743 zoekresultaten voor “research with asia” in de Publieke website
Online Course Clinical Research Regulation in the Netherlands
Are you planning to conduct clinical research in the Netherlands? In this online course, you are introduced to legislation and procedures on clinical research in the Netherlands. It will help you prepare and submit your research file efficiently. The first three themes ‘The Dutch Review System’ , ‘The…
Overgang van onderneming in de luchtvaartsector – with arms wide open?
In de zaak Ferreira da Silva e Brito e.a./Estado portugues heeft het Hof van Justitie in het kader van overgang van onderneming expliciet de luchtvaartsector als kapitaalintensieve sector aangewezen. Hoe verhoudt het arrest zich tot het oordeel van het Gerechtshof Amsterdam over de overgang van de passagedivisie…
Engaging with New Knowledge in Low Countries' Chronicles (1500- 1850)
Exploring liposome-targeted chemotherapy combined with immunotherapy in cancer
Research project The Power of Evidence
De wetenschappelijke onderbouwing van beleid wordt cruciaal geacht voor goed bestuur. Maar ondanks de overvloed aan beschikbare kennis uit onderzoek en evaluaties, weten we nog maar weinig over de daadwerkelijke invloed die dergelijke evidence heeft op overheidsbeleid. Het onderzoeksprogramma ‘Power…
Research and design in STEM education
Onderzoeken en ontwerpen zijn twee vaardigheden die steeds belangrijker worden in de vakken O&O (onderzoeken en ontwerpen) en NLT (natuur, leven en technologie). Uit onderzoek van Tessa Vossen (ICLON en Faculteit Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen) blijkt dat docenten en leerlingen de relevantie van onderzoeken…
Understanding the value of social media metrics for research evaluation
The availability of indicators based on social media has opened the possibility to track the online interactions between social media users and scholarly entities.
of a guided Internet-based intervention in comparison with attention only for people with HIV and depressive symptoms: A randomized controlled
We found that, next to the effectiveness of the intervention, it’s also very likely that the intervention is cost-effective compared to attention only.
Student engagement in research in medical education
Van artsen wordt verwacht dat ze recente inzichten uit onderzoek toepassen om de zorg voor patiënten te verbeteren. Dit is een van de redenen om onderzoek te integreren in het onderwijs aan studenten geneeskunde.
- Research in Physics, Quantum Matter and Optics (MSc)
Exploring Images With Deep Learning for Classification, Retrieval and Synthesis
In 2018, the number of mobile phone users will reach about 4.9 billion. Assuming an average of 5 photos taken per day using the built-in cameras would result in about 9 trillion photos annually.
Phenotypic screening with 3D cell-based assays
Traditional drug discovery approaches have been hampered by (in vitro) cell-culture models that poorly represent the situation in the human body.
Automated de novo metabolite identification with mass spectrometry and cheminformatics
Promotor: T. Hankemeier, Co-Promotores: T. Reijmers, L. Coulier
Quantum computation with Majorana zero modes in superconducting circuits
Promotor: Prof.dr. C.W.J. Beenakker
Deep learning for tomographic reconstruction with limited data
Tomography is a powerful technique to non-destructively determine the interior structure of an object.Usually, a series of projection images (e.g.\ X-ray images) is acquired from a range of different positions.
Don't Blink: Detecting transiting exoplanets with MASCARA
This thesis describes the Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA (MASCARA), which consists of two small robotic telescope designed to detect exoplanets around the brightest stars in the sky.
Fundamental research on the voltammetry of polycrystalline gold
Voltammetry plays a crucial role in modern scientific research by offering valuable insights into the electrochemical properties of materials, with wide-ranging applications in fields such as materials science, energy storage, corrosion studies, and sensor development.
Research in Physics, Biological and Soft Matter Physics (MSc)
In deze master specialisatie ligt de focus op het begrijpen van biologische processen in hun natuurlijke context, zoals cellen en weefsels.
Research in Physics, pre-PhD ('Casimir') (MSc)
Tijdens deze opleiding doe je onderzoekservaring op in zes uiteenlopende onderzoeksgebieden binnen de natuurkunde. Na het afronden van deze master ben je goed voorbereid op een positie als promovendus.
Een uitgebreid overzicht van het onderzoek van de afdeling Industriële Ecologie is beschikbaar op de Engelse versie van de CML-website
Een uitgebreid overzicht van het onderzoek van de afdeling Environmental Biology is beschikbaar op de Engelse versie van de CML-website
Multimedia Research and documentation of African Oral Genres
The project Multimedia Research and Documentation of African Oral Genres: Connecting Diasporas and Local Audiences (Director: D.Merolla) focuses on multimedia as technology that allows scholars to share documentation and scientific knowledge with the cultural owners of the collected oral genres.
Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
Het ontwikkelen van nieuwe medicijnen is een complex proces waarbij veel partijen samenwerken. De onderzoekers van het LACDR zetten zich dagelijks in voor nieuwe, betere, efficiëntere en makkelijker produceerbare medicijnen. Het instituut werkt nauw samen met het LUMC, met bedrijven op het Leiden Bio-Science…
HR Excellence in research - Werken bij de Universiteit Leiden
De Universiteit Leiden is door de Europese Commissie erkend als een instelling met een ijzersterk HR-beleid voor onderzoekers. Ontdek waarom.
Applications of paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy for protein research
The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to develop new methods forchallenging systems in liquid-state NMR using paramagnetic effects generated by thetwo-armed probe CLaNP-5.
