1,569 search results for “legal ethics” in the Public website
Atrocity-Related United Nations Commissions of Inquiry in the International Legal Order
On 7 November 2018, Catherine Harwood defended her thesis 'Navigating Between Principle and Pragmatism: The Roles and Functions of Atrocity-Related United Nations Commissions of Inquiry in the International Legal Order'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. dr. L.J. Van den Herik and Prof.…
e-SIDES holds its first workshop at the CEPE/Ethicomp conference (Turin June 7th)
e-Sides is a Horizon 2020 project which aims at mapping ethical, legal, societal and economic challenges of the big data technologies. eLaw- Center for Law and Digital Technologies- is one of the members of the e-SIDES research consortium and its role within the project is to develop the systematic…
Empirical Methods in Legal Research series successfully concluded
ELS lab member Helen Pluut concluded this year’s lecture series on Empirical Methods in Legal Research. Helen discussed diary studies as an example of multilevel research designs.
Two new assistant professors for Empirical Legal Studies
Niek Strohmaier and Gitta Veldt will start as assistant professors within the project Empirical Legal Studies (ELS). Their appointments are part of the sector plan of Leiden Law School.
Symposium 'Ethics and Moral Hazard in the Banking Union'
On the 10th November 2016, The Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law organised a symposium on “Ethics and Moral Hazard in the Banking Union” in the historic Academy Building of Leiden University.
International publication about ELS in Dutch legal education
Researchers from the Coherent Private Law research program have published an article in The Law Teacher about the state of the art of Empirical Legal Studies education in the Netherlands.
Lisa Ansems
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Nada Heddane
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Henk Snijders
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Willem Zwalve
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Monique de Deugd-Dijkman
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Nadia Sonneveld
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Rajneesh Phokeer
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Sofia de Jong
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Laurens van Apeldoorn
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
The Ethics Committee at Archaeology: ‘Think ahead before starting your research, that’s the point’
In the past decade many academic journals have started to require that researchers provide evidence of ethical review when submitting papers, for example when working with human participants or human remains.. In order to support researchers to ensure their projects are able to meet these expectations,…
Olga Gadyatskaya
Stephen Harris
Faculty of Humanities
Gerard Versluis
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Toon Kerkhoff
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Presentation of the e-SIDES project by Magdalena Jozwiak
On September 21st Magdalena Jozwiak, researcher at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies, gave a presentation of the e-SIDES project at a lunch event organized within the Interaction Between Legal Systems (ILS) research theme.
National conference for and by starting empirical legal scholars
On Friday 5 February 2021 the online conference of the Dutch Platform of Empirical Legal Studies (ELS) took place. This conference served as a platform to bring young, enthusiastic and driven ELS scholars together in a research community and enable them to learn more and discuss about empirical research…
Ethics in counterterrorism: do you sacrifice one person to save ten?
Counterterrorism specialists often have to contend with difficult ethical dilemmas. There is currently a lack of any adequate infrastructure within intelligence agencies for discussing these dilemmas, Michael Kowalski writes in his dissertation. PhD defence on 12 March.
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How does the ethics committee work? Suzan Verberne gives an insight
How ethical is research involving humans and robots? And can research on artificial intelligence cause problems when it ends up in the wrong hands? In any research involving humans or their data, the ethics committee assesses where the issues are. Associate professor at LIACS Suzan Verberne chairs the…
Joost Batenburg about AI Leiden style: 3D images and ensuring AI belongs to everyone
Joost Batenburg is a mathematician and computer scientist who works to build bridges to other disciplines. He hopes to bring intelligent software to fields where it can make a difference. Conversely, he also seeks connections to the disciplines that are needed to make AI a success.
Symposium: Rules for a lawless world? The international legal order in an age of great-power struggle for normative primacy
(Musical) Improvisation and Ethics project awarded 1.7 million Euros by Austrian Science Fund
New research project “(Musical) Improvisation and Ethics”, recently awarded 1.7 million Euros by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)’s Young Independent Researcher Group program.
