1,988 search results for “latin american” in the Public website
Maria Gabriela Palacio Ludeña
Faculty of Humanities
Rekindling regional collaboration in Latin America: CompaRe – LDE mission to São Paulo
Latin America has seen multiple waves of regional integration, with various levels of success. The last wave foundered after the rise of nationalist politicians. But new developments require a reconsideration, including a number of new, more collaborative-minded presidents coming to power and urgent…
Amalia Campos Delgado
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Nanne Timmer
Faculty of Humanities
About CompaRe
Common challenge: unique circumstances
This is an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project of the Faculty of Science with three universities in Colombia.
Jorrit Rijpma en Amalia Campos Delgado nieuwe vertegenwoordigers regiogroep Latijns-Amerika en de Cariben
Met de benoeming van Rijpma en Campos Delgado is de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid in alle uniersitaire regiogroepen vertegenwoordigd.
Why Leiden University
Leiden University offers ambitious students a world-class environment in which to reach their full potential.
Why Leiden University
Leiden University offers ambitious students a world-class environment in which to reach their full potential.
Why Leiden University
Leiden University offers ambitious students a world-class environment in which to reach their full potential.
Why Leiden University
Leiden University offers ambitious students a world-class environment in which to reach their full potential.
Why Leiden University?
Leiden University offers ambitious students a world-class environment in which to reach their full potential.
Why Leiden University
Leiden University offers ambitious students a world-class environment in which to reach their full potential.
Why Leiden University
Leiden University offers ambitious students a world-class environment in which to reach their full potential.
From Hygienic Cities to Fossil Urbanism: Global Forces, Local Contexts, and Urban Environmental History
Lecture, Global Questions Seminar
Why Leiden University
Leiden University offers ambitious students a world-class environment in which to reach their full potential.
Why Leiden University
Leiden University offers ambitious students a world-class environment in which to reach their full potential.
Slavery and Forced Migration in the Antebellum South
This book sheds new light on domestic forced migration by examining the experiences of American-born slave migrants from a comparative perspective.
The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South - INVISIHIST
The main aim of this project is to reveal and unravel the invisible histories of the UN, transcending the dominant Western perspective to recover the historical agency of Global South actors. The research will investigate how the UN has both facilitated and limited their role in shaping global order…
Carla Cisternas Guasch receives research grant of the Slicher van Bath de Jong Foundation
Carla Cisternas Guasch, PhD candidate at the Leiden Institute for History, is one of the winners of the 2023 call of the Slicher van Bath de Jong Foundation for the advancement of study and research on the history of Latin America. She receives a research grant of €10.000 (max).
Adam Fairclough
Faculty of Humanities
‘American politics gives Europeans a glimpse of what lies ahead’
It’s impossible to avoid, even in the Netherlands: the US will soon be going to the polls. Where does it come from, this fascination with US elections? PhD candidate Bram Eenink explains.
Barbarian: Explorations of a Western Concept in Theory, Literature and the Arts Vol. 2: The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
The second and final volume of this co-authored study has just been published by J.B. Metzler. This second monograph explores the history of the concept of barbarism in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
About the programme
LUC is located in The Hague and offers a three-year English Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences with a focus on today's Global Challenges: Peace & Justice, Sustainability, Prosperity and Diversity.
Andean Mummies Journey to European Museums 1810-1970
A look into the political history of collecting and the collections of Andean mummies in Western European museums from 1830-1930 through archaeology and paleoimaging.
Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace: Global narratives and practice
This edited volume draws from papers presented at the conference Closing the Gap | Responsibility in Cyberspace: Narratives and Practice, organized in June 2022 at the Egmont Palace in Brussels, Belgium, by Leiden University, as part of the EU Cyber Direct project.
LDE-Majority World Workshop – Contemporary Migrations in the Americas: Cross-Atlantic Dialogue for Socio-Spatial Justice
- Global Geopolitics with Trump: Two Months In
Why Leiden University
Leiden University offers ambitious students a world-class environment in which to reach their full potential.
Why Leiden University
Leiden University offers ambitious students a world-class environment in which to reach their full potential.
CfP: SCOLAS 2019
The 2nd edition of SCOLAS (Student Conference in Latin American Studies) will take place on June 19th, 2019.
Chávez is dead: Viva Chávez!
‘Hugo Chávez could gain an iconic status among left-wing groups in Latin America that is comparable with that of Che Guevara,’ says Patricio Silva, Professor of Modern Latin American History. ‘Latin America as a whole is beginning a new chapter in its history.’
Stéphanie Noach receives a Fulbright grant
Stéphanie Noach, PhD within LUCAS, received a Fulbright grant to conduct research for her PhD project 'Dark Matters. Recasting Darkness with Contemporary Latin American Art' at the Afro-Latin American Research Institute at Harvard University.
Stephanie Noach wins Praemium Erasmianum Foundation Dissertation Prize
Assistant professor Stephanie Noach has won the Dissertation Prize of the Praemium Erasmianum Foundation. She is receiving this prestigious prize for her research on darkness in contemporary art from Latin America and the Caribbean.
- About the programme
Christoph Pieper
Faculty of Humanities
Brazil: from economics lab to world power
Brazil is one of the world's largest emerging economies, but more is needed if it is to use this economic power for all parts of Brazilian society. This will be the subject of Professor of Brazilian Studies Edmund Amann's inaugural lecture on 20 November.
Introducing: Edmund Amann
Professor Edmund Amann will be the new Professor of Brazilian Studies. A short introduction.
Jelle van Buuren Explains American Boogaloo Boys
A particular group of counter protesters have been sighted at numerous Black Lives Matter protests that were held in the United States. An extreme right movement known for its characteristic Hawaii Shirts and heavy weaponry that calls itself the Boogaloo Boys. Which is cause for concern among the American…
Erik Kwakkel elected to Comité International de Paléographie Latine
On 18 June, 2015, Erik Kwakkel was elected to the Comité International de Paléographie Latine (CIPL), a scholarly committee that specialises in the study of the medieval book.
Decolonisation in art: 'That darkness says: up to here and no further'
It was not light, but its absence that caught Stephanie Noach's attention a few years ago. With her research on darkness in art, she aims to show how darkness can question and sometimes even undermine colonial imagery.
Symposium on Political Parties and Government Survival in Latin America
On Monday 4 September, Professor Christopher Martinez, from the Universidad de Concepción (University of Concepción), Chile, was invited by the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law to introduce his forthcoming book at our university.
Six top-rated programmes at Humanities
Six programmes in the Faculty of Humanities have been awarded the designation 'top programme' by the Keuzegids. These are the bachelor’s in German Language and Culture, Greek and Latin Language and Culture, Latin American Studies, Ancient Near East Studies, Religious Studies and Russian Studies.
"Storia de Nhas Pais" interviews’ collection officially handed over to Rotterdam City Archive
A collection of interviews from the oral history project
Linking crises: Connections between climate change and COVID-19 during American, Canadian, Dutch, and Lithuanian national elections (2020-2021)
The aim of this research is to understand the linking of crises for the combination of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Damian Pargas new Professor of American History
As of 1 August 2017, Damian Pargas is the new Leiden University Chair of the History and Culture of North America.
Daniela Vicherat Mattar
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Aad van Mastrigt
Faculty of Humanities
Delegation from Leiden University forges new links in Brazil
A delegation from Leiden University is visiting Brazil from 14 to 18 March. The first day of the visit was spent with scientists in São Paolo.
Area Studies Week from 2-5 June: Join our live Q&As!
Interested in Area Studies? Then Leiden is the place to be! Join our Online Area Studies Week from 2-5 June to find out more. From Africa to Brasil and from Korea to Russia, Leiden covers all areas and fields, both in language, literature, history, politics and socio-economics. Join our live Q&As!