Profinite groups with a rational probabilistic zeta function
Promotores: H.W. Lenstra, A. Lucchini
Probing the properties of dark matter particles with astrophysical observations
It is an established fact that the Standard Model has to be extended to explain the so-called Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) phenomena: dark matter, matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe and neutrino flavour oscillations.
Informed consent: empowering young participants in medical-scientific research
Promotor: J.M. van den Broek Co-promotor: M.C. de Vries
planet-forming disks: Witnessing the formation of Solar System analogues with interferometry
The focus of this thesis is how stars like our Sun and planets like Jupiter, Saturn, and Earth are formed.
Pesticides Atlas overhauled in line with European Framework Directive on Water
The Dutch atlas with pesticides concentrations in surface waters have been overhauled. This new, free accessible, website is in line with the European Framework Directive on Water (In Dutch: KRW).
Researching Extremists and Terrorists: Reflections on Interviewing Hard-to-Reach Populations
In deze publicatie verkennen Sarah Louise Carthy en Bart Schuurman de realiteit van het benaderen en interviewen van moeilijk bereikbare bevolkingsgroepen.
Conversation with Dr Graça Machel: intergenerational justice from a human rights perspective
Almost three years after receiving her honorary doctorate, Dr Graça Machel returned to Leiden University. Over the course of two days she spoke with students, researchers, and other interested persons, about human rights – particularly those of women and children – in a world in which these are continually…
Metabolomics assisted with stable-isotope labeling: exploring neuronal metabolism related to Parkinson’s disease
The progressive loss and degeneration of dopaminergic neurons is a major pathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease (PD). The onset and progression of PD can be triggered by multiple risk factors, for instance, genetic mutation, environmental exposure, and aging.
Molecular and Nano-Engineering with Iron, Ruthenium and Carbon: Hybrid structures for Sensing
Metal complexes and 2D materials like graphene were combined to produce structures that can function as sensors.
Visualizing strongly-correlated electrons with a novel scanning tunneling microscope
Materials with strongly correlated electrons show some of the most mysterious and exotic phases of quantum matter, such as unconventional superconductivity, quantum criticality and strange metal phase.
- ELS lab meeting - Methodology Session with Loran Kostense & Lisa van Roermund
Quantifying nucleosome dynamicsand protein binding with PIE-FCCS and spFRET
In this thesis I describe the results of Pulsed Interleaved Excitation and Fluorescence (Cross) Correlation Spectroscopy (PIE-F(C)CS) combined with single-pair Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (spFRET) used to study dynamics in single nucleosomes, which depends on subtle differences in the length of…
Metastability for low-temperature Kawasaki dynamics with two types of particles
Promotor: W.Th.F. den Hollander, Co-promotor: F.R. Nardi
Development of a academic monitoring system for students with learning problems in secondary school
Students with learning problems experience difficulties in reading, writing, and content-area learning into and throughout their secondary-school years
A renewed awareness: Reinvigoratingpreparedness research for crisis and disastermanagement
IIn dit artikel blazen Jeroen Wolbers en Sanneke Kuipers het academische debat over rampenparaatheid nieuw leven in.
- From basic research to therapy development for neuromuscular disorders
Negen Leidse honoursstudenten geselecteerd voor Netherlands Asia Honours Summer School
Deze zomer zullen negen Leidse studenten – vijf van het Honours College (HC) en vier van het University College (LUC) – deelnemen aan de Netherlands Asia Honours Summer School (NAHSS), een programma voor ambitieuze studenten aan de University of Hongkong of de National Chenghi University of Taiwan. In…
Painting with starlight : optical techniques for the high-contrast imaging of exoplanets
This thesis describes the development and validation of new high-contrast imaging techniques, with the ultimate goal of enabling the next generation of instruments for ELT-class telescopes to directly image Earth-like extra-solar planets orbiting around nearby stars.
Prediction of spatial-temporal brain drug distribution with a novel mathematical model
A novel mathematical model describes spatial-temporal drug distribution within one or more brain units, which are cubic representations of a piece of brain tissue with brain capillaries at the edges.
chemical space of post-translationally modified peptides in Streptomyces with machine learning
The ongoing increase in antimicrobial resistance combined with the low discovery of novel antibiotics is a serious threat to our health care.
Conspiracy thinking and social media use are associated with ability to detect deepfakes
Deepfakes zijn video’s die gemanipuleerd zijn om twee personen te verwisselen. Ze kunnen moeilijk te onderscheiden zijn van de originele video’s. In onze studie laten we zien dat mensen die meer complotdenken en mensen die meer gebruikmaken van social media beter zijn in het herkennen van deepfakes.
Effects of light at night on plants and their interactions with other species
What is the effect of light at night on plant phenology and physiology, and how does this affect plant interactions with other species?
Bearing with noise: The effects of highway noise on behaviour and development in zebra finches
Anthropogenic noise negatively affects wildlife in a wide range of taxonomic groups.
Integrating cellular and tissue dynamics with cell fate decisions through computational modeling
There is a need for alternative methods to replace, reduce and refine (3R) animal experimentation. Combining experimental data from high-throughput in vitro studies with in silico modeling is a promising approach to unravel the effect of chemicals on living cells and to gain a better understanding of…
and delivery strategies for inactivated polio vaccines : new routes with benefits
This thesis describes the development of improved formulations and alternative delivery strategies for polio vaccination.