1,043 zoekresultaten voor “synthesis he molecular” in de Publieke website
What's in the diet? DNA-based analysis for qualitative and quantitative assessment of animal diet
Animal diet studies are critical for understanding ecological processes such as trophic interactions, energy flow, and nutrient cycling. By examining what animals consume, ecologists gain insights into species specialization, predator-prey relationships, and ecosystem management.
The colours of the extreme universe
This thesis presents pioneering work on the panchromatic emission of some of the most luminous galaxies in the early Universe: star forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei.
Iron complexes as electrocatalysts for the water oxidation reaction
In this dissertation, the synthesis and characterization of a series of iron complexes based on different ligand platforms are described.
Cyclophellitol analogues for profiling of exo- and endo-glycosidases
To this day, all cyclophellitol-based inhibitors and ABPs have been close analogues of their natural substrate counterparts. As a result, these probes showed high selectivity towards their target glycosidases.
Reactivity and Selectivity in Glycosylation Reactions
The glycosylation reaction is a pivotal reaction in creating new and complex oligosaccharides.
Bacterial glycomimetics: synthesis and applications
Development of highly accurate density functionals for H2 dissociation on transition metals
Metals surfaces form a group of effective catalysts for the reaction of small molecules such as hydrogen (H2).
Explorations of Water Oxidation Catalysis in Explicit Solvent
In the search for sustainable energy solutions, the idea of artificial photosynthesis has been proposed as an approach with which to use water and sunlight to produce hydrogen.
Lipid bilayers decorated with photosensitive ruthenium complexes
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. Bouwman, Co-promotor: S. Bonnet
Ice and Gas in Protostellar Clouds and Planet-forming Disks
This thesis takes steps toward understanding the interaction between gas-phase and solid-state molecules in star- and planet-forming regions.
Interstellar Catalysts and the PAH universe
Organic molecules in interstellar space are important as they influence the structure of galaxies and star formations. Studying catalytic processes in space allows us to understand how molecular species are formed and chemically evolved in the interstellar medium and solar system objects.
Photoinduced processes in dye-sensitized photoanodes under the spotlight: a multiscale in silico investigation
With increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and their detrimental effect on the global climate, modern society needs to push for more renewable energy sources. Storing widely accessible and abundant solar energy in chemical bonds in the form of molecular fuel via artificial photosynthesis…
Neutral outflows in high-redshift dusty galaxies
Outflows are crucially important for the gas budget and evolution of luminous star-forming galaxies and AGNs, with observed mass outflow rates of the same order as the star formation rate. Greater star formation and black hole growth lead to more intense feedback and outflows, resulting in self-regulated…
Postdoc Synthetic polymer chemistry
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR)
Proefstuderen MST
NMR studies of protein-small molecule and protein-peptide interactions
Promotor: M. Ubbink, Co-promotor: G. Siegal
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Dubbel succes bij de EMBL Chemical Biology Conference
Thomas Bakkum en Tom van der Wel, promovendi bij het Leids Instituut voor Chemisch Onderzoek, winnen poster awards bij de EMBL Chemical Biology Conference 2018 in Heidelberg.
Francesco Buda
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Esther van der Ent
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Emilie Didaskalou
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Towards the development of synthetic vaccines against tuberculosis
The research described in this Thesis was aimed at designing and synthesizing nature-inspired compounds as part of TB vaccine discovery.
Alan Kai Hassen
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Dennis Hetterscheid
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Deoxygenated cyclophellitol derivatives: synthesis and applications
Biology (MSc)
De master Biology is een samenwerking tussen het Instituut Biologie Leiden, Naturalis en het Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden waardoor het programma een brede en diverse scope heeft. De opleiding biedt zeven specialisaties, waarvan vier researchspecialisaties die nauw verbonden zijn met het onderzoek…
Fellows Cluster Veiligheid
Aan de opleidingen van het Centre for Professional Learning op het gebied van Terrorisme, Recht en Veiligheid zijn verschillende (research) fellows verbonden. De fellows geven advies over de inhoud van het curriculum en de verbinding tussen wetenschap en praktijk.
A monograph of the plant genus Trigonostemon Blume
Trigonostemon Blume is a plant genus in the family Euphorbiaceae comprising 59 species.
Non-equilibrium chemistry and cooling in simulations of galaxy formation
Promotor: J. Schaye
Shining Light on PAHs in Space
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are the most abundant class of organic compounds in space. The PAH field evolves from the constant interaction between experimentalists, theorists, modellers and observers. While laboratory research and quantum chemical calculations together set up the molecular…
Novel regulators of prostate cancer stem cells and tumor aggressiveness
Promotor: R.C.M. Pelger Co-Promotor: G. van der Pluijm
Unconventional fabrication of 2D nanostructures and graphene edges
In this work, we illustrate unconventional approaches towards the fabrication of edge functionalized graphene nanostructures and bidimensional architectures in polymeric and metallic supports, with an outlook towards molecular sensing devices.
Taxonomy, systematics, and biogeography of Ficus subsection Urostigma (Moraceae)
Promotor: Prof.dr. P.C. van Welzen
Glucocorticoid modulation of the immune response
Glucocorticoids (GCs) are widely prescribed as anti-inflammatory drugs due to their well-established immunosuppressive effects.
Deadlines voor aanmelden
Check hieronder de aanmelddeadlines voor de opleiding Molecular Science and Technology.
Taking control of charge transfer: strategic design for solar cells
Promotor: Huub J.M. de Groot, Co-promotor: Francesco Buda
Resolving a bioindicator diatom species complex using genomic approaches for freshwater biomonitoring
This thesis pioneers diatom molecular identification and quantification through genome-scale methods, with four key aims: (i) reviewing DNA/RNA sequencing methods in aquatic biomonitoring to highlight their strengths and limitations;
Louie Krol
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Hermen Overkleeft wint de 2015 Jeremy Knowles Award
Prof. Hermen Overkleeft is bekroond met de 2015 Jeremy Knowles Award van de Royal Society of Chemistry voor zijn innovatieve en inzichtelijke ontwikkeling van activity-based eiwit probes voor de beeldvorming en de identificatie van enzymen in gezondheid en ziekte. Van Overkleeft is in Leiden verbonden…
Hermen Overkleeft ontvangt Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
Op voordracht van prof.dr. Roderich Suessmuth van de Technische Universiteit van Berlijn ontving prof.dr. Herman Overkleeft de Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award. Van Overkleeft is in Leiden verbonden aan het Leiden Institute of Chemistry, LIC/Bio-organic Synthesis.
Amerikaans buitenlands beleid en liberalisme
The NWO-funded Vidi project “American foreign policy and liberalism” challenges the idea that the United States has created and sustained a “liberal international order” since World War II. It instead explores the ways in which illiberal ideologies – such as those underpinning racial hierarchy at home…
Sinds 2009 behaalden 91 kandidaten hun doctoraat in Creative en Performing Arts. Op deze pagina een overzicht van ACPA's alumni.
Feodor-Lynen onderzoeksbeurs voor Bela Bode
Dr. Bela Bode ontvangt van de Alexander von Humboldt-stichting de Feodor Lynen onderzoeksbeurs voor de ontwikkeling van nieuwe methoden voor verbetering van het signaal in de vaste stof NMR. Hij streeft naar een specifiek analytisch instrument voor oppervlakte-studies en onderzoek over membranen en…
Evolutionary Molecular Dynamics
Mesoporous silica nanoparticle-based protein delivery systems for biomedical applications
Promotor: A. Kros
Small changes for long term impact: optimization of structure kinetic properties: a case of CCR2 antagonists
Promotor: Prof.dr. A. P. IJzerman, Co-Promotor: L.H. Heitman
Inhibitors and activity-based probes for β-D-glucuronidases, heparanases and β-L-arabinofuranosidases
Glycosidases (GHs) are enzymes responsible for the degradation of carbohydrates and play many roles in human health and pathophysiology. Often, abnormal levels of glycosidase activity are markedly linked to human pathologies.
Activity-based protein profiling of glucosidases, fucosidases and glucuronidases
Promotores: H.S. Overkleeft, G.A. van der Marel, Co-promotor: B.I. Florea
Stereoelectronic and conformational effects in oxocarbenium, iminium and iminosugar ammonium ions
Promotores: Prof.dr. G.A. van der Marel, M. van Heel
Glycosyl Cations in Glycosylation Reactions
This thesis describes the use of a combined approach of computational and experimental techniques to gain novel insights to understand the glycosylation reaction and its reactive intermediates.