4,207 search results for “takes en culture van de world” in the Public website
Fulbright scholarship takes Sara Polak to Yale
Sara Polak, PhD researcher and lecturer at LUCAS, has won a Fulbright scholarship to work on her research on Franklin D. Roosevelt at Yale University from September 2014 till February 2015.
Boekpresentatie 600 jaar Navolging van Christus van Thomas Kempis
Op 26 september vindt de boekpresentatie van de jubileumeditie en herziene vertaling van Thomas Kempis' Navolging van Christus plaats in Boekhandel Van der Velde in de Broeren in Zwolle. De presentatie begint om 20.00 uur (inloop vanaf 19u30).
Rubicon grant Stefan de Jong
His two year Rubicon project is about the effect of university policies on societal engagement of academics in the social sciences and humanities.
Research grant for Sarah de Rijcke
Sarah de Rijcke (CWTS) receives a ZonMw Fostering Responsible Research Practices grant for the project 'Optimizing the responsible researcher: towards fair and constructive academic advancement'.
Laura van de Plas: ‘We want to show that we’re a community that cares for each other’
Laura van der Plas has been Wellbeing Officer for the Campus Den Haag since the end of 2021. By means of various projects, she makes sure that more attention is given to student wellbeing. How are things going so far? And what are these projects exactly? Laura talked to us to give us an update.
Marnix Medema new visiting professor Van der Klaauw chair
The Institute of Biology Leiden has a new visiting professor as of the first of May. Bioinformatician Marnix Medema holds the Van der Klaauw chair for a year and looks forward to scientific collaborations and to boost the bioinformatics education.
La crémation à Alexandrie et dans l’Égypte grecque et romaine: étude d'une pratique à travers ses urnes cinéraires
This research aims to study the practice of cremation in Alexandria and Graeco-Roman Egypt, through the examination of its cinerary urns.
Common Dwelling Place of all the Gods
Commagene in its Local, Regional and Global Hellenistic Context
Education in Ancient Egypt: 'Everyone Used the Same Text'
For hundreds of years, children in Ancient Egypt learned to read using The Satire of the Trades, a text in which a father gives advice to his son through descriptions of different professions. PhD candidate Judith Jurjens investigated how this worked in practice.
Streaming the Past
Watch and talk along with today’s science of the past during weekly Let’s Plays of popular games and vodcasts on the livestream platform Twitch.
Centre for Digital Heritage (CDH)
The Centre for Digital Heritage undertakes collaborative international research in the field of Digital Heritage. It is an initiative of the University of York.
The Future is Elsewhere: Towards a Comparative History of the Futurities of the Digital (R)evolution
How did digital intermediality symbolise and facilitate the transfer of content from popular culture into policy statements and vice versa in the period between 1945 and the new millenium?
Stéphanie van der Pas receives Willem R. van Zwet Award
On 29 March Stéphanie van der Pas receives the Willem R. van Zwet Award during the Annual Meeting of the Netherlands Society of Statistics and Operations Research.
Joris Larik on BBC World Service Radio about Brexit
Joris Larik was interviewed by BBC World Service radio on the state of Brexit negotiations, the Irish border issue and ongoing Dutch preparation.
A world without American domination?
America’s dominance of the world stage is coming to an end. These were the words of Professor Amitav Acharya in his guest lecture in The Hague on 5 February. ‘But the world really won’t be plunged into immediate chaos.’
Vacatures Raad van Advies
De Raad van Advies bestaat uit leden die een binding hebben met de faculteit. Daarnaast zijn zij goed thuis in de wereld van de advocatuur, de rechterlijke macht, de overheid en het bedrijfsleven. Het faculteitsbestuur gebruikt de adviezen van de Raad van Advies bij de beleidsontwikkeling van de faculteit…
Aankondiging promotie van Joanka van der Laan (Groningen)
Promotie van Joanka van der Laan: "Enacting Devotion: Performative Religious Reading in the Low Countries (ca. 1470-1550)" Promotoren: Prof. dr. B.A.M. Ramakers en Prof. dr. S. Corbellini Plaats en datum: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 26 augustus, 16.15 Vanwege de coronamaatregelen is het aantal…
Call - Van Gelderbeurs
Met de Van Gelderbeurs beoogt de Van Geldercommissie onderzoek naar en studie van geld en geldgeschiedenis in Nederland te bevorderen. De Van Gelderbeurs heeft een waarde van max. € 10.000 en kan ingezet worden voor onderzoeks- en/of educatieve doeleinden zoals bijvoorbeeld het maken van een (digitale)…
Cultural Anthropologist Andrew Littlejohn composes sonic ethnography
Andrew Littlejohn composed a sonic ethnography with sounds recorded in Japan’s northeastern region. To understand the experience of being in the middle of a changing landscape, Littlejohn composed a sonic ethnography called Shizugawa, named after a district in Minamisanriku Town where he recorded.
Karsten Wentink
Faculteit Archeologie
Social Cognition and Decision, Lotte van Dillen studies how we make choices in an information-overloaded world
Due to technological and societal developments, we are being flooded with more information than our brains can process. How does this affect our decision-making, both as individuals and as a society? And can we learn to make better choices? This is what Lotte van Dillen will explore with her profess…
Heritage in the Making: Dealing with the Legacies of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany
The fifth volume of Ex Novo has the pleasure to host Flaminia Bartolini as guest editor for the special issue titled Heritage in the Making. Dealing with Legacies of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. This collection of peer-reviewed papers stems in part from the successful workshop held at McDonald Institute…
When Art Isn’t Real
How an initially valueless object becomes worth hundreds of millions. And vice versa.
