1,826 search results for “fiscale law” in the Public website
H2OLAW conference: Law-science interfaces within the law of the sea and fresh water law
On 26 and 27 September 2024, Leiden University's Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies hosted the H2OLAW conference entitled 'Law-science interfaces within the law of the sea and fresh water law’. The conference marked the launch of a multi-year research project led by Dr Hilde Woker and Dr…
CUPL delegation welcomed to Leiden Law School
On Friday 28 June 2024, Leiden Law School's Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law welcomed a delegation of administrative law scholars from China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL).
Tanja Masson: Huge changes in space law
For years now, collaboration has been the operative word when it comes to successful space missions. But this can only be achieved with good agreements.
Aviation Law and Policy Series
The book, published by Kluwer Law International, on drones entitled
Vanessa Mak appointed Chair of Civil Law
Vanessa Mak is appointed Professor of Civil Law at Leiden University as of 1 October 2020. She will succeed Professor Jac. Hijma who is retiring.
Co-operation with China on Labour Law
The Leiden University Labour Law Department started a new cooperation with the Law School of the China University of Labor Relations in Beijing. The agreement was signed by Dean prof. Jiang Ying during the visit of her delegation on 19 September 2019 in Leiden. Also Vice-Dean prof. Li Wenpei and Lecturer…
Anna-Alexandra Marhold
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Rehanna Nurmohamed
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
International Labour Law scholars meeting in Leiden
In the Framework of the Leiden Social Justice Chair, a meeting was organised on June 7 and 8 2018 at Leiden University of a international study group of reputed labour law scholars from various countries.
New issue Common Market Law Review
The December 2022 issue of the Common Market Law Review, Vol. 59 No. 6, is now available online.
Temple oaths in Ptolemaic Egypt : a study at the crossroads of law, ethics and religion
Viviana Massa defended her thesis on 16 December 2018.
European Law Master's Ambassadors
Do you have a question about the Europan Law LLM programme? Or would you like to know what it's like to study in Leiden as an international student? Our master's ambassadors are more than happy to answer all your questions. Feel free to send them an email!
Leiden Law Cast #4: Changes to administrative law in the Netherlands with Prof. T. Barkhuysen
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Rogier Kegge speaker at webinar on planning law
On 11 February 2022, the Urban Governance Research Network (Ugovern) organised a webinar ‘Understanding Recent Changes in Belgium and the Netherlands Planning Law’. Rogier Kegge was one of the panel members during the webinar.
Reijer Passchier talks with Yale Law School students on Skype
Students attending Richard Albert’s seminar on constitutional change asked Reijer critical questions about an article he recently wrote with Maarten Stremler.
Christa Tobler speaks at the European Energy Law Seminar 2022
On 24 May 2022, Christa Tobler gave a lecture on 'EU-Swiss Legal Relations: Why do we still not have an Energy Agreement?'
Book launch: Legal Pluralism in European Contract Law
The Institute of Private Law at Leiden University kindly invites you to an online book launch of the book Legal Pluralism in European Contract Law. The author will introduce the theme and summarise the main conclusions of the book, followed by comments from two panelists. Afterwards, there will be a…
ECSL Summer Course on Space, Cyber and Telecommunications Law
One of ECSL’s most successful activities is the ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy, which is open to students of all levels of study, as well as a few young professionals already working in the space or space-related sectors. The course is now in its 31st year and boasts a large family of alumni…
Participating in a European Workshop on Blockchain and the Law
Iris Wuisman and Morshed Mannan of the Company Law department attended a European workshop on blockchain and the law at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence on 30 November 2017- 1 December 2017.
In the media: Martijn Nouwen's research into EU tax body
In het onderzoek van docent Martijn Nouwen wordt voor het eerst aan het grote publiek blootgelegd hoe de ‘geheime’ Europese Gedragscodegroep er niet in is geslaagd om verschillende vormen van schadelijke belastingconcurrentie uit te bannen.
ASML threatening to move abroad for no good reason
De bevolkingsgroei daalt, de fiscale voordelen voor expats zijn niet aantrekkelijk genoeg en te weinig geschikte arbeidskrachten. Peter Wennink van techreus ASML, is niet blij met het ondernemersklimaat in Nederland. ASML dreigt met een vertrek naar het buitenland.
Jessie Pool
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Another Great Year for Leiden Law School in the European Law Moot Court Competition
Leiden University has seen another successful season of the European Law Moot Court Competition come to an end.
1963-1993: Common Market Law Review and the maturation of EU Law Academia
As part of her doctoral studies at the University of Copenhagen, Dr Rebekka Byberg explored the history of the Common Market Law Review from 1963 to 1993 in an engaging article which illustrates the evolution of European law as an academic discipline.
Christopher Dugard
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Bill Schabas
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Jonathan Price
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Armin Cuyvers
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Horst Fischer
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Helena Vrabec
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Jan Michiel Otto
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Joris Larik
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Claire Vergerio
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Bart Schermer
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Ebbe Rogge
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Hendrik Kaptein
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Franke Eleveld
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Daniel Vale
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Gerard Versluis
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Geerten Boogaard
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Carlotta Rigotti
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Misha Plagis
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Tycho de Graaf
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Camille Lefebvre
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Basis for legislation
Globalisation leads to more contradictions between national and international tax norms. It therefore seems necessary to revise the fiscal legislation. This is not only due to the problem posed by multinationals, but also to changing norms regarding tax burden distribution. Fundamental research on the…
Between literature and law: 'Art can show us how law works and what is just'
The interplay between literature and law is what Frans-Willem Korsten wants to address as a brand-new professor of Literature, Culture and Law. That means doing research, but certainly also teaching. 'The Hague is of crucial importance for the humanities.'
Tycho de Graaf appointed Professor of Technology and Private Law
Tycho de Graaf has been appointed Professor of Technology and Private Law at Leiden University as of 1 June 2022.
VvA meeting to focus on transnational labour law
At the meeting of the Dutch Employment Law Association (Vereniging voor Arbeidsrecht, VvA) on 12 March 2024, which Paul van der Heijden moderated as chair, Yvonne Erkens, Daan van Thiel and Bas Rombouts (Tilburg University) outlined the impact of the shift from soft law to hard law within the context…
Jannemieke Ouwerkerk appointed Full Professor of European Criminal Law
As from 1 August 2016 Jannemieke Ouwerkerk will be appointed to the position of Full Professor of European Criminal Law at the Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology of Leiden University. It concerns a full-time position. She will deliver her inaugural lecture on 7 April 2017 at 16.00.
Rick Lawson advises State Commission on Rule of Law
In November 2022, at the request of the House of Representatives, the Dutch Government established the State Commission on the Rule of Law.