3,045 search results for “then en culture van de world” in the Public website
Migrants, welfare and social citizenship in postcolonial Europe
This paper explores how citizenship is enacted and experienced in welfare encounters for Egyptian migrant parents in Paris, Amsterdam, and Milan, highlighting the importance of social citizenship and personal interactions in shaping belonging.
A word from our guest researcher Cedric Van Dijck
Dear friends of the NVIC,
A word from our guest researcher Cedric Van Dijck
Dear friends of the NVIC,
Barkhuysen and Van Emmerik attend international conference in Paraguay
Tom Barkhuysen and Michiel van Emmerik attended the 21st General Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law that was held in Asunción, Paraguay on 23 – 28 October 2022. They wrote the national report for the Netherlands on the topic of Administrative Silence.
From ideals to actions at the international One Young World summit
Thinking up solutions for global issues such as environmental pollution and poverty. This is what young people from all over the world will be doing at the One Young World summit from 17 to 20 October in The Hague. Follow Leiden students Jennifer Pfister and Thomas Gevers who will be reporting on their…
Ancient Charm
The aim of ANCIENT CHARM was to develop neutron-imaging techniques and the associated equipment, and help establish neutron imaging as a mainstream archaeological analytical technique. In particular, one of the goals was a new imaging technique which called neutron resonant capture imaging combined…
Marie-leen Ryckaert
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Book Presentation - Bookshop of the World by Andrew Pettegree and Arthur der Weduwen
On Wednesday 27 March, 17.00 - 18.30, Andrew Pettegree and Arthur der Weduwen will present their book: 'The Bookshop of the World. Searching for markets in the Dutch Golden Age’ at the Lipsius-Building (Cleveringaplaats 1, room 11). Anton van der Lem, curator at the Leiden University Library will introduce…
Moritz Jesse at World Conference of the Association for the Study of Nationalities in New York
Dr. Moritz Jesse, associate professor of European Union Law at the Europa Institute Leiden, addressed the members and audience of the panel “Citizenship and the Refugee Crisis” at the World Conference of the Association for the Study of Nationalities in New York, which took place at Columbia University,…
ESOF2022 Online mini-symposium: The effect of the online world on adolescents
How do digital technologies affect adolescent mental health and resilience? How do we foster a secure online environment? How should we deal with increasing rates of online crimes among adolescents? During the mini-symposium ‘The effect of the online world on adolescents’, presented by the interdisciplinary…
The Cinematic Santri: Youth culture, tradition and technology in Muslim-Indonesia
For some devout Muslims, going to the cinema or viewing certain images is provocative and problematic. Ahmad Nuril Huda investigated the development Santri (young, pious Muslims) have undergone in this field over the past ten years. The Cinematic Santri is the result of his PhD research.
Interview: Physicist Wim van Saarloos takes office as KNAW President
On May 28th, Leiden physicist Wim van Saarloos takes office as President of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). He has been vice-president since 2016. ‘The base of our universities is eroding.’
Graduation ceremony Guus Boelens
Here you will find information about Guus Boelens' graduation ceremony.
Handreiking voor seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer is niet streng genoeg
Seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer moet strenger worden aangepakt. Zo stelde regeringscommissaris seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag Mariëtte Hamer na haar benoeming begin 2022. Een jaar later verschijnt haar ‘Handreiking meldingen van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer’.…
Klachten van universiteit om gebruik ChatGPT door studenten zijn krokodillentranen
Universiteiten moeten niet verbaasd zijn dat studenten ChatGPT gebruiken, schrijven de Leidse universitair docenten Femke Klaver en Alexander de Wit in Trouw. Want studenten reageren op efficiëntie en doelmatigheid. Hun suggestie: Leid studenten op om kritisch na te denken.
Book publication Ronald Cramer: a world premiere
Ronald Cramer, in cooperation with Ivan Damgard and Jesper Nielsen (Aarhus University) have recently published the first book ever written on “quantum-secure multi-party computation”. The authors have spent six years to finish this comprising book.
New ONEM Microscope to combine best of two worlds
Leiden physicists have been awarded 1.5 million euros for developing a hybrid microscope that provided nanometer-resolution. 'The idea is to combine the resolution of electron microscopy with the pros of optical microscopes.'
