1,067 search results for “asylum and migratie policy” in the Public website
Procedures for minor asylum seekers in breach of children’s rights
The procedures for admitting minor asylum seekers from Camp Moria on Lesbos to the Netherlands are in breach of children’s rights according to Ton Liefaard, Professor of Children’s Rights and Peter Rodrigues, Professor of Immigration Law.
Sophie Vériter
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
EU Personal Data Protection in Policy and Practice
Although the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) harmonizes the protection of personal data across the EU as of May 2018, its open norms in combination with cultural differences between countries result in differences in the practical implementation, interpretation and enforcement of personal…
Is een uitzonderingspositie in het asielrecht voor Polen haalbaar?
Ook Polen wil het recht op een tijdelijk afschaffing op asiel, zo maakte premier Tusk onlangs bekend. Hoe groot zijn de kansen in Brussel en vormt dit een optie voor Nederland? Mark Klaassen, universitair docent Immigratierecht, spreekt over de kwestie in het Algemeen Dagblad.
Min Cho
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Stefan Cetkovic
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Pieter Slaman
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Politicization, bureaucratic closedness in personnel policy, and turnover intention
In this article, Kohei Suzuki examines how bureaucratic politicization and closedness are associated with the turnover intentions of bureaucrats in 36 countries.
storming of the Mexican Embassy in Ecuador: Inviolability and Political Asylum
On Friday, April 5, the Ecuadorian police stormed the Mexican Embassy in Quito to arrest former Ecuadorian vice president Jorge Glas Espinel.
Public administration and economics researchers commissioned by European Asylum Support Office to research migration
Dimiter Toshkov, Olaf van Vliet, Alexandre Afonso and Zouheir El-Sahli from the Institute of Public Administration (FGGA) and the Department of Economics (Faculty of Law) have been commissioned to carry out research for the European Asylum Support Office.
Migration policy in the spotlights
From 11 to 21 June 2019 eleven students took part on the Honours summer course Dilemma’s in het migratierecht (Dilemmas in migration law).
Evidence integration for coherent nexus policy design: a Mediterranean perspective on managing water-energy interactions
In order to analyze the challenges linked to data use in the context of nexus governance, Giest & Mukherjee use a policy design lens and more specifically the perspective of organizational policy instruments to look at the Mediterranean region.
Maarja Beerkens
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Patrick van Berlo: 'Outsourcing the reception of asylum seekers has its downsides'
Asylum seekers wanting to get to Australia often end up in a detention centre on the tiny island state of Nauru. What effect does this ‘outsourcing’ of asylum seekers have on human rights? PhD candidate Patrick van Berlo went to Australia to investigate.
Guest Lecture on unaccompanied minors by Germa Lourens (Nidos)
On Friday 23 February 2018 from 10:00 till 12:00 the Institute of Immigration Law will host a guest lecture by Germa Lourens from the NIDOS Foundation on unaccompanied minor asylum seekers. The lecture will take place in room C0.06 of the KOG Building.
tales of attribution in cyberspace. Criminal law, international law and policy debates
In this policy brief, Dennis Broeders, Els De Busser and Patryk Pawlak discuss attribution of in cyberspace from three different perspectives: criminal law, international law and policy. Published together with EU Cyber Direct.
Robust Estimation using Aggregated Data for Urban policy making (READ-URBAN)
Read-Urban was a first project to investigate whether policy recommendations can be made with the aid of linked data collections and data science and to gain experience with the success factors for such a process.
Building Northern Public Support to Finance Climate Policies in the Global South
As part of the Paris Agreement, countries across the world agreed to support developing countries to invest in climate mitigation and adaptation through a Green Climate Fund. However, developed countries have failed to meet funding commitments for the Green Climate Fund–the flagship program financing…
From Wife to Presidential Partner: the Policy Agenda of the First Lady of the United States
In this article, Kuipers and Timmermans analyze the first lady's relationship with policy problems in the period 1945-2013.
Kate Kirk
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Frank de Zwart
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Max van Lent
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Marinko Bobic
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Inge van der Weijden
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Alex Ingrams
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Alexandre Afonso
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Bertram de Boer
Nikki Ikani
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Anchrit Wille
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Shivant Jhagroe
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Natascha van der Zwan
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
SAFE and SOUND: Towards Evidence-based Policies for Safe and Sound Robots
ERC StG SAFE and SOUND has the ambition to connect the policy cycle with data generated in robot testing zones to support evidence-based policymaking for robot technologies.
