2,218 search results for “den have” in the Public website
Ed van den Berg appointed as interim Executive director
Ed van den Berg, MBA, will succeed Dirkje Schinkelshoek from 1 September as interim member of the Faculty Board of the Science Faculty, responsible for operational management.
Jaap van den Herik wins Humies Award 2014
The paper Genetic Algoriths for Evolving Computer Chess Programs by Omid E. David, Jaap van den Herik, Moshe Koppel, Nathan S. Netanyahu has won the Humies Award 2014 (human-competitive results produced by genetic and evolutionary computation).
Larissa van den Herik beëdigd als rechter-plaatsvervanger
Hoogleraar Internationaal recht bij het Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Larissa van den Herik is in augustus 2024 beëdigd als rechter-plaatsvervanger bij de Rechtbank Den Haag.
Den Haag Draait Door: working together to solve urban problems
On Thursday the 29th of October, Kennis Maken Den Haag organises the third edition of Den Haag Draait Door. In this online talk show, experts and policymakers will discuss problems that exist in the city of The Hague. During this edition, as usual, students, researchers and residents from the region…
Jaap van den Herik in Advisory Board WODC
As of January 2017, LCDS-director Jaap van den Herik has been appointed member of the Advisory Board of WODC.
Publication monograph Frank den Hollander and Anton Bovier
The monograph
Dissertation Yannick van den Brink awarded FJR Prize 2018
Dr. Yannick van den Brink’s PhD thesis, titled ‘Pre-trial detention in the Dutch juvenile justice system’, has been awarded the FJR Prize 2018.
Onzekerheid bij Professionals in Wijkteams
De decentralisaties van de zorg aan langdurig zieken en ouderen, jeugdzorg, en werk en inkomen die vanaf 2015 zijn doorgevoerd in Nederland hebben geleid tot een transitie van een centraal naar een lokaal stelsel van zorg en welzijn. Deze transitie beoogt zorg en ondersteuning dichter bij de inwoners…
ACPA offers new minor in collaboration with Filmhuis Den Haag
The Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) offers a new minor from September 2022: Creative Strategies for a Society in Change (CSSC).
Boekpresentatie: 'Woodcuts as Reading Guides' (Den Haag, 16 februari)
Op vrijdag 16 februari wordt het boek "Woodcuts as Reading Guides: How Images Shaped Knowledge Transmission in Medical-Astrological Books in Dutch (1500-1550)", geschreven door Andrea van Leerdam, bij de KB gepresenteerd. De presentatie is gratis en voor iedereen toegankelijk. Wel is het nodig om te…
Den style pitching competition took place at PLNT in Leiden.
On Wednesday the 31st of October, a Dragon’s Den style pitching competition took place at PLNT in Leiden. Seven teams pitched their business ideas to a panel of potential investors, consisting of experts in the field of entrepreneurial finance (such as a representative from Symbid, one of the first…
View from abroad... Stephanie van den Akker visits North Korea
'If a local dares to speak to you, do interact, but mind what you say.' This was the advice given to Stephanie van den Akker, second-year student of International Studies, during her visit to North Korea. And yes, one local did actually speak to her, leaving her completely speechless.
Alice Walker receives prestigious Lincoln’s Inn Lord Denning Scholarship
The LLM programme is proud to announce that former student Alice Walker, graduate of the ‘20 class, received the Lord Denning Scholarship offered by Lincoln’s Inn for 2021-2022.
6 november: Master's Information Day Campus Den Haag
The Master’s Information Day Leiden University – Campus The Hague will be held on 6 November. The presentations will be given at the Schouwburgstraat 2 in The Hague.
COVID-crisis of COVID-kans? Adaptief en lerend bestuur in het LUMC en de regio
Covid-19 is een disruptieve ontwikkeling die hier en nu veel vraagt van zorgprofessionals, bestuurders en managers. Hoewel de crisis nog volop bezig is, is nu al duidelijk dat het Coronavirus een blijvende impact zal hebben op zorginstellingen en fundamentele vragen oproept over hoe we onze zorg optimaal…
Special annex dedicate to Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs in 'Den Haag Centraal'
On Thursday 8 September, the Hague newspaper 'Den Haag Centraal' issued a special annex dedicated to the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs.
Jaap van den Herik in Universiteit van Vlaanderen podcast on computers in the courtroom
Can a computer give just as good a judgment as a judge? Professor emeritus Law and IT believes it can and talks about using computers in the courtroom in a podcast of the Universiteit van Vlaanderen.
DEN Award for Streaming the Past project: 'A truly innovative way to engage with new audiences'
Back in 2021, the project Streaming the Past, an NWA funded project ran by Leiden University and the VALUE Foundation, launched to take a young audience back to the past through video games on the popular streaming platform Twitch. Now, the project is lauded with a DEN Award, issued by the organisation…
Bibi van den Berg about the Dutch brain drain in Cyber security
Bibi van den Berg, Professor of Cyber Security Governance at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), has been interviewed by Financieel Dagblad (FD) and BNR Nieuwsradio about the considerable shortage of cyber security specialists in the Netherlands. Van den Berg warns of a brain drain,…
Bibi van den Berg in Nu.nl about the new European Privacy Act
From 25 May, a new European privacy law will apply. Companies and authorities must deal with personal data in a clearer and safer manner. Bibi van den Berg, Professor of Cyber Security Governance at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), tells in Nu.nl what the law entails and about the…
Bibi van den Berg about the digital war between Russia and the Ukraine
The war between Russia and Ukraine plays out not only physically but also digitally. Van Den Berg, Professor of Cybersecurity Governance at the FGGA, talked about it at several news outlets.
Leiden Professor Cees van den Hondel appointed ‘Officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau’
Cees van den Hondel, IBL-professor and 2010 Programme director of the Fungus programme of the Kluyver Centre received the royal distinction
Larissa van den Herik: The term genocide in political usage is problematic
After Zelensky and Putin, President Biden has also used the word ‘genocide’. We should not use the term genocide too loosely, says Professor of Public International Law Larissa van den Herik.
Experience Day Public Administration Bachelor
Study information, Experience Day
Yannick van den Brink presents in Brussels about EU Directive on children in criminal proceedings
On 25 September 2018, Dr. Yannick van den Brink, gave a presentation during an expert meeting on the EU Directive on procedural safeguards for children who are suspects or accused persons in criminal proceedings. Van den Brink was invited by the European Commission of the European Union.
Bibi van den Berg on the necessity of a Delta Programme Cyber Security
On Monday 9 September, the Dutch Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) published its report 'Voorbereidingen op digitale ontwrichting' (Preparing for digital disruption). The report shows that our infrastructure is not secure enough to withstand digital threats and that we are lacking a clear…
Yannick van den Brink awarded NWO Rubicon grant to conduct research at University of Cambridge
Dr Yannick van den Brink, Assistant Professor at the Department of Child Law, has been awarded a grant from the Rubicon programme of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) to conduct research for a period of eighteen months at the University of Cambridge, Institute of Criminology,…
Stefaan Van den Bogaert and Armin Cuyvers speak and moderate Ambassadors forum on ASEAN Conference
On 2 and 3 September 2016, the International Conference on ASEAN Development (ICAD) 2016 took place in Leiden. The conference aimed to draw comparative lessons from the EU for the development of the ASEAN Economic Community, which was launched in 2015.
Yannick van den Brink participates in live webinar ‘Pre-Trial Detention of Children in India’
On 27 January 2020, Dr Yannick van den Brink, Assistant Professor at the Department of Child Law, participated in a live webinar titled ‘Pre-Trial Detention of Children in India’.
Bibi van den Berg discusses hotel websites leaking client information on Dutch NPO Radio 1
Research by cyber security company Symantec shows that two-thirds of the hotels worldwide are unwittingly leaking client information to third parties. These data leaks providing booking information could cause several security risks.
Henk Hulshof and Yannick van den Brink in Mongolia for juvenile justice conference
On 22 November 2018, Henk Hulshof and dr. Yannick van den Brink from the Department of Child Law participated in a juvenile justice conference in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The central theme of the conference was ‘establishing a child-friendly criminal justice system in Mongolia’.
offers renewed training programme for council members at congress in Den Bosch
Minister Kajsa Ollongren has offered the new training programme for council members at the congress for council members in Den Bosch. The training program is compiled by the Centre for Professional Learning at Leiden University in The Hague, and is made available to all (new) council members by the…
Yannick van den Brink participated in live webinar ‘Child Pre-trial Detention’
On 20 May 2019, Dr Yannick van den Brink, Assistant Professor at the Department of Child Law, participated in a live webinar titled ‘Child Pre-trial Detention. A Global Movement to Reduce Length of Stay’, together with colleagues from the United States and Mexico.
