1,640 zoekresultaten voor “strw cell differentiatie” in de Publieke website
Hoe gaat de Europese Unie om met gedifferentieerde integratie?
Op 31 januari 2024 verdedigde Alex Schilin zijn proefschrift 'United in Distinctiveness: The Institutionalisation of Differentiated Integration in Economic and Monetary Union during the Sovereign Debt Crisis'. Wat motiveerde hem om dit onderwerp te onderzoeken en hoe heeft hij dit project aangepakt?…
‘Meer differentiatie nodig in gemeentebestuur’
Houd meer rekening met de verschillen tussen gemeenten. Daarvoor pleit Geerten Boogaard, bijzonder hoogleraar Decentrale overheden. De Gemeentewet zou, bijvoorbeeld ten aanzien van een gekozen burgemeester, een keuzemenu kunnen aanbieden. Boogaard houdt zijn oratie op 6 maart.
Image-based phenotypic screening for breast cancer metastasis drug target discovery
The main aim of this thesis was to unravel the signaling and regulatory networks that drive tumor cell migration during breast cancer metastasis.
Coiled-coil biomaterials for biological applications
This dissertation contains four works during my PhD. Different biomaterials have been designed based on coiled-coil peptides. These biomaterials have a range of applications, inclusing drug delivery, cell sorting to cell-cell fusion.
Bioengineering and biophysics of viral hemorrhagic fever
Viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) is a group of acute diseases caused by highly infectious viruses including Ebola, Lassa, Dengue viruses. Its high mortality rate poses high risk to public health, however, studies on VHF have been hampered due to the non-availability of proper models and incomplete knowledge…
In Vitro Recapitulation of Female Germ Cell Development: From Specification to Meiosis Initiation
Cel analyseren op atoomniveau met Cell Observatory
Details kunnen zien van een zieke of gezonde cel, dat is mogelijk met de supermicroscoop van het consortium Cyttron. Niet alleen de microscoop is vernieuwend in zijn soort: ook de vorm waarop de partijen samenwerken past in de huidige tijd. “Toegang tot elkaars techniek, daar draait het om in ons samenwerkingsverband”,…
Cell Observatory en labs voorzichtig van start
Met de nodige maatregelen starten onderzoekers hun werkzaamheden in verschillende laboratoria weer deels op. Het Leidse Cell Observatory is één van de plekken waar wetenschappers sinds 11 mei hun labwerk hervatten.
Cellular Forces: Adhering, Shaping, Sensing and Dividing
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Schmidt
Identification and characterization of developmental genes in streptomyces
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.P. van Wezel
Characterization of age-associated immunity in atherosclerosis
Healthy aging is one of the prime goals in today's society and atherosclerosis is among the greatest causes of morbidity in elderly. Cardiovascular disease patients receiving treatment are often of advanced aged and have an aged immune system, which limits translating experimental findings to the pa…
Stress-induced modulation of the innate immune system in cardiovascular disease
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kuiper
Regulators of integrin α6β4 function
This thesis describes our search to identify and understand possible regulatory mechanisms of integrin α6β4 in cell-matrix adhesion and intracelular signaling.
Role of integrin adhesions in cellular mechanotransduction
Promotor: B. vd Water, T. Schmidt, Co-Promotor: E.H.J. Danen
Osteosarcoma: searching for new treatment options
Promotores: B. van de Water; P. Hogendoorn; J. Bovée Co-Promotor: E.H.J. Danen
Scattering and absorption in 2D optics
Scattering of light in the presence of nano-structured materials, i.e. with features in the order of the wavelength of the light or smaller, reveals details of how light interacts with matter at the nanoscale.
High-throughput simulation studies of angiogenesis - Reverse engineering the role of tip cells and pericytes in vascular development
Promotor: Prof.dr. R.M.H. Merks
Connecting dots between natural and artificial Photosynthesis
Decentralized plug and play systems for energy production are the future picture of our society. Artificial photosynthetic systems are used for this purpose.
Functions of P38 and ERK kinases in zebrafish early development
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.P. Spaink, Co-promotor: Dr. B.E. Snaar
Noortje Dannenberg
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
The Metallophilic Interaction between Cyclometalated Complexes: Photobiological Applications
In this thesis, the researcher developed a nanosystem based on the metallophilic Interaction between cyclometalated complexes.
Solvent tolerance mechanisms in Pseudomonas putida
Bacterial biocatalysis constitutes a sustainable alternative for high-value chemicals production by enabling the utilization of renewable feedstocks.
Structural and functional analysis of proteins involved in natural product biosynthesis and morphological differentiation in Streptomyces
Streptomyces present a valuable platform for natural product discovery. Lugdunomycin is a novel angucycline-derived polyketide from Streptomyces sp QL37, with unprecedented skeleton and antimicrobial activity.
Fred Janssen
Onderwijsvernieuwingen komen en gaan, maar er is één onderwijsideaal dat altijd zal blijven bestaan: studenten uitdagen op hun eigen niveau om diepgaand na te denken over en met de leerstof.