Law and Empire. Ideas, practices, empires
This volume was edited by Jeroen Duindam, Jill Harries, Caroline Humfress, and Nimrod Hurvitz.
Our research focuses on a number of subthemes, such as the history of collecting, the agency of museum collections, the ethics of collecting (including legal aspects), and the integration of humanities and technical research in exploring the collections.
Reijer Passchier to teach course in the nationwide AI course Ethics
This course in ethics is a continuation of the popular Nationale AI-Cursus from 2018. In which over 300,000 people have since participated.
The rise of open-source intelligence
Damien van Puyvelde and Fernando Tabárez Rienzi examine the evolution of Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT).
Hanne Klapwijk
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Film: How to become an ethical scientist
Scientists are regularly confronted with questions of integrity. A new film teaches students how to handle this issue.
Reasons and Intentions
There are a number of problems in philosophy that seem to share a similar possible solution: 'Why do promises and contracts bind?', 'Why ought citizens and judges obey the law?' and 'Can we realize the gains to be made from cooperation?'. All three problems (as well as some others) share a possible…
Susanne Boersma
Faculty of Humanities
Josette Daemen
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Legal justification Covid measures lacking
Ever since the coronavirus crisis began, people have been arguing about the legal justification for measures. The problem: far-reaching measures such as an obligation to wear face masks, get tested, or school closures violate the Constitution. The Cabinet had the difficult task of weighing fundamental…
Call for papers: The Trajectories of International Legal Histories
Thirty years ago, the Leiden Journal of International Law (LJIL) was born, at a time when the writing of histories was hardly a popular endeavor for international legal scholars. In his 1987 article ‘Probleme der Völkerrechtsgeschichte’ (‘The Problems of International Legal History’), Heinhard Steiger…
Policing the high seas: maritime law-enforcement in a multi-actor environment
Identifying the gaps in the legal framework for EU activities in the maritime security domain, and specifically in the areas of combating piracy, human smuggling or trafficking and drug trafficking.
Exploring new methods at Research Lab Legal Data Science
How can data analytics be used as a research method in the field of legal research? This question was addressed during the Research Lab Legal Data Science on 23 September, 2016.
Free course on AI and Ethics: ‘Every citizen should know more about this’
The free AI and Ethics course (in Dutch) is available online to anyone who wants to find out more about the ethical implications of artificial intelligence. One of the eight experts featured in the course is Professor Reijer Passchier. ‘Artificial Intelligence is spreading so fast and has such an impact…
Melanie Fink speaks on automation in the EU at conference on law and ethics of AI
The Asser Institute organised an interdisciplinary conference on ‘Law and ethics of artificial intelligence in the public sector: From principles to practice and policy’ that took place from 10 to 11 March 2022. Melanie Fink presented a paper co-authored with Michèle Finck.
Vital Art: Transgender Portraiture as Visual Activism
In what ways can visual art play a vital role in countering the discriminating stigma experienced by transgender communities?
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Read the new ELS Bulletin and the Midterm Report of Empirical Legal Studies
Recently, a new edition of the ELS bulletin was sent out. Furthermore, we are thrilled to share the Midterm Report of the ELS lab @Leiden with you!
Interaction between private and public law: Family law from a socio-legal perspective
On Friday 24 February Prof. Judith Masson, professor of Socio-legal Studies at Bristol University and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Science in the U.K., will deliver a lecture within the Leiden Socio-Legal Series.
Call for papers: 2022 International Empirical Legal Studies Conference – deadline extended to 1 May
Abstract submission is now open for the international conference of the ELS Academy, in Amsterdam on September 1 and 2.
Democratic Secrecy: A Philosophical Study of the Role of Secrecy in Democratic Governance
The starting hypothesis of the project is that secrecy is not always inimical to democratic governance as conventional wisdom has it.
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