53 zoekresultaten voor “architecture” in de Publieke website
Why is there no Northeast Asian security architecture?
Waarom is er geen Noordoost Aziatische veiligheidsstructuur? In dit artikel, gepubliceerd in The Pacific Review, bespreken auteurs Wang (Peking University) en Stevens (Leiden University) de vier obstakels voor coöperatie in Oost Azië.
Molecular electronics: Controlled manipulation, noise and graphene architecture
Atoms and molecules are the basic units of matter. If we keep dividing a bar of gold or a glass of water into smaller parts, at the end we are left with a single gold atom or a water molecule.
Quality-driven multi-objective optimization of software architecture design: method, tool, and application
Promotores: Prof.dr. T.H.W. Bäck, Prof.dr. M.R.V. Chaudron, Co-Promotor: M.T.M. Emmerich
environmentally-regulated interplay between local three- dimensional chromatin architecture and gene expression
Nucleoid associated proteins maintain the architecture of the bacterial chromosome and regulate gene expression, hinting that their role as transcription factors may involve local three-dimensional chromosome re-modelling.
Vacancy: PhD History of Architecture URBAN-DELTA (KU Leuven)
The Department of Architecture of KU Leuven is looking for two full-time PhD students (48 months) for the ERC-funded project "URBAN-DELTA: Metropolises in the Mud. Innovation in Delta Building Technology in Europe and China before 1800", directed by Merlijn Hurx. Apply before: June 10
Conference: Practices of Copying & Imitation in Early Modern Architecture (1400-1700) (Ghent University, June 15-16)
In June, the international conference "Practices of Copying and Imitation in Early Modern Architecture (1400-1700)" will take place at Ghent University. This conference seeks to direct attention to verifiable practices and material documentation of copying and imitation in the workshop and on the building…
A molecular journey : tales of sublimating ices from hot cores to comets
The thesis explores how interstellar chemistry evolves as a function of time and changing physical architectures during the formation of stars.
Unconventional fabrication of 2D nanostructures and graphene edges
In this work, we illustrate unconventional approaches towards the fabrication of edge functionalized graphene nanostructures and bidimensional architectures in polymeric and metallic supports, with an outlook towards molecular sensing devices.
Novel role of the AT-HOOK MOTIF NUCLEAR LOCALIZED 15 gene in Arabidopsis meristem activity and longevity
Plant architecture has distinct forms in different plant species, but also within a species the finalarchitecture of a plant is determined by its gradual development and changes therein induced by environmental conditions during the plant’s life cycle.
Learning-based Representations of High-dimensional CAE Models for Automotive Design Optimization
In design optimization problems, engineers typically handcraft design representations based on personal expertise, which leaves a fingerprint of the user experience in the optimization data. Thus, learning this notion of experience as transferrable design features has potential to improve the performance…
Algorithm for Structural Variant Detection
Structural variants (SVs) are the hidden architecture of the human genome, and are critical for us to understand diseases, evolution, and so on.
Core cross-linked polymeric micelles based on polypept(o)ides: from secondary structure formation of polypeptides to functional cross-linking
This thesis aimed to investigate core cross-linked polymeric micelles (CCPMs) and expand their potential for the delivery of hydrophobic drugs and co-factors.
Imperfections: using defects to program designer matter
Errors are everywhere, and mechanical failures are especially common: buckled grain silos and cracked support columns are, justly, seen as an issue to be avoided.
Het miljard deeltjes probleem
Promotor: Prof.dr. S. Portegies Zwart
Analysis of the angucycline biosynthetic gene cluster in Streptomyces sp. QL37 and implications for lugdunomycin production
Streptomyces bacteria are a valuable source of natural products, many of which are used in the clinic or in biotechnology.
Dynamic organization of bacterial chromatin by DNA bridging proteins
Bacteria often experience external challenges, such as changes in environmental conditions or attacks by bacteriophages.
