2,007 zoekresultaten voor “complex systems” in de Publieke website
Adaptive Streaming Applications: Analysis and Implementation Models
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. Deprettere
Hai Lin
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Oliver Taherzadeh
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Suiting Ding
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Bartolomeus Häussling Löwgren
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Interactions from lipid membrane deformations
Biological cells, the basic building blocks of all life forms, are surrounded by a lipid membrane. More than half of the membrane is occupied by membrane proteins, which can regulate the cell functionality through specific arrangements.
Workshop over Access to Justice and the EU’s Remedies System
Op 3 en 4 november 2022 organiseerde Melanie Fink een workshop voor de auteurs van de samengestelde uitgave ‘Access to Justice and the EU’s Remedies System’. Het boek zal naar verwachting begin 2024 verschijnen bij Cambridge University Press.
The effects of burying beetle social behaviours on interspecific interactions
This ecological community has long been known to affect host biology, and their diverse roles have been further clarified in recent years following numerous studies of animal:microbiota interactions in diverse systems.
Unravelling cell fate decisions through single cell methods and mathematical models
Despite being the object of intense study, embryonic development has been difficult to model due to a number of reasons. First, complex tissues can be comprised of many cell types, of which we probably only know a subset.
Towards automated identification of metabolites using mass spectral trees
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Hankemeier, Co-promotor: Theo Reijmers
The developing infant gut microbiota: mathematical predictions of the effects of oligosaccharides
A complex community of microbes develops in the infant gut shortly after birth. We call this community the infant gut microbiota. The microbiota influences the health of the infant, which makes the composition and function of the infant gut microbiota an important topic to study.
Inverse Jacobian and related topics for certain superelliptic curves
To an algebraic curve C over the complex numbers one can associate a non-negative integer g, the genus, as a measure of its complexity.
Dark ice chemistry in interstellar clouds
This thesis is largely an experimental study on the formation of solid-state simple and complex organic molecules in the H2O-rich and CO-rich ice phases of dense interstellar clouds and dark cores.
Semi-partitioned Scheduling and Task Migration in Dataflow Networks
Promotor: Ed F. Deprettere, Co-promotor: Todor P. Stefanov
De complexiteit van HIV/AIDS ontrafelen
Dr. Josien de Klerk, Universitair Hoofddocent Global Public Health aan het Leiden University College The Hague heeft onlangs een en ander over haar werk op het gebied van HIV/AIDS gepubliceerd. In samenwerking met een team van interdisciplinaire onderzoekers van het Amsterdam Institute for Global Health…
Metastability for low-temperature Kawasaki dynamics with two types of particles
Promotor: W.Th.F. den Hollander, Co-promotor: F.R. Nardi
Ben Wielstra
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Fatemeh Mehrafrooz Mayvan
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Jennifer Anderson
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Linking the gene regulatory network with the functional physical structure of whole-genome engineered Arabidopsis mutants : an HR-MAS NMR-based
Climate change is a challenge for both current and future generations. New biological resources have to be developed in order to meet the demand for energy as well as the demand for food.
Improved hard real-time scheduling and transformations for embedded Streaming Applications
This thesis addresses the problem of designing performance and energy efficient embedded streaming systems, that is, systems which process a stream of input data coming from the environment and generate a stream of output data going into the environment.
Cattle-talk: the language of colour among East African pastoralists
What categories exist in the languages of pastoralists? Do these semantic concepts reflect universal or languagespecific tendencies? What (environment? culture?) governs the similarities (or the differences) attested crosslinguistically in cattle colour systems?
Md Faysal Tareq
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Systemen en beveiliging
Onderzoekers van LIACS werken aan het bedenken van de computers van morgen die de ruggengraat zullen vormen van de Cloud en Edge computing paradigma’s en ‘the Internet of Things’. In dit verband zijn we betrokken bij onderzoek en ontwikkeling van high performance computing systemen, embedded & real-time…
Exploring the interactions of M dwarf winds and cosmic rays
This thesis focus on the interaction between M dwarf stellar winds and Galactic cosmic rays and the possible effects on the habitability of exoplanets.
Integrated life cycle assessment and life cycle costing of concrete recycling in the Netherlands
Integrating life cycle assessment (LCA) with life cycle costing (LCC) offers the opportunity to simultaneously analyze the environmental and economic aspects of product alternatives, for the integration of which a unified computational has been proposed by Heijungs et al. (2013) [1]. The project aims…
Shining Light on Interstellar Matter
Promotor: H.V.J. Linnartz
Probing quantum materials with novel scanning tunneling microscopy techniques
This thesis described the development of novel scanning tunneling microscopy techniques to investigate strongly correlated electronic states in quantum matter.