Gene regulation in embryonic development
The human body consists of hundreds, perhaps thousands of different types of cells, each with different morphologies and functions, despite having the same genome.
Intradermal delivery of nanoparticulate vaccines using coated and hollow microneedles
In summary, the collective results described in this thesis show that nanoparticulate vaccines can be delivered intradermally by coated and hollow microneedles and evoke antigen-specific immune responses.
The innate immune response against mycobacterial infection: analysis by a combination of light and electron microscopy
Promotores: Prof.dr. H.P. Spaink & Prof.dr. P.C.W. Hogendoorn Co-promotor: Dr. M.J.M. Schaaf
Professionele leergemeenschap rond Engels op tto-scholen
Juist bij het vak Engels in het tweetalig onderwijs is er sprake van grote onderlinge niveauverschillen tussen leerlingen. Deze leerlingen moeten snel op een hoog niveau worden gebracht om de vakken te kunnen volgen die in het Engels gegeven worden. Ook zijn de eisen die worden gesteld aan het vak Engels…
Novel analytical approaches to characterize particles in biopharmaceuticals
Particles are omnipresent in biopharmaceutical products. In protein-based therapeutics such particles are generally associated with impurities, either derived from the drug product itself (e.g. protein aggregates), or from extrinsic contaminations (e.g. cellulose fibers).
Regulation of actomyosin contraction as a driving force of invasive lobular breast cancer
In this thesis, we used genetically engineered mouse models and a variety of cell-culture based assays to identify genes and pathways that are involved in the development and treatment of invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC).
Digitale leeskilometers in groep 3
Wat is het effect van digitale leeskilometers op de leesvaardigheid van beginnende lezers in groep 3?
Stralingsbescherming voor nucleair radiologen
Ontdek de cursus Stralingsbescherming voor nucleair radiologen van Boerhaave Nascoling en leer over stralingsdeskundigheid. Lees hier meer!
Gold nanoparticle-peptide conjugates for biomedical applications
Despite the fact that gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are one of the most studied nanoparticles, there is still a necessity for new approaches allowing for effective protective coating to enable wider use of GNPs in biomedical applications.
Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumours
The SpeakTeach method
Naar zelfregulerend leren bij spreek- en gespreksvaardigheid in moderne vreemde talen in het voortgezet onderwijs: een adaptieve en praktische aanpak.
RNA splicing in breast cancer progression
In this thesis, we aimed to better understand the underlying mechanisms involved in TNBC progression and metastasis formation and discover new targets to reduce breast cancer related deaths.
Physics implications of shape on biological function
Shape and biological function are tightly connected. Physical descriptions are used to connect the shape of a biological system with its function.
Growth-induced self-organization in bacterial colonies
Mechanical forces are known to play an important role in bacterial colonies. In this dissertation, we study the self-organization at various stages of growing bacterial colonies, and focus on the mechanical effects of cell growth.
Targeted Therapy for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
The research described in this thesis focused on identifying novel drug targets and synergistic combinations for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), a virulent subtype of breast cancer with a dismal prognosis and limited therapeutic options.
Sensing Transport
Solute carrier (SLC) transporters are a large and diverse class of relatively understudied transmembrane proteins.
Begeleiding en beoordeling praktijk
De studieonderdelen die betrekking hebben op het functioneren van studenten in de onderwijspraktijk zijn Praktijk 1 (eerste deel van de opleiding) en Praktijk 2 (tweede deel van de opleiding).
Inclusief onderwijs (BKO-module)
The role of AGC3 kinases and calmodulins in plant growth responses to abiotic signals
Promotor: Prof.dr. P. Hooykaas, Co-promotor: R. Offringa
Data-geïnformeerd werken in het voortgezet onderwijs
Dit onderzoek richt zich op het proces waarmee docenten eigen lespraktijk stapsgewijs kunnen aanpassen in de richting van activerende didactiek en gedifferentieerd onderwijs.
Systems microscopy to unravel cellular stress response signalling in drug induced liver injury
Promotor: B. van de Water
Composition and function of integrin adhesions
Integrins play an essential role in multicellular life by connecting cells to the extracellular matrix.
Taking control of charge transfer: strategic design for solar cells
Promotor: Huub J.M. de Groot, Co-promotor: Francesco Buda
Phase separation in lipid-based nanoparticles: exploring the nano-bio interface
This doctoral thesis is an effort to understand how lipid phase-separation induced by diacylglycerol analogues in lipid-based nanoparticles affects their in vivo behavior, leading to specific nanoparticle-protein communications and selective cell targeting.
Analysis of sub-visible particles in complex injectable formulations
Promotors: W. Jiskoot; G.J. Witkamp, Co-promotor: M.R. Nejadnik
Spatio-temporal aspects of antigen cross-presentation in dendritic cells: with click-to-release chemistry
The first steps are made in personalised cancer vaccination strategies, which aim to induce a more specific immune response with fewer side effects. The activation of cytotoxic T cells is crucial for an effective immune response.