Interactive scalable condensation of reverse engineered UML class diagrams for software comprehension
Promotores: Prof.dr. J.N. Kok, Prof.dr. M.R.V. Chaudron (Chalmers Univ., Sweden)
Agenda dynamics in the European Union : the interaction between the European Council and the European Commission in the policy domain of organized
The European Council and the European Commission have a similar role in agenda setting. Both place issues on the EU agenda. However, these institutions have distinct designs. They have different political attributes (the European Council has considerably more political authority) and information-processing…
Genomics applications of nanopore long-read sequencing for small to large sized genomes
In this thesis I highlight the applications of Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) sequencing. This technique is a relatively new approach in the sequencing field, where nanopores are embedded in a membrane, DNA molecules are pulled through nanopores and an electrical current serving as the sequencing…
Triblock polypept(o)ides for siRNA delivery: unique polymeric designs for versatile carrier systems
Utilizing the polymeric platform of polypept(o)ides, this thesis describes synthesis and investigation of novel triblock copolymers to obtain carrier systems with multiple compartments for efficient siRNA delivery. Although the individual microstructure of nanoparticles differs depending on the polymeric…
Security by behavioural design
In 2021 heeft het NCSC de Universiteit Leiden gevraagd om een rapid review uit te voeren naar best practices en mogelijkheden voor vervolgonderzoek over de integratie van gedragswetenschappen in security by design methodologieën en projecten. Dit academische veld wordt security by behavioural design…
Shape Analysis for Phenotype Characterisation from High-throughput Imaging
We have studied shape with a particular focus on the zebrafish model system. The shape is an essential appearance of the phenotype of a biological specimen and it can be used to read out a current state or response or to study gene expression.
Another Brick in the Wall: The role of the actinobacterial cell wall in antibiotic resistance, phylogeny and development
Streptomyces are multicellular, Gram-positive bacteria in the phylum of actinobacteria which produce a high amount of bioactive natural products of which the expression is tightly coordinated with the life cycle.
Young suns and infant planets: Probing the origins of solar systems
Even though more than 4000 extra-solar planets are known today, only a small fraction of these has been captured in an image. To better understand the planet formation mechanisms in solar-like environments we started the Young Suns Exoplanet Survey (YSES).
The evolution of shell form in tropical terrestrial microsnails
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Schilthuizen
Development of a Kidney-on-a-Chip Model for Compound Screening and Transport Studies
Pharmaceutical companies, governments and the general public have become increasingly aware that animal models used in drug testing lack vital aspects to serve as an accurate representation of human biology. As models of the human body should become more physiologically relevant, animal models no longer…
Mechanical metamaterials: nonlinear beams and excess zero modes
Mechanical metamaterials are man-made materials which derive their unusual properties from their structure rather than their composition.
Automated machine learning for dynamic energy management using time-series data
Time-series forecasting through modelling sequences of temporally dependent observations has many industrial and scientific applications. While machine learning models have been widely used to create time-series forecasting models, creating efficient and performant time-series forecasting models is…
Islam en samenleving
Kennis van moslimsamenlevingen is onmisbaar om in een geglobaliseerde wereld te kunnen functioneren en om onze eigen Nederlandse maatschappij goed te begrijpen. In Leiden verdiepen onderzoekers zich in de talen, cultuur, religie, rechtssystemen en geschiedenis van moslimsamenlevingen en zetten daarmee…
Abolfazl Sajadi
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Archeologen reconstrueren bouwlust oude Grieken
In Mykeens Griekenland verschenen vanaf 1600 v. Chr. zeer veel monumentale bouwwerken zoals grote graftombes. Waarom stopte die bouwlust 400 jaar later abrupt? Archeoloog Ann Brysbaert onderzoekt de mogelijke oorzaken dankzij haar ERC Consolidator Grant.
To explore the drug space smarter: Artificial intelligence in drug design for G protein-coupled receptors
Over several decades, a variety of computational methods for drug discovery have been proposed and applied in practice. With the accumulation of data and the development of machine learning methods, computational drug design methods have gradually shifted to a new paradigm, i.e. deep learning methods…
Hybrid zone dynamics in amphibians
Hybrid zones occur where two species meet and produce offspring (hybrids). Typically, hybrids show a considerable reduction in fitness. In this thesis two hybrid zones are treated.
Eerste summa cum laude bij ICT in Business
De 22-jarige Wendy Gunther is de eerste student van de Master ICT in Business die summa cum laude is afgestudeerd. Zij kreeg een 9 voor haar scriptie en behaalde een 9 gemiddeld op de vakken die zij volgde. Op vrijdag 26 september nam zij haar bul in ontvangst in het Academiegebouw in Leiden.
