51 search results for “een been met” in the Library website
Eline Been
Jim Been
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Philosophy
Collectie Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden uitgebreid met verschillende graphic novels en (kranten)strips
Comic books and graphic novels are more important than ever in the Leiden University curriculum. That is why Leiden University Libraries (UBL) is currently working on expansion of its collections in this field. Yasco Horsman, University Lecturer at LUCAS, explains why this expansion is necessary and…
Sources of Leiden University’s History
The archives created by Leiden University and the private archives of Leiden professors are an invaluable source for the history of the university and its functioning. The main sources have been edited (nearly always in Dutch). In addition, several studies have been published, describing the development…
In contact met collecties - Kaarten van het Midden-Oosten
Workshop | In contact with collections
Presentations and Publications
CDS staff cooperate with colleagues from Leiden and other universities and libraries in giving training sessions, workshops and presentations. They (co)authored a diverse set of publications dealing with Digital Scholarship.
University and student life
During the year 2021 and 2022 Leiden University Libraries illuminated the rich past of its university and its students by organising the thematic programme "University and Student life". Several online exhibitions, boekensalons and public lectures were organised around this theme, especially for the…
From decorative arts student in Leiden to curator at the biggest museum in New York
How does a Leiden alumnus end up working at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met)? In the case of Daniëlle Kisluk-Grosheide, it was partly down to chance, luck, fate. But that was preceded by a unique degree in decorative arts in Leiden.
Terms of use licensed digital resources
Check whether you may incorporate journal articles in readers (via ReaderOnline) or place these articles on Brightspace, without having to pay costs via the Easy Access Agreement (also referred to as Reader Agreement).
- News
Prior Fellows
Overview of the Scaliger, Brill, Elsevier, Van de Sande, Juynboll, Drewes, Isaac Alfred Ailion, Arminius and Lingling Wiyadharma Fellows who have conducted research in the Special Collections of the University Library.
Open Access checklist
Open Access provides free online availability of research output without restrictions. Open Access increases the visibility of a publication enormously. The Executive Board has decided that Leiden University will endorse Open Access.
Old printed works and special editions in Digital Collections
Leiden University Libraries (UBL) has made approximately 2300 old printed books and special editions available online through Digital Collections. With this, a small but important part of one of the oldest and most important collections of printed works in the Netherlands is now digitally available…
Lingling Wiyadharma Fellowship
The Lingling Wiyadharma Fellowship program offers the opportunity to three scholars to spend up to three months conducting research using the Southeast Asian and particularly the Indonesian special collections at Leiden University Libraries.
Systematic reviews
A systematic review answers a central question by summarising (all) relevant studies.
Fourteen hundred international students explore Leiden during OWL
With its FestivOWL theme, Orientation Week Leiden (OWL) promises to be one big festival for new international students in Leiden.
New Lingling Wiyadharma Fellowship for Indonesian special collections
The Lingling Wiyadharma Fellowship program offers the opportunity to three scholars to spend up to three months conducting research using the Southeast Asian and particularly the Indonesian special collections at Leiden University Libraries. The Lingling Wiyadharma Fellowship was made possible by Mr…
Climate fiction – the reading list
From rapidly rising global temperatures to the increasing frequency of catastrophic weather events, every year the effects of the climate crisis become more apparent. Can literature help us envision a life after climate change?
Can you still trust the (Dutch) government? – a reading list
The democratic legal order can only function optimally if there is sufficient trust between citizens and government. Citizens must be able to trust that rules and procedures are observed and that legal protection is guaranteed for everyone at all times and everywhere. This trust has been seriously damaged…
Literary Leiden - the reading list
Leiden fulfills a special role in Dutch literature: as a setting for stories as well as a place of work and residence for leading authors. It is the city described by Willem Bilderdijk as "O Leiden, Flower of Cities," but depicted far less glamorously by F. Bordewijk. The same city where Boudewijn Büch…
Winners of Lingling Wiyadharma Fellowship 2022
Earlier this year, the Leiden University Libraries (UBL) Scaliger Institute announced a new fellowship: The Lingling Wiyadharma Fellowship. The fellowship programme is part of the Lingling Wiyadharma Fund.
Experience the university and student life in the Leiden Special Collections
With the thematic programme 'Student@University', Leiden University Libraries illuminates the rich past of the university and its students. Several online exhibitions, boekensalons and public lectures will be organised around this theme, especially for the interested public, and various blogs, videos…
Avoid extra charges: caps for open access articles almost reached for publishers LWW and Springer
Library, Organisation, Research
Collection of anatomical drawings available in Europeana
Almost 4400 anatomical drawings from the collections of Leiden University Libraries (UBL) are now available through Europeana. The collection shows medical art on paper from the early eighteenth century to the present day. Most of the drawings were created in or around the Leiden University Medical…
Literature on discrimination and racism from the Leiden University Library collections
After large scale protests in the United States following police violence against black American citizens, racism in the Netherlands, too, is once again being widely debated. This renewed and intensified interest in the problems surrounding racism is prompting many to (re)read important works by black…
Leiden University honours Lex van der Eb with University Medal
Leiden University has awarded its prestigious University Medal to Emeritus Professor Lex van der Eb. As a pioneer in genetics and molecular biology, he received this honour for his services to science and his key role in the development of the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP).
Workshop Early Photography of the Middle East - In Contact with Collections
On Thursday, May 16, Leiden University Libraries is organizing a workshop on early photography of the Middle East. In the workshop, curator Maartje van den Heuvel shows photos of three adventurous Dutch nineteenth-century travel and photography pioneers. They created beautiful photos and photo albums…
Vietnam on Dutch maps
In 2023, it will be fifty years since Vietnam and the Netherlands established diplomatic relations. This will be commemorated in both countries. At the beginning of November, outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte visited Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. On that occasion Leiden University Libraries will launch…
Roosje Peeters
Faculty of Humanities
Sandra Groeneveld
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
University strengthens ties with Indonesia
The climate crisis, the return of TB and the digitisation of cultural heritage. The Netherlands and Indonesia face many of the same challenges. A visit by a delegation from Leiden University to Indonesia at the end of June highlighted the benefits of cooperation.
Open Educational Resources
Open Educational Resources (OER) are freely accessible and reusable educational materials in various formats. OER can be very valuable for teachers and students alike. On this page, we will discuss exactly what OER are, their advantages and disadvantages, whether certain restrictions may apply, and…
Digitised manuscripts, old prints, photos and maps of Southeast Asia available in Digital Collections
Part of the Leiden University Libraries’ (UBL) collections on Southeast Asia is now available in digital form for research, educational purposes and the general public. The collections consist of manuscripts, old prints, photos and maps of Southeast Asia, which have been made available via Digital Collections.…
Shaping the future with stories from the past
An archaeologist as a modern-day shaman. An unexpected comparison Professor by Special Appointment of Public Archaeology Luc Amkreutz will make in his inaugural lecture.
Exhibition Early Photography of the Middle East
From Persia and Arabia to North Africa: as early as the nineteenth century, there were Dutch people who used the camera themselves in various regions of the Middle East.
Exhibition photographic oeuvre of world traveller Alexine Tinne
In collaboration with the The Hague Historical Museum and photographer Dagmar van Weeghel, Leiden University Libraries (UBL) is the first to present a retrospective exhibition of the photographic oeuvre of Alexine Tinne (1835 – 1869). New research into her life and work is the reason for a reappraisal…
How Leiden University celebrated its first day in 1575
Lifelike gods, provisional professors and the city militia with weapons a clanking. Leiden put on a colourful procession and drummed up hundreds of citizens to celebrate the foundation of the first university of the Republic of the Netherlands on 8 February 1575. 'It wasn't a party just for the sake…
Politics after Pim - a reading list
A flamboyant politician, a divisive figure in the Dutch political landscape and a 'man of the people' who presented himself as an unconventional minister. Exactly twenty years ago today, the Netherlands was shocked to its core by the political murder of Pim Fortuyn. Who was Pim Fortuyn? What were his…
Coming-out day – A reading list
In the past few decades, LGBTQ+ acceptance has come a long way. Coming out, however, is still a difficult experience for many people on a personal level. Everyone’s story is different and not everyone belongs to a clear denomination within the LGBTQ+ spectrum. That is why learning about the personal…
Lingling Wiyadharma Fellows do research in Leiden Special Collections
In November, Leiden University Libraries (UBL) welcomed the first Lingling Wiyadharma Fellows in the Special Collections reading room. Fellows Chin Nyuk Tin, Evi Fuji Fauziyah and Arman AZ are all working on different research projects, yet their goals are the same: building bridges between Southeast…
Philosophy: Global and Comparative Perspectives
Overview of databases, reference works and websites in western languages for research in Comparative Philosophy
Why you (won’t) vote – A reading list
In November, the Dutch will elect a new parliament. Not all eligible citizens will go out and vote, however. How can this be explained, and how big of a problem is it? International research into voter turnout can shed new light on this issue – and offer possible solutions.
Research suggestions
The research suggestions below may be suitable for a bachelor's or master's thesis or can be used as additional source material in ongoing research.
Friendship in poetry - a reading list
How do we view friendship? And how have writers throughout the ages described that unconditional bond of trust in poems and literature? It's Poetry Week! And you guessed it; this year's theme is 'Friendship'. For this reading list, we went through our collections in search of the many ways friendship…
Critical Caribbean Thought on Colonial Legacies
The Caribbean as we know it today is fundamentally a product of colonial activity and globalisation. Practically everyone that inhabits the Caribbean has ancestors from different continents due to colonial activity, which profoundly affects the area to this day. Caribbean writers, both in the Caribbean…
Workshop Early Photography of the Middle East - In Contact with Collections
International Studies: how to write your thesis
This Subject Guide is designed to support students of International Studies with writing their BA thesis and research papers. This guide focuses on the research process, and suggests effective ways to: 1. find a topic and formulate a good research question; 2. search, find and evaluate literature; 3.…
Hanna Swaab
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Japan Studies: General Subject Guide
This Subject Guide is designed to support students of Japan studies at Leiden University in their research process. For every step of the research process, this guide introduces a number of tips and recommended resources. You can find several sub-guides and contacts in the 'quick links' in the tab on…