2,615 search results for “state cell technology” in the Public website
eLaw – Center for Law and Digital Technologies
Leader in law and technology education and research since 1985.
Shaping a Muslim State
The World of a Mid-Eighth-Century Egyptian Official
Centre for Science and Technology Studies
How do you ensure that research is performed, evaluated and managed in a responsible way? This question is also of the utmost important to the University itself. The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) studies scientific research and its relationship with technology, innovation and soci…
Routledge Handbook of War, Law and Technology
This volume provides an authoritative, cutting-edge resource on the characteristics of both technological and social change in warfare in the twenty-first century, and the challenges such change presents to international law.
Law and Digital Technologies (Advanced LL.M.)
Are you thinking about studying the Advanced LL.M. Law and Digital Technologies? Learn more and watch the videos.
African Oral Literatures, new media and technologies
African oral literatures, new media and technologies: challenges for research and documentation
Exploring and Explaining Diversity in Agricultural Technology
This volume is the outcome of collaborative European research among archaeologists, archaeobotanists, ethnographers, historians and agronomists, and frequently used experiments in archaeology.
Vertebrate automated screening technology (VAST)
How can you use robots and automatic recognition of microscopic images to test the effect of drugs exceptionally quickly?
State Building Through Life Stories
State Building Through Life Stories: Incorporating Local Perspectives
Pharmacological resting-state fMRI in aging and dementia
How can we implement the technique of pharmacological resting-state fMRI to improve the diagnosis of dementia?
An overall picture: the environmental impacts of a new solar cell technology
A more efficient solar panel sounds great. But what if these new panels consume more toxic materials, or their production consumes a lot of energy? Leiden environmental scientists, together with colleagues from the Fraunhofer ISE, address this multifaceted question in a new publication in the prestigious…
Centre for Science and Technology Studies
The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) is a research institute at Leiden University working on improving how science is practiced and governed and how it serves society.
poly(i:C): a defined adjuvanted vaccine for induction of antigen-specific T cell cytotoxicity
For effective cancer immunotherapy by vaccination, co-delivery of tumour antigens and adjuvants to dendritic cells and subsequent activation of antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) is crucial. In this study, a synthetic long peptide (SLP) harbouring the model CTL epitope SIINFEKL was encapsulated…
New handbook “EU State Aids”
The Europa Instituut is pleased to announce that on 21 November 2016 a new handbook “EU State Aids” (31 Chapters, 1500 pages) was published.
The career choices of cells
How does an embryonic stem cell decide if it becomes a heart cell or a kidney cell? That’s the question computational biologist Maria Mircea studied for her PhD research. She looked at the inside of individual cells to analyse how they change. This is what she discovered.
War, Entrepreneurs, and the State in Europe and the Mediterranean, 1300-1800
This edited volume by Jeff Fynn-Paul pushes forward the debate on the role of entrepreneurs in making war and building states in Europe and the Ottoman Empire.
Ewa Snaar-Jagalska
Universities as engines of technological change
An examination of academic organization at the forefront of the biotechnology revolution
Beyond the nation-state
The nation-state is not so old as we are often told, nor has it come to be quite so naturally. Getting this history right means telling a different story about where our international political order has come from—which in turn points the way to an alternative future.
EMStaD YEMEN: Early Modern State Development in Yemen
How do early modern states organize effective rule in difficult conditions? EMStaD YEMEN focuses on a country that due to its geographical, religious and social complexities is now considered a failed state – Yemen.
Life Cycle Assessment-Based Guidance for development of New Energy Technologies
The development of new environmentally sound technologies is seen as a key route towards achieving sustainability.
Bacteria under stress can live without cell wall
Thread-like bacteria make cells that no longer have a cell wall under the influence of osmotic stress. A remarkable discovery, since the cell wall serves as a protection barrier for bacteria. It could also help to explain how pathogenic bacteria can hide in our body from our immune system. A team of…
States, Markets, and Civil Society
The States, Markets, and Civil Society department of the Institute of Public Administration examines how politics and governance, businesses, citizens, and societal organisations collaborate to address major societal challenges. This includes issues such as inequality, migration, and sustainability.
Douwe Atsma
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Steady-State Analysis of Large Scale Systems
Promotor: W.Th.F. den Hollander Co-Promotor: F.M. Spieksma
States in Shock: The Adaptive Capacities of State Administrations to Transboundary Crises
This study examines how European state administrations responded to transboundary crises over the past 30 years and the extent of their successful adaptation.
Self-directed learning with mobile technology in higher education
Language learners in higher education increasingly conduct out-of-class self-directed learning facilitated by mobile technology. This project aims to explore how university students use mobile technology for their self-directed language learning and investigate factors that influence their self-directed…
Noortje Dannenberg
Erik Danen
of (Mis)Perceptions About the Impact of Immigration on the Welfare State
In this article, Samir Negash, PhD candidate at the Institute of Public Administratation, discusses the discrepancy in European countries between the measured impact of immigration on the welfare state and how this impact is perceived by citizens.
Véronique Ongenae
Tactics of Interfacing Encoding Affect in Art and Technology
How digital technologies affect the way we conceive of the self and its relation to the world, considered through the lens of media art practices.
Synthesis of phosphodiester-containing bacterial cell wall components: teichoic acids, capsular polysaccharides and phosphatidyl glycerol analogues
Promotor: G.A. van der Marel, Co-promotor: J.D.C. Codée
Kemalism in the periphery: anti-veiling campaigns and state-society relations in 1930s Turkey
This dissertations studies state-society relations in 1930s Turkey, focusing on the anti-veiling campaigns in the mid-1930s and aiming to understand the ways in which the Kemalist policies were received, interpreted, negotiated, compromised and/or resisted by various actors in the provinces.
From Technological Humanity to Bio-technical Existence
Explores the relationship between technics and humanity, tracing the emergence of a bio-technical conception of existence in contemporary continental philosophy. Suny Press
Real-time solid-state NMR spectroscopy inside living cells
Researchers from the Leiden Institute of Chemistry show proof of principle that live-cell structural changes and metabolic processes can be followed in real time with NMR spectroscopy. They performed their study on photosynthetic green algae that are metabolically flexible and can sustain energy generation…
Connecting dots between natural and artificial Photosynthesis
Decentralized plug and play systems for energy production are the future picture of our society. Artificial photosynthetic systems are used for this purpose.
Ulama and the State in Modern Aceh
On 21 September 2022 Arfiansyah successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean
The Case of the Painted Plaster
Health and the social investment state
Recent years have seen a vibrant scholarship on health policy and politics. While much is now known about changes to health policies and institutions over time, this study finds that scholarship still lacks research on the linkages between health policies and health outcomes (Marmor & Wendt, 2012).…
State Secrecy and Democracy A Philosophical Inquiry
In the wake of controversial disclosures of classified government information by WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden, questions about the democratic status of secret uses of political power are rarely far from the headlines. Despite an increase in initiatives aimed at enhancing government transparency – such…
Bridging Art, Design and Technology through Critical Making
How can the concept of Critical Making be expanded into a general approach that ties the critical methodology of artistic research, and the established concepts of artistic autonomy, together with contemporary creative-technological development?
Interests of states: insight into global politics
All players on the world stage operate strategically in order to safeguard their interests. Political scientists at Leiden University cast light on this volatile interplay of forces. Their research helps voters, NGOs, governments and international organizations make smart choices in this complex and…
- Non-Liberal States and Global Governance
Aligning religious law and state law: Street-level bureaucrats and Muslim Marriage practices in Pasuruan Indonesia
Latif Fauzi defended his thesis on 18 May 2021.
Aernout Schmidt
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Technology and Methodology for Archaeological Practice
Practical applications for the reconstruction of the past
The Ethos of Digital Environments: Technology, Literary Theory and Philosophy
While self-driving cars and autonomous weapon systems have received a great deal of attention in media and research, the general requirements of ethical life in today’s digitalizing reality have not been made sufficiently visible and evaluable.
Development of novel analytical technologies for metabolomics and systems pharmacology
We are aiming to develop novel technologies to allow better sample preparation or coupling of analytical methods to (i) analyse ultra small samples, (ii) to analyse more metabolites in a quantitative manner and/or (iii) increase the sample throughput.
Graduation Ceremony Media Technology