654 search results for “supply chair” in the Public website
Anne-Laura van Harmelen appointed to new chair Brain, Security and Resilience
Leiden University will appoint Dr Anne-Laura van Harmelen as Professor of Brain, Security and Resilience at the Institute of Education and Child Studies with effect from 1 September 2020. She will focus on the brain in relation to the development of transgressive behaviour and its prevention and tre…
Ymre Schuurmans chairs supervisory committee on judicial monitoring of Big Data
A study has been initiated at the instigation of WODC (Scientific Research and Documentation Centre) on the judicial monitoring of big data applications by government. The study is being conducted by TILT (Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society).
Nico Schrijver appointed Interim Chair of Netherlands Institute for Human Rights
Nico Schrijver, Professor Emeritus of Public International Law, has been appointed Interim Chair of the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights. He will take up the position on 1 July 2024.
Alice Twemlow is the chair of the “Redesigning the Designer” congress at Het Nieuwe Instituut
In the light of today’s major changes and challenges, the congress on November 22 will focus on Redesigning the Designer while also taking some of the examples of more-than-human knowledge experimented with within Neuhaus as a starting point for a new network.
Schuurmans to chair independent advisory committee on self-reliance and legal assistance
Those who seek justice do not always manage to find their way through the legal system. Yet the Dutch Legal Aid Act assumes that citizens are self-reliant and can stand up for their interests in cases that are not legally complex. However, in the childcare benefits affair in the Netherlands, this proved…
Simone van der Hof chaired a panel on age verification in Brussels
On November 23, 2017, Professor Simone van der Hof chaired a panel on age verification in the digital world at the Safer Internet Forum 2017 in Brussels.
Joachim Koops awarded with Jean Monnet Chair on ‘The EU’s Role in Security and Global Affairs’
Joachim Koops, Professor of Security Studies and Scientific Director of Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) has been awarded a ‘Jean Monnet Chair’ with a focus on ‘The European Union’s Role in Security and Global Affairs’ (EURISGA).
Successful conference Kirchheiner Chair 'Government and citizens: A matter of trust'
On 1 September, the conference of the Kirchheiner Chair ‘Government and citizens: A matter of trust’ took place. In a packed hall in the beautiful Old Observatory of Leiden University, under the inspiring leadership of Willemien den Ouden, a debate was held on the role of the Dutch National Ombudsman,…
Solution for Critical Raw Materials - an European Export Network (SCRREEN)
Where and how are critical materials currently used and how can this information be used to develop scenarios about their future demand.
- Integration in Urban planning
Biodiversity and trade: mitigating the impacts of non-food biomass global supply chains.
Barend Mons appointed Chair of European Commission’s High Level Expert Group
Professor Barend Mons has been appointed Chair of the Commission High Level Expert Group
Cathalijne van der Plas appointed to chair in Private International Law
Cathalijne van der Plas will become Professor of Private International Law (0.4 fte) at Leiden University as of 1 October 2021. She succeeds Prof. Sierd Schaafsma who has become a judge at the Supreme Court as of 1 May 2021.
Prof. Dr. Joost N. Kok appointed as panel chair in the research assessment of Tampere University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Joost N. Kok is panel chair in the research assessment of Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Tampere, Finland.
Ursula Kilkelly to hold 2022/2023 Rotating Honorary Chair 'Enforcement of Children’s Rights' at Leiden University
Leiden Law School is pleased to announce that Professor Ursula Kilkelly, School of Law, University College Cork, Ireland, will visit Leiden in academic year 2022/2023 as Rotating Honorary Chair ‘Enforcement of Children’s Rights’.
Bart Custers appointed as the new chair Law and Data Science
As of 1 July 2019, Bart Custers is appointed as Professor of Law and Data Science at Leiden University. The chair is established at eLaw, the center for Law and Digital Technologies at the Faculty of Law. Bart Custers will focus on the intersection of law and digital technologies, on the one hand on…
Towards Biosolar cells
BioSolar Cells is a five-year research project in which ten knowledge institutions and 45 private industries work together.
How can the EU better understand supply and supply risks for a large list of screened critical raw materials? How will demand grow for critical raw materials in the EU, in line with evolving technologies, innovation, and new products coming to market? How can we improve EU official statistics and…
Nursing mothers' rooms Pieter de la Court Building
Pieter de la Court, Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333 AK, Leiden
Rutger Leukfeldt appointed Chair in Governing Cybercrime shared by two faculties: 'You have to do this together'
Rutger Leukfeldt has been appointed endowed Professor of Governing Cybercrime at the faculties of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) and Leiden Law School. Leukfeldt: 'It’s great that the two faculties are joining forces at a time when we’re faced with enormous challenges in the field of cybercrim…
Chainet - European network on chain analysis for environmental decision support
Analytical tools for environmental design and management in a systems perspective. The combined use of analytical tools.
Pharmaceutical World Congress. An interview with its chair: Prof. dr. Meindert Danhof
In May 2017, the PIF will hold its three-year World Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences in Stockholm, Sweden. We had an exclusive interview with the chair of the organizing committee: Professor dr. M. Danhof of Leiden University and LACDR.
