3,355 search results for “talen en cultural van de wereld” in the Public website
Effecten van korte gevangenisstraffen en de prijs die we ervoor betalen
Prof Luuk van Middelaar guest professor at the Collège de France, Paris
From 24 March 2021, Professor Luuk van Middelaar will deliver four public lectures on 'Geopolitical Europe: Acts and words' at the Collège de France in Paris, on the invitation of the Chairholder on International Institutional Law, Professor Samantha Besson.
Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn on Barrons discussing terror attack memorials
Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn, PhD candidate at ISGA, explained the dilemma countries face in the aftermath of terror attacks.
De Roy van Zuijdewijn gave a speech during Meeting of the Global Coalition against Daesh (IS)
Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn was invited to give the subject matter expert speech during the plenary meeting of the working groups of the Global Coalition against Daesh in Copenhagen on 28 January 2020.
Anne-laura van Harmelen about growing up in war in Dutch magazine De Psycholoog
In Dutch magazine De Psycholoog, Anne-Laura van Harmelen talks about the impact traumatic experiences, especially for those who are growing up.
Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn on NPO 1 on ‘returners’ from Jihadist war zones
Compared to its European neighbouring countries, the Netherlands undertake relatively few attempts to bring back women and children from Iraq and Syria. De Roy van Zuijdewijn explains why on Dutch NPO 1 radio.
Jan Vleggeert and Jan van de Streek on ethics and tax law
If we want tax evasion to become a thing of the past then there has to be more balance in how tax advisers are educated, according to tax professors Jan Vleggeert and Jan van de Streek.
Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn: No tough talk after the terrorist attack in New-Zealand
After an terrorist attack, tough talk often follows. However, this is not the case with prime minister Arden in New-Zealand, says Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn, researcher at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs to the NOS.
Van liefdadigheid naar abortusstrijd. Leidse vrouwen en de Nederlandse vrouwenbeweging van 1860 tot 1990.
PhD defence
New blog by Mirjam de Bruijn
Mirjam de Bruijn and camerman Sjoerd Sijsma have been travelling through Chad and Cameroon. The Arab spring hasn't arrived there yet, but the effects of internet and mobile telephony show in everyday life. Mirjam and Sjoerd look for counter voices: young people who try to change these countries in their…
Jelle van Buuren in De Volkskrant on radical Islamic schools in the Netherlands
A new chapter has been added to the ongoing discussion on Islamic schools in the Netherlands. Dutch television programme ‘Nieuwsuur’ and Dutch newspaper NRC conducted research into approximately 50 Islamic educational institutions which do not take part in the conventional Dutch educational system.…
Embedded Remembering: Memory Culture of the 1965 Violence in Rural East Java
Grace Leksana defended her thesis on 26 May 2020.
Embracing the Provinces: Society and Material Culture of the Roman Frontier Regions
Embracing the Provinces is a collection of essays focused on people and their daily lives living in the Roman provinces, c. 27 BC-AD 476. It offers an overview of current research on Roman provinces and frontiers, deconstructing some long-held preconceptions and providing refreshing insights into unexplored…
Explant cultures of atopic dermatitis biopsies maintain their epidermal characteristics in vitro
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common inflammatory skin disorder characterised by various epidermal alterations. Filaggrin (FLG) mutations are a major predisposing factor for AD and much research has been focused on the FLG protein.
'Recycling the past' Tzu-chi waste recycling and the cultural politics of nostalgia in Taiwan
On the 8th of September Yun-An Olivia Dung successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Institutional memory in the making of colonial culture: history, experience and ideas in Dutch colonialism in Asia, 1700 – 1870.
What did colonial officials and missionaries think they were doing?
Modernismo eclipsado: arte e arquitetura alemã no Rio de Janeiro da Era Vargas (1930-1945)
On the 22nd of April, Liszt Vianna Neto successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Liszt Vianna Neto on this achievement.
Jan van de Streek: 'Tax Authorities broke the law by leaking information to Uber
The Dutch Tax Authorities leaked information about an international tax audit to Uber. In addition, they ‘obstructed and delayed’ an investigation by other EU Member States, says the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) based on internal documents from the tech company.
Luning and Van de Camp about the research programme Gold Matters on NWO website
In an interview on the website of the NWO, Sabine Luning, Marjo de Theije and Esther van de Camp talk about the gold miners they met in various African and South American countries and they come to new insights.
Liesbeth van der Heide Interviewed by Dutch Newspaper ‘De Volkskrant’ on the Psyche of Terrorists
In May 2018, Malek F. stabbed three people in The Hague. According to Malek F., he was told by a ‘big bird’ in the sky to randomly stab people. His lawyers registered a plea of insanity with the court because of his mental condition. In the end, the court sentenced Malek F. to involuntary commitment…
Het gebruik van drones; een verkennend onderzoek naar onbemande luchtvaartuigen
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), often referred to as drones, have become easy and inexpensive to buy, and it is generally expected that the use of drones by private individuals, businesses and public authorities will increase tremendously in the coming years. This raises questions as to what is technologically…
Pedagogies of Prohibition: Time, Education, and the War on Drugs in Rio de Janeiro’s Zona Norte
Benjamin Fogarty-Valenzuela published the article 'Pedagogies of Prohibition: Time, Education, and the War on Drugs in Rio de Janeiro’s Zona Norte' in Cultural Anthropology 37. The article’s three sections focus on three forms of temporal control—busyness, punctuality, and rhythm—and each demonstrates…
De kracht van taal: hoe kennis van het Russisch ons helpt Rusland en taal beter te begrijpen
Inaugural lecture
Jelle van Buuren discusses the death of Aboe Bakