11 search results for “vrouwelijke leiderschap” in the Student website
Leiderschap Scriptieprijs
Education, Research, Social
Ben Kuipers bekleedt nieuwe leerstoel Publiek Leiderschap
Ben Kuipers is benoemd tot hoogleraar Publiek Leiderschap bij FGGA. De leerstoel Publiek Leiderschap (0,2 fte voor een periode van vier jaar) wordt extern gefinancierd vanuit het samenwerkingsverband VPL (Verder met Publiek Leiderschap) en is ingebed in het Leiden Leadership Centre (LLC)
Conference ‘Leiderschap onder de loep’
Bredere blik op leiderschap nodig: gebruik alle tools uit de gereedschapskist
Leiderschap in een publieke organisatie is niet langer voorbehouden aan managers alleen. Daarnaast vereist modern leiderschap toepassing van een divers gedragsrepertoire. De manager van nu put daarvoor uit een gereedschapskist vol tools, betoogt Marieke van der Hoek, promovenda bij het Instituut Bestuurskunde…
Tackling societal issues with a new vision on public leadership
The Leiden Leadership Centre (LLC) aims to connect science with practice when it comes to public leadership. The Centre, founded by, among others, Dr. Ben Kuipers and Prof. dr. Sandra Groeneveld, is collaborating with a number of organisations. A recent result was a research assignment for a new vision…
Leadership symposium: you can learn something from everyone
'You don't have to kick the door open', Judi Mesman tells participants of the Leadership for a better tomorrow symposium. During this inspiring afternoon, students, teachers and partners will discuss leadership with Judi and each other. 'To really understand leadership, you have to look at patterns.…
The lessons we can learn from leaders of colour
Professor Judi Mesman interviewed 40 people of colour in leadership positions. What can we learn from them?
Public leadership in a wider perspective: ‘Leadership is for everyone’
The field of leadership suffers from ‘adjectivism’, says Professor Ben Kuipers. He immediately caveats this by saying that he too is going furnish the word leadership with an adjective: ‘Public’. But the goal here is to view leadership in a different light in his new role as Professor of Public Lead…
Five questions on event 'Leadership in the digital transition'
Minister Alexandra van Huffelen will attend the 'Leadership in the digital transition' event at Campus Wijnhaven organised by Alex Ingrams on 16 February. Five questions to Ingrams about the event.
Sandra Groeneveld
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Join the anniversary day of Public Administration