54 search results for “vrouwelijke leiderschap” in the Public website
COVID-crisis of COVID-kans? Adaptief en lerend bestuur in het LUMC en de regio
Covid-19 is een disruptieve ontwikkeling die hier en nu veel vraagt van zorgprofessionals, bestuurders en managers. Hoewel de crisis nog volop bezig is, is nu al duidelijk dat het Coronavirus een blijvende impact zal hebben op zorginstellingen en fundamentele vragen oproept over hoe we onze zorg optimaal…
Ben Kuipers bekleedt nieuwe leerstoel Publiek Leiderschap
Ben Kuipers is benoemd tot hoogleraar Publiek Leiderschap bij FGGA. De leerstoel Publiek Leiderschap (0,2 fte voor een periode van vier jaar) wordt extern gefinancierd vanuit het samenwerkingsverband VPL (Verder met Publiek Leiderschap) en is ingebed in het Leiden Leadership Centre (LLC)
Leiderschap voor gezonde en duurzame voedselomgeving zaak van lange adem
Despite the reduced accessibility as a result of the protests of the farmers in The Hague, around 30 directors, scientists, students and civil servants met on 16 October for the Public Leadership Challenge
Wetenschapscongres leiderschap
Here you can find an overview of all our publications.
Bredere blik op leiderschap nodig: gebruik alle tools uit de gereedschapskist
Leiderschap in een publieke organisatie is niet langer voorbehouden aan managers alleen. Daarnaast vereist modern leiderschap toepassing van een divers gedragsrepertoire. De manager van nu put daarvoor uit een gereedschapskist vol tools, betoogt Marieke van der Hoek, promovenda bij het Instituut Bestuurskunde…
Research on diversity management, leadership and inclusion awarded with best article 2015
On March 19th 2016, the editorial board of the journal Review of Public Personnel Administration awarded the article of Tanachia Ashikali and Sandra Groeneveld: “Diversity Management in Public Organizations and its Effect on Employees’ Affective Commitment. The Role of Transformational Leadership and…
Conference ‘Leiderschap onder de loep’
- Selected references
In the male-dominated university world, studying was often considered inappropriate for women. They were denied membership of the male student association Leids Studenten Corps ‘Virtus Concordia Fides’ (LSC). The women were on their own and they decided to unite.
Onzekerheid bij Professionals in Wijkteams
De decentralisaties van de zorg aan langdurig zieken en ouderen, jeugdzorg, en werk en inkomen die vanaf 2015 zijn doorgevoerd in Nederland hebben geleid tot een transitie van een centraal naar een lokaal stelsel van zorg en welzijn. Deze transitie beoogt zorg en ondersteuning dichter bij de inwoners…
On 27 January 1900 thirteen female students gathered and established the Leesgezelschap van Vrouwelijke Studenten te Leiden (reading association for female students in Leiden).
The National-Socialist Movement in the Netherlands - the NSB - remained the only legal party in the Netherlands during most of the Second World War.
The Leiden Leadership Centre is an international and interdisciplinary network organisation connecting people and perspectives.
Networks and community
The D&I Expertise Office is in close contact with various student and staff networks regarding diversity and inclusion.
Sophia Women's Network
Sophia aims to create equal opportunities and promote a better working climate for female academic staff at Leiden University.
Wat is hier de bedoeling? Tussen eenvoud en meervoud in publiek leiderschap
Inaugural lecture
Marieke Liem: In the media
Stay tuned for updates on relevant media appearances of Marieke Liem.
Leiden Leadership Workshop: 'Werken volgens de bedoeling'
Op 13 June the Leiden Leadership Centre hosted a workshop following the research project on ‘werken volgens de bedoeling’ at the Municipality of The Hague and the SVB.
