3,530 search results for “social science master” in the Public website
Leiden Bio Science Park focuses on biodiversity: from ornamental grass to thriving nature
Neat strips of grass and perfectly manicured flowerbeds may look green and inviting, but they’re often not the best for nature. That’s why Leiden University is prioritising a comprehensive biodiversity plan over conventional greenery at the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP).
‘Tolerance and respect will advance medical science’
Fijs van Leeuwen, Professor of Radiology, Molecular Imaging and Image-Guided Therapy, advocates an open and respectful academic culture that always puts the patient first. He delivered his inaugural lecture on 13 November.
Marieke Bos
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Ad IJzerman appointed as Secretary of The Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities
As of May 2015, Prof. dr. Ad Ijzerman has been appointed as Secretary of The Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities.
Bart Custers
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
'Researching research is not a luxury; it’s a necessity'
It sounds credible: ‘Research has shown that…’, but is it really? Read in the research dossier ‘From data to insight: the importance of sound research methods’ how Leiden University contributes to more reliable social science research.
Science on Insta: are influencers helping get young women (back) into reading?
Dutch influencers like Romy Boomsma and Nina Pierson have a huge following on Instagram and are increasingly sharing book tips there. Researcher Aafje de Roest wants to find out more about the reading culture they are promoting and its effect on the reading habits of their mostly young female follow…
The nation in the city. Urban experience and national agency, Amsterdam 1850-1900 (in Dutch)
My research project focuses on the development of a popular national agency in late nineteenth century Amsterdam and the question how ‘ordinary’ citizens imagined ‘the Netherlands’ through the experience and use of their urban surroundings.
From master’s thesis to scientific article: ‘Really strange that people are able to quote me now’
Vivian van der Linde completed her masters Crisis & Security Management in the summer of 2020 by writing a thesis on Dieselgate. Freshly graduated, she felt she wanted to do more with her research. But how do you go about that, having just finished studying? Together with her thesis supervisor Wouter Jong…
Online Master's Experience Day: Master Population Health Management
Study information
Tom Louwerse
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Five Veni awards for Leiden Science researchers
Five promising researchers at Leiden's Faculty of Science have received a Veni award from NWO. They can use the award - of up to 250,000 euros - to carry out research over a three-year period. Of the total of seventeen Leiden Venis, four went to Leiden Observatory and one to Institute for Biology Le…
Stoepplantjes (Pavement plants)
In our lives we often have little attention or appreciation for plants, let alone the ones we commonly call weeds. This inattention for plants has been described as plant blindness. The Stoepplantjes project aspires to decrease plant blindness by changing the image of weeds and using citizen science.…
Master's Open Day
Study information
Building Other forms of Communicating the Academy
The BOCA project explores new forms of communicating academic knowledge as a way to strengthen the connection between the university and society.
Dr. Paul Behrens nominated for ''Science Discoverer of the Year'' Award
The Faculty of Science grants two C.J. Kok awards each year: the C.J. Kok Public Award, also known as the award for the ‘Discoverer of the Year’, and the C.J. Kok Jury Award, the award for the best PhD thesis from the past year.
Valorization of Scientific Knowledge: Philosophy, History and Policy
This project aims to situate the current policy concept of ‘valorization of scientific knowledge’ in historical and epistemological perspectives. Conceptual understanding of the utility of scientific practices is developed in dialogue with historical analyses of the politics of knowledge in European…
‘Communication, too, has to be based in science'
Science communication is a lot more than writing a column or giving a lecture now and then. The communication itself also has to be firmly based in sound scientific research, is the message of Professor Ionica Smeets in her inaugural lecture.
Computer Science in Leiden offers highest quality education
The Keuzegids Universiteiten 2018 has labelled the master’s programme in Computer Science as a “Topopleiding”, because it fulfils the highest standards. The Leiden programme ranks highest on the list of Computer Science programmes in the Netherlands.
Online Master’s Experience Day: Master Vitality and Ageing
Study information
Willem Otterspeer
Faculty of Humanities
Archaeologist Jennifer Swerida investigates emergent social complexity in the Omani desert
In June 2024 the Faculty of Archaeology welcomed a new Assistant Professor. Dr Jennifer Swerida, originally from the United States, will strengthen the Faculty’s expertise on the archaeology of West Asia. ‘I explore human-environment relationships inside an ancient oasis and the surrounding land. Previous…
- Master's Open Day
Registration for the Science Based Business specialisation is now open
The registrations for the Science Based Business specialisation of the Fall 2017 (Management track, starting in September) has now been opened, and it is thus now possible to apply. The ability to apply for the New Technology Ventures track will also follow soon.
Robust Estimation using Aggregated Data for Urban policy making (READ-URBAN)
Read-Urban was a first project to investigate whether policy recommendations can be made with the aid of linked data collections and data science and to gain experience with the success factors for such a process.
Citizen Science Lab launched with workshop about air pollution
Scientists and non-scientists co-creating breakthrough citizen science projects for measuring, understanding, and mitigating air pollution. That’s what happened during the first international workshop of the newly established Citizen Science Lab from 22 until 26 January at the Lorentz Center at Leiden…
Blog Post | Actions and Lofty Promises of Science Diplomacy
Scholars from the field of science, technology and innovation (STI) policy have often questioned whether there was substantive difference between international STI policy and science diplomacy. This is hard to answer, but at least we can observe that science diplomacy has had great appeal over the last…
re-socialise Big Tech? A major study examines the tricks and traps of social media
Humans are increasingly losing agency on social media. A team of legal scholars from Leiden University, computer scientists from other universities and civil society organisations, is conducting a study into the balance of power between Big Tech and users.
NWA subsidy for four Leiden science communication projects
A festival that combines music and science, and a digital 'time machine' for science history: four Leiden projects that focus on science communication have been awarded a subsidy in the context of the National Science Agenda.
Leiden celebrates establishment of new Chair in Science Based Business
By delivering his inaugural lecture titled ‘Where Science Meets Business,’ Simcha Jong accepted his appointment as Leiden’s first Professor of Science Based Business. In his lecture in the Large Auditorium of the Academy Building, Simcha argued that broad universities with a focus on fundamental research,…
Ludo Waltman appointed as professor of Quantitative Science Studies
Ludo Waltman has been appointed as professor of Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, especially Quantitative Science Studies, at Leiden University. The chair is located at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS).
Blog Post | Northern Cyprus and the Limitations of Science Diplomacy
Authors: Pierre-Bruno Ruffini and Olga Krasnyak
Team with staff from Leiden wins important open science prize
A team including staff from Leiden University won the Open Initiative Trophy on 11 February, a prize for the best open science initiative in the Netherlands. The winners developed Reprohak, a hackathon-like event where participants repeat research to see whether the results were reproducible.
Ayokunu Adedokun
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Tom Theuns
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Koosje van Lessen Kloeke
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Jelena Belic
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Gieneke Teeuwen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Gisela Hirschmann
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Cor Veenman
Paul Kessler
Marijn Nagtzaam
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Tycho Jongenelen
Vasiliki (Billy) Tsagkroni
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Matthew di Giuseppe
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Min Cho
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Sandrine Gallois
Faculteit Archeologie
Paul Nieuwenburg
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Daniel Thomas
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Tessa Verhoef