1,180 search results for “gerais interventions” in the Public website
Neurodevelopmental risks in young children with an extra X or Y chromosome
This longitudinal study is focused on neurodevelopmental problems in young children with XXY, XXX and XYY, aged 1 to 6 years.
Change Laboratories
Effective innovation methodologies which lead to sustainable educational transformation require room for the development of teacher agency and at same time solve systemic problems. The Change Laboratory methodology combines both.
Applied Neuroscience in Human Development (MSc)
Are you interested in the neurocognitive and biological roots of learning, behaviour and emotions in children? If so, the programme in Applied Neuroscience in Human Development might be the specialisation you are looking for.
Learning Problems and Impairments (international track) (MSc)
This master specialization offers you a combination of theories about learning problems and impairments and intervention and prevention strategies from a developmental perspective.
Career prospects
A master's degree in Psychology at Leiden University combines theoretical knowledge with academic and professional skills, making you an attractive candidate for many employers.
Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas
For a first time the atlas maps the soil biodiversity of the entire planet, and provide s comprehensive analysis of human-induced threats to soil organisms and soil functioning, facilitating development of new policies to protect soil and soil organisms.
Thalia Hoffman
Thalia Hoffman is a visual artist and researcher working in film, video, performance, and public interventions in the area she lives in, east of the Mediterranean. In 2020 she graduated from the Leiden University PhDArts programme, with the thesis Guava, a conceptual platform for art-actions.
Linking quantum technology to society
How can we connect quantum technology and society for an open debate on its future implications and applications?
The power of positive peers for socially anxious youth
Can positive peer feedback break the cycle of negative self-relevant cognitive processes and reduce self-reported anxiety in early adolescents?
Land rights and access to land survey in Timor-Leste - a tool for evidence-based policy and advocacy
Develop a tool to assess land tenure, access to land and, and land tenure conflict in Timor-Leste
The programme group Parenting, Child Care and Development carries out general courses within the field of Education and Child Studies and specialised courses within the field of Child and Family Science.
Research projects
An overview of research themes and projects at ABS.
Clinical and Health Psychology (research) (MSc)
The research master’s specialisation Clinical and Health Psychology prepares you for a PhD trajectory.
Psychophysiological responses to stress and stress management
The major aim is to determine the psychophysiological responses to stress and stress-management interventions and to examine the role of stress and stress-related psychophysiological mechanisms (e.g., cognitions, behaviors, and physiological stress responses) in both healthy and medical populations.
Parenting, Child Care and Development
The programme group Parenting, Child Care and Development studies how parents and other educators affect children's development, well-being and health. The emphasis is on the child's social, emotional and cognitive development and prevention of problems in these areas.
Research in the BioTherapeutics research programme is aimed at a smoother and speedier transition from preclinical research to pharmacological interventions, and the delivery of drugs in the human body by use of small molecules and biologics.
The programme group Educational Sciences is one of the six programme groups within the Institute of Child and Education Studies at Leiden University.
A python3 package to create and analyze Circular Economy scenarios.
Executive deficits, behavioural problems and early reading development
This study tests whether behavioural problems at a young age are related to early reading and mathematics development.
Preventing Violent Extremism
This online advanced summer programme of Leiden University and ICCT focuses on the field of preventing, detecting and responding to violent extremism and gives insight in the opportunities and challenges of various approaches.
Immunity, Infection and Tolerance
The LUMC has a longstanding tradition researching the role of the immune system in infectious diseases, transplantation and auto-immune diseases.
Development of novel metabolomics & systems pharmacology concepts to realize personalized medicine
The predication of the effect (efficiency and toxicity) of a drug in a patient is very important in (i) clinical decision support and (ii) the development of novel drug treatments.
Raja Ampat Ritual Art
Spirit priests and ancestor cults in new guinea's far west
Conflict Resolution
How can we solve value conflicts?
Biomedical Imaging
The rapid advances in imaging technology enable to see inside the body with ever increasing detail.
New Perspectives on Desistance Theoretical and Empirical Developments
This book brings together a collection of emergent research that moves the debate on desistance beyond a general consideration of individual and social structural influences.
Lab facilities Health, Medical and Neuropsychology
Psycho-physiological studies for health and disease.
Translational Neuroscience
Within the LUMC medical research profile Translational Neuroscience innovative multidisciplinary research is performed on a number of severe disorders of the brain, nerves and muscles.