'An impressive step between professional practice and the academic world'
On 29 June 2017, Doris Dull-Zessner defended her PhD dissertation “Value Congruence in a Multinational Corporation”. The defence was at 12.30 hrs, in the Academy Building of Leiden University, Rapenburg 73. The supervisors are Professor J.A.A. Adriaanse and Professor J.I. van der Rest.
Most detailed galaxy photos yet are world news
Media all around the world reported about it: the most detailed images yet seen of galaxies, shot by radio telescope LOFAR. The international team behind these amazing results were led by Leah Morabito at Durham University and included three talented Leiden astronomers.
Lifestyles that avoid the world from warming up
Scientists widely agree that we must limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius to avoid catastrophic climate impacts. Environmental scientist Laura Scherer investigates how we should change lifestyles to achieve this temperature goal. Her research is part of the 4.8-million-euro Horizon 2020 project…
Monique van den Dries
Faculteit Archeologie
Leiden Classics: The Leiden Observatory, the world’s oldest university observatory
Whether finding signals of dark matter or discovering hydrogen in the vicinity of exoplanets, Leiden astronomers are world players in their field, and they are part of a long tradition: Leiden was the first university in the world to have its own observatory.
Looking at the big world of microbiology through the smallest lenses
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, the father of microbiology, died 300 years ago. 2023 has therefore been designated the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek year. The new Unimaginable exhibition in Rijksmuseum Boerhaave is about the amazing world that Van Leeuwenhoek made visible. What was so special about the way he worked?…
LUCIS Summer School 2022 | Philology and Manuscripts from the Muslim World
Apply now for the fourth LUCIS Summer School on Philology and Manuscripts from the Muslim world, which will take place from Tuesday 23 August until Friday 2 September 2022 in Leiden. The deadline for applications is Friday 27 June 2022.
Soulmates in Empire? Van Vollenhoven and the Colonial Contradictions of Grotius
On Thursday 14 October, Dr Martine van Ittersum gave the first lecture of the Van Vollenhoven Institute’s year-long workshop 'Reconsidering the Socio-Legal Gaze'. Attended by over 40 people, her lecture, entitled 'Van Vollenhoven and Grotius: Soulmates in Empire' examined Grotius’ influence on Cornelis…
World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights 2017 in Dublin
A delegation of the Child Law Department has attended the World congress on family law and children’s rights in Dublin, from 4-7 June. This congress organised once in every four years was hosted by prof. Ursula Kilkelly (University College Cork). Over 600 people attended the congress; professionals…
Experimental project Huize Horsterwold
The project’s main aim was to build a reconstruction of a prehistoric house plan, without using any metal tools. How effective are tools made of stone, flint, bone, antler and wood? What are the constraints imposed by the various building materials? How much labour do we need and how much knowledge…
Yvonne Erkens speaker at World Conference on Research Integrity in Hong Kong
Yvonne Erkens, Associate Professor at the Department of Labour Law and Social Security co-organised a symposium entitled ‘Misdirected allegations of breaches of research integrity’ with Frits Rosendaal (LUMC) and Ivan Oransky (Retraction Watch) at the World Conference on Research Integrity. The conference,…
Electric Nocturnes by Milana Zarić and Richard Barrett at the World Harp Congress
Milana Zarić and Richard Barrett perform at the 14th World Harp Congress in Cardiff, Wales.
Maarten Lamers speaks about creative AI at the Universiteit van Nederland LIVE
At the Universiteit van Nederland LIVE event about media, Maarten Lamers spoke about the question whether AI can be truly creative. His talk for a live studio audience was published as a video and a podcast.
Can traditional forest management protect and conserve ironwood (ulin) stands? An option and approach in East Kalimantan
Promotores: G.A. Persoon, H.H. de Iongh
A hornets’ nest: Leiden University during the Second World War
‘That hornets’ nest in Leiden must be destroyed,’ said Dutch National Socialist Party member Robert van Genechten in November 1942. He was referring to Leiden University. Why this hatred? Emeritus Professor of University History Willem Otterspeer has written a book about Leiden University during the…
8th wall formula about the Van der Waals-equation for gases
Despite the rain and awful weather, the painting job has been finished within a week. The Van der Waals-state equation is the eighth Leiden wall formula.
Ewine van Dishoeck receives honorary doctorate from the University of Geneva
Astrophysicist Ewine van Dishoeck has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Geneva. She received the award on 11 October during the Dies academicus of the Swiss university, which, like Leiden University, is part of the European research university federation LERU.
