1,044 search results for “group op je gezondheid” in the Public website
About us
The Master Honours Classes & Challenges are part of Leiden’s honours education for master’s students. While the Honours Academy is responsible for the practical organisation, the education is coordinated by teachers of all faculties.
Onze vroegste voorouders
De menselijke geschiedenis strekt zich ver uit vóór de tijd waarin de mensen opschreven wat er zoal gebeurde.
Profile 1. State formation in medieval Frisia
Politically speaking, the Frisian coastal area constitutes a special case in late medieval Europe since it was not subject to an overlord as it withstood feudalization in the 13th century. Its many sub regions, which were dominated by elites of small noblemen and freeholders, long time succeeded in…
Profile 4. Monasteries and society in the Northern Netherlands
Since my master's thesis on the landed property of the Frisian monasteries in the Middle Ages I am highly interested in the do ut des-aspects of the relation between religious houses and the lay world. Key words here are: property, power, patronage and the role of religious institutions in the 'salvation…
Political Ideas of B.G. Tilak
On 12 April 2022 Alok Oak successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Thresholds of the audible
In our culture, vocal harmonics function as independent musical elements since only a few decades. Thresholds of the audible explores the changing relationship between singers, listeners and harmonics.
Nog meer wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland
De Nederlandse geschiedenis is nauw verbonden met die van de wereld als geheel. Door migratie, handel en kennisuitwisseling beïnvloedden mensen elkaar over grotere afstanden en intensiever dan we lang dachten. Wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland toonde in meer dan honderd verhalen hoe internationaal de…
De ordinaire kap
Een bouwhistorische studie naar kapconstructies op Leidse huizen tusen 1300 en 1800
Essays on trends in income distribution and redistribution in affluent countries and China
Over the last decades, income inequality has increased globally. How do social policies affect this increasing trend? How do international trade and technological progress affect inequality? What is the profile of income inequality in China?
De eerste mensen in de Lage Landen
Nederland ligt in de periferie van het verhaal van menswording. De evolutie van onze familie vindt lang exclusief in Afrika plaats. En, als Europa eenmaal bewoond wordt door mensachtigen, ligt het zwaartepunt ten zuiden van onze streken. Toch heeft ons land een aantal interessante vindplaatsen en vondsten…
The influence of an improved school library and individual feedback on reading motivation
Global Music: recasting and Rethinking the Popular as Global
Vertrekkend vanuit een communicatief perspectief en concentrerend op mediatiseringsprocessen, formuleert deze dissertatie een alternatief voor het probleem van equivociteit binnen de studie naar populaire muziek.
ILA Study Group UN Sanctions Seminar in Bonn
A preparatory seminar in Bonn leading up to the Annual Meeting in Johannesburg in August of this year
Participation in UN Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics
Last week Esther Kentin participated in the Second Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics organized by UN Environment in Geneva.
Nikki Sterkenburg: Less stigmatization of extreme right-wing groups
In an essay in Dutch magazine 'Vrij Nederland' Nikki Sterkenburg, external PhD candidate at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, discusses how radical and extreme right voices have become mainstream over the last twenty years. Sterkenburg brings up several reasons why the prevailing stigma…
Participation in UN Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics
Last week Esther Kentin participated in the Second Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics organized by UN Environment in Geneva.
Introducing: Project Group The Scholarly Self
In November 2013, three PhD students started in Herman Paul’s VIDI project ‘The Scholarly Self: Character, Habit, and Virtue in the Humanities, 1860-1930’. In this newsletter they introduce themselves.
‘This mentor group will be their new family’
For many a first-year, student life has well and truly begun. This also applies to students in The Hague, who were thrown in at the deep end during the HOP introduction week. We paid them a visit on a sunny afternoon at Landgoed Clingendael.
Voortdurende angst voor het volk
Met de val van Balkenende IV laait de discussie over het functioneren van politieke partijen binnen ons democratisch bestel weer op. Opgeblazen ego’s, overambitieuze politici en partijpolitieke machtspelletjes zouden echte democratie in de weg staan. Maar die discussie is niet nieuw.
Traineeship Huygens ING
Binnen het project eCodicesNL (Huygens ING) kunnen stagiairs aan de slag van februari tot en met mei 2022. Tegen een stagevergoeding van 250 euro per maand mag je handschriftbeschrijvingen in XML-TEI creëren, corrigeren en updaten. Ben je geïnteresseerd? Stuur dan je motivatiebrief en CV voor 11 december…
Minder agressie in gevangenis door soepeler regime
Agressief gedrag van gedetineerden is sterk te verlagen met een aantal aanpassingen in het dagelijkse regime in penitentiaire inrichtingen. Dit blijkt uit de evaluatie van een experiment met een alternatief detentieregime, uitgevoerd door Tilburg University en de Universiteit Leiden.
Entry requirements
We make a distinction between the following types of previous education.
The impact of climate change on groups of people
The socio-economic effects of climate change often do not receive enough attention. At the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) a group of researchers will provide more insight. How does climate change affect whether people work together or conversely end up as opponents? And what can we learn from societies…
Rens Tacoma wins Research Prize Italian Studies Working Group
Associate professor Rens Tacoma has won the 2021 Research Prize for Historical Sciences. The prize is awarded annually by the Italy Studies Working Group for the best scholarly publication in the field of Italy Studies in Dutch or Flemish academia.
Flexibilisation, globalisation and technological change: consequences for labour markets and social security.
This research project is funded by a subsidy from Instituut Gak.