Visualizing strongly-correlated electrons with a novel scanning tunneling microscope
Materials with strongly correlated electrons show some of the most mysterious and exotic phases of quantum matter, such as unconventional superconductivity, quantum criticality and strange metal phase.
The LeiCNS-PK3.0 model development and applications: healthy-to-diseased CNS pharmacokinetic translation
Accurate prediction of the unbound drug concentration-time profile at the CNS target site is crucial for the assessment of the right drug concentration-effect relationship. PBPK models have supported the PK prediction of the CNS target sites and the translation of PK data between species and between…
Reasoning about object-oriented programs: from classes to interfaces
Throughout the history of computer science, a major challenge has been how to assert that software is free of bugs and works as intended. Software bugs can lead to serious negative impacts on any software system. Throughout the main body of the thesis, we implemented a series of studies on exploring…
Tracing the journey of the sun and the solar siblings through the Milky Way
Supervisor: S.F. Portegies Zwart Co-Supervisor: A.G.A. Brown
Exploring future multi-messenger Galactic astronomy
For centuries astronomers studied the Universe by collecting light. Nowadays, we are living in times of great technological advancements, which allow us to explore our Universe in a new way - though gravitational wave radiation.
The aim of our research program is to better understand the aetiology and course of mood, anxiety and trauma and stressor-related disorders and to test and improve treatments for these disorders.
High-throughput profiling of small molecules using mass spectrometry
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Hankemeier
Femke Bakker, Hawks and Doves: Democratic Peace Theory Revisited
Femke Bakker, Hawks and Doves: Democratic Peace Theory Revisited
Random walks in dynamic random environments
Promotor: W.Th.F. den Hollander
Schijnconstructies en intra EU arbeidsmigranten (werkzaam in Nederland)
Het seminar op 30 november jl. over schijnconstructies en intra EU arbeidsmigranten trok veel belangstellenden en was een succes. Deze bijeenkomst werd georganiseerd vanuit het onderzoeksproject Solidarity under Strain (SOLID), onderdeel van de Research Focus Area 'Interaction between Legal Systems…
The CM class number one problem for curves
Promotores: P. Stevenhagen, A. Enge Co-Promotor: T.C. Streng
Discrete tomography for integer-valued functions
Promotor: S.J. Edixhoven, Co-promotor: K.J. Batenburg
Development of synthetic procedures towards immunostimulating carbohydrates
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.A. van der Marel, Co-Promotor: J.D.C. Codée
Fermions and Bosons: Excitons in strongly correlated materials
Promotors: Prof.dr. J. Zaanen, Prof.dr.ir. H. Hilgenkamp
Reactivity of cobalt(II)-dichalcogenide complexes: correlation between redox conversion and ligand-field strength
The redox-conversion reaction of metal-disulfide and metal-thiolate complexes are important, as they may shed light on electron-transfer reactions that often occur in Nature.
The heart of oxygenic photosynthesis illuminated
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.J.M de Groot, Co-Promotor: A. Alia
Pulling the strings on anti-cancer immunity
Promotores: J. Jonkers, K.E. de Visser
Temminck's Order. Debates on Zoological Classification: 1800-1850
“Temminck’s Order” is the scientific biography of Coenraad Jacob Temminck (1778–1850), a Dutch naturalist and the first director of ’s Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie in Leiden.
Self-assembly of flexible and rigid structures: from colloidal molecules to lattices
Self-assembly offers a promising route to create complex structures and materials using simple building blocks. Through, colloidal self-assembly, we can understand the governing principles of the self-assembly process and unlock its potential in diverse applications in materials science, photonics and…
Chemical reactivity of O2, CO and CO2 on Cu surfaces
Despite the history of studies on methanol formation from CO2, the dominant elementary reaction steps that constitute the chemical mechanism for this catalyzed process are not determined.
Towards an ab-axis giant proximity effect using ionic liquid gating
In this Thesis, novel charge induction mechanisms of ionic liquids are treated, tested and experimented on complex oxides, in particular cuprates.
'Suïcidaal gedrag is erg complex. De breinstructuur is één factor die hieraan kan bijdragen'
Bij sommige jongeren met suïcidale gedachten en gedragingen is er een subtiel maar significant verschil in de hersenstructuur, zo blijkt uit onderzoek. 'Het resultaat vertelt wellicht meer over de mechanismen bij suïcidaal gedrag in een specifieke subgroep', zeggen postdoctoraal onderzoeker Laura van…