2,658 search results for “amanda sensing en framing” in the Public website
Navigating Between Principle and Pragmatism: The Roles and Functions of Atrocity-Related United Nations Commissions of Inquiry in the International
On 7 November 2018, Catherine Harwood defended her thesis 'Navigating Between Principle and Pragmatism: The Roles and Functions of Atrocity-Related United Nations Commissions of Inquiry in the International Legal Order'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. dr. L.J. Van den Herik and Prof.…
Tracing Shumi: Politics and Aesthetics in Modern Japanese Literary Discourse and Fiction
On 30 January 2024 Jurre van der Meer successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Meijersprijzen en scriptieprijzen uitgereikt tijdens nieuwjaarsreceptie
Op dinsdag 10 januari 2022 zijn tijdens de facultaire nieuwjaarsreceptie de jaarlijkse Meijersprijzen en de scriptieprijzen uitgereikt.
Re-entry support from prison-based and community-based professionals
On 11 October, Amanda Pasma defended the thesis 'Re-entry support from prison-based and community-based professionals'. The doctoral research was supervised by Paul Nieuwbeerta, Hanneke Palmen and Esther van Ginneken.
Monitoring Cytoskeletal Conductance Variation for Sensing Cancer Drug Resistance
Actin and microtubules form cellular cytoskeletal network, which mediates cell shape, motility and proliferation and are key targets for cancer therapy. Changes in cytoskeletal organization correlate with proliferative capacity and invasiveness of cancer cells. These changes expectedly lead to altered…
Sensing drug responses of single cells using optical tweezers
Light can be used to apply forces on single cells. Focused lasers have been used by physicists to tweeze particles and to manipulate them. These so called “optical tweezers” can be used as mechanical phenotyping tools for characterising the mechanics of materials and living objects.
Dutch East and West India Companies in the Hoge Raad van Holland, Zeeland en West-Friesland
How did free agents oppose the monopolies held by the VOC and WIC in court?
Gezocht: Vertegenwoordigers in de Commissie Onderwijs en Onderzoek
Als vertegenwoordiger behartig je de belangen van promovendi en ReMa-studenten binnen de Onderzoekschool Mediëvistiek. Zo krijg je onder meer de kans om mee te denken over het verbeteren van de onderwijs- en onderzoeksactiviteiten van de onderzoekschool. Interesse? Nog vragen? Neem contact op…
Geslaagde studentenconferentie 'empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht'
Waarom is empirisch-juridisch onderzoek van belang voor de rechtspraktijk en het wetenschappelijke onderzoek? Op die vraag kregen masterstudenten van de afstudeerrichtingen civiel recht, ondernemingsrecht en financieel recht antwoord tijdens het congres over empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht…
Journalistiek in Irak tweegesprek met Judit Neurink en Sakir Khader
LUCIS organiseerde op woensdag 4 maart een speciale avond over journalistiek in Irak. Journaliste Judit Neurink en programmamaker Sakir Khader vertelden over hun ervaringen en recente werkzaamheden in het land. De avond stond onder leiding van Wendelmoet Boersema (politiek redacteur van dagblad Trou…
Nuno De Mesquita César de Sá
Letty ten Harkel
Faculteit Archeologie
Karsten Lambers
Faculteit Archeologie
FGGA Brainstorm sociale veiligheid, inclusie en werkbalans
We want FGGA to become a place where everyone feels welcome, at ease, and included. The outcomes of last year's personnel monitor and D&I survey show that we are not quite there yet.
‘Fanatical collectors often have a sense of lack or loss’
Leiden Professor of Museums, Collections and Society, Pieter ter Keurs, conducts research into the provenance of museum collections. This is important for the return of heritage. But Ter Keurs is interested in why people collect at all.
‘Podcast gives its listeners a sense of identity and belonging’
In the Netherlands, when we talk about the United Nations, the conversation is almost always about the member states from the northern hemisphere. But the most interesting players come from the ‘Global South’, Professor Alanna O'Malley and her team argue in a podcast.
