1,003 search results for “defence” in the Staff website
Why is higher education not making more use of Open Educational Resources?
In higher education, Open Educational Resources (OER) are available for anyone to use, but they are not widely used. Marjon Baas, PhD student at ICLON, investigated how instructors deal with OER. Defence on 5 October.
61st Leiden-London Meeting on the EU’s strategic autonomy
On Saturday 25 June, the Europa Institute of Leiden University hosted the 61st Leiden-London Meeting, an annual event organized jointly by the Europa Institute and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL). This year’s meeting had “Interdependence, cooperation and strategic…
Police face complex challenges: ‘Uphold the rule of law’
The Dutch police face complex challenges, from organised crime and polarisation to digitalisation and new forms of crime. To deal with this effectively, they need innovation and intensive collaboration, says Professor by Special Appointment of Police Studies, Monica den Boer, in her inaugural lectur…
A quick call on the war in Ukraine: 'Putin has made a diplomatic end almost impossible'
The war in Ukraine is entering a new phase with the announcement of a partial Russian military mobilisation and the intention to annex four Ukrainian regions. Why is Putin making these decisions just now and what consequences will they have for the course of the war? We talk to professor and Russia…
New treatments for life-threatening disease sepsis
Due to the increasing resistance to certain antibiotics, the life-threatening condition sepsis is becoming harder to treat. For her PhD project, Leiden pharmacologist Feiyan Liu used mathematical modeling to find out how antibiotics can be used more effectively to cure sepsis.
How Cicero’s ruined reputation can be a lesson for politicians today
Roman philosopher and orator Marcus Tullius Cicero is still used as an intellectual example by politicians and speech writers today. But, he did not go unchallenged in his own day, as a statesman in particular. Classicist Leanne Jansen conducted research into how classical historians judged Cicero’s…
Adjudication of attacks targeting culture: a new approach
A deliberate attack on a tangible element of a culture, such as a temple, is often also an attack on intangible elements: the religion or religious customs. Equally, the intangible can be attacked without the involvement of the tangible, for example the brutal curtailment of rights. How are these reflected…
Successful signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding between the CCOE and ISGA/FGGA
On 24 November a High-Level panel discussion on the occasion of the signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding between the NATO Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence and the Institute of Security and Global Affairs and the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs took place at Campus…
Family matters
Brothers and sisters within a family, with the same parents, experience their upbringing differently. As well as the impact of their own negative experiences, the way siblings experience their upbringing also plays an important role in anxiety and depression. This is the conclusion reached by Marie-Louise…
Violations of law during armed conflicts should be investigated – also by Russia
The chance that it will do so is about zero, but Russia is legally obliged to investigate violations of law during the war in Ukraine. States that enter into an armed conflict often deny liability, but under international humanitarian law and human rights they are obliged to investigate their military…
Question fire for ambassadors Germany and France during debate
Europe lives! This became clear last Friday when students debated with the French ambassador to the Netherlands, H.E. Luis Vassy, and his German colleague, H.E. Dirk Brengelmann, on a range of topics relating to Franco-German relations and the European Union.
European Union as a Global Security Actor: Common Security and Defense Policy and its Challenges in the 2011 Libya Crisis and 2014 Ukraine Conflict
PhD defence
Ministers van Staat
PhD defence
The energy and material related impacts of the transition towards low- carbon heating
PhD defence
Breaking the witches' spell
PhD defence
Chirurgijns in den vreemde. De geneeskundige zorg van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC) voor haar personeel in Azië
PhD defence
Quantifying nucleosome dynamicsand protein binding with PIE-FCCS and spFRET
PhD defence
Understanding the Drivers of Voluntary Accountability by European Union Agencies: Look to the Forum!
PhD defence
The European Precariat
PhD defence
Antibiotic Discovery: From mechanistic studies to target ID
PhD defence
Spice War: Ternate, Makassar, the Dutch East India Company and the struggle for the Ambon Islands (c. 1600-1656)
PhD defence
Poprhyrin-based metal-organic frameworks for the electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction
PhD defence
Democratie, deugden docentschap
PhD defence
Governing decentralized States during the Covid-19 pandemic
PhD defence
Ja, de Litteratuur is nu eenmaal een wonderlik vak
PhD defence
Combining classic and novel tools in the study of Historical Collections of Chinese Materia Medica in the Netherlands
PhD defence
Disrupting the transcriptional machinery to combat triple-negative breast cancer
PhD defence
Patient-derived models of breast cancer: A breakthrough story of the duct
PhD defence
Van struikelblok naar bouwsteen
PhD defence
Exploring Deep Learning for Multimodal Understanding
PhD defence
Synthesis of chemical tools to study the immune system
PhD defence
Silver of the Possessed. Egyptian zar jewellery between 1900-1980
PhD defence
Measuring Cold Molecular Gas Across Cosmic Time
PhD defence
Modelling the role of mycorrhizal associations in soil carbon cycling
PhD defence
Neurodevelopmental Impact of Sex Chromosome Trisomy in Young Children
PhD defence
Maneuvering through a World of Stressors
PhD defence
Big simulations for big problems
PhD defence
Mechanism-Based Inhibitors and Probes for Neuraminidases
PhD defence
Who gets what, when, and how?
PhD defence
CM-values of p-adic Theta-functions
PhD defence
Prying eyes on radio skies
PhD defence
Manipulation of Superconductivity in van der Waals Materials and Thin Films
PhD defence
Bioorthogonal chemistry to unveil antigen processing events
PhD defence
Single-cell immune profiling of atherosclerosis
PhD defence
The Military Perspective: Sea Power in International Security
Liveblog as Genre in Pursuit of Credibility
PhD defence
Ingredients of the planet-formation puzzle
PhD defence
Just to be sure?
PhD defence
Motivic invariants of character stacks
PhD defence
Data Structures for Quantum Circuit Verification and How To Compare Them
PhD defence