1,569 search results for “legal ethics” in the Public website
Alumna Anne Marie van Rietschoten on the importance of ethics and making a contribution
If it was up to alumna and member of the Advisory Board Anne Marie van Rietschoten, philosophy and ethics would be part of the standard curriculum for a law degree. In our monthly flash interview with alumni, Anne Marie explains why she believes this is so important.
Strategies for the Evaluation and Assessment of Ocean based Carbon Dioxide Removal (SEAO2-CDR)
What are the key technical, social, regulatory, economic, and ethical considerations for scaling up ocean-based Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) approaches, and what integrated assessment frameworks and governance structures are needed to facilitate their implementation at scale?
About the program
In 2020, Leiden University launched its stimulated interdisciplinary programs, including one focused on regenerative medicine.
Euthanasia as a legal question
In the Netherlands, euthanasia has no longer been a criminal offence since 2002. The practice is governed by very strict conditions. Nonetheless, the legal issues surrounding it are still the focus of heated discussion, according to Leiden professors. They are discussing the issue on 18 March during…
4th Leiden Socio-Legal Lecture – Constitutions and Ethnography by Prof. Scheppele
On Friday January 13 between 13.00 - 15.00 (room C 1.04 of the Old Observatory) there will be another Leiden Socio-Legal Lecture, entitled 'Constitutional Ethnography, Counter-Constitutions, and the Study of Form, Sediment and Trajectory'.
- Public Ethics Talks
First professionals obtained their certificates Legal Technologies: ‘It was intensive, fun, and enlightening’
Last week, the first seven professionals successfully completed the new Leiden Legal Technologies Programme (LLTP). They received their certificates during a festive ceremony. Smiling faces all around for founder Jaap van den Herik, Programme Director Nikol Hopman, and The Hague alderman Saskia Bruines.…
Decision-free municipality administration causes loophole in legal protection
Municipalities are increasingly attempting to solve problems without issuing decisions. A notification procedure (notification – investigation – application – decision) has recently been introduced that replaces part of the traditional application procedure. Ymre Schuurmans, Professor of Constitutional…
Criminal- and criminological issues from an Interaction between Legal Systems’ perspective
Last Thursday, the April edition of the ILS Lunch Seminars took place. This well attended seminar featured criminal- and criminological issues from an Interaction between Legal Systems’ perspective, with presentations from Adriano Martufi and Marco Stam.
Looking back at ‘Interaction between Legal Systems 2.0: Reflections at the halfway point’
On Thursday 21 February 2019, the successful event ‘Interaction between Legal Systems 2.0: Reflections at the halfway point’ took place. The day’s events brought together the ILS 2.0 research profile areas of ‘SOLID: Solidarity Under Strain’ and ‘Policing the high seas: maritime law enforcement’.
Ethical lobbying is a skill that can be learned: discover how at the Night of the Lobbyist
How ethical are lobbyists? On the Night of the Lobbyist on 23 January, academics and practitioners will come together to discuss lobbying and democracy. We asked associate professor of public administration Toon Kerkhoff five questions about the world of lobbying and integrity.
EUREX: European Registry of Exonerations to learn from miscarriages of justice
The European Registry of Exonerations database provides an overview of miscarriages of justice in Europe with a view to preventing future errors.
(after) care for vulnerable young adults? A study into the current legal possibilities for vulnerable young adults who have dealt with (a) child
Is the current existing legal framework on compulsory and voluntary care - for vulnerable young adults (between the ages of 18 to 23) - in need of revision? And if so, what kind of amendments would be advisable?
Data use, online consumer needs, business strategies and regulatory response
This project aims to explore and examine the factors that impact upon the efficacy of information disclosure duties pertaining to customer data use in online business.
Brenda de Groot
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Human Rights and Climate Change
It is difficult to deny the value and importance of human rights, and yet their application in the context of climate change is increasingly contested. While some argue that it is difficult to establish the violation of human rights by climate change processes, others contend that human rights are anthropocentric,…
The 1st Indonesian-Australian-Netherlands Socio-Legal Studies Conference
The international conference “Legal Reform in Indonesia: towards Justice” will be held on 6-7 September 2017 at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Museum Lab
The Dutch museum landscape is among the most forward-thinking worldwide, in terms of innovations in engaging diverse audiences and stakeholders. Building on the museum studies and art history programmes at Leiden University, the Museum Lab furthers students’ engagement with museums.
Workshop at the NIMAR in Rabat: The socio (legal) study of migration in Morocco
Hosted at the Netherlands Institute in Morocco (NIMAR) in Rabat on 26 and 27 October, 20 junior and senior empirical researchers who all work on migration in Morocco came together to discuss two important topics that are frequently neglected in migration scholarship. The researchers were from different…
Gaza legal proceedings: gains and necessity
Legal action relating to the situation in Gaza is now being taken in various countries and courts around the world. In a podcast for ‘NPO-Radio1’, Larissa van Herik, Professor of Public International Law, outlines what is gained from these cases and the relationship between law, activism and politic…
Successful 57th Leiden London meeting on legal issues of agencies in the EU legal order
On Saturday 30 June 2018, the Europa Institute hosted the 57th Leiden-London Meeting, with the overall title: “Agencies, Accountability and Association: Legal issues of agencies in the EU legal order and in relations with neighbouring States”.
Final conference international NUFFIC project Strengthening Legal Education in Eastern Indonesia (SLEEI) on 28-29 March in Mataram, Lombok
Leiden University’s Van Vollenhoven Institute has cooperated for nearly three years in the SLEEI project with Indonesian partners. Next week SLEEI will present its main results on 28 March, including a course development handbook, and several teaching guides written by local law lecturers trained in…
Legal tips for social media influencers
On 11 January 2019, Maastricht University and the University of Groningen hosted a workshop on the regulation of social media influencers.
What is happening on the shop floor? Executive Board visits the Institute of Tax Law and Economics
Each scientific institute has its own dynamics. The Executive Board is visiting the different institutes to find out what is going on there. On 11 March, staff at the Institute of Tax Law and Economics talked to the Board about their teaching and research. What is going well and what are the challen…
Marieke Baldee
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Sanne van Can
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Legal Implications of Airport Privatization in India
On Thursday 24 November 2016 Moses George will defend his PhD dissertation ‘Legal Implications of Airport Privatization in India’. The defence will commence at 11.15 hrs, in the Academy Building of Leiden University. The Supervisors are Professor Pablo Mendes De Leon and Professor Brian F. Havel (DePaul…
Programme structure
The programme International Civil and Commercial Law is multi-layered, with different levels of practice. Read more about the programme structure
eLaw – Center for Law and Digital Technologies
Leader in law and technology education and research since 1985.
Jan Vleggeert and Jan van de Streek on ethics and tax law
If we want tax evasion to become a thing of the past then there has to be more balance in how tax advisers are educated, according to tax professors Jan Vleggeert and Jan van de Streek.
Melanie Fink
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Katrien Klep
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Victor Meijers
Renske Janssen
Faculty of Humanities
Geerten Boogaard
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Maryla Klajn
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
One Among Zeroes |0100| Towards an Anthropology of Everyday AI in Islam
The |0100| Project studies the discourses, practices and imaginaries of Islamic information society’s most debated component- Artificial Intelligence- using multimodal and mixed methods and comparing and contrasting narratives and imagery of AI-religious-futures in Muslim Southeast Asia.
Prioritizing Global Responsibilities: The Ethics of Global Priority-setting
Assessing Learning in Higher Education
Assessing Learning in Higher Education addresses what is probably the most time-consuming part of the work of staff in higher education, and something to the complexity of which many of the recent developments in higher education have added. Getting assessment ‘right’– that is, designing and implementing…
RESOCIAL at Digital Legal Talks 2024
The Digital Legal Talks (DLT) conference is part of the Dutch Sector Plan Law, which is a key component of the broader Sector Plan Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). This initiative represents a collaborative effort between Tilburg University, the University of Amsterdam, Radboud University Nijmegen,…
Hellenistic economic thought
This subproject of 'From Homo Economicus to Political Animal' analyzes Greek economic thinking of the Hellenistic period.
From Leiden tot Delaware: How empirical legal research on valuation biases was used in a US courtroom
In a Leiden Law Blog, lab member Niek Strohmaier and Marc Broekema describe how their research on valuation biases was used by the Delaware Court of Chancery in a recent valuation dispute involving telecom giant AT&T.
Scientists have morals too
A group of early career scientists have written a code of ethics through an initiative of the World Economic Forum. Chemist and co-author Sander van Kasteren explains its importance: ‘We want to show that we scientists have our own inherent morals too, and that we too are part of society.’
eLaw workshop at the Big Data Value Forum in Versailles
On November 22nd 2017 eLaw co-organized with partners of the e-SIDES project a workshop on the ethical, legal and socio-economic implications of big data.
Vacancy: Postdoc & PhD's legal history (Tilburg)
The ERC-project CaPANES (Causal Pattern Analysis of Economic Sovereignty) is looking for a postdoctoral researcher and two PhD's. This project addresses economic sovereignty of commercial cities in the period of c. 1400-c. 1620. Deadline for applications: November 4.
Three main results of VVI’s Strengthening Legal Education in Eastern Indonesia (SLEEI)
Although fighting the culture of top-down education and stimulating lecturers’ confidence to adapt courses to local context priorities is no easy job to complete in three years, the “SLEEI inheritance” already has three main components.
Vacancy Postdoctoral Researcher Legal History (Tilburg University)
For the project ‘Professionals and the People’ Tilburg University is looking for a historian with a PhD with passion for archival research. The postdoc will investigate the administrative culture and the functioning of urban civil servants in the Low Countries during the late Middle Ages and Early Modern…
COST Action grant for Bart Custers
The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) has awarded a network grant for the project GoodBrother. On behalf of Leiden University, Bart Custers, professor of Law & Data Science and director of eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies, contributed to writing this proposal.
eLaw workshop at the Big Data Value Forum in Versailles
On November 22nd 2017, eLaw - the Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, will co-organize a workshop on the ethical, legal and socio-economic implications of big data together with partners of the e-SIDES project.
Call for abstracts: Virtuous suffering: New perspectives on the Ethics of Suffering for Critical Global Health and Justice
Can suffering be positive? Currently dominant discourses, primarily voiced through human rights activism and humanitarianism, maintain the opposite: suffering, mentally and physically, has to be avoided and where it exists, it has to be reduced.