Stappenplan helpt studieverenigingen op het gebied van D&I
De Declaration of equity helpt studieverenigingen op het gebied van diversiteit en inclusie.
Applications | LUCIS Summer School | Philology and Manuscripts from the Muslim World
Apply now for the LUCIS Summer School on Philology and Manuscripts from the Muslim world, which will take place from Tuesday 15 August until Friday 25 August 2017 in Leiden. The deadline for applications is Friday 16 June 2017.
An academic perspective on the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos
Today over 1000 chief executives and more than 40 world leaders meet in the Swiss village Davos to discuss the world's issues of today. What is the importance of the conference and what is the actual effectiveness? Dr. Alexandre Afonso, assistant professor in the Department of Public Administration,…
higher education cuts: ‘This government is turning its back on the world’
Over 20,000 students, lecturers, administrators, support staff and many others protested on 25 November against the plans to make billions of cuts to higher education. Students and staff from Leiden University also travelled to The Hague to voice their objections to the disastrous plans.
‘We have world-class expertise on the circular economy’
The province of Zuid-Holland faces a wide range of global sustainability issues caused by urbanisation, intensive horticulture and industry. The universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam have the in-house expertise to define knowledge questions, set up research programmes and test results, says Prof.…
Joanne van der Leun reappointed as Dean of Leiden Law School
Joanne van der Leun has been reappointed by the Executive Board of Leiden University as Dean of Leiden Law School. Van der Leun will begin her second term (2019-2022) on 1 September 2019.
Maartje van der Woude appointed as full professor of Sociology of Law at Leiden University
Starting 1 January 2016 Maartje van der Woude is appointed as full professor of Sociology of Law at Leiden University.
Miranda van Eck inaugural lecture: detergent tablets for clean, fat-free blood vessels
In her inaugural lecture on 11 September, Miranda van Eck, Professor of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Therapeutics, addressed her research related to developing medications to keep our blood vessels clean.
Invisible Agents Women and Espionage in Seventeenth-Century Britain
Nadine Akkerman's book Invisible Agents is the very first study to analyse the role of early modern women spies. The book foregrounds the agency of early-modern women, offering a corrective to the gender bias implicit in modern historiography.
Thy Name is Deer. Animal Names in Semitic Onomastics and Name- Giving Traditions: Evidence from Akkadian, Northwest Semitic, and Arabic
Hekmat Dirbas defended his thesis on 14 February 2017
Leiden Lawcast seizoen 2: Dit zijn de hosts
De Leiden Lawcast: de facultaire podcast door en voor studenten. Iedere aflevering bespreken de hosts een actueel onderwerp met een interessante gast die het onderwerp belicht vanuit hun wetenschappelijke of juridische expertise. Na een mooi startseizoen in 2022 hebben Irem Çakir en Hamza Duprée het…
MSc Research Presentation Tobias de Jong 23 August @ 16:00
The project has been done in the Quantum Matter Optics under the supervision of Dr.ir. Sense Jan van der Molen and Dr. Johannes Jobst. The title of the presentation is:
De internationale publicatie Faith in Democracy door Timo Slootweg
Rechtsfilosoof Timo Slootweg (ed.) publiceerde deze week: Faith in Democracy. Justice, Politics and Transcendence. Deze internationale publicatie werd mede geïnitieerd door het Leidsche, interfacultaire profileringsgebied Politieke Legitimiteit.
Kom naar de GLOBTAXGOV-seminar over belastingconcurrentie
Wat betekent belastinghervorming in de VS? Hoe groot is de invloed van belastingontwijkende multinationals op belastingconcurrentie in ontwikkelde en ontwikkelingslanden? En wat zijn de problemen met belastinguitgaven? Op 7 november vindt een GLOBTAXGOV-T20-seminar plaats op de Campus Den Haag van de…
Jan Vleggeert: actieprogramma OESO stap in de goede richting
De Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling (OESO) komt met een nieuw plan voor de aanpak van belastingontwijking.
Interview with Christa Tobler in de “Hofvijver” (Montesquieu Instituut)
On Monday 28 June 2021, a text based on an interview with Christa Tobler appeared in the Hofvijver (Montesquieu Instituut) on the relationship between the European Union and Switzerland, in particular after the decision of the Swiss Federal Government to refrain from signing an agreement on institutional…