Bert van den Berg on The Conversation: "Ancient scroll reveals new story of Plato’s death"
University Lecturer Bert van Den Berg shares about the recent research by The Greek Philosophical Schools project in Italy. The research sheds new light on the life and death of Plato.
Larissa van den Herik new General Director Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law
The Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law is the leading general series for monographs in international law which will celebrate its 70th anniversary next year.
Yannick van den Brink appointed Assistant Professor at the Child Law Department
Y.N. (Yannick) van den Brink (LL.M, MA) will be appointed Assistant Professor at the Child Law Department of the Leiden Law School as of 1 August 2016.
first ILS Lunch Seminar of 2019 with Beryl ter Haar and Yannick van den Brink
The ILS Lunch seminars bring colleagues and students from Leiden Law School together, providing an informal setting to hear what researchers from other research programs and institutes are working on. On Thursday 14 February, the first edition of the ILS Lunch Seminar series of 2019 takes place. This…
Wouter den Hollander defends his PhD Thesis De relativiteit van wettelijken normen
On Wednesday 22 June 2016 Wouter den Hollander will defend his PhD Thesis De relativiteit van wettelijke normen ('The Relativity of Statutory Provisions'). The public defence starts at 16.15 hours in the Academy Building.
value of Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities: interview with Dean Wim van den Doel
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities will celebrate its tenth anniversary in 2022. In recent years, the alliance has expanded to include centres and new programmes as well as a curriculum of its own. What do the next ten years have in store?
Masterclass rechtbank Den Haag: ‘Elke rechter doet het op zijn eigen manier’
Twaalf rechtenstudenten krijgen tot maart 2025 de kans om achter de schermen te kijken bij rechtbank Den Haag via het Honours College Law-vak ‘Masterclass rechtbank Den Haag’. Studenten Quinten Heerma en Eva Verdellen delen hun ervaringen met deze Masterclass.
Wim van den Doel: 'Many regional solutions are also applicable worldwide'
What will be the focus of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus strategic alliance in the next few years? Wim van den Doel, the new Chair of LDE, talks about his vision for the future of the alliance, social issues and the reality of academic collaboration.
Elizabeth den Hartog: ‘I always knew I wanted to go into academia’
Art historian Elizabeth den Hartog has been studying medieval sculpture at Leiden University for 32 years. Like a detective, she searches buildings, books and archives in the hunt for the cultural meaning of unique sculptures.
Leiden Law Cast #7: Law and computers with Professor Jaap van den Herik
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Yannick van den Brink gives key note speech in Valencia about children’s rights and youth justice
On 12 December 2019, Dr Yannick van den Brink, assistant professor at the Department of Child Law and Rubicon Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, gave a keynote speech at the conference ‘Strengthening Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe’, which was organised in Valencia, Spain.
Leiden Law Cast: Law and computers with Professor Jaap van den Herik
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Stephanie Rap and Yannick van den Brink presented at the EU Forum on the Rights of the Child in Brussels
Stephanie Rap and Yannick van den Brink, both assistant professor at the Department of Child Law, presented their research at the 11th EU Forum on the rights of the child: Children deprived of their liberty and alternatives to detention, which took place in Brussels from 6 to 8 November 2017.
Monica den Boer appointed as endowed professor Police Studies: ‘The blue line in my life’
Monica den Boer, who has decades of experience within police and defence and was also active as a Member of Parliament (D66), has been appointed extraordinary professor of Police Studies.
Jessica den Oudsten wins the eighth Uitgeverij Verloren/ Johan de Witt thesis award
Jessica den Oudsten won this year’s Uitgeverij Verloren/Johan de Witt thesis award for history with her master’s thesis, entitled
Monique van den Dries' Leiden Experience: 'Usually I end up with (too) many ideas and running projects'
Heritage expert Monique van den Dries has a long history with our Faculty. She did her studies and PhD in Leiden, and before returning to academia in 2008, she worked in heritage management for nearly 15 years. This has, given her a unique insight in the world outside of academia. ‘I want to literally…
Campus Den Haag hosts 'On Campus' Experience Days
Last Saturday, Wijnhaven Campus and the Anna van Buerenplein were the setting for the first 'on campus' Experience Days in The Hague since the restrictive measures in higher education were introduced in March 2020. Spread over the day, some 200 students visited the campus to delve deeper into the 3…