3,928 search results for “private identities” in the Public website
Towards a sociology of recurrent events: Constellations of cultural change around Eurovision in 18 countries (1981–2021)
In this article, the authors explore the concept of recurrent events, particularly focusing on the Eurovision Song Contest.
The Department of Civil Law teaches and conducts research in the field of civil law. It is responsible for the master’s degree programme Civiel Recht (Civil Law LL.M.) which attracts many students each year from Leiden and elsewhere.
Mapping pre-industrial sanitation infrastructure in the town of Haarlem
The central research question focuses on identifying shifts in the urban social network in terms of private, semi-public and public space by means of mapping the spatial distributions of wells and cesspits in the town of Haarlem in the course of the pre-industrial period (1200-1800). Shifts may be indicative…
Inclusion and exclusion
How do inclusion and exclusion affect people?
Michael Foxcroft
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Development (MSc)
Study why and how, in countries around the world, people mobilize around ethnic, racial, religious and social identities, and explore the role of political institutions in mitigating conflicts that arise from such mobilization.
- Topical Issues in Museums
Let us Live as Hindus
Priya Swamy defended her thesis on 27 October 2016
We navel-string bury here
Landscape history, representation and identity in the Grenada islandscape
Admission and Application
Find out how to apply for ResMA Politics, Culture and National Identities, 1789 to the Present at Leiden University by following our step-by step guide.
About the programme
During the one-year master’s programme in Politics, Culture and National Identities, 1789 to the Present you will be studying an academic field that is an entirely new research area, putting you at the forefront of a new way of thinking about European history.
Research by the Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law covers financial law in a broad sense.
Book recommendation from ... Meike de Goede
Every month a member of the Institute for History tells about a book that inspired him or her. Afterwards, the pen is passed on to another colleague. This month dr. Meike de Goede tells about the book 'Between Tides' by Valentin Mudimbe. The novel, little known beyond the circles of Africanists and…
With our research, we aim to enrich academic and practical knowledge on the governance of sustainability, as well as contribute to public debates on these issues. For that purpose, we strive for diversity in our research subjects, research methods and theoretical approaches. Our research covers different…
Visit the Old Observatory
The Old Observatory is still used intensively as a university building. Yet there is still plenty to see and experience in this beautiful monument. Find out what the possibilities are here.
Public Administration: Multi-Level Governance
The public sector is increasingly a multi-level system, with interactions between public and private actors on the national, sub-national (provinces, regions) and international level and various public, semi-public and private organisations that perform public tasks. In this minor students pay attention…
Unsafe products in e-commerce
European product safety law is one of the focal points of internal market legislation.
Islam in Central Asia: Shrines along the Silk Road
This programme examines cultural space, national identity and the politics of tangible and intangible heritage in Islamic Central Asia.
Foreign Minorities in Babylonia in the 7th–5th Centuries BCE
This PhD project studies immigrant groups in ancient Babylonia and aims at investigating their identities, socioeconomic status, and integration into an ancient multicultural society.
Fixing history: Ancient cultural practices of stone sculpture in central Nicaragua
For three millennia, carved sculptures were ubiquitous among ancient peoples in the Americas. Sculpted in stone, metal or wood, they developed into the well-known totem poles, colossal Olmec heads, royal Maya stelae and golden Inca statues.
Indonesian-Dutch Literature Collective
The aim of the Indonesian-Dutch Literature Collective (which is allied to the Society of Dutch Literature (MNL)) is to support research into the literature of and about the Dutch Indies, from the era of the Dutch East India Company to the present. Starting in 1986, the collective has published its own…
Six questions about the book 'Ruminations' by Tahir Abbas
Tahir Abbas, Professor of Radicalisation Studies at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, is organising a book launch for his new book: 'Ruminations: Framing a sense of self and coming to terms with the other'. The book launch will take place on Thursday 15 December from 16.00-17.00 hrs. at…
Normativity and its sources: Agency, interaction and conflict in a globalizing world
Are there general principles or values that should govern our actions as moral agents and/or as political subjects?
Museums, Heritage and Collections
Museums are powerful and influential institutions in their ability to shape knowledge and contribute to our identity. What we preserve and how we present our collections and heritage is closely connected to our identity and culture. In the multidisciplinary Museums, Heritage and Collections, you'll…
Conflict Resolution
How can we solve value conflicts?
The recording industry and ‘regional’ culture in Indonesia : the case of Minangkabau
This book explores chronologically, for the first time, the representation and redefinition of Indonesia’s regional cultures through recording media, from the introduction of the gramophone record through the current video compact disc (VCD) era, taking as case study the Minangkabau ethnic group.
Exile memories
This subproject examines how memories of flight and persecution shaped new social and religious identities in the Netherlands.
Spectacle and Surveillance: The Making and Unmaking of Collective Visual History
What is the iconography of propaganda specifically as it relates to the historical development of political ideologies in modern Egypt and how was/is this propaganda disseminated among creative fields such as cinema, art, monuments, architecture, and literature?
Child LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers not adequately protected
Queer youths seeking asylum in the Netherlands are not adequately protected. The system that assesses asylum claims lacks child-specific processes and often fails to notice these youths' suffering.
Ana Luísa Orlandi Maryssael de Campos
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Career prospects
The combination of academic and professional skills taught in the CSM prepares you for a wide variety of careers in the rapidly expanding domain of security and crisis management, including public or private sector and policy-making positions.
Access to Justice in Indonesia
How do poor and disadvantaged Indonesians address the injustices they face in daily life and how can their situation be improved?
- Topics of Discussion
About the programme
Criminal Justice as a concept refers to the system of practices and institutions of governments directed at upholding social control, deterring and mitigating crime, or sanctioning those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts. While the definition seems rather clear-cut,…
Career prospects
With an MSc degree in Governance of Sustainability you are well prepared for a broad array of career prospects in the field of sustainability, such as working with or for governments, at consultancies or continuing your academic research.
Lobbying for Brazil and Taiwan – lobby groups to the Companies and the States General
How did free agents cooperate with the VOC and the WIC, through lobbying for private interests within the Companies as well as at the highest political levels?
Etrusco ritu
Case Studies in Etruscan Ritual Behaviour
- GTGC Global Justice and Human Rights & Identities and Inequalities seminar
Intimate Legal Interactions
Intimate Legal Interactions (ILI) is an interdisciplinary and international group of scholars who share an interest in laws governing intimate relationships – such as marriage and civil partnership, divorce, birth, death, parenthood, childcare, sexual/romantic relationships, and caring relationships…
Credit rating agency liability in Europe
On 28 January 2021, Dorine Verheij defended her thesis 'Credit rating agency liability in Europe'. THe doctoral research was supervised by Prof. M. Haentjens and Prof. A.G. Castermans.
Benefit for all – An ecosystem for a healthy lifestyle
The BENEFIT programme is a public-private ecosystem in a national consortium, aiming to support patients with cardiovascular diseases in their own home setting for a long-term healthy lifestyle.
- Welcome to the WIIS Netherlands blog!
Reframing the Diplomat. Ernst van der Beugel and the Cold War Atlantic Community
In Reframing the Diplomat Albertine Bloemendal offers a unique window onto the unofficial dimension of Cold War transatlantic relations by analyzing the diplomatic role of the Dutch Atlanticist Ernst van der Beugel as a government official and as a private diplomat.
Change leadership in times of crisis
Explaining cutback management strategies in public sector organisations: change leadership in times of crisis. How does the publicness of organisations affect the choice and implementation of cutback management strategies?
Lindley Murray (1745–1826), Quaker and Grammarian
In this dissertation, a comprehensive portrait of the American-born Quaker Lindley Murray (1745–1826) is painted and the influence of Murray’s Quakerism on his language use is investigated by analyzing a corpus of 262 of his unpublished private letters.
DRIVE: Social inclusion against polarisation
What are the main issues leading to polarisation and division? What is the role of social exclusion in these processes? How can we inform and design better policies to safeguard young people from falling prey to intolerance and polarisation? The DRIVE project, led by Leiden University in The Hague,…
The Faculty of Law has five institutes:
Mass harm in European Private law
- Resources
Of Marks and Men
Daniel Soliman defended his thesis on 15 September 2016.