10,000 zoekresultaten voor “leids” in de Publieke website
Strategy Dynamics
In the thesis the dynamics of strategies is studied from two perspectives.In the first part of the thesis strategies are considered to be opinions present in a community.
Social Dimensions of Crane and Wetland Conservation in African Rural Landscapes: Insights from Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe
This thesis focuses on the social dimensions of crane and wetland conservation in rural landscapes in Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe.
Zutphen 1572: De geschiedenis van een bloedbad
In juni 1572 sluit Zutphen zich aan bij de opstand van Willem van Oranje tegen de Spaanse koning Filips II. De maanden daarna verlopen dramatisch. Niet alleen Zutphen, ook de rest van Gelre en Overijssel is het toneel van een gewelddadige burgeroorlog.
Design and development of conformational inhibitors and activity-based probes for retaining glycosidases
Glycosidases are essential in fundamental biological processes and are responsible for the degradation of most (oligo)saccharides, glycolipids and glycoproteins.
Freezing conditions in warm disks: snowlines and their effect on the chemical structure of planet-forming disks
This thesis focusses on the temperature structure in protoplanetary disks. The relation between structures seen in the dust and gas-phase molecules is investigated.
Clues from stellar catastrophes
Promotores: S.F. Portegies Zwart, E. M. Rossi
Interdoc: Geheim netwerk in de Koude Oorlog
Giles Scott-Smith, 'Interdoc. Een geheim netwerk in de Koude Oorlog' (Amsterdam 2012) Uitgeverij Boom.
Collateral Transactions and Shadow Banking
Op 13 oktober 2021 verdedigde Ross Spence het proefschrift 'Collateral Transactions and Shadow Banking'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.mr. M. Haentjens en prof.dr. A.M. Pacces (UvA).
Domestic Courts in Investor-State Arbitration: Partners, Suspects, Competitors
Op 27 juni 2019 verdedigde Vid Prislan zijn proefschrift 'Domestic Courts in Investor-State Arbitration: Partners, Suspects, Competitors'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof. dr. N.J. Schrijver.
Dynamical Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions and Brownian percolation
Promotor: Prof.dr. W.Th.F. den Hollander, Co-promotor: R. Fernandez.
Estimation and Optimization of the Performance of Polyhedral Process Networks
Promotor: Prof.dr.ir. E. Deprettere
Islamophobia and Radicalisation
Een compacte maar theoretisch innovatieve ontdekkingstocht naar hoe Islamofobie en radicalisering op elkaar inhaken en elkaar versterken.
Mechanical metamaterials: nonlinear beams and excess zero modes
Mechanical metamaterials are man-made materials which derive their unusual properties from their structure rather than their composition.
Noonan and LEOPARD syndrome in zebrafish: molecular mechanisms and cardiac development
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. den Hertog
Vaccination and Targeted Therapy Using Liposomes; Opportunities for Treatment of Atherosclerosis and Cancer
This thesis focuses on using liposomes in two different treatment strategies; vaccination (or immunotherapy) and delivery of a small molecule, and in two different disease models; cancer and atherosclerosis.
General plant strategies and functions in wetlands: Global trait-based analyses
Wetland plants are distinguished from plants of other terrestrial ecosystems by their adaptations to specific habitat stresses, including waterlogged and flooding and the subsequent abundance of phytotoxic compounds.
Unsprayed field margins: effects on environment, biodiversity and agricultural practice
A management strategy has been developed for field margins to reduce pesticide drift to non-target areas and to promote biodiversity on arable land. To this end, 3 and 6 m wide strips along the edges of winter wheat, sugar beet and potato crops have been left unsprayed with herbicides and insecticides…
Exploring the magnetic, turbulent Milky Way through radio waves
Promotor: Prof.dr. H. J. A. Röttgering, Co-Promotor: M. Haverkorn
Instituut Bestuurskunde
Het Instituut Bestuurskunde van de Universiteit Leiden is gevestigd in het bestuurlijke hart van Nederland, in Den Haag. Vanuit deze centrale locatie verbindt het instituut wetenschappelijk onderzoek met de praktijk om actuele vraagstukken uit binnen- en buitenland aan te pakken.
Thrips resistance in Gladiolus: an eco-metabolomic approach
Breeding for resistance becomes more and more important because we want to reduce the use of pesticides. A fast and cheap alternative can be to make use of morphological or chemical markers.
Gene networks-based mechanistic assessment of drug-induced organ toxicity: a focus on liver and kidney
Drug induced organ toxicity is the main problem of the drug development and drug usage in the clinic. The liver and kidneys are the most sensitive organs towards drug induced toxicity.
Child Sexual Abuse in the Digital Era: Rethinking Legal Frameworks and Transnational Law Enforcement Collaboration
Op 11 juni 2020 verdedigde Sabine Witting haar proefschrift 'Child Sexual Abuse in the Digital Era: Rethinking Legal Frameworks and Transnational Law Enforcement Collaboration'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.mr. J.J. Sloth-Nielsen en prof.dr.mr. S. van der Hof.
Hou je van taal en logica en zit je in 4, 5 of 6 vwo? Dan is de Taalkundeolympiade iets voor jou!