Public Event International Day of Women & Girls in Science
This event is in Dutch. De Verenigde Naties hebben 11 februari uitgeroepen tot International Day of Women & Girls in Science. De Universiteit Leiden viert deze dag met een open publieksevenement met vrouwelijke topwetenschappers van haar bètafaculteit. Iedereen is welkom vanaf 13:30 uur in het Kamerlingh…
What are the ingredients of high performing district teams?
Since the decentralizations in the social domain in 2015, nearly all Dutch municipalities use district teams to organize care. However, the management, organization and composition of these district teams vary considerably between municipalities: each municipality tries to reinvent the wheel by itself.…
From Baker to Added Public Value
Thursday 12 July the first Leiden Leadership Lunch took place. In the boardroom in Wijnhaven there was an informal lunch with researchers, students and managers from the field. Science and practice found each other around the theme leadership and added public value.
Tackling societal issues with a new vision on public leadership
The Leiden Leadership Centre (LLC) aims to connect science with practice when it comes to public leadership. The Centre, founded by, among others, Dr. Ben Kuipers and Prof. dr. Sandra Groeneveld, is collaborating with a number of organisations. A recent result was a research assignment for a new vision…
Researchers publish book on public organizations
Researchers Wim van Noort, Sandra Groeneveld, Marieke van der Hoek, Jelmer Schalk en Joris van der Voet published a book on public organizations.
Sandra Groeneveld and Eduard Schmidt receive award for best conference paper
At the conference of the International Research Society for Public Administration (IRSPM), Professor Public Management Sandra Groeneveld and PhD candidate Eduard Schmidt received the award for best conference paper. This conference was held from April 19 to 21 in Budapest, Hungary. The paper was titled…
Carel ten Cate budgerigar study in various media
If male budgerigars can successfully open a puzzle box with food, they become more attractive to females. Biologist Carel ten Cate and Chinese colleagues published experimental evidence for this in a paper in Science on 11 January. Various Dutch and international media wrote about the paper.
Public Leadership Challenge: Autonomy in the digital society
Thursday afternoon 31 May the Public Leadership Challenge took place in the Living Lab, of Leiden University The Hague. During this afternoon a diverse group of professionals, academics and students focused on the challenge of autonomy in the digital society. Working together on this complex and interesting…
Alumni masterclass on inclusive leadership
An alumni masterclass on inclusive leadership was held on Tuesday 12 June. Alumni of Leiden University returned to the lecture hall to learn about managing diversity in organisations. Various speakers shared their knowledge of the topic. The evening ended with a panel discussion, which gave the alumni…
KNAW advisory report on social safety in Dutch academia
At the beginning of July, a committee appointed by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) presented its report 'Social Safety in Dutch Academia. From Paper to Practice', to the Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science. The committee was chaired by Professor Naomi Ellemers…
Meet the Professor in The Hague
Over 1600 pupils from primary schools in Leiden and The Hague were taught by a professor of Leiden University on the 444th anniversary of our university. Three professors from the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, visited several classes of group 7 in The Hague.
Meet & Greet with Mayor Krikke
Thursday 6 September mayor Krikke came to Leiden University to have a dialogue with students. Mayor Krikke thinks students bring a special atmosphere to the city of The Hague. They liven things up!
Special alumni gift to Indonesia at 75
The Republic of Indonesia celebrated its 75th Independence Day on 17 August 2020. As a gift to celebrate this, on the initiative of a group of Leiden alumni*), a biography will be written of Leiden and Indonesian scholar Hoesein Djajadiningrat.
How Leiden University reopened after the war
Students were able to continue their studies in September 1945 after the University had been closed for several years during the Second World War. This moment was celebrated for four days, with the traditional cortège, commemorative services and a party in the Botanical Garden. Queen Wilhelmina was…
Goede redenen voor foute taal: Een open symposium over taalregels in het brein en in de maatschappij
Foute taal? Bestaat niet!
