193 zoekresultaten voor “immuniteit infection en tolerance” in de Publieke website
Solvent tolerance mechanisms in Pseudomonas putida
Bacterial biocatalysis constitutes a sustainable alternative for high-value chemicals production by enabling the utilization of renewable feedstocks.
Immuniteit, Infectie en Tolerantie
Het immuunsysteem beschermt ons tegen ziekten, maar soms gaat het mis. Dan dringt er toch een vijand binnen of valt het immuunsysteem ons eigen lichaam aan, waardoor we ziek worden. Artsen en onderzoekers van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC) willen het immuunsysteem zodanig sturen, dat…
Key innate immune components controlling intracellular infection
Promotor: H.P. Spaink, Co-Promotor: A.H. Meijer
- Ecology, Migration and Tolerance: Limits to Cooperation
Oratie: Aangeboren immuniteit in beeld
Tuberculosebacteriën en andere intracellulaire pathogenen gebruiken immuuncellen als paard van Troje om zich in hun gastheer te verspreiden. Annemarie Meijer, hoogleraar immunobiologie, vertelt hoe onderzoek naar mechanismen van aangeboren immuniteit in zebravissen helpt om nieuwe behandelingsmethoden…
Computational modeling of mycobacterium infection and innate immune reponse in zebrafish
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.N. Kok
Selective autophagy in host defense against mycobacterial infection
The effective treatment of tuberculosis (TB) remains a major challenge to global health.
extraembryonic serosa protects the insect egg against desiccation and infection
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.P. Spaink, Co-promotor: Dr. M. van der Zee
Regulation of autophagy-related mechanisms during bacterial infection
Autophagy is a fundamental degradative process, maintaining cellular homeostasis and functions in host defense against intracellular pathogens, including mycobacteria and Salmonella.
The rhizomicrobiome of Sorghum ; impact on plant growth and stress tolerance
The overall objectives of my thesis are to investigate the dynamics of the sorghum root microbiome and to explore the beneficial effects of the root microbiome on sorghum growth and stress tolerance.
The innate immune response against mycobacterial infection: analysis by a combination of light and electron microscopy
Promotores: Prof.dr. H.P. Spaink & Prof.dr. P.C.W. Hogendoorn Co-promotor: Dr. M.J.M. Schaaf
The Function of Toll-like receptor 2 in Infection and Inflammation
The function of TLRs in innate immunity has aroused worldwide attention soon after its discovery. Because of the broad functions of TLR2 in innate immunity, the drive for the development of TLR2-targeted vaccines or therapeutic treatments has accelerated in the last decades.
Chemokine signaling mechanisms underlying inflammation and infection control: insights from the zebrafish model
This thesis focuses on the role of chemokine receptors CXCR3 and CCR2 in the inflammatory process and infection control using the zebrafish model.
modular goldnanoparticles for glycan-based immune-interventions of worm infections
Bart Roep
Faculteit Geneeskunde
An uncertain recovery: The physical toll of COVID-19 infection on liberal arts and sciences students in the Netherlands
Josien de Klerk en Tennessee Miller onderzochten de interactie tussen de ziekte- en herstelervaringen van studenten en de academische werkcultuur in deze context.
Cornelis Hokke
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Virus-host metabolic interactions: using metabolomics to probe oxidative stress, inflammation and systemic immunity
Promotores: T. Hankemeier; R. Berger, Co-promotor: R.J. Vreeken
Quantitative pharmacology of antimicrobials
Antimicrobial drugs constitute a fundamental part of modern medicine. The global rise in antimicrobial resistance poses a major threat to global health.
Studies on molecular basics of metabolic syndrome in zebrafish
The research described in this thesis has, using the zebrafish as a model system, shed new light on the intricate relationship between TB and DM2, in particular on the role of leptin, SHP-1 and glucocorticoids.
Phenotypic engineering of photosynthesis related traits in Arabidopsis thaliana using genome interrogation
Promotor: P.J.J. Hooykaas, Co-Promotor: E.J. van der Zaal
We waren neutraal, maar niet immuun: Henk te Velde over de Eerste Wereldoorlog
Vrouwenkiesrecht, eenheidsworst en gloeilampen: drie ongebruikelijke gevolgen van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Henk te Velde, historicus en houder van de leerstoel Vaderlandse Geschiedenis, sprak met Scientias.nl over hoe de Eerste Wereldoorlog het (dagelijkse) leven in Nederland beïnvloedde.
