654 search results for “video” in the Staff website
MyTimetable is Leiden University’s timetabling publication tool.
Camera surveillance
Whether you’re a student, staff member or external service provider, it’s important that you feel safe at Leiden University. A range of measures are in place to assure safety and security in all the university’s buildings and grounds.
Educational Support
SOLO helps lecturers to use ICT in education. We offer practical support and advice.
- Brightspace Grades
- Plagiarism check with Turnitin
Tools and facilities
Digital tools and campus facilities for active learning and digital assessment.
Organising online events
The Events Office is happy to help organise an online event, but you can also do it yourself. You will find resources and support for this on this page.
‘Science communication is important for every scientist’
Just start somewhere: whether it's videos, board games, theatre performances, or festivals. That was one of the key insights Sophie Wintermans gained during the Science Communication Summer School. In her view, the Summer School is a great step for any scientist interested in science communication.
Eveline Crone
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Kim de Jong
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Aris Politopoulos
Faculteit Archeologie
- Neuro diversity Platform lecture series
Plagiarism in the classroom
Are you a teacher? And do you want to check whether papers, essays or theses have been plagiarised from others? If so, you can use Turnitin. Turnitin compares the content of papers and theses with texts submitted previously and with public Internet sources.
Assessment formats
The most common assessment formats and points to consider when making your choice.
Research in the media
How can you ensure that your research hits the headlines? How can you bring your research output, such as PhD research or a publication, to the attention of the public?
Transferable skills
Transferable skills are skills that students develop during their studies and can use later in a variety of work contexts.
ICT and education
In the coming years, the University will be investing in blended learning (‘The Blended University’) as part of its educational vision (Learning@LeidenUniversity). This will involve the use of a range of digital tools.
- Editing tools
Monitors, tablets and other accessories
In addition to computers and laptops, you can also apply for a tablet, video card, additional monitor, additional hard drive, additional working memory, ergonomic keyboard, or mouse.
- Time Edit
- Plagiarism check
Help and support
Do you need help in preparing your lectures or courses? You can ask your questions to various organisations within the university.
- Script: creating a three column script
Defence ceremony
When you have finished your dissertation, it is time to prepare for the defence procedure.
- Daring questions in Islam
Workshop Drawing Salt
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Events Office: our services
The Events Office can take the following off your hands:
Digital accessibility
The digital accessibility expert group focuses on improving the accessibility of the university website, digital learning tools and digital examinations. As a result of the corona crisis many educational activities are now online. The group is therefore working closely with the Centre for Innovation…
- Testing platform Ans
External communication tools
Leiden University is proud of its research and teaching, its staff and its students. This is why we are keen to inform society of what goes on at the University.
Control your data: use Signal instead of WhatsApp
Organisation, Security
Transferable skills development FSW
The Personal Professional Skills Lab (PPSL) is an elective programme for all FSW bachelor students that enter in 2024 and on. The aim of the PPSL is to encourage students to develop personal and professional skills during the bachelor, that will give them greater resilience and direction: both in their…
- Daisy Smeets: “Rotate the type of assignment and challenge your students”
New staff
Are you about to start your new job at Leiden University? Or did you just start? Below we have summarised the most important information for new employees.
Safety and security
On this webpage, you will find more information about (types of) security, who to ask for advice and where to report incidents.
- Peer feedback
Working from home
To set up your digital workspace, use the following tools: Webmail, Office 365 and OneDrive.
Audio podcasts or audio recordings have a broad range of opportunities in education. Podcasts can be used to transfer knowledge (audio lectures), record interviews, record instructions for a field trip or to make a short radio documentary on location. Podcasts are a flexible medium, the small file size…
Brightspace is Leiden University's digital learning environment. With Brightspace you can share course materials, grades and updates with your students, create and evaluate assignments and quizzes, perform plagiarism checks, provide personalized feedback and peer feedback, and start discussions.
Open call: submit your Lowlands Science research proposal
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams lets you work remotely. You can chat, meet, call and collaborate with your colleagues. Check out tips on how to get started with Teams quickly and easily.
Microsoft Teams
With Microsoft Teams you can work online from home. You can chat with colleagues, have meetings, call and collaborate remotely. The following suggestions should help you to quickly get started with Teams.
Organising digital exams
Below you will find all information on hosting digital exams, the support available, and how you can prepare to ensure a smooth assessment proces.
An introduction to Performance art (live art)
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Giving a lecture
Giving an effective lecture requires not only careful preparation of the content, but also clear structures, visual support and presentation techniques. Some guidelines and tips to keep your lectures engaging and well structured are presented here.
Tools and support
Under tools and support you will find information intended to support you in your teaching such as the FLO team, available services and support for students, various tools for teaching and assessment, rules & regulations, and inspiration.
Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO)
Are you a senior lecturer and do you play an active role in the university’s educational development and innovation? If so, you are eligible for the Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO). This qualification shows that you possess strong didactic and educational skills and that you contribute to the development…
Membership journalistic platform The Conversation
Would you like to share your academic news with the world? Since 1 January 2024, Leiden University has been a partner of The Conversation, an international not-for-profit news platform that unlocks academic knowledge for a wide audience.
Learning and development
University Leiden encourages its employees to use and develop their talents. We do this by supporting you in your career and in your personal and professional development. We try to ensure that you get the opportunity to realise your full potential.
Reserving rooms
Within the university you can reserve rooms for educational and non-regular educational purposes, but also for events, meetings and gatherings.