- Media and events
Deployment still affects veterans ten years later
Ten years later, a group of veterans still struggle daily with the effects of their deployment to Afghanistan. Sanne van der Wal, a PhD candidate at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), conducted research into the effects of PTSD.
Human support in eHealth lifestyle interventions
PhD defence
Experimental optical imaging during pancreatic cancer interventions
PhD defence
Emotional Labour in the Borderlands: A new perspective on ethno-racial profiling
What impact does ethnic profiling and accusations of ethnic profiling have on organizations and the border police officers working at the operational level, and what structural factors on the societal and organizational level contribute to the process of ethnic profiling? Over a period of three years…
Study programme
The EG track is built on the foundation of MPA courses in which you gain understanding of the complexities of public institutions and acquire advanced academic skills. Specialisation courses focus on the welfare state, markets and competition, and political economy.
Our team
Researchers from five different discplines work together in this interdisciplinary initiative.
Violence and Violence Prevention
The Research Group 'Violence and Violence Prevention' studies interpersonal violence. We seek to better understand the dynamics underlying interpersonal conflict.
Development and evaluation of evidence based self-help and online programs for people with a somatic stressor and depressive symptoms
What is the effectiveness of (booklet or online) self-help programmes for people with somatic stressors and depressive symptoms? What works best for whom? How to improve motivation and adherence?
@School Project
Some children and adolescents find it hard to attend school because of anxiety and/or depression, a problem which is often referred to as school refusal. The main research question is how we can best help these young people reduce their emotional distress and increase their school attendance in order…
From Conflict Termination to Peacemaking: Role and Contours of a Contemporary Jus Post Bellum (or The Jus Post Bellum Project)
Should the law and norms applicable to armed conflict include a distinct category covering the transition from armed conflict to peace, jus post bellum, and if so what are its characteristics?
Examining teachers’ development during a school innovation: stimulating differentiated student talent development
How do teachers’ knowledge, practices, perceptions, job satisfaction and workload in secondary education develop during a school innovation in the context of differentiated student development?
Programme structure
The research master's specialisation Clinical and Health Psychology consists of five main parts: the general courses, the specialisation-specific courses, the elective courses, a research internship and a thesis.
Making migration and migration policy decisions amidst societal transformations (PACES)
PACES is an innovative, inter-disciplinary and multi-level research project that asks, How do changes in society, individual life experiences and migration policy shape decisions to stay or to migrate over time and across countries? And how can this knowledge inform future migration policies and gov…
Violent extremism
This online advanced summer programme, organised together with the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT), provides insight into the opportunities and challenges of various approaches to prevent, detect and respond to violent extremism.
A Catalyst for Justice? The International Criminal Court in Uganda, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of Congo
Since its inception, a central preoccupation of and for the International Criminal Court (ICC) has been the nature of its relationship to national jurisdictions. Complementarity—the idea that the Court is intended to supplement, not supplant, national jurisdictions—has been the dominant juridical logic…
Topic: Novelty and enrichment
One of the most crucial aspects of our behaviour is our motivation to explore novel environments and interact with new people. This became painfully clear during the COVID-19 lockdowns, when many people suffered from lack of new experiences and real-life social interactions. The relevance of novelty…
Historical roots of educational thinking
What is the origin of educational ideas, e.g., the idea that intervention in infancy has long-lasting effects on development.
Do internationally adopted children in the Netherlands use more medication than their non-adopted peers?
Adoptees in the Netherlands generally do not use more medication than their non-adopted peers.
Pleidooi voor een lekenrenaissance
On 5 February 2019, Alain Vannieuwenburg defended his thesis 'Pleidooi voor een lekenrenaissance'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. dr. P.B. Cliteur.
Chemical Biology
Chemical biology research at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry is aimed at understanding biological processes at the molecular level to strengthen the knowledge base of human health and disease. The approach to achieve this goal is a fundamental chemical one; with the aid of chemical probes biological…
IIAFSARS - Identification of irregular archaeological features in northern South America forest using remote sensing methods
Researchers using remote sensing technologies have characterized pre-Columbian regularly-shaped earthworks in forests in Central America and the Amazon. In tropical forested mountains in South America, two challenges arise when identifying archaeological sites through remote sensing. Firstly, sites…