Of jars and gongs
Of jars and gongs deals with the traditional ritual art of Ot Danum Dayak subsistence farmers from a stretch of tropical rainforest in the heart of Borneo. Together with the Ngaju, their neighbours to the south, they gloried in one of the most elaborate secondary mortuary rites in the world.
Opening of the Albabtain Leiden University Centre for Arabic Culture
With the launch of the Albabtain Leiden University Centre for Arabic Culture, Leiden University and the AbdulAziz Saud Al-Babtain Cultural Foundation will join hands in promoting the understanding of Arabic culture. Have a look at the centre's plans for the years ahead.
‘Be open to other cultures’
This week more than 400 international students are starting their study programme in Leiden or The Hague. Why did they choose to study here? And what is the advice from their mentors?
Wouter Kalf and Museum de Lakenhal
On Tuesday 7 December, Wouter Kalf gave a lecture on how All Knowlegde starts with intuïtions for the Studium Generalis series co-hosted by the Museum de Lakenhal. The lecture was in Dutch.
Article in 'de Volkskrant' by Adriaan Bedner
Adriaan Bedner wrote an article on the relationship between Indonesia and the Netherlands in 'de Volkskrant' of 21 November 2016.
Huub de Groot breaks down artificial photosynthesis
In a promotional video for the SUNRISE initiative, prof. Huub de Groot explains the impact and ideas behind artificial photosynthesis.
Leiden University hosts Music and Cultural Analysis reading group
In 2016, Leiden University hosts the monthly meetings of the Music and Cultural Analysis reading group.
Céline Zaepffel
Faculty of Humanities
Workshop The Natural World (Antwerpen)
ENVIRHUS (Environmental and Rural History of Urbanized Societies) organiseert op 17 februari 2023 (14u-17u) de workshop ‘The Natural World‘.
Third Van Eyck Symposium
On Saturday 2 November the third Van Eyck Symposium shall take place
Adjudication of attacks targeting culture: a new approach
A deliberate attack on a tangible element of a culture, such as a temple, is often also an attack on intangible elements: the religion or religious customs. Equally, the intangible can be attacked without the involvement of the tangible, for example the brutal curtailment of rights. How are these reflected…
Succesful webinar MSc Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Online Open Days are increasingly gaining popularity. On 13 September 2017, Dr. Erik de Maaker, Jule Forth and Tarini Shipurkar from the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology presented a webinar on their Master programme. The recorded webinar can be watched online.
Sector Plan Conference Cultural Heritage & Identity (November 20)
On Friday 20 September, the first Sector Plan Conference for the theme Cultural Heritage and Identity will be organised in Rotterdam. The conference is intended for all staff and national partners working in the field of Cultural Heritage and Identity. In particular, those involved in the Sector Plan…
Evelien Campfens at LeidenGlobal on cultural heritage protection
How can we best protect cultural heritage in times of war? In an interview with LeidenGlobal, cultural heritage law specialist Evelien Campfens talks about her current research project on cultural heritage protection in Ukraine for the European Parliament (EP).
Kennemerland in metaalvondsten
Duizenden metaalvondsten die door detectorzoeker wijlen Herman Zomerdijk zijn gedaan in de regio Kennemerland schetsen een uniek beeld van Noord-Holland door de eeuwen heen. Hij zocht en verzamelde decennialang historische metalen objecten in Noord-Holland en bouwde zo een unieke metaalcollectie op.
Anna-Alexandra Marhold
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Mark Driessen
Faculteit Archeologie
Ammodo Science Award to bring cultural heritage to life through play
A team of Leiden researchers has won the Ammodo Science Award for innovative humanities research on perceptions of cultural heritage.
Lezingenreeks Abdij van Park
Op vijf donderdagavonden vanaf 29 september wordt een lezingenreeks over het onderzoek en de restauratie van de Abdij van Park georganiseerd.
Danny Mekić guest columnist for de Volkskrant
De Volkskrant has a guest columnist every month who writes a column for the website on Sundays. eLaw PhD student Danny Mekić was asked by de Volkskrant to be guest columnist for the month of January.
Globalising Migration History. The Eurasian Experience (16th-21st centuries) | Studies in Global Migration History, Volume: 15/3
This volume edited by Jan Lucassen and Leo Lucassen aims to quantify and qualify cross-cultural global migrations and was published in the series 'Studies in Global Migration History'.
Landscape Protection in International Law
Amy Strecker assesses the institutional framework for landscape protection, analyses the interplay between landscape and human rights, and links the etymology and theory of landscape with its articulation in law.
Latin America and the UN
Subproject of the ERC project 'Challenging the Liberal World Order from Within: The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South'.
Anna Notsu
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Van Winterfonds: PhD Vacancy
Het Van Winterfonds maakt in 2021 een promotieplaats mogelijk. Doel daarvan is de promovendus de gelegenheid te geven om een promotieplaats te verwerven voor een door haar of hem zelf ontwikkeld promotieplan. Aanvragen kunnen worden gedaan tot 15 maart 2021.
World Solidarities: IUAES 2019
On August 27 – 31 2019, PhD candidate Maria Vasile participated in the IUAES 2019 Inter- congress in Poznan, Poland entitled "World Solidarities" and shares some of the insights from presentations she attended and found particularly relevant to the Food Citizens project.
Video: bekijk reacties van deelnemers op de GTGC-conferentie 2023
Tachtig academische papers, 270 deelnemers en vier rondetafelgesprekken over het aanpakken van mondiale problemen. De tweede conferentie van het interdisciplinaire onderzoeksprogramma Global Transformations and Governance Challenges werd groots opgezet. Wat vonden de deelnemers ervan? Bekijk het in…