Anja Zonneveld
Chemical Synthesis of Fragments of Streptococcal Cell Wall Polysaccharides
This thesis describes the design and synthesis of fragments of various cell wall carbohydrates of the Streptococcus species, including the branched Group B-specific antigen (GBC) of Group B Streptococcus, glycerol phosphate (GroP) modified group A carbohydrate (GAC), and the O-acetylated type 1 capsular…
Scratching is contagious when solitary orangutans are in groups
If someone around you yawns, the chances are that you too will soon yawn. In orangutans it has now been found that scratching is very contagious. This is what cognitive psychologists from Leiden discovered at Apenheul Primate Park. Publication in American Journal of Primatology.
Prizes for students
Ups and downs for students from year 12 and/or vwo 6 who are selected for the Academic Challenge and the Dutch version of this challenge, the ‘Wetenschapscongres voor vwo’.
LLX Roundtable on the Uber judgment and the Sharing Economy
In a week in which the threat of violent protest against taxi platform Uber made headlines from Athens to Amsterdam, Jorrit Rijpma (Europa Insitute) and Sophia Ranchordás (Groningen University) organised an Leiden Law Exchange (LLX) Roundtable on the recent judgment of the European Court of Justice…
Impact and Relevance
Below some examples of ACPA projects that have a meaningful impact on arts and society. This page will be refreshed every now and then with other projects that exhibit how arts research bears upon our perception, our understanding, and our relationship to the world and other people.
Noord-Brabantse Oudheden
C.R. Hermans (2012). Facsimile-editie van Noordbrabants Oudheden aangevuld met enkele Archeologische Mengelwerken.
Youth and safety
Policy studies and interventions in the field of Youth
Cyber agent technology and intelligence agencies
Cyber agent technology and intelligence agencies is a project that is commissioned by Tracks Inspector, a Dutch company that develops innovative software.
The ‘harpe organisée’, 1720‐1840, Rediscovering the lost pedal techniques on harps with a single‐action pedal mechanism
The “harpe organisée”, 1720-1840: Rediscovering the lost pedal techniques on harps with a single-action pedal mechanism, is the title of Maria Christina Cleary's PhD thesis. This is the first monographic study on harp pedal techniques, tracing the historical way to pedal on the early pedal harps with…
PiP Gemeente Leiden | Ga Goed
Wat zijn de huidige energiekosten en hoe is de comfortbeleving het wooncomfort in een bepaalde groep huurders van woningcorporatie Portaal?
Dutch Centre for Travel Writing Studies
The Dutch Center for Travel Writing Studies s a scientific center that develops and coordinates initiatives to promote research into travel writing. It actively seeks contact with external (scientific and social) partners to collaborate on issues surrounding cultural / national identity, cultural contact…
Theatre & Presentation
The Leiden Academic Course Center offers various theater and presentation courses. For the performing arts courses it is possible to participate in the final presentations at the end of the semester to experience what it is like to be on stage. You learn how to stand, move and change into a role with…
Dagelijks leven in Nederland voor en na het jaar 0
Join-in courses 2024-2025
Join-in courses zijn MA-cursussen over middeleeuwse onderwerpen gegeven binnen vastgestelde MA-programma's van de zes deelnemende universiteiten van de Onderzoekschool. Op aanvraag zijn deze vakken toegankelijk voor studenten van andere (Nederlandse) universiteiten. De cursusbelasting en het aantal…
Winning group CSM debate on Pacifying Police Unit
Governance of crime and social disorder debate on Pacifying Police Unit (UPP) winning lot! In the group presentation in the CSM-elective ‘governance of crime and social disorder’ of teacher Elke Devroe CSM students battled again for the winning lot, namely this blog published in the Leiden University…
The Jewish cemetery of Turnov
Turnov, a town in Northern Bohemia, counting almost 15.000 inhabitants, is situated about 90 kilometers North-East of Prague, in the Semily district. It is the capital of the Bohemian Paradise.
Using a practical teaching model by beginning teachers learning to design lessons.
Beginning teachers often experience difficulties making activating lessons. This study investigates how and if the practical teaching model can offer them a hand in learning to design lessons.
Heritage Linguistics Lab
Platform for research about heritage languages spoken in the Netherlands
Global Fields and Their L-functions
Artin L-functions associated to continuous representations of the absolute Galois group G_K of a global field K capture a lot of information about G_K as well as arithmetic properties of K.
European Grant for Jörg Gross to explore how groups deal with social dilemmas
'I hope to contribute to a better understanding of social dilemmas we constantly face, like those that arise with climate change or the current pandemic,' says social and organisational psychologist Jörg Gross in an interview on his Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC).
Stageplaatsen Universiteit Utrecht
De Utrechtse Universiteitsbibliotheek afdeling Bijzondere Collecties en het NWO-project Citizenship Discourses in the Early Middle Ages hebben ruimte voor vier stagiairs. Je gaat stagelopen bij de UBU Bijzondere collecties en bij het NWO-onderzoeksproject Citizenship Discourses in the Early Middle Ages.…
Meeloopdag - Child & Adolescent Psychology
Study information
Master student Maddalena Centanni awarded with Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize
Former masterstudent Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences Maddalena Centanni will be awarded the 2020 Arenberg Coimbra Prize for Erasmus Students. Centanni spent her six month Erasmus exchange at Uppsala Universiy in Sweden where she looked for ways to improve anti-cancer drug dosing.
Melanie Fink member Coordinating Committee ESIL Interest Group ‘The EU as a Global Actor’
In April 2018, Melanie Fink was elected as a member of the Coordinating Committee of the ESIL Interest Group ‘The EU as a Global Actor’. For the next four years, she will work in that function alongside Christine Kaddous (University of Geneva), Anne Thies (University of Reading), and Ramses Wessel (University…