Vaccination and Targeted Therapy Using Liposomes; Opportunities for Treatment of Atherosclerosis and Cancer
This thesis focuses on using liposomes in two different treatment strategies; vaccination (or immunotherapy) and delivery of a small molecule, and in two different disease models; cancer and atherosclerosis.
Cornelis van Kooten
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Glucocorticoid modulation of the immune response
Glucocorticoids (GCs) are widely prescribed as anti-inflammatory drugs due to their well-established immunosuppressive effects.
2,3 miljoen euro voor onderzoek naar vaccin voor worminfectie schistosomiasis
Onderzoekers van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC) hebben 2,3 miljoen euro ontvangen van het EU Horizon 2020-programma en de Wellcome Trust om met internationale partners te werken aan een vaccin voor infectie met de parasitaire worm Schistosoma.
Autophagy and Lc3-associated phagocytosis in host defense against Salmonella
Control of infectious diseases poses continuous challenges for human health.
Frank Baas
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Modulation of the immune system for treatment of atherosclerosis
Cardiovascular diseases are the primary cause of death in the world with atherosclerosis as primary underlying cause.
Systems vaccinology: molecular signatures of immunity to Bordetella pertussis
Promotor: G.F.A. Kersten, W. Jiskoot, Co-promotor: B. Metz
Insights from modeling metabolism and amoeboid cell motility in the immune system
This thesis focuses on two processes involved in fighting infections: metabolism and immune cell motility and navigation.
Monitoring immune responsiveness
Staphylococcus aureus colonization and infection
Exploitation of host chemokine signalling by pathogenic mycobacteria
Promotores: A.H. Meijer, H.P. Spaink
Synthesis of Ribitol Phosphate based Wall Teichoic acids
Antibiotic resistance, caused by widespread use of antibiotics, leads to bacterial infections that are difficult, if not impossible, to treat and is a major worldwide health concern.
Actualiteiten - Internationale Immuniteiten in de Nederlandse rechtspraktijk
Diagnosis of tuberculosis infection before immunosuppression
Global metabolomics and lipidomics approaches to probe virus-host interactions
The outbreaks of AIDS and COVID-19 showed clearly how infectious viruses can influence people’s lives. Investigating the changes in the host metabolism may provide a paradigm shift to consider immune-metabolic interactions as therapeutic targets.
Anti-microbial and Anti-biofilm compounds From Indonesian Medicinal Plants
Promotor: C.A.M.J.J. van den Hondel, Co-promotor: Sandra de Weert
Developing systems for high-throughput screening of infectious diseases using zebrafish
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.P. Spaink, Co-promotor: Prof.dr. A.H. Meijer
Human-wildlife Interactions in the Western Terai of Nepal
Large carnivores and humans, along with their livestock, have co-existed for thousands of years. However, human population growth and an increase in economic activities are modifying the landscape for large carnivores and their prey.
Groen licht voor het testen van een malariavaccin
Onderzoekers van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC) en het Radboudumc hebben groen licht gekregen om vrijwilligers opzettelijk met malaria te besmetten, om een veelbelovend vaccin bij hen te testen.
Betere vaccins tegen malaria en tuberculose
De infectieziektes malaria en tuberculose zijn verantwoordelijk voor 2.1 miljoen dodelijke slachtoffers per jaar. Op dit moment testen Leidse onderzoekers een nieuw tuberculosevaccin.
Quantitative pharmacological modelling for optimizing treatment of sepsis
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition caused by a dysregulated host response to infection, it is associated with significant morbidity, mortality, and with a high financial burden on global healthcare systems. Bacterial infections are the primary cause of sepsis, but the growing prevalence of antimicrobial…
Optimizing antifungal treatment through pharmacometrics: dosing considerations to enhance outcome
Fungal infections pose a significant threat to individuals with compromised immune systems and despite advancements in diagnosis and treatment, they continue to jeopardize patient’s health.
Chitin in the fungal cell wall: towards valorization of spent biomass of Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus niger is an important industrial producer of organic acids and enzymes producing large amounts of spent fungal biomass.
Prosthetic Joint Infection, new diagnostic and treatment strategies
bridges: a multidisciplinary approach to controlled human hookworm infection
Strategies in the Battle Against Neonatal Nosocomial Infections
Antibody Glycomics Signatures of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Vaccination