4,423 zoekresultaten voor “history of science and the offers” in de Publieke website
Business incubators: the impact of their support
A New Technology-Based Firm (NTBF) is a significant enabler of job creation and a driver of the economy through stimulating innovation.
The Regime for International Air Carrier Liability
Op 17 november 2021 verdedigde Cyril-Igor Grigorieff het proefschrift 'The Regime for International Air Carrier Liability'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door prof.dr. P. Mendes de Leon en prof.dr. V. Correia (University Paris Saclay).
The role of water in hydrogen electrocatalysis
Promotor: M.T.M. Koper, Co-promotor: L. Juurlink
- Literary Culture (2/5 ECTS)
Systems pharmacology of the amyloid cascade
According to the amyloid cascade hypothesis, accumulation of beta-amyloid (Aβ) peptides initiates the pathological cascade in Alzheimer's disease (AD).
The endocannabinoid system in zebrafish larvae
In this thesis, we have studied the potential of the zebrafish larval model in studying the ECS, as a complementary model to the existing rodent models.
Simulating the birth environment of circumstellar discs
Circumstellar discs are the reservoirs of gas and dust that surround young stars and have the potential to become planetary systems.
The advantages and disadvantages of bioorthogonal proteins
This thesis describes the use of bioorthogonal proteins in immunological settings. It provides an introduction towards the field of protein modification, which was used throughout the thesis for the expression of proteins containing unnatural amino acids.
Interstellar Catalysts and the PAH universe
Organic molecules in interstellar space are important as they influence the structure of galaxies and star formations. Studying catalytic processes in space allows us to understand how molecular species are formed and chemically evolved in the interstellar medium and solar system objects.
Logarithmic approach to the double ramification cycle
This thesis discusses several questions regarding the double ramification cycle as a Chow class on the moduli space of stable n-pointed genus g curves using tools from so-called logarithmic geometry.
The alignment of galaxies across all scales
Galaxy intrinsic alignments induce a major astrophysical contamination to weak gravitational lensing measurements and need to be modelled and mitigated when extracting cosmological information from such measurements.
On the geometry of fracture and frustration
Promotor: Prof.dr. M.L. van Hecke, Co-Promotor: V. Vitelli
The heart of oxygenic photosynthesis illuminated
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.J.M de Groot, Co-Promotor: A. Alia
Chasing cosmic tau neutrinos in the abyss
In this work the reconstruction of a tau neutrino signal in the KM3NeT detector is discussed.
Photosynthetic light reactions at the gold interface
Promotor: T.J. Aartsma, Co-promotor: R.N. Frese
Systems pharmacology of the endocannabinoid system
In this thesis, a system pharmacology approach, integrating metabolomics, pharmacology and chemical biology, was applied to understand and modulate the endocannabinoid system across different model systems (cells, zebrafish, mice and humans).
Visual Revolutions in the Middle East
Special Issue in: Visual Anthropology, Volume 29, Issue 3, 2016
Algorithms for the description of molecular sequences
Promotor: J.N. Kok, P.E. Slagboom Co-promotor: J.F.J. Laros
Gravitational waves through the cosmic web
The first direct detection of gravitational waves opened the possibility of mapping the Universe via this new and independent messenger.
Histone-DNA assemblies in archaea. Shaping the genome on the edge of life
All life on earth contains DNA, which is used to store biological information. Organisms compact their DNA in order for it to fit inside their cell(s).
Understanding the complexity of intelligence problems
The complexity of an intelligence problem determines to a great extent the certainty that can be provided by intelligence and security services.
Radio galaxies near the epoch of reionisation
This thesis explores the theoretical and observational properties of distant massive galaxies that harbour active black holes in their centres and shine brightly at radio wavelengths.
Random walks and the contact process
Promotores: W. Th. F. den Hollander, M.O. Heydenreich
- Exploring the Medieval Archive (5 ECTS)
PUMA (Prospecting the Urban Mines of Amsterdam)
PUMA aims at composing a geological map of the urban mine of Amsterdam for a selection of metals. Where are main deposits of copper, iron and aluminium located, when will they become available for secondary production, in what state and shape are they?
Unveiling the nature of giant radio galaxies
The thesis deals with the study of giant radio galaxies (GRGs), which are radio galaxies of megaparsec sizes.
On the computation of norm residue symbols
An algorithm is discussed to compute the exponential representation of principal units in a finite extension field F of the p-adic rationals.
Maurits Berger in EW over islam-uitspraken Mona Keijzer: ‘Beetje Wilderiaans’
Kamerlid Mona Keijzer zei op 17 mei in televisieprogramma ‘Sophie & Jeroen’ dat ‘antisemitisme bijna onderdeel is van de islamitische cultuur’. In EW reageert hoogleraar Maurits Berger op haar uitspraak.
Foam rheology near the jamming transition
Promotor: Prof.dr. M.L. van Heck, Co-Promotor: B.P. Tighe
Bio Science Park wordt Bio Science Campus
Het Leidse Bio Science Park (BSP) wordt de komende jaren een echte campus. Met meer woningen en prettige ontmoetingsplekken waar wetenschappers, studenten en ondernemers plannen kunnen maken.