Language Planning as Nation Building. Ideology, policy and implementation in the Netherlands, 1750–1850
The decades around 1800 constitute the seminal period of European nationalism. The linguistic corollary of this was the rise of standard language ideology, from Finland to Spain, and from Iceland to the Habsburg Empire. Amidst these international events, the case of Dutch in the Netherlands offers…
The Capacity to Innovate: Cluster Policy and Management in the Biotechnology Sector
In this book, Sarah Giest, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Administration, provides insight into the collaborative and absorptive capacities needed to provide public support to local innovation through cluster organizations.
How partisan politics influence government policies in response to ageing populations
Kohei Suzuki is Assistant Professor at Institute of Public Administration. This study carries several important implications for understanding the policy impacts of a graying population and for studies of the welfare state, in general.
UN, EU, and NATO Approaches to the Protection of Civilians: Policies, Implementation, and Comparative Advantages
The protection of civilians (POC) in armed conflict has become a core strategic objective for the United Nations system and for UN peace operations in particular. The UN, however, is not the sole actor engaged in POC.
Mentors wanted for guidance of young asylum seekers during the ‘Know your rights’-cours
This Autumn a group of young asylum seekers will attend the course ‘Know Your Rights’, which is being developed by Pro Bono Connect, New Dutch Connections, law firm DLA Piper and the Leiden Law Clinic. For this course we are looking for 20 jurists who are willing to coach the asylum seekers.
Mark Klaassen on Dutch NOS news on deportation of rejected asylum seekers
At this week’s EU summit in Brussels, Dutch Prime Minister Rutte will try to get support for his plans to combat migration. He proposes tighter border controls at Europe’s external borders and returning rejected seekers to their country of origin more often. But how feasible is the latter proposal?
Leo Lucassen admitted as KNAW member
Leo Lucassen was selected by KNAW on the basis of his academic achievements. Lucassen studied socio-economic history in Leiden, where he earned a PhD cum laude. He took up Leiden’s chair in Social History in 2005, and since 2014 he has been serving as Leiden’s professor of Global Labour and Migration…
Transitioning From Military Interventions to Long-Term Counter-Terrorism Policy
These three repors are part of a research project that assesses how military interventions can best prepare the ground for an effective long-term counter-terrorism policy. Three different cases have been studied, and they have each provided the input for the policy relevant recommendations that are…
The Fate of Freedom Elsewhere. Human Rights and U.S. Cold War Policy
This is the 2017 paperback release of William Michael Schmidli's The Fate of Freedom Elsewhere, which won the 2013 Foreign Affairs Magazine Best Book of the Year.
The niche of think tanks in a consensus – seeking and neo-corporatist policy advisory system
Bert Fraussen and Valérie Pattyn theoretically contribute to the existing literature on policy advice by drawing inspiration from niche theory.
Gender differences in crime and prosecution policies in 19th century Europe
My current research focuses on criminality and gender interactions in nineteenth-century Europe. This project uses a comparative methodology to explain gender constructions in a criminal and in a court setting.
Policy versus Practice. Language variation and change in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Dutch
On December 12th, Andreas Krogull succesfully defended his doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Andreas on this great result.
Technology integration in education: policy plans, teacher practices, and student outcomes
Despite the value of technology integration for educational equity and quality being emphasized by numerous studies, many gaps exist about how technology integration can be approached in policy plans, implemented in pedagogical practices, and embraced by teachers, students, and parents.
Sports: experiental expertise of (dis-)ability | Research Internship Policy in Practice
How do people experience ‘inclusion’ in sports? How can experiential expertise enhance policies in sport and inclusion? This research internship at The Mulier Institute enables a student to investigate these issues from a qualitative research perspective.
Comfort: Cyber Terrorism and Information Security across National Policies and International Diplomacy
In this article for Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, the authors analyse the evolution and interplay of national policies and international diplomacy on cyber terrorism within and across the UNSC’s permanent five members and the UN process on cyber norms (GGE and OEWG).
Aid Imperium: United States Foreign Policy and Human Rights in Post-Cold War Southeast Asia
Does foreign aid promote human rights?
Towards an Interspecies Health Policy: Great Apes and the Right to Health
Many dangerous diseases such as COVID-19, Ebola and Q fever have jumped from animals to humans. But it is not only because of these diseases that we should include animals in our health policy, but also because of their right to health.
Johan Christensen
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs