2,117 zoekresultaten voor “dutch act on financial supervisor” in de Publieke website
Impact of plant domestication on spermosphere and rhizosphere microbiome composition
Microbiome composition of the spermosphere and the rhizosphere of wild and modern bean accessions grown in an agricultural and a native soil from Colombia was characterized by metagenomics and cultivation-dependent approaches.
role of research in university teaching: a comparison of Chinese and Dutch teachers
Dit proefschrift richt zich op de opvattingen en percepties van Chinese en Nederlandse docenten over de rol van onderzoek in het hoger onderwijs.
Electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 and nitrate on immobilized metal porphyrins
M.T.M. Koper, Co-promotor: D.G.H. Hetterscheid
EuDEco Report on the legal analysis (D2.2)
D2.2 comprises the in-depth legal analysis of the initial heuristic model, focused on addressing, in more detail, the main legal concerns for data reusers in the European data economy. This detailed analysis of the legal propositions presented in D2.1 is supplemented by an analysis of the technological,…
Selective and efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction on nanostructured catalysts
Promotor: M.T.M. Koper, Co-Promotor: L.B.F. Juurlink
The effects of burying beetle social behaviours on interspecific interactions
This ecological community has long been known to affect host biology, and their diverse roles have been further clarified in recent years following numerous studies of animal:microbiota interactions in diverse systems.
Fundamental research on the voltammetry of polycrystalline gold
Voltammetry plays a crucial role in modern scientific research by offering valuable insights into the electrochemical properties of materials, with wide-ranging applications in fields such as materials science, energy storage, corrosion studies, and sensor development.
Soil legacy effects on aboveground plant-insect interactions
In this thesis, the role of plant-mediated soil legacy effects in shaping aboveground plant-insect interactions was investigated.
Effects of pesticides on aquatic macrofauna in the field
Promotores: W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, G.R. de Snoo, Co-promotor: M.G. Vijver
On quantum transport in flat-band materials
The studies in this thesis are focused on the physical effects in the flat band materials. The results contain the discovery of strong enhancement of RKKY spin-spin interactions with specific geometric arrangement and dynamical generation of excitonic order parameter with high magnitude.
EuDEco report on the analysis of framework conditions (D1.2)
D1.2 reports on the findings of an analysis of framework conditions relevant in the context of the data economy from a legal, a socio-economic and a technological perspective. The analysis is a key foundation for the creation of an initial, heuristic model of the European data economy. The deliverable…
On topological properties of massless fermions in a magnetic field
Make more fluid: In condensed matter systems, electrons can acquire unusual properties from their interaction with the atomic lattice.
Assessing global regionalized impacts of eutrophication on freshwater fish biodiversity
Freshwater biodiversity has been threatened by eutrophication due to excessive nutrients in the environment. Releasing the freshwater species from such pressures requires efforts from industry and manufacturers to avoid emissions to vulnerable and high-risk regions.
Microscopy and Spectroscopy on Model Catalysts in Gas Environments
In surface science there is great effort to move from studying simple, flat model surfaces in vacuum to investigating more complex model catalysts in gas environments (in situ). This thesis gives three examples of such studies using microscopy and spectroscopy.
Disentangling drought-responsive traits with focus on Arabidopsis
In recent decades, climate change has led to more frequent and severe drought events, causing serious consequences such as increased forest mortality and significant crop yield losses. Understanding how drought affects plants, especially economically important herbaceous species, is crucial for predicting…
Environmental footprints: assessing anthropogenic effects on the planet's environment
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Co-promotor: R. Heijungs
On the amount of sieving in factorization methods
Promotoren: R. Tijdeman, A.K. Lenstra, Co-promotor: H.J.J. te Riele
‘Greening’ the WTO Ban on China’s Export Duties
Op 19 februari 2020 verdedigde Richard Jiang zijn proefschrift '‘Greening’ the WTO Ban on China’s Export Duties'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. M.C.E.J. Bronckers.
Post doctoral researcher on the molecular details of a bacterial circadian clock
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Instituut Biologie Leiden (IBL)
Fluorescence Polarization Activity-Based Protein Profiling on Retaining Glycosidases
Glycosidases are important enzymes in the turnover of polysaccharides and glycoconjugates, and are involved in a range of human pathologies including genetic disorders such as Gaucher and Pompe disease, but also in various cancers.
On transport properties of Majorana fermions in superconductors: free & interacting
Majorana fermions in superconductors are the subgap quasiparticle excitations that are their own antiparticles.
Caelesta Braun & Bert Fraussen bekroond met de NIG Supervisor of the Year Award
Elk jaar nodigt het Netherlands Institute of Governance (NIG, de Nederlands-Vlaamse onderzoeksschool voor Bestuurskunde en Politicologie) promovendi van alle universiteiten in Nederland en Vlaanderen uit om hun promotor(en) voor te dragen voor de NIG Supervisor of the Year Award. De reden voor de award…
The Impact of Name Writing on Early Literacy
Erasmus+ Project on Fact-Checking and Media Literacy
Europees samenwerkings- en trainingsproject om fakenews te identificeren, voorkomen en te bestrijden.
Pim Rank over de gevolgen van MiFID II bij Ronde Tafelgesprek Financial Investigator
Pim Rank nam op 12 april 2018 deel aan een Ronde Tafelgesprek over de gevolgen van de implementatie van MiFID II voor de financiële markten.
Stock-driven Scenarios on Global Material Demand
The role of material production as a driver of environmental impacts is increasing, which calls for a better understanding of global material flows. This thesis explores the role of in-use stocks of products, buildings and infrastructure as a key driver of global material demand and discusses the implications…
Cryo Electron Tomography Studies On Bacterial Chemosensory Arrays
Bacterial chemosensory arrays are protein assemblies that are the key structural and functional component for motile bacteria to sense their internal or environmental chemical signals.
Hard power and the European Convention on Human Rights
Op 18 juni 2019 verdedigde Peter Kempees zijn proefschrift 'Hard power and the European Convention on Human Rights'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof. dr. R.A. Lawson en prof. dr. H. Duffy.
Researching Extremists and Terrorists: Reflections on Interviewing Hard-to-Reach Populations
In deze publicatie verkennen Sarah Louise Carthy en Bart Schuurman de realiteit van het benaderen en interviewen van moeilijk bereikbare bevolkingsgroepen.
On the Term “Environmental Refugee”: Normative Assumptions and Empirical Realities
De auteurs vergelijken aannames over het normatieve nut van de term 'milieuvluchteling' met empirische bewijs van die term anders dan 'milieumigrant'.
Development of nanoparticulate adjuvants based on aluminium salts
The aim of this thesis was to develop aluminium salt-based nanoparticles that may ultimately be used as adjuvant in human vaccines.
Chainet - European network on chain analysis for environmental decision support
Analytical tools for environmental design and management in a systems perspective. The combined use of analytical tools.
Towards artificial photosynthesis on the lipid bilayer of liposomes
Artificial photosynthesis has recognised potential to produce green and sustainable fuels from earth-abundant resources such as water, carbon dioxide (CO2), and sunlight.
PhD Researcher on life cycle-based sustainability assessment and circularity mapping for the healthc
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden (CML)
Essays on Legislative Decision-making in the European Union
On the coexistence of Landau levels and superconductivity
In unconventional high temperature superconductors, supercurrent vortices are known to spoil the Landau levels. In this thesis the emergence of Landau levels is studied in different types of superconductors: Weyl superconductors, and the Fu-Kane heterostructure.
On preoperative systemic treatment of muscle-invasive bladder cancer
Mini-seminar Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law: Vermogensscheiding in de financiële sector
Op 7 maart 2019 organiseerde het Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law een mini-seminar over ‘Vermogensscheiding in de financiële sector’. Tijdens deze bijeenkomst hield een aantal experts, zowel praktijkjuristen als academici, een voordracht over een onderwerp op het terrein van vermogensscheiding. Alle…
Judith Pollmann
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Dealing with the Dutch
Leren fietsen zonder handremmen, sorry zeggen als je te laat komt op college en die vreemde Nederlandse klanken doorgronden. De nieuwe internationale studenten krijgen in hun introductieweek een snelle inburgeringscursus in de Nederlandse cultuur.
Methods to simulate fermions on quantum computers with hardware limitations
This thesis is a collection of theoretical works aiming at adjusting quantum algorithms to the hardware of quantum computers.
On some classes of modules and their endomorphism rings
Promotores: Prof.dr. H Lenstra, Prof.dr. A Facchini (Padova University)
Studies on the Pathogenesis of Chronic Kidney Disease
In this thesis, two potential therapeutic targets for diabetic nephropathy were dentified and investigated. First, we show that glomerular clusterin is upregulated in diabetic nephropathy and demonstrated that recombinant clusterin protein can protect the podocytes against oxidative stress in vitro.…
Pulling the strings on anti-cancer immunity
Promotores: J. Jonkers, K.E. de Visser
Oxidation catalysis on Pt and Au: complexity of simple chemistry
Promotor: J.W.M. Frenken Co-Promotores: I.M.N. Groot; L.B.F. Juurlink
Adsorption and catalysis on Pt and Pd monolayer-modified Pt single crystal electrodes
The focus throughout this thesis will be on gathering fundamental studies of the detailed structure and composition of the electrode/electrolyte interface effect on the rate and mechanism of key electrocatalytic reactions.
Inspirationlab: Dutch Innovators for Peace
Technology can drive peace and justice. Innovative solutions increasingly make use of new types of data, mobile technologies and social media. Big or small (data), high-tech or low-tech: the challenge is to maximise the benefits while minimising the risks that come with the so-called data revolution…
Towards thermo- and superlubricity on the macroscopic scale: from nanostructure to graphene and graphite lubrication
The thesis describes experimental steps towards reduction of friction on the macroscopic scale by scenarios of thermo- and superlubricity well-known on the nanoscale.
Gauss's theorem on sums of 3 squares, sheaves, and Gauss composition
Promotor: Bas Edixhoven, Promotor: Qing Liu
A monodromy criterion for existence of Neron models and a result on semi-factoriality
In the first part, we introduce a new condition, called toric-additivity, on a family of abelian varieties degenerating to a semi-abelian scheme over a normal crossing divisor.