Population Health Management MSc
Discover the master program population Health Management at Leiden University and contribute to a more integrated health care system. Learn more!
Career prospects
This Master enables you to practice professional activities such as: lead research projects and develop technically qualified projects in the field of transfusion medicine.
Protein Facility
The Protein Centre can supply you with purified proteins that are essential for many experiments, ranging from in vitro inhibitor screening and enzymatic analysis to manipulation of life cells.
Visit of Rector Magnificus and chair Executive Board: 'We would have preferred to do this physically as well'
On 3 June, Annetje Ottow (chair) and Hester Bijl (rector magnificus) met the Humanities faculty. Although a physical introduction was preferred, this visit also had to be done digitally.
Dr. Mikiko Otani as the Rotating Honorary Chair Enforcement of Children's Rights 2023/2024 at the Department of Child Law
Leiden University Proudly Announces Dr. Mikiko Otani as the Rotating Honorary Chair Enforcement of Children's Rights 2023/2024
Electrocatalytic CO2 reduction toward liquid fuels : on heterogeneous electrocatalysts and heterogenized molecular catalysts
With the energy transition toward a renewable energy supply and a CO2-neutral economy, electrification of the energy system is rising in importance, which leads to the challenge of long-term storage of renewable electricity.
Isabelle Duyvesteyn, new programme chair of International Studies: ‘I want to do things that will benefit students’
Professor Isabelle Duyvesteyn will be the new programme chair of International Studies. As of 1 September, she will be at the helm of the largest programme of the Faculty of Humanities.
Mapping pre-industrial sanitation infrastructure in the town of Haarlem
The central research question focuses on identifying shifts in the urban social network in terms of private, semi-public and public space by means of mapping the spatial distributions of wells and cesspits in the town of Haarlem in the course of the pre-industrial period (1200-1800). Shifts may be indicative…
Research projects
Empirical Legal Studies has a methodological and substantive component. Our research projects use qualitative and quantitative methods for the empirical study of the intersection between law and behavior. We are interested in the interaction between empirical and normative questions.
TRAC 2008
Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference Amsterdam 2008
- Launch Owada Chair
Cryogenics Department
The Cryogenics Department has a liquid helium production unit and an automatic liquid nitrogen filling plant.
COVID-19 vaccine
Leiden researchers are helping develop safe COVID-19 vaccines.
Making a field of interpretation for biosolar cells
This project investigates the role of art in the public and academic debate on biosolar energy
Positioning of current Environmental tools & an outlook to the future
Review of new technical decisionsupport systems in the environmental field, and application in water management decission processes.
Africa in the world
The emergence of new players on the world market such as India, Brazil, China, Turkey and the Gulf States gives Africans more choice in who they work with and under which terms. At the same time, African multinationals are choosing to work with regional partners and are thus furnishing old political…
Coherent dynamics in solar energy transduction
Promotor: Huub de Groot, Co-promotor: Francesco Buda
Archive of old software and data
Presentation formats
Please find below information regarding oral and poster presentations.
Computational Linguistics
In this theme you will be supplied with a firm background in the core of current computational linguistics and a solid comprehension of its neighboring fields.
Sustainable buildings
During the development of the Humanities Campus, many aspects of sustainability are combined. For example:
Art of Captivity Online exhibition by Benjamin Fogarty-Art Valenzuela
The online exhibition 'Art of Captivity' corresponds with the publication of anthropologists Kevin Lewis O'Neill and Benjamin Fogarty-Art Valenzuela's book the Art ofCaptivity (University of Toronto Press 2020).
Causing a stir: Radiative and mechanical feedback in starburst galaxies
Promotores: Prof.dr. F.P. Israel, Prof.dr. P.P. van der Werf
EXIOBASE is a global, detailed Multi-regional Environmentally Extended Supply and Use / Input Output (MR EE SUT/IOT) database. It was developed by harmonizing and detailing SUT for a large number of countries, estimating emissions and resource extractions by industry, linking the country EE SUT via…
Environmental opportunities and challenges for IoT technologies in sustainable supply chain operations
PhD defence
New Cleveringa books donated to Leiden University
Two Cleveringa books from Theo ten Kate's law library were donated to Leiden University by grandson Sebastiaan ten Kate on 24 November. They are the dissertations of W. Hugenholtz and J.G.L Röder, both PhD students of Rudolph Cleveringa. Ten Kate: 'The University is the right place for the books. Here,…
Doctors and citizens under fire in conflict zones
It is time for the international community to put a stop to war crimes – especially against medical personnel, argued international chair of Doctors Without Borders Joanne Liu in her Cleveringa lecture.
Special Chair for Central European Studies gives Cleveringa Lecture in Vienna
On December 3, 2024, Prof. dr. Sarah Cramsey delivered a Cleveringa Lecture in Vienna. Cramsey was the special guest of the Dutch Ambassador to Austria, Mr. Peter Potman.