1,985 zoekresultaten voor “specifieke for a” in de Publieke website
Center for Legal Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Het Center for Legal Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CLEI) richt zich op het stimuleren van ondernemerschap en innovatie in de juridische bedrijfstak.
Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition
Het Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC) is een Leids Universitair netwerk dat zich richt op het stimuleren van interdisciplinaire samenwerking op het gebied van hersenen en cognitie. Daarnaast maakt het LIBC zich sterk voor wetenschappelijke valorisatie en outreach.
Liability of football clubs for supporters’ misconduct
Op 19 mei 2016 verdedigt Rosmarijn van Kleef haar proefschrift getiteld: Liability of football clubs for supporters’ misconduct. A study into the interaction between disciplinary regulations of sports organisations and civil law'.
Coiled-coil biomaterials for biological applications
This dissertation contains four works during my PhD. Different biomaterials have been designed based on coiled-coil peptides. These biomaterials have a range of applications, inclusing drug delivery, cell sorting to cell-cell fusion.
Network flow algorithms for discrete tomography
Promotor: R. Tijdeman, Co-promotor: H.J.J. te Riele
Delta-Institute for Theoretical Physics
Waar gaan de quantummechanica, de relativiteitstheorie en de zwaartekracht elkaar vinden? Wat is het missende stukje? Of is er een compleet nieuwe theorie die alle vormen van materie elegant beschrijft?
Tips & tricks for organising peer feedback
Digital Arms for Digital Consumer Harms
Dit boek combineert inzichten uit de regelgevingstheorie, het recht en de computerwetenschappen en onderzoekt oplossingen voor beleid en digitale handhaving die de consumentenbescherming in de EU tegen dark patterns zouden kunnen versterken – een beleidsprioriteit van de afgelopen jaren en de nabije…
Groepsgedrag: one for the team
Leidse wetenschappers onderzoeken groepsgedrag. Ze ontdekten onder meer dat mensen zich waarschijnlijk instinctmatig opofferen voor een mede-groepslid. Met dit soort inzichten kunnen we sociale processen in een wijk of binnen een bedrijf beter begrijpen en beïnvloeden.
Playing a role – but which one?
Individuen die werken in de publieke sector zien zichzelf geconfronteerd worden met tegenstrijdige waarden, tegenstrijdige eisen en de noodzaak van het dienen van het soms moeilijk definieerbare publieke belang.
RiskCycle: Risk-based management of chemicals and products in a circular economy at a global scale
How can we, together international experts, define future needs of R+D contributions for innovations in the field of risk-based management of chemicals and products in a global perspective using alternative testing strategies to minimize animal tests?
Discrete tomography for integer-valued functions
Promotor: S.J. Edixhoven, Co-promotor: K.J. Batenburg
Reducing daily-stress: Breaking a habit
Stress komt veel voor in de huidige samenleving. Dit is zorgwekkend, aangezien onderzoek herhaaldelijk heeft aangetoond dat stress een negatieve invloed heeft op de lichamelijke gezondheid. Zo vergroot stress bijvoorbeeld de kans op hart- en vaatziekten.
Liposome-based synthetic long peptide vaccines for cancer immunotherapy
Promotores: Wim Jiskoot; Ferry Ossendorp
Dosing considerations for preterm neonates: from pharmacometrics to clinical practice
Prematurely born neonates require, amongst others, pharmaceutical therapy. Dosing guidelines for these therapies are often based on data from term born neonates or older infants, while these are not necessarily similar to prematurely born neonates.
Structured Parallel Programming for Monte Carlo Tree Search
The thesis is part of a bigger project, the HEPGAME (High Energy Physics Game). The main objective for HEPGAME is the utilization of AI solutions, particularly by using MCTS for simplification of HEP calculations.
Spectral imaging and tomographic reconstruction methods for industrial applications
Radiography is an important technique to inspect objects, with applications in airports and hospitals. X-ray imaging is also essential in industry, for instance in food safety checks for the presence of foreign objects.
Chainet - European network on chain analysis for environmental decision support
Analytical tools for environmental design and management in a systems perspective. The combined use of analytical tools.
Optimization of quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers
This thesis covers several aspects of quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers and its applications to quantum chemistry and material science.
Personalised medicine for multiple outcomes: methods and application
The main objective of this thesis was to develop clinically relevant survival models for patients with high-grade soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities, in particular the development and validation of prediction models for use in clinical practice.
Magnetic resonance force microscopy for condensed matter
In this thesis, we show how MRFM can usefully contribute to the field of condensed-matter.
The CM class number one problem for curves
Promotores: P. Stevenhagen, A. Enge Co-Promotor: T.C. Streng
Computational optimisation of optical projection tomography for 3D image analysis
Optical projection tomography (OPT) is a tomographic 3D imaging technique used for specimens in the millimetre scale.
Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a pluralist world
Welke kansen en bedreigingen vloeien voort uit de institutionele en normatieve diversiteit op het terrein van de rechten van de mens voor de effectieve bescherming van die rechten in een wereld die gekenmerkt wordt door pluralisme?
Shaping the pharmacokinetic landscape for renally cleared antibiotics in obesity
The prevalence of obesity (BMI >40 kg/m2) has increased rapidly over the recent years, not only in adults, but also in children and adolescents.
Insolvency Close-out Netting: A comparative study of English, French and US laws in a global perspective
Op 1 december 2020 verdedigde Bernadette Muscat haar proefschrift 'Insolvency Close-out Netting: A comparative study of English, French and US laws in a global perspective'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.mr.drs. M. Haentjens en prof.mr. B. Wessels.
Profinite groups with a rational probabilistic zeta function
Promotores: H.W. Lenstra, A. Lucchini
Spatiotemporal building stock modeling for residential decarbonization in the Netherlands
Decarbonizing the building stock is critical for realizing the climate-neutral target for the Netherlands.
Gold nanoparticle-peptide conjugates for biomedical applications
Despite the fact that gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are one of the most studied nanoparticles, there is still a necessity for new approaches allowing for effective protective coating to enable wider use of GNPs in biomedical applications.
Microengineered Human Blood Vessels For Next Generation Drug Discovery
Heart failure is a major health care problem with high mortality.
Replacing the needle and syringe for vaccine administration
Promotores: Prof.dr. G.F.A Kersten, Prof dr. J.A. Bouwstra
Matchmaking for open innovation: perspectives on multi-sided markets
Promotores: Prof.dr. B.R. Katzy, Prof.dr. K. Sailer (Munich University)
Tailoring x-ray tomography techniques for cultural heritage research
Visualizing the internal structure is a crucial step in acquiring knowledge about the origin, state, and composition of cultural heritage artifacts. Among the most powerful techniques for exposing the interior of cultural heritage objects is computed tomography (CT), a technique that computationally…
Discovery of BUB1 kinase inhibitors for the treatment of cancer
The spindle-assembly checkpoint (SAC) is a safety mechanism which secures accurate chromosome segregation during mitosis.
Aggravating matters: accounting for baryons in cosmological analyses
Three major cosmology-focused missions are planned for the next decade: the Euclid space telescope, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile, and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope.
Shielding software systems: A comparison of security by design and privacy by design based on a systematic literature review
De auteurs zoeken en beoordelen systematisch relevante definities van Security by Design (SbD) in vergelijking met Privacy by Design (PbD).
Anke Klein
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
FAIRDOM – FAIR Sharing for Systems and Synthetic Biology
Het FAIRDOM-consortium is een open initiatief van verschillende partners, waaronder financieringsprogramma's, grote consortia, instituten, kleine groepen en individuen.
'Digital Arms for Digital Consumer Harms’ boek van Constanta Rosca
Op 19 december 2024 is het proefschrift van Dr. Constanta Rosca, 'Digital Arms for Digital Consumer Harms: Mapping Legal and Technical Solutions for Dark Patterns in EU Consumer Law', als open access boek gepubliceerd.
Towards a mechanistic understanding of nanoparticle behavior using zebrafish
The work described in this dissertation contributes to a better mechanistic understanding of nanoparticles in vivo. To achieve that goal, we used the zebrafish as a highly predictive pre-screening model of nanoparticles.
Biomimetic Copper Complexes for Energy Conversion Reactions
On metrics and models for multiplex networks
In this thesis, we extend the concept of null models as canonical ensembles of multi-graphs with given constraints and present new metrics able to characterize real-world layered systems based on their correlation patterns.
Uncovering the ingredients for planet formation
This thesis discusses the physical and chemical processes than influence the composition of forming planets.
Class invariants for tame Galois algebras
Promotores: B. Erez, P. Stevenhagen, Co-Promotor: B. de Smit
- English Language Assessment for BA and MA students
Shape Analysis for Phenotype Characterisation from High-throughput Imaging
We have studied shape with a particular focus on the zebrafish model system. The shape is an essential appearance of the phenotype of a biological specimen and it can be used to read out a current state or response or to study gene expression.
Cyclophellitol analogues for profiling of exo- and endo-glycosidases
To this day, all cyclophellitol-based inhibitors and ABPs have been close analogues of their natural substrate counterparts. As a result, these probes showed high selectivity towards their target glycosidases.
Microfluidic 3D cell culture for high throughput screening
There is an urgent need for more physiologically relevant cell culture methods to guide compound selection in pre-clinical stages of the drug development pipeline.
From the Rule of Law to a Culture of Justice: a Practitioner’s Challenge to Policy Thinkers
Irene Khan, expert op het gebied van mensenrechten, werpt een aantal vragen op: Wat kan men verstaan onder een ‘Culture of Justice’? Wie bepaalt wat 'Justice' is? Hoe realistisch is de bevordering van ‘Rule of Law’ en ‘Justice’ in landen waar sprake is van ernstige conflictsituaties en armoede?
Differentiated instruction in practice: a teacher perspective
Veel docenten in het voortgezet onderwijs houden rekening met verschillen tussen leerlingen. Uit het promotieonderzoek van Saskia Stollman (ICLON) blijkt dat zij hierbij ruimte om te experimenteren en ondersteuning van de school(leiding) nodig hebben.