1,301 search results for “hybrid driving” in the Public website
Not so smooth after all: resolving dust and gas structures in protoplanetary disks
A large diversity of exoplanetary systems has been found, but it is still unclear what drives this diversity.
Bioorthogonal Antigens as Tool for Investigation of Antigen Processing and Presentation
In order to be able to develop effective medicine and treatments to prevent or cure autoimmune diseases or cancer we need to understand the mechanisms how they arise and what drives their course.Unravelling the fundamental molecular mechanisms influencing the onset and course of diseases such as allergies,…
The Function of Toll-like receptor 2 in Infection and Inflammation
The function of TLRs in innate immunity has aroused worldwide attention soon after its discovery. Because of the broad functions of TLR2 in innate immunity, the drive for the development of TLR2-targeted vaccines or therapeutic treatments has accelerated in the last decades.
CD8+ T-cells in atherosclerosis: mechanistic studies revealing a protective role in the plaque microenvironment
Atherosclerosis is the most important underlying process that drives cardiovascular disease, and is characterized by an accumulation of cholesterol which triggers an inflammatory response in the vessel wall.
Natural computing
Research in the natural computing group covers theoretical foundations, the development of new algorithms, and interdisciplinary applications of natural computing methods.
The archaellum: a rotating type IV pilus
Now online in Molecular Microbiology our studies on the motility of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius and its unique swimming organelle, the archaellum.
Managing a remote team
Managing a remote team calls for a different leadership style.
H2 steel
What are the possibilities of converting biowaste streams into value added products? What current and future technologies will enable this transition with minimal environmental and economic costs? The researchers in H2 steel project will enable the transition of sewage sludge into green hydrogen, steel…
How do you make a technology sustainable that does not even exist yet? Well, by bringing together an interdisciplinary team of pioneering European experts right at the start and paying attention to sustainability right from the development phase.
- CWTS Research Seminars
Vision and strategy
Both the international perspective and the Dutch language and culture are deeply embedded in Leiden University’s identity.
High-throughput screening for developmental and reproductive toxicity
Can chemical safety assessment be improved with zebrafish embryo-based reporter assays?
Into the ether or the state? Legibility theory and the cryptocurrency markets
In this article, the authors explore why there is substantial cross-national variation in the level of regulatory clarity surrounding cryptocurrencies
Horizontal gene transfer and spreading of biosynthetic gene clusters and antimicrobial resistance
Biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) for natural products are widespread in microbial genomes, and they are rapidly exchanged. This research assesses the factors that control the spread of BGCs and resistance genes in nature. This includes risk assessment for the spread of engineered DNA in nature.
Een gedreven buitenstaander: J.H. van 't Hoff de eerste Nobelprijswinnaar voor Scheikunde
This dissertation presents a new perspective on the life, work and character of the Dutch physical chemist Jacobus Henricus van ’t Hoff, first recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and one of the most important and colourful scientists in Dutch history. The image of Van ’t Hoff that emerges from…
A Featural Typology of Bantu Agreement
This book explores the fascinating microvariation in Bantu languages and proposes a new syntactic analysis of subject and object agreement crosslinguistically. This book is open access!
Functional analysis of Dof transcription factors controlling heading date and PPDK gene expression in rice
Promotor: P.J.J. Hooykaas, Co-Promotores: P.B.F. Ouwerkerk, M. Wang
Eurasian Encounters: Museums, Missions, Modernities
This book explores the intellectual and cultural flows between Asia and Europe which occurred during – and were formative of – the political and social changes of the first half of the twentieth century.
Theorie van fermion-pariteit-omkeringen in supergeleiders
Majorana meets a mermaid
Inducing spin triplet superconductivity in a ferromagnet
Promotor: J. Aarts
Squaramide-based supramolecular materials for 3D cell culture applications
A new type of tripodal squaramide-based supramolecular hydrogels is developed and studied.
Attend the workshop "How to Get a PhD Position"
Here we explain how to attend the workshop "How to Get a PhD Position" on May 7 2021.
Lahabi Lab - Quantum Materials and Devices
Kaveh Lahabi's lab explores the exotic physics of quantum materials, whose underlying physics seems to have more in common with elementary particles and black holes, than ordinary metals and semiconductors.
Visual Style and Constructing Identity in the Hellenistic World
Located in the small Kingdom of Commagene at the upper Euphrates, the late Hellenistic monument of Nemrud Daǧ (c. 50 BC) has been undeservedly neglected by scholars
Political Muslims: Understanding Youth Resistance in a Global Context
An interdisciplinary collection of the best international scholarship on Muslim youth.
Cultural Confluence in Organizational Change: A Portuguese Venture in Angola
This book explores intercultural management challenges in sub-Saharan Africa through a case study of Vasco Silva, a Portuguese businessman in Luanda, Angola.
Trans-kingdom DNA transfer
The type-IV secretion system (T4SS) is a machinery able to transfer DNA and proteins between bacteria and in certain cases also to eukaryotic cells.
About us
The Young Academy Leiden (YAL) is a select group of young academics at Leiden University. Founded in early 2019, it serves as a platform to bring young, enthusiastic and driven early career (post-PhD) academics together.
Information Diffusion Analysis in Online Social Networks based on Deep Representation Learning
With the emergence of online social networks (OSNs), the way people create and share information has changed, which becomes faster and broader than traditional social media.
Natter, Czaika & De Haas, Political party ideology and immigration policy reform
What drives the restrictiveness of immigration reforms? Political scientists Katharina Natter (Leiden University), Mathias Czaika (Danube University Krems) and Hein de Haas (University of Amsterdam) analysed immigration reforms in 21 Western immigration countries between 1970 and 2012. They found that…
Evolutionary molecular dynamics
This thesis introduces the concept of
Biographies De La Radicalisation: Des Messages Cachés Du Changement Social
La radicalisation est devenue un mot désignant notre monde en couleurs négatives. Ce livre cherche à comprendre ce que c'est que la radicalisation au Sahel et aux Pays-Bas?
Mechano-transduction mediated by integrin-based adhesion complexes: integration of cytoskeleton and adhesion dynamics
In this thesis, we focus on novel proteins/mechanisms that regulate integrin-adhesion mediated mechano-transduction.
Why Minor Powers Risk Wars with Major Powers: A Comparative Study of the Post-Cold War Era
Through a range of case studies spanning the post-Cold War period in Iraq, Moldova and Serbia, this book studies asymmetric conflicts where warring sides exhibit vast power differentials.
- Second World War
You can find an overview of events organized by the Platform for Post-Colonial Readings below.
- Week 5: 2–8 February, 2020
A computational study of structural and excitonic properties of chlorosomes
The long-held desire - to link structure directly to function and to explain molecular mechanisms based on basic chemical or physical principles - is finally coming closer, satisfying not only our scientific curiosity but also offering new solutions to the many challenges in the field of health, energy…
Evolutionary diversification and historical biogeography of Orchidaceae in Central America with emphasis on Costa Rica and Panama
In this thesis, I targeted the orchid genus Lepanthes, one of the six genera of angiosperms that surpasses 1,000 species in the Neotropics, as a study model to investigate the evolutionary processes that promoted species diversifications.
Research into higher education
Research on learning and teaching in higher education
Philippine Confluence: Iberian, Chinese and Islamic Currents, C. 1500-1800
Situated at the crossroads of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, the Spanish Philippines offer historians an intriguing middle ground of connected histories that raises fundamental new questions about conventional ethnic, regional and religious identities.
Cryptic species discovery
Do understudied animals contain hidden species?
Painting with starlight : optical techniques for the high-contrast imaging of exoplanets
This thesis describes the development and validation of new high-contrast imaging techniques, with the ultimate goal of enabling the next generation of instruments for ELT-class telescopes to directly image Earth-like extra-solar planets orbiting around nearby stars.
Expression and Recognition of Emotion in Native and Foreign Speech: The Case of Mandarin and Dutch
This study investigates the perception and production of emotional prosody by native and non-native listeners and speakers, i.e. Chinese and Dutch listeners and speakers, including Dutch L2 learners of Chinese.
Adaptive responses to environmental changes in Lake Victoria cichlids
Promotor: Prof.dr. M.K. Richardson, Co-Promotor: F. Witte
Biodiversity and trade: mitigating the impacts of non-food biomass global supply chains.
Find the answers to frequently asked questions about the Summer School here.
TRIXY Center of Expertise
TRIXY is a national Center of Expertise, in which clinical professionals and expert researchers work together to improve knowledge and clinical care for children with X and Y chromosome trisomies.
School for Digital Deaf Studies
Leiden University has a leading position in research and education in the linguistics of languages around the globe, including sign languages. In recent years, digital approaches to studying spoken languages and their communities have rapidly expanded. Language technology and digital approaches relating…
Intersectional activism: Dutch-Turkish Muslim women 'talking back' to securitization and Islamophobia
This article investigates the efforts of influential Turkish Muslim civil society actors to amplify the voices of Muslim women in the Netherlands.