The UN’s Summit of the Future: Advancing Multilateralism in an Age of Hypercompetitive Geopolitics
In dit artikel gaan Joris Larik en Richard Ponzio in op het belang van de Summit of the Future om multilaterale samenwerking een nieuw leven in te blazen en te versterken in een tijdperk van toenemende concurrentie tussen de grootmachten.
Understanding the Heterogeneity of Corporate Entrepreneurship Programs
In today's volatile market environments, companies must be able to continuously innovate. In this context, innovation does not only refer to the development of new products or business models but often also affects the entire organization, which has to transform its structures, processes, and ways of…
Glucocorticoid modulation of the immune response
Glucocorticoids (GCs) are widely prescribed as anti-inflammatory drugs due to their well-established immunosuppressive effects.
Material Flows in the City of Amsterdam
An account of the total of material flows going in, out and through Amsterdam.
Tracing the evolution of protoplanetary disks
Promotores: Prof.dr. A.G.G.M. Tielens, Prof.dr. L.B.F.M. Waters (UvA), Prof.dr. C. Dominik (UvA)
De Partij. Over het politieke leven in de vroege SDAP
De Sociaal-Democratische Arbeiderspartij (SDAP) was een politiek experiment. Bij haar oprichting in 1894 hadden de meeste leden geen stemrecht, de leiders geen politieke ervaring en stond de organisatievorm nog in de kinderschoenen. Wie lid werd, zette bovendien zijn geld, goede naam en baan op het…
Sporen van Spionage: Een speurtocht door geheim Nederland
Dit boek, samengesteld door voormalig BVD-historicus Dick Engelen en historicus Constant Hijzen, geeft een overzicht van lokaties in Nederland die in de twintigste eeuw iets te maken hebben gehad met spionage en geheime diensten uit binnen- en buitenland.
Een nieuwe staat. het begin van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Boek over de totstandkoming van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, onder redactie van onder andere Henk te Velde.
Het verre gezicht. Politieke en culturele relaties tussen Nederland en Azië, Afrika en Amerika
Het Verre gezicht biedt de lezer een fraaie staalkaart van de politieke en culturele relaties tussen Nederland en Azië, Afrika en Amerika.
Wij weten niets van hun lot
Bart van der Boom, ''Wij weten niets van hun lot'. Gewone Nederlanders en de Holocaust' (2012).
The Infrared Spectrum of Massive Protostars
We have conducted a full spectral line survey of the 3-13 micron region of two massive protostars, AFGL 2591 and AFGL 2136, for the first time at high spectral resolution.
Longo, The Politics of Borders
Political scientist Matthew Longo (Leiden University) takes a detailed look at the evolution of border security in the United States after 9/11. Far from the walls and fences that dominate the news, he reveals borders to be thick, multi-faceted and binational institutions that have evolved greatly in…
The Many Faces Of Online Learning
In this dissertation several settings in the Online Learning framework are studied. The first chapter serves as an introduction to the relevant settings in Online Learning and in the subsequent chapters new results and insights are given for both full-information and bandit information settings.
Aria of the Dutch North Sea
Promotores: C. J. ten Cate; M. A. Ainslie. Co-promotor: W. Slabbekoorn
Online Course The Great Sustainability Transition
In this course, you will learn about sustainability and staying with the environmental boundaries of our planet. You will gain an understanding of the effects of growing affluence and population growth, the key challenges we are facing, and ways to influence your direct environment.
Conference: Vernacular Books and Reading Experiences in the Early Age of Print
This conference explores how reading experiences were shaped both by producers and users of vernacular books. By adopting an international and interdisciplinary perspective (combining book history, literary history, art history, religious studies, and history of knowledge) it aims to contribute to the…
On the optimization of imaging pipelines
In this thesis, topics relating to the optimization of high-throughput pipelines used for imaging are discussed. In particular, different levels of implementation, i.e., conceptual, software, and hardware, are discussed and the thesis outlines how advances on each level need to be made to make gains…
Departing from Java. Javanese Labour, Migration and Diaspora
Vanaf de koloniale tijd tot heden hebben grote aantallen Javanen hun woonplaats verlaten om zich in andere delen van Indonesië of veel verder weg te vestigen. Vaak was deze spreiding gedwongen, vaak met traumatische gevolgen.
Guidance documents of the European Commission in the Dutch legal order
Op 11 februari 2020 verdedigde Clara van Dam haar proefschrift 'Guidance documents of the European Commission in the Dutch legal order'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.dr. W. den Ouden en prof.dr. J.E. van den Brink (UvA).
The Rationale of Publicity in the Law of Corporeal Movables and Claims
Op 24 juni 2021 verdedigde Jing Zhang zijn proefschrift 'The Rationale of Publicity in the Law of Corporeal Movables and Claims'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.dr. H.J. Snijders en dr. J.A. van der Weide.