Public leadership in a wider perspective: ‘Leadership is for everyone’
The field of leadership suffers from ‘adjectivism’, says Professor Ben Kuipers. He immediately caveats this by saying that he too is going furnish the word leadership with an adjective: ‘Public’. But the goal here is to view leadership in a different light in his new role as Professor of Public Lead…
Future of Public Leadership Research
On Wednesday 11 April, the festive ceremony of the leadership agenda took place, which was developed by the Leiden Leadership Centre in collaboration with partners from practice. The ‘Moving Forward with Public Leadership’ research and development agenda was handed over to Mayor of The Hague, Pauline…
Saniye Çelik on the diversity policy of the Dutch central government
Saniye Çelik, senior programme manager at the Centre Professional Learning (CPL) at Leiden University: The diversity policy of the Dutch central government still needs work. How do we take a real step forward? Saniye Çelik, Christiaan Rebergen, Marc Allessie and Jacqueline Prins exchange ideas.
Saniye Çelik in ScienceGuide on discrimination and inclusiveness in the Dutch police force
Saniye Çelik, senior programme manager at the Centre for Professional Learning (CPL), has been invited by the Parliamentary Standing Committee for Justice and Security to share her expertise with the Dutch House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) in the field of discrimination and inclusiveness in the…
Managers play an important role in inclusiveness in organisations
Team leaders and other immediate supervisors play an important role in facilitating inclusiveness within public organisations. This is the finding of research by public administration expert Tanachia Ashikali. PhD defence 20 November.
Mayor Krikke and Rector Magnificus Stolker to be presented with leadership agenda
What is public leadership? How does one promote research on public leadership? These and other questions will be addressed at the official presentation of the research and development agenda ‘Moving forward with public leadership’ on Wednesday 11 April. Mayor of The Hague Pauline Krikke and Rector Magnificus…
Female Lieutenant-General on leadership: 'Figure out who you are'
“You want to be a great leader? Start by figuring out who you are.” On February 2nd, Elanor Boekholt-O’Sullivan, the first female three-star general of the Netherlands, addressed the students of the Leiden Leadership Programme in an inspirational seminar about leadership and authenticity. “Hearing this…
Understanding uncertainty
PhD defence
Boekpresentatie 'Publiek management'
Renewed LLP has started: 'Reflection is the beginning of progress'
'Working on your leadership starts tonight,' says lecturer Sandra Groeneveld at the introductory meeting of the Leiden Leadership Programme. The programme has been renewed this year, and students are ready to dive into it: 'I hope to get to know myself.'
University and government organisations to work together on public leadership
How adaptable can and should a government organisation be – in a crisis situation, for instance? How can such organisations join forces to solve the problems faced by citizens? Leiden University will collaborate with six government organisations that are opening their doors for research and the joint…
The lessons we can learn from leaders of colour
Professor Judi Mesman interviewed 40 people of colour in leadership positions. What can we learn from them?
Three LUF Grants Awarded to Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
The ‘Leids Universiteits Fonds’ (LUF) award grants to research and educational project in various academic fields once a year. This year, Honorata Mazepus, Tanachia Ashikali, and Jaroslaw Kantorowicz of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs were three of the recipients of such a grant.
Five questions on event 'Leadership in the digital transition'
Minister Alexandra van Huffelen will attend the 'Leadership in the digital transition' event at Campus Wijnhaven organised by Alex Ingrams on 16 February. Five questions to Ingrams about the event.
Leadership symposium: you can learn something from everyone
'You don't have to kick the door open', Judi Mesman tells participants of the Leadership for a better tomorrow symposium. During this inspiring afternoon, students, teachers and partners will discuss leadership with Judi and each other. 'To really understand leadership, you have to look at patterns.…
Dr Graça Machel in Leiden: human rights, the crucial role of academia and the importance of intergenerational dialogue
Almost three years after receiving her honorary doctorate, Dr Graça Machel returned to Leiden University. Over the course of two days she spoke with students, researchers, and other interested persons, about human rights – particularly those of women and children – in a world in which these are continually…