Second ILS Lunch Seminar with Dr. Cuyvers en Dr. Broekhuijsen
After the kick-off on 28 November, the next ILS Lunch Seminar will take place on Monday 19 December. During this lunch seminar series all researchers from Leiden Law School can present their research. The idea is to hear in a simple and nice way what researchers from other research programs and institutes…
Journée d'étude en mémoire de Jean-François Gilmont
Le Centre d’études supérieures de la Renaissance (Tours) organise une journée d'études en mémoire de Jean-François Gilmont (1934-2020).
Tradities van Gezag en Gezag van Tradities
Op 9 juni jl. vond in de rechtenfaculteitskamer van het Leidse Academiegebouw een workshop plaats over tradities en aanpalende concepten, zoals politieke cultuur, spelregels en constitutionele conventies. Tijdens de bijeenkomst presenteerden en bediscussieerden juristen, historici, politicologen en…
Joost Frenken on Radio 1 Langs de Lijn en Omstreken
Physicist Joost Frenken was interviewed on the radio show 'Langs de Lijn en Omstreken' (Radio 1) about the recent discovery of superconductive graphene. The one-atom-thick material was already known for its strength, flexibility, lightweight and good conductivity.
En de nieuwe assessor is...?
De studentassessor: één student die als lid van het faculteitsbestuur aanschuift bij alle belangrijke overleggen en projecten. Zo wordt de student, een van de belangrijkste doelgroepen, vertegenwoordigd bij bestuurlijke besluitvorming. Assessor Julie Külsen draagt volgend collegejaar per 1 september…
Vulnerabilities and Cyberspace: A New Kind of Crises
In this study, Bibi van den Berg and Sanneke Kuipers from ISGA, explore the ways in which cyber-related incidents may lead to crises
Ton Koopman Huizinga Lecture 2016 ‘Bach en zijn zangers’
On December 9, 2016 Prof.dr. Ton Koopman will give a lecture 'Bach en zijn zangers' in the Pieterskerk in Leiden.
Framing the Conquest
PhD defence
Duurzaamheidsverslag besproken in het symposium Duurzaamheid en Ondernemingsrecht
Onlangs organiseerde de afdeling Ondernemingsrecht in samenwerking met het tijdschrift Onderneming en Financiering het symposium Duurzaamheid en Ondernemingsrecht. De opkomst was een bevlogen groep juristen en ondernemers met hart voor het onderwerp.
European foreign policy in times of crisis: a political development lens
EU foreign policy has become increasingly politicised over the past years, amongst others as a consequence of the succession of crises. Crises may engender processes of crisis framing and contestation. This article focuses on how the policy demands being voiced in these processes of contestation are…
When you walk into the Gorlaeus Building, you will notice it immediately; the artwork 'The Cloud' hangs prominently in the hall and cannot be missed. Artist Jos Agasi designed it especially for this location. ‘Intuition, imagination and creativity. Scientists and artists have more in common than they…
Detection of Archaeological Sites in High Resolution Satellite Images
In this project we develop algorithms to automatically detect a particular type of archaeological sites in satellite images of the Alps.
New insights into chemical sensing of the human pathogen for cholera
The bacterium Vibrio cholerae is a serious threat to our health because it is the causative agent of cholera. Worldwide, over a billion people per year are at risk of cholera infection. New strains of V. cholerae are resistant to the multiple drugs used to treat cholera, meaning that new types of drugs…
Leiderschap voor gezonde en duurzame voedselomgeving zaak van lange adem
Despite the reduced accessibility as a result of the protests of the farmers in The Hague, around 30 directors, scientists, students and civil servants met on 16 October for the Public Leadership Challenge
Tappino Area Archaeological Project (Molise)
The Tappino Area Archaeological Project aims to map and analyze ancient settlement patterns and dynamics in a small valley in Central-Southern Italy, in modern Molise (province of Campobasso). The first sites in the area date to the Bronze Age. In the Iron Age to Classical period, it was reportedly…
Physicist Sense Jan van der Molen plays ‘Dutch shuffleboard’ with electrons
Physicist Sense Jan van der Molen researches materials that do not exist in nature. ‘It’s fascinating to see how the properties of a material change if we manage to make it super thin.’ He will give his inaugural lecture on 21 October.
Sense Jan van der Molen appointed as Professor Physics of Condensed Matter
As of 1 June, Leiden University has appointed Sense Jan van der Molen as Professor Physics of Condensed matter. He investigates the unique electronic properties that arise when atomic thin layers are stacked on top of each other into new materials.
Beyond the Greater Angkor Region
How did Angkor interact with regional urban centers? How did the settlement system impact the society's agricultural system and regional resilience?
ArchaeoLandscapes International (ArcLand)
Archaeolandscapes International is an educational and scientific not-for-profit organisation with the objective to promote non-destructive prospecting methods for archaeological investigations.
Lasers, lenses and light curves: adaptive optics microscopy and peculiar transiting exoplanets
Promotores: Prof.dr. C.U. Keller, Prof.dr. H.C. Gerritsen
- Digital Archaeology Group
What is news? 'Stories about current events create a sense of belonging'
For ten months, PhD student Sanne Rotmeijer worked on the editorial boards of various news media on Curaçao and Sint Maarten. She also tracked how news goes around on the streets and circulates on social media. The aim? To find out how stories became 'the news'.
Turning senses into media: can we teach artificial intelligence to perceive?
Humans perceive the world through different senses: we see, feel, hear, taste and smell. The different senses with which we perceive are multiple channels of information, also known as multimodal. Does this mean that what we perceive can be seen as multimedia?
Alumna Lise Stork defends her PhD on making sense of illustrated handwritten archives
On Thursday July 1, our alumna Lise Stork will defend her PhD thesis at Leiden University. It is about using AI to make sense of handwritten natural history archives.
Adaptation strategies, water management and social changes: the case of Turkmenistan
The main question I want to answer is about the mutual influence between the cultural and settlements changes that occurred between the Bronze and the Early Iron Age in Margiana and the management of water resources.
'Ongelijkheid mannen en vrouwen versterkt door kunstmatige intelligentie'
Ontwerpers en onderzoekers gaan bij het verzamelen van data vaak uit van mannen als ze mensen bedoelen. Dat is onhandig en onveilig.
Conferencia de la Prof.dr. Sayak Valencia en el X Congreso Internacional de la AHBx
El viernes 3 de noviembre a las 11.15 tendremos el gusto y honor de escuchar a la Prof.dr. Sayak Valencia en el marco del X Congreso Internacional de la AHBx. Prof.dr. Sayak Valencia (Tijuana, Mexico, 1980) impartirá la segunda conferencia plenaria del X Congreso Internacional de la AHBx bajo el título:…
Gendered radicalisation and ‘everyday practices’: An analysis of extreme right and Islamic State women-only forums
A growing amount of literature is being devoted to interrogating gendered dynamics in both violent extremism and terrorism, contributing to the integration of international and feminist security. This includes how such dynamics can shape differences in the motivations and participation of women and…
NimbleAI aims at solutions for ultra-energy efficient and secure neuromorphic sensing and processing at the edge.
Towards Biosolar cells
BioSolar Cells is a five-year research project in which ten knowledge institutions and 45 private industries work together.
Leiden archaeologists uncover earliest evidence of plant food processing
A new study carried out by Leiden archaeologists Hadar Ahituv and Amanda Henry, together with international colleagues, reports the identification and analysis of 650 starch grains preserved on basalt percussive tools (anvils and hammerstones) found at an early Middle Pleistocene site in Israel. These…
Social Science Matters: The (non)sense of conspiracy theories
Climate change is made up, the secret services murdered Pim Fortuyn and JFK, and the moon landing was a fake show. Conspiracy theories are of all times, providing sensation and entertainment, but also unrest and fear. The corona pandemic is new fuel for conspiracy theorists who set fire to 5G masts,…
Remote sensing for Roman Mallorca with a Chastelain-Nobach fund
For the past 2 years, Dr Letty ten Harkel has been jointly running an excavation project of a suspected Roman villa site on the Balearic island of Mallorca with colleagues Dr Antoni Puig Palerm and Ritchie Kolvers, MA. The project was recently awarded a LUF Chastelain-Nobach fund to explore the extend…
Reputational pragmatism at the European Central Bank: preserving reputation(s) amidst widening climate interventions
In this article, Adriana Cerdeira and Dovile Rimkute explore how certain dynamics shape banks' behaviour.