2,122 search results for “back s en posters” in the Public website
Bente de Leede
Faculty of Humanities
Researcher Fachrizal Afandi’s coronavirus year: 'I spoke at over 30 webinars'
In mid-March 2020, the global coronavirus outbreak changed everything in the Netherlands. Staying at home as much as possible and the 1.5 metre rule became the standard. One year on, we reflect on the past year with four Leiden Law School ‘insiders’. What kind of year did they have? And what are their…
61st Leiden-London Meeting on the EU’s strategic autonomy
On Saturday 25 June, the Europa Institute of Leiden University hosted the 61st Leiden-London Meeting, an annual event organized jointly by the Europa Institute and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL). This year’s meeting had “Interdependence, cooperation and strategic…
Simona Demková discusses the EU’s human-centred approach to regulating artificial intelligence
On 27 and 28 April, Simona Demková participated as a panelist at the conference 'A
The Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation’s Inaugural Conference 2024
The Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation (The Hague CAA) successfully marked its official debut conference with the support of partners, which include Leiden University's International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL), the Netherlands Arbitration Institute (NAI), and the Municipality of The…
Why the WTO ban on China’s export duties should be ‘greened’
China is prohibited from using export duties to address any environmental problems. This is unfortunate, according to PhD candidate Fengan Jiang (Richard), as export duties could be useful in tackling global carbon leakage. PhD defence on 19 February 2020.
Government publishes legal document on MSC Zoe disaster at LAPP's insistence
The cargo lost at sea as a result of the MSC Zoe disaster should be considered environmental pollution and information about it should be made public. This was the case made by Leiden Law School’s Leiden Advocacy Project on Plastic (LAPP). Following their investigation, the government has finally decided…
'Using few words to say a lot – that’s the art of blogging'
Many Humanities scholars keep a blog of their own. This summer, we’re putting these in the spotlight. For this week’s interview, we sat down with Annemarie van Sandwijk, editor in chief of the Leiden Islam Blog.
Olga Ceran speaks at the ICON-S BENELUX Chapter Inaugural Conference in Maastricht
On 26 October 2023, Olga Ceran spoke at the inaugural conference of the newly founded ICON-S Benelux Chapter, hosted by Maastricht University, Faculty of Law. The overarching theme of the conference was Crises, Challenges, and the Future of Public Law. Olga joined the panel on Power, knowledge, and…
Vincent Delhomme speaks at ICON-S BENELUX Chapter Inaugural Conference in Maastricht
On 26 October 2023, Vincent Delhomme spoke at the inaugural conference of the newly founded ICON-S Benelux Chapter, hosted by Maastricht University. The overarching theme of the conference was 'Crises, Challenges, and the Future of Public Law'. Vincent participated in the panel on ‘The challenges of…
Prospective science students in vast numbers to Master's Open Day
A screaming wind, a dark grey sky and unexpected rainfall. The visitors of the Master's Open Day of the Faculty of Science had a hard time, but nevertheless came en masse to the Gorlaeus Building: about 750 prospective students and supervisors.
Dutch cabinet not adopting Boot Committee's main recommendation on ZZP plans
According to Gerrard Boot, Professor of Labour Law, the recommendations of the Committee he chaired on model agreements (Boot Committee) are only partly reflected in the plans of Karien van Gennip, the Dutch Minister of Social Affairs and Employment. The minister is working on a legal presumption of…
Vincent Bakker wins second prize in Leiden University’s Thesis Award
During this award ceremony for alumni op Saturday, 10 February 2018, Vincent Bakker was awarded second prize in Leiden University’s 2018 Thesis Award. These prizes are made possible by the Minerva Reünisten Fund Year 1957/1961/1965, incorporated into the Leiden University Fund (LUF). His thesis supervisors…
Leiden University joins national 113 campaign: ‘It’s okay to feel uncomfortable about talking about suicide’
Talking about suicide is important, but anything but comfortable. To make this difficult subject easier for students and staff to discuss, the university is organising a campaign week in line with the national campaign ‘1K Z1E J3’ (I see you) being run by Stichting 113 Zelfmoordpreventie (113 is the…
Student Ivana Nagtegaal's coronavirus year: 'We can be proud of ourselves'
In mid-March 2020, the global coronavirus outbreak changed everything in the Netherlands. Staying at home as much as possible and the 1.5 metre rule became the standard. One year on, we reflect on the past year with four Leiden Law School ‘insiders’. What kind of year did they have? And what are their…
Kroese-Duijsters Symposium 2024
Featured Review | A Small State’s Guide to Influence in World Politics
Tom Long (2022). A Small State’s Guide to Influence in World Politics. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190926212, 240 pp. (hardback), £19.99.
Blog Post | Geoeconomic diplomacy: the EU’s reenergised mobilisation of strategic state-market cooperation
Faced with warfare on the European continent and growing Sino-American geopolitical disputes, the EU’s rising use of sanctions and attention to economic security call for a better diplomatic understanding of how state-market actor-networks are assets of modern foreign and security policy.
Meijers Lecture and New Year’s Reception: starting the new year full of enthusiasm and inspiration!
In traditional style, 2025 was ushered in at our faculty with the Meijers Lecture followed by the New Year's Reception. On Thursday 16 January 2025, the Meijers Lecture took place in the Lorentz Lecture Hall where the Meijers Prizes and the Van Wersch Springplank Prize were also awarded. At the New…
and celebrating excellent Extended Essays: launching Leiden University’s Academic Challenge
The ‘Wetenschapscongres for vwo’ gets an Anglophone edition: 'Leiden University’s Academic Challenge’.
Richard Jiang on the potential role of export duties in China’s environmental policy
On 26 and 27 May 2017, Richard Jiang, PhD candidate at the Europa Institute, participated as a speaker in the ninth annual meeting of the Society for Environmental Law and Economics at Worcester College, University of Oxford.
Nathan de Arriba-Sellier in Le Monde about the ECB’s new climate plan
On 19 July 2021, Nathan de Arriba-Sellier published an op-ed in Le Monde regarding the integration of climate change in the new monetary policy strategy of the European Central Bank (ECB).
Melanie Fink speaks on Frontex’s external relations at Jean Monnet Conference organised by Ankara University
On 17 March 2022, Ilke Göçmen from Ankara University organised a Conference within the framework of a Jean Monnet Chair on ‘Legal Issues in Turkey – European Union Relations’.
Salary of Museum de Fundatie’s former director not specified in annual report
Ralph Keuning, the former director of Museum de Fundatie, a museum for the visual arts in Zwolle, stepped down in 2022 following complaints about authoritarian leadership. On top of that, an independent investigation has shown that he received almost €200,000 from the struggling museum after his departure.…
Leiden Children’s Rights Observatory: New Report on Admissibility under CRC-OP3
A new report on admissibility under the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on a Communications Procedure (OP3) has been published.
Lunch Seminar: Data Localization as a Data Sovereignty in Nigeria's Digital Policy Landscape
On Monday 6 May, GTGC guest researcher Joohyun Baik presented her research on 'Data Localization as a Data Sovereignty in Nigeria's Digital Policy Landscape'.
status for Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights
The staff of the Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights is extremely proud.
Governing the commons: What we can learn from each other's (not so) foolish disciplines
PhD candidates Vincent Walstra and Leen Felix in dialogue
Libraries acquires 16th-century Chinese imperial edict from Robert van Gulik’s collection
Leiden University Libraries (UBL) has been able to acquire an extraordinary Chinese manuscript at auction in Hong Kong. It concerns an Imperial Edict (dated 1582) from the Ming dynasty period, at one time part of the former collection of well-known sinologist and author of detective-novels Robert van…
Workshop on Access to Justice and the EU’s Remedies System
On 3 and 4 November 2022, Melanie Fink convened a Workshop to bring together the authors of an Edited Volume on ‘Access to Justice and the EU’s Remedies System’, to be published in early 2024 by Cambridge University Press.
Inclusion on International Women’s Day: pulling together for structural change
How do you achieve the structural change needed for a more inclusive university community? What challenges do female staff face in their careers and what does it take to be a woman in a leadership role? This is what over 40 female staff members from the university discussed on International Women’s…
Management Assistant Jacqueline Wessel’s coronavirus year: ‘Keep an eye on each other’
In mid-March 2020, the global coronavirus outbreak changed everything in the Netherlands. Staying at home as much as possible and the 1.5 metre rule became the standard. One year on, we reflect on the past year with four Leiden Law School ‘insiders’. What kind of year did they have? And what are their…
Meijers prizes and thesis prizes awarded at New Year’s event
On Tuesday 12 January 2021, the annual Meijers prizes and thesis prizes were awarded at the online New Year’s event broadcast from the Old Observatory.
Putting migraine into words: the patient’s account is crucial for diagnosis
Migraine can’t be diagnosed with a blood test, scan or physical examination. Language therefore plays a crucial role in its diagnosis. Neurologist Joost Haan has researched the relationship between language and migraine, and looked at how migraine is described in fiction. His PhD defence is on 22 Oc…
diversity policy is alive and kicking: ‘We need to acknowledge each other’s experiences’
Leiden University has had a diversity policy since 2014. The aim is to create a diverse and inclusive learning and working environment for all students and staff. Diversity Officer Aya Ezawa updates us on the process and the results. It’s now 2022, what has already changed?
Ilyasse’s photo went viral: ‘It was quite a bizarre week’
It was meant as a joke for friends and family. A quick snap of him with his bags packed while watching the exit polls of the Dutch general elections. But the photo of our colleague Ilyasse El Boujadayni soon found its way around the entire country and before he knew it, he was being invited by national…
Special Issue - Call for Papers | Japan's Diplomacy: Between the West and the East
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy calls for paper proposal submissions. Accepted papers will be included in the journal's special issue on Japanese diplomacy under the broad theme of 'Japan between the West and the East'.
Luuk van Middelaar in European newspapers on Europe’s response to war in Ukraine
In an essay published in three prominent European newspapers, Professor Luuk van Middelaar takes a close look at Europe’s role in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. ‘Europe shows plenty of political energy, but what is still lacking is strategic cool-headedness, in facing a nuclear power.’
Special lecture Jan Vleggeert: 'A citizen's perspective on conflicts of interest'
When Professor of Tax Law Jan Vleggeert delivered his inaugural lecture in Leiden University’s Academy Building on 30 October 2020, only 30 people were allowed to attend due to coronavirus measures. On 10 June 2022, Vleggeert was therefore given the opportunity to deliver a lecture to a much larger…
First five-yearly anniversary master’s programme Child Law celebrated
On the evening of 11 September 2017, the first five-yearly anniversary of the master’s programme Child Law (Jeugdrecht) was celebrated.
Students HC Law visit neighbourhood centre: 'You think that's bizarre? Welcome to our world'
Do young people trust the law? That is what HC Law students are trying to find out. Regular guest speaker and social worker Carlito Jones invited the students to the Bezuidenhout-West neighbourhood centre in The Hague to talk to youth workers and neighbourhood police officers: what do they run into…
What’s on? Find out in the Uni-Life app
There is more and more for students to do. Visit a film festival, follow a workshop or try a sport, for example. But how can you see at a glance what’s on and whether anyone wants to join you? Download the Uni-Life app and find out.
Work in the time of coronavirus: ‘It’s actually become easier to meet people’
How are you doing in these strange and unprecedented times? That’s the question we are asking our colleagues in this series. Jasmijn Mioch, for instance, HRM Learning & Development Adviser.
Allard Altena is mentor: ‘Make use of other people’s work experience’
Alumnus Allard Altena (27) is mentor of the month. He worked at the Public Prosecution Service and is now a regulator at the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). He wants to share his broad experience with students and young alumni – you too perhaps?
Something for everyone at Leiden's Night of Arts and Science
Come to the Night of Arts and Science in Leiden 's historic city centre on 17 September. You can enjoy music, interactive experiments, theatrical plays, lectures, modern dance, comedy and much, much more. Many of the activities are in English.
Digital guest lectures for high school students: 'Focus on what's really important'
Developing a digital guest lecture for high school students. Jan Sleutels was immediately enthusiastic when he got asked to do this. The end result? Together with his colleague Maarten Lamers, he created the guest lecture 'Thinking about Artificial Intelligence'.
Simone van der Hof gives keynote about 'Data Protection and Children's Rights' in Amsterdam
On 15 February 2018, Simone van der Hof gave a keynote lecture entitled 'Data Protection and Children's Rights - the reasoning behind the protective provisions for children in the GDPR' at the International School of Amsterdam conference on Strategic marketing & communications for international scho…
European Parliament publishes Study on the Commission’s Smart Border Proposal
The European Parliament has published a study on the Commission’s Smart Border Proposal co-authored by Jorrit Rijpma, Associate Professor at the Europa Institute in Leiden.
Malgieri's co-authored paper on PETs presented and published at FAccT Conference 2024
Gianclaudio Malgieri's paper entitled 'The unfair side of Privacy Enhancing Technologies: addressing the trade-offs between PETs and fairness', coauthored with Alessandra Calvi from Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Dimitris Kotzinos from Paris Cergy University, is set to be presented at this week's prestigious…
Importing goods from sustainable countries could lower EU’s environmental footprint
A recent study in Ecological Economics, led by Leiden environmental scientist Bertram de Boer, states that the European Union could lower its environmental footprint by carefully selecting the countries from which it imports goods. The publication was picked up by Science for Environment Policy, a news…