M. Koper, Co-Promotor: F. Calle-Vallejo
between the Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification
Description of The Regional Network on the Synergy between the Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification.
Relationship (QNAR) Models Predicting the Toxicity of Metal-based Nanoparticles to Aquatic Species
Describe and identify what dosimetry parameters are of importance to interpret dose-response relationships (eg., mortality, sub-lethal, growth or reproduction inhabitation, DNA damage and reactive oxygen species, etc. ) for metal-based nanoparticles? How to develop quantitative models that enable to…
Campus Den Haag decor van 'on campus' proefstuderen
Campus Wijnhaven en het Anna van Buerenplein waren afgelopen zaterdag het decor voor de eerste Haagse 'on campus' proefstudeerdagen sinds de beperkende maatregelen in het hoger onderwijs van maart 2020. Verspreid over de dag bezochten zo’n 200 studenten de campus om dieper te duiken in de 3 FGGA Bachelor…
Quantitative modelling of the response of earthworms to metals
Promotor: Prof.dr. W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg
Applications of topology to Weyl semimetals and quantum computing
This thesis covers various applications of topology in condensed matter physics and quantum information.