Stefan Manegold benoemd tot hoogleraar Data Management
Stefan Manegold is benoemd tot hoogleraar Data Management aan de Faculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen van de Universiteit Leiden. Het betreft een part-time aanstelling voor een dag per week bij het Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) en het Leiden Centre of Data Science (LCDS).…
Vacatures: Governing and Building the City (UCLouvain)
Binnen het onderzoeksproject "Governing and Building the City: Mirrors for Magistrates as a Lieu for Theoretical Reflection on Architecture" lopen er momenteel twee vacatures voor een doctoraatsstudent en een post-doctoraal onderzoeker. Kandidaten kunnen solliciteren tot 15 mei 2024.
Handbook of Signal Processing Systems
Handbook of Signal Processing Systems is organized in four parts. The first part motivates representative applications that drive and apply state-of-the art methods for design and implementation of signal processing systems; the second part discusses architectures for implementing these applications;…
Research Seminar: Between Myth and Reality: Rules Of Observance As Texts Of Life In The High Middle Ages (RUG, 11 March 2024)
On the occasion of the appearance of the monograph "Varieties of the Self.Peter Abelard and the Mental Architecture of the Paraclete" written by Babette Hellemans and published at Brill in 2023, a workshop will be organized concerning rules of observance as ‘texts of life’ in ascetic communities. The…
Prijzen voor proefschriften onderzoekers Geesteswetenschappen
Sigrid de Jong en Grantley McDonald hebben ieder een Studieprijs van de Stichting Praemium Erasmianum gekregen voor hun proefschrift.
Pascal Professor 2012
In 2012 the Pascal chair of the Faculty of Science of Leiden University, and particular of Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), will be held by Prof. Dr. Kyle Gallivan, Department of Mathematics, Florida State University, USA.
Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek - Call for Papers
Volume 72 of the Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art is dedicated to the relationship of art and death in the Low Countries and its diaspora, from premodern times to the present. The editors welcome contributions on works of art and architecture (paintings, prints, sculptures, objects of applied…
1 PhD Candidate to study transcription factor binding to chromatin at the single-molecule level
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Leids Instituut voor Onderzoek in de Natuurkunde (LION)
Assyriërs waren ‘huiselijker’ dan gedacht
Archeoloog Victor Klinkenberg onderzocht een oude Assyrische nederzetting in Syrië, dichtbij IS-bolwerk Raqqa. ‘Al met al speelde het sociale leven een veel grotere rol dan het militaire.’ Promotie op 27 oktober.
Propagandakunst - van de 20e tot de 21e eeuw
Kunstenaar Jonas Staal verdedigt op 25 januari zijn proefschrift over de ontwikkeling van propagandakunst: van Sovjetkunst tot kunst uit de 'War on Terror'.
Algorithms help improve building design
Modern optimization algorithms offer solutions for architectural decisions like spatial, structural and energy efficiency. A young computer scientist from Leiden University co-authored a paper that won the Best Paper Award at a leading conference in Krakow during the summer.
Lezingenreeks belicht de vele facetten van het jodendom
Enthousiast vertellen Judith Frishman en Jürgen Zangenberg over de intensivering van de samenwerking met de instituten Joodse Studies van New York University, Bar Ilan (Tel Aviv) en Universität Potsdam (Duitsland). 'De eerste gezamenlijke activiteit in dit verband start op 19 oktober met een bijzondere…
- Material Culture (5 ECTS)
Nieuw antibioticum vernoemd naar Leiden
Toenemende resistentie en een gebrek aan nieuwe antibiotica vormen een groot probleem voor de volksgezondheid. Tegen die achtergrond zoekt Gilles van Wezel van het Instituut Biologie Leiden naar nieuwe medicijnen. Samen met toenmalig promovendus Changsheng Wu en collega’s ontdekte hij het bijzondere…
Van bellenblaas tot brandstof: maakt dit bijzondere zeeplaagje binnenkort kunstmatige fotosynthese mogelijk?
Een zeeplaagje waarvan chemisch gezien beide zijden verschillend zijn. Het is de nieuwste doorbraak in het onderzoek van de groep van chemicus Sylvestre Bonnet. Deze unieke zeepfilm, en een innovatief apparaat dat voortdurend nieuwe zeepfilms kan produceren, vormen samen belangrijke puzzelstukjes voor…
Wat als we een andere impact op de Aarde konden hebben?
Vanaf 2 juli 2022 is een nieuwe tentoonstelling te zien in de Oude Sterrewacht: More-than-Planet. In deze tentoonstelling staat de volgende vraag centraal: hoe verbeelden we onze planeet?