Optimisation of first clinical studies in special populations: towards semi-physiological pharmacokinetic models
M. Danhof, Co-promotores: J. Freijer, A. Yassen
Duurzaam bouwen
Fase 2A van het Gorlaeus Gebouw wordt, net als fase 1, duurzaam gebouwd.
Strategies for Mechanical Metamaterial Design
On a structural level, the properties featured by a majority of mechanical metamaterials can be ascribed to the finite number of soft internal degrees-of freedom allowing for low-energy deformations.
A chemical biology approach for targeting of ligand-drug conjugates
Promotores: H.S. Overkleeft, G.A. van der Marel, Co-Promotor: R.G. Boot
Allosteric modulation by sodium ions and amilorides of G protein- coupled receptors
Promotor: A.P. IJzerman
De werking van algemene belangenafwegingen in het Europese staatssteunrecht: tussen verbod en verenigbaarheid?
Op 5 juni verdedigde Maarten Aalbers het proefschrift 'De werking van algemene belangenafwegingen in het Europese staatssteunrecht: tussen verbod en verenigbaarheid?'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door Pieter van Cleynenbreugel en Stefaan van den Bogaert.
Disrupting the transcriptional machinery to combat triple-negative breast cancer
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a subtype of breast cancer characterized by limited treatment options and unfavorable clinical outcomes. Therefore, the research described in this thesis focused on the exploration of novel targeted therapies for TNBC.
Glucocorticoid modulation of the immune response
Glucocorticoids (GCs) are widely prescribed as anti-inflammatory drugs due to their well-established immunosuppressive effects.
Multi-objective mixed-integer evolutionary algorithms for building spatial design
Multi-objective evolutionary computation aims to find high quality (Pareto optimal) solutions that represent the trade-off between multiple objectives.
Complex Patterns in Streams
The goal of the project is the development of stream mining techniques for complex patterns such as graphs. We will try to extend the existing state-of-the-art techniques into two, orthogonal directions: on the one hand, the mining of more complex patterns in streams, such as sequential patterns and…
Clavis Aurea? Structure-enabled approaches of identifying and optimizing GPCR ligands
Promotores: A.P. IJzerman, H.W.T. van Vlijmen
Compressed Σ-Protocol Theory
In analogy to mathematical proofs, the goal of a proof system is for a prover to convince a verifier of the correctness of a claim.
Cleared for take-off, Game-based learning to prepare airline pilots for critical situations
Over the last decades, aviation safety has improved strongly. As a downside, airline pilots do not have as many opportunities to develop through experience the competencies that they need in critical situations.
Novel analytical approaches to characterize particles in biopharmaceuticals
Particles are omnipresent in biopharmaceutical products. In protein-based therapeutics such particles are generally associated with impurities, either derived from the drug product itself (e.g. protein aggregates), or from extrinsic contaminations (e.g. cellulose fibers).
The Legal Revolution Against the Accommodation of Religion: The Secular Age v. The Sexular Age
Op 27 juni 2019 verdedigde Barry Bussey zijn proefschrift 'The Legal Revolution Against the Accommodation of Religion: The Secular Age v. The Sexular Age'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof. dr. P.B. Cliteur.
Development and application of cryo-EM tools to study the ultrastructure of microbes in changing environments
Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is a powerful technique used to visualize the inside of cells and to study specific protein complexes. Within this thesis, I describe the use of various cryo-EM techniques to gain insight into the structural changes of the human pathogen, Vibrio cholerae, as it…
Stille wateren hebben diepe gronden
Op 18 januari is de studie ‘Stille wateren hebben diepe gronden – Een analyse van de inkomensverdeling en haar determinanten over de afgelopen veertig jaar’ verschenen. Op deze website kunnen de studie en het achterliggend cijfermateriaal geraadpleegd worden.
Creating Global Scenarios of Environmental Impacts with Structural Economic Models
To limit the effects of climate change, global average temperature since pre-industrial measurements are to be kept well below 2 °C preferably even at 1.5 °C.
Evolutionary adaptability of β-lactamase: a study of inhibitor susceptibility in various model systems
β-Lactamases are enzymes that can break down β-lactam substrates, such as antibiotics, preventing the use of these antibiotics for the treatment of various infectious diseases. However, some compounds, β-lactamase inhibitors, can block these enzymes allowing for possible treatments using a combination…
Heb je nog vragen over de masterspecialisatie Forensische Gezinspedagogiek? Neem dan gerust contact met ons op!
Population Health Management (MSc)
De hedendaagse gezondheidszorg staat voor vele uitdagingen. De nieuwe interdisciplinaire master PHM leidt je in twee jaar op om een bijdrage te kunnen leveren aan een meer geïntegreerd gezondheidszorgsysteem.
Heb je nog vragen over de masterspecialisatie Kinderen met Leer- en Gedragsproblemen in het Onderwijs? Neem dan gerust contact met ons op!
Wil je je aanmelden voor de bacheloropleiding Engelse taal en cultuur? Volg dan onderstaande instructies.
- Carrièreperspectieven
Lipids as therapeutic targets for barrier repair in skin diseases
The skin is our natural barrier and lipids are a key part of this barrier. In the outer skin layer, the stratum corneum (SC), lipids form a densely organized structure dependent on the composition of these lipids.
- Ontmoet onze docenten
Wil je je aanmelden voor de bacheloropleiding Engelse taal en cultuur? Volg dan onderstaande instructies.