367 search results for “asylum and migratie policy” in the Staff website
at ESIL-Salamanca joint webinar on externalisation of EU migration policies
On 10 June 2021, the ESIL Interest Group on the EU as a Global Actor organised a joint webinar with the University of Salamanca, Faculty of Law on ‘The externalisation of EU migration policies in light of EU constitutional principles and values: a global actor to trust?’
Democracy in action: Horizon grant for policy-oriented research on grassroots culture and democracy
Dr. Sara Brandellero and Dr. Kamila Krakowska Rodrigues from Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society will lead a collaborative research project funded by Horizon Europe Work Programme on Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society. #DemocracyinAction studies arts and culture-based grassroots…
David de Buisonjé
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Adina Akbik
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Brendan Carroll
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Hilde van Meegdenburg
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Nikoleta Yordanova
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Cecilia-Louise von Ilsemann
Faculty of Humanities
D&I Symposium 2024: What have we achieved with a decade of diversity policy?
How has progress been made on diversity and inclusion at Leiden University over the past decade? Attendees reflected on this at the D&I Symposium 2024: Untold Stories. And in the workshops, students and staff discussed the next steps toward a more inclusive community.
in my name: former civil servants on resigning over Israel-Palestine policy
Western civil servants openly struggle with their government’s policies on the war in Gaza. During a meeting at Campus The Hague, three former civil servants told their stories.
Bramesada Prasastyoga
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Frits van der Meer
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
New evening and weekend access policy Van Steenis building: access authorizations limited
Daniel Schade
Faculty of Humanities
Clare Fenwick
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Gjalt Huppes
Morena Skalamera
Faculty of Humanities
Joana Cook
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Corey Williams
Faculty of Humanities
University diversity policy is alive and kicking: ‘We need to acknowledge each other’s experiences’
Leiden University has had a diversity policy since 2014. The aim is to create a diverse and inclusive learning and working environment for all students and staff. Diversity Officer Aya Ezawa updates us on the process and the results. It’s now 2022, what has already changed?
What works in social work? Large-scale research into social resilience policy interventions
The need for knowledge among practitioners and the lack of an academic knowledge base for specifically collective arrangements of social work in the Netherlands were the reason for Anouk de Koning, Femke Kaulingfreks and Maartje van der Woude to start working on a Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) application…
Alumnus and lawyer Roger Cox uses the law to enforce climate policy
Limburg lawyer Roger Cox has caused a legal revolution. With high-profile cases against the Dutch state and Shell oil company, he transformed the law into a tool to enforce climate policy. Leidraad alumni magazine spoke to him about a life defined by radical choices for a better world.
Dimiter Toshkov
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Olaf van Vliet
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Roos Stolker
Faculty of Humanities
take to log my travel? This and other questions about the new mobility policy
From 1 November we will have a new mobility policy and will track our commuting with an app. The new regulation is more sustainable and will also save us time and effort, say the union reps from the Local Consultative Body.
Creating space for dignity and empathy: examining algorithms in government decisions
Automated government decisions can be cost-effective. But using algorithms also makes understanding the reasons behind decisions particularly complicated. Dr Melanie Fink, Assistant Professor at Leiden Law School, has received a Veni grant to fund her research into this.
Hadassah Drukarch
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Windows 11: Last chance to have your laptop upgraded / The lecture theatres will also be upgraded
Patricio Silva
Faculty of Humanities
Leiden Law Cast #5: Esther Kentin on PFAS, (micro)plastics & policy
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Marco Cinelli
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Plans for Faculty of Humanities financial policy are now known: ‘Shared responsibility necessary’
The Faculty of Humanities is heading for a financial deficit in 2024 and subsequent years. After the report of the analysis core group, the Perspective 2028 steering group submitted their advisory in report in May. The Faculty Board has now has drawn up a Plan of Action, in consultation with the institutes…
Policy Academy Programme
International media: 'Collapse of Dutch Government Highlights Europe’s New Migration Politics’
The numbers of asylum seekers and the direct family members hoping to join them were not the problem, says Mark Klaassen. The stumbling block was the housing market. He says the asylum crisis is being used for electoral gain.
What is BAS and what can the department do for you?
A number of organisational changes have been implemented in the faculty office of the Faculty of Humanities. This has led to the creation of BAS: the department responsible for Policy, Advice and Strategy. Department heads Marcel Belderbos and Tim Lamers introduce themselves and the new department.
Gijsbert Rutten
Faculty of Humanities
Border control and checks: a symbolic measure
As part of its plans to introduce a stricter asylum policy, the Dutch cabinet wants to expand checks at internal borders within the EU. Professor of Law and Society Maartje van der Woude tells Dutch daily newspaper NRC that this is a symbolic measure: ‘Border checks will not counter the right to seek…
The International Air Law Moot Court takes online to the next level
Like many moot court competitions around the world, the Leiden-Sarin International Air Law Moot Court Competition was conducted fully online this year. The International Air Law Moot Court is an unparalleled forum for bringing together students and aviation professionals who share a passion for air…
Jorrit Rijpma: inperken vluchtelingeninstroom is haast onhaalbaar
Het asielbeleid blijft een hoofdpijndossier voor het kabinet. Een akkoord zou bereikt zijn waarin iedere partij een kleine concessie zou doen. De VVD gaat uiteindelijk toch niet akkoord met deze nieuwe asielwet die gemeentes kan dwingen om asielzoekers op te vangen. De VVD fractie heeft moeite met ‘dwang’…
Jorrit Rijpma over asielbeleid toekomstig kabinet
Ontwikkelingshulp- en migratiedeskundigen zien dat er lessen zijn geleerd in het nieuwe regeerakkoord op het gebied van asielbeleid. Maar aan veel toezeggingen kleven cynische voorwaarden.
Federica Casano
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Martijn Nouwen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Student Fiscaal recht organiseert gastcollege staatssecretaris Van Rij over belastingrecht en duurzaamheid
Voormalig demissionair staatssecretaris van Fiscaliteit en Belastingdienst Marnix van Rij gaf op 17 juni in samenwerking met universitair docent Esther Huiskers-Stoop een gastcollege over belastingrecht en duurzaamheid. Deze lezing werd op initiatief van student Darya de Wilt georganiseerd.
Mark Klaassen and Olaf van Vliet discuss European labour migrants in FD
The Netherlands cannot stop European labour migrants coming here. Nor does The Hague have much influence on the influx of asylum seekers. But experts believe that we should be able to reduce the need for labour migrants by using intelligent economic policies.
Rewarding healthy behavior: policy and science perspectives
Rianne Bouwman
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Willemien Groot
Faculty of Humanities
J. García Puig
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs