3,407 search results for “politics in de verenigde state” in the Public website
Veranderend kunstenaarschap - De rol en betekenis van de kunstenaar in participatieve kunstpraktijken
De positie van kunst en kunstenaars in de westerse samenleving
Article in 'de Volkskrant' by Adriaan Bedner
Adriaan Bedner wrote an article on the relationship between Indonesia and the Netherlands in 'de Volkskrant' of 21 November 2016.
De dichter als idool
On 29 April 2016 Rick Honings' book 'De dichter als idool. Literaire roem in de negentiende eeuw' (The poet as pop star) was presented.
Louwerse & Otjes, How Populists Wage Opposition
Populist opposition parties are less likely to engage in policy-making behaviour (participating in or directly influencing legislative production) and somewhat more likely to engage in scrutiny behaviour (monitoring and criticising government actions).
Vanessa De Malmazet De Saint-Andeol
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Reverse Party Favoritism in Times of Pandemics: Evidence from Poland
In this paper, Kantorowicz argues that reverse party favoritism exists. He exploits the fact that during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic crisis, the Polish government was keen to launch postal voting in the presidential elections scheduled for May 2020.
Manuel Cabal Lopez
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Een permanent burgerberaad, de missing link in de Nederlandse politiek
Landen om ons heen laten zien: als burgers mogen meedenken, komt er beweging in vastgelopen politieke discussies. Zou een dergelijke derde kamer ook de oplossing kunnen zijn voor Nederland, waar samenleving en overheid elkaar steeds verder uit het oog lijken te verliezen?
Friso Stevens in de Volkskrant about the Chinese investment drive
Friso Stevens, External PhD candidate at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) at Leiden University, wrote in de Volkskrant on the Chinese investment drive.
Leiden Political Economy Group (L-PEG)
The Leiden Political Economy Group (L-PEG) is a multi-disciplinary network of scholars with a research interest in (comparative / global) political economy based at Leiden University. Our members belong to various institutes and faculties across Leiden University, and from other universities across…
Van der Meer, Janssen & Louwerse, ‘The predictive value of polls in a fragmented multi-party system’
Political scientists Tom van der Meer, Lisa Janssen (University of Amsterdam) and Tom Louwerse (Leiden University) analyse polls presented by the main polling agencies in the Netherlands, as well as micro-level panel data. They reach three main conclusions. First, vote intention polls in the Netherlands…
Archeologisch onderzoek langs de Rikkert in Enkhuizen
Tot voor kort was de kartering van oppervlaktevondsten de geijkte manier om het in de bronstijd bewoonde gebied in West-Friesland in kaart te brengen. In dit rapport gebaseerd op archeologisch onderzoek in 2012-2015 wordt uiteengezet wat de relatie tussen de oppervlaktevondsten en de aan- en afwezigheid…
Promotie Jan de Vetten - In de ban van goed en fout
Jan de Vetten brengt zijn promotieonderzoek ook uit in boekvorm. ‘In de ban van goed en fout’ beschrijft voor het eerst - op basis van archiefonderzoek en interviews - op samenhangende wijze de bestrijding van de CP en CD, en ook de reactie daarop van die partijen. Waarom werden ze zo fel werden bestreden?…
Media | Art | Politics (MAP)
The Leiden Lectures in Media | Art | Politics (MAP) is a series of talks organized by Pepita Hesselberth and Yasco Horsman. Speakers from various academic backgrounds and in different stages of their careers reflect on diverging ways in which technological and social changes challenge and transform…
Reijer Passchier
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Emily Anne Wolff
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
China, een gids voor de 21e eeuw
China wordt steeds assertiever in zijn relaties met andere landen, maar achter dit beeld gaat een opmerkelijk diverse maatschappij en politieke realiteit schuil die tal van aanknopingspunten biedt voor samenwerking en verdere integratie van China in de wereld. In China een gids voor de 21e eeuw past…
Thinking Globally About World Politics: Beyond Global IR
This book asks what it means to think globally about world politics. In an attempt to contextualise the recent ‘globalising turn’ in International Relations (IR), it takes stock of more than 30 years of efforts at addressing IR’s Eurocentric limitations, and explores what ‘thinking globally’ means in…
- Diplomatic Actors (State, Non-state & Sub-state Actors)
Politiques, Education et Identités Linguistiques, le collège des Frères des écoles chrétiennes de Jérusalem (1922-1939)
This dissertation sheds light on politics, education and linguistic identity by studying the case of the College of Jerusalem, founded by the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Morena Skalamera
Faculty of Humanities
Book presentation: 'Zes eeuwen klokkencultuur in de Abdij van Averbode'
On Sunday, December 10th, at 4:00 PM, the presentation of the book 'Zes eeuwen klokkencultuur in de Abdij van Averbode,' written by Jozef Van Osta, will take place in the Abbey of Averbode. More information can be found in the invitation.
Cum laude for political science PhD Tim Mickler
On 22 February 2017 political scientist Tim Mickler (Leiden University) defended his dissertation on the structure, composition, and working of parliamentary committees. He was awarded the exceptional predicate 'cum laude'.
Leiden Professor Cees van den Hondel appointed ‘Officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau’
Cees van den Hondel, IBL-professor and 2010 Programme director of the Fungus programme of the Kluyver Centre received the royal distinction
Maria de Jong-de Kruijf
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Carolina Pereira De Queiroz Monteiro
Faculteit Archeologie
Van Willigen, ‘A Dutch return to UN peacekeeping?’
Niels van Willigen (Institute of Political Science, Leiden University) puts Dutch participation in UN peacekeeping into an historical context. He analyses the reasons for the Dutch withdrawal from the 1990s onwards, and explores the obstacles and opportunities for a structural return. Van Willigen argues…
The Politics of Policymaking: An Introduction
Never has good policy been so important. From unemployment and a lack of affordable housing to regulating cryptocurrencies and protecting against cybersecurity threats, the challenges we face are complex and global. The text explains how policymaking works: from the emergence of policy ideas to deciding…
Abdourahamane Idrissa Abdoulaye
Christian Henderson
Faculty of Humanities
Quiet Rebels? A Social History of Political Rhetoric
Speeches and speech acts have been crucial in settling the question at the centre of every political debate: who gets what, when and where?
Rethinking Political Obligation. Moral Principles, Communal Ties, Citizenship
Why obey the state? Dorota Mokrosińska presents a fresh analysis of the most influential theories of political obligation and develops a novel approach to this foundational problem of political philosophy, an intriguing combination of the elements of natural duty and associative theories.
Nuno De Mesquita César de Sá
The Birth of Political Mass Parties
How did parties as political organizations emerge?
Elisabeth Dieterman
Faculty of Humanities
Political Ideas of B.G. Tilak
On 12 April 2022 Alok Oak successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Tom Louwerse, 'Improving opinion poll reporting: the Irish Polling Indicator'
Article in the journal Irish Political Studies discussing the challenge of aggregating opinion polls and presenting a method to better model major sudden political and societal events. This can can enhance opinion poll reporting in the media.
Joop van Holsteyn & Tom Louwerse, The Dutch 2016 Referendum: Voice, No Exit
Political scientists Joop van Holsteyn and Tom Louwerse (Leiden University) find that the Dutch government is having a hard time coping with referendum outcomes in general, and ‘anti-European’ sentiments among voters in particular.
Gezocht: Vertegenwoordigers in de Commissie Onderwijs en Onderzoek
Als vertegenwoordiger behartig je de belangen van promovendi en ReMa-studenten binnen de Onderzoekschool Mediëvistiek. Zo krijg je onder meer de kans om mee te denken over het verbeteren van de onderwijs- en onderzoeksactiviteiten van de onderzoekschool. Interesse? Nog vragen? Neem contact op…
Recalibrating India’s Middle East Policy
After an initial suggestion of a move toward Israel, India’s Prime Minister Modi has signaled a significant recalibration of his government’s engagement with the Middle East region. Now, India seems to be prioritising strong ties with the Gulf states.
Müge Kinacioglu
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Nathaniel Martin in de Volkskrant about toilets in space
German scientists and NASA have developed a bacteria-killing coating for space toilets. With this coating they hope to protect astronauts in space stations from pathogens. Professor of Biological chemistry Nathaniel Martin sheds light on the discovery: 'You don't expect nasty bacteria up there, but…
Inscripties van de Baron - Huis van het boek
Dit is een samenwerking tussen Huis van het boek, de Universiteit Leiden en de University of Virginia.
Zheng Li, Promoting Harmony with Conflicts?
This dissertation focuses on the production and consumption of a mediation show in China that collaborates with the local Justice Bureau and broadcasts on an entertainment channel—exploring answers to questions raised from the mentioned entertainisation, social and political, and cultural issues.
In Memoriam Anique Schüller, duizendpoot in de gebarentaalkunde
On the passing of Anique Schüller
Clinton won, but the horserace continues
Let’s get this out of the way: Hillary Clinton won the 26 September 2016 presidential candidates television debate. Handily.
Magnanimous Dukes and Rising States: The Unification of the Burgundian Netherlands, 1380-1480
The process of unification and the character of the union are the central topics of Magnanimous Dukes and Rising States. Robert Stein mirrors continuity and modernisation in Burgundian times with the bankruptcy of the former dynasties and the decline of feudal government. The powerful towns played an…
City Deal Kennis Maken: Leren met de Stad Leiden
Hoe kan de City Deal Kennis Maken bijdragen aan het formuleren van maatschappelijk relevant onderzoek dat de stad in al haar diversiteit centraal stelt? In de stad Leiden zijn burgers momenteel maar in beperkte mate betrokken bij het bepalen van de agenda van de lokale City Deal Kennis Maken. Dit onderzoeksproject…
Call for Papers - Monarchy in turmoil: princes, courts, and politics in revolution and restoration 1780-1830
For every period, it is a challenge to unearth the details of political trafficking; yet the effort needs to include all relevant persons, groups, and institutions – not only those wielding formal responsibilities. We hope to reinvigorate this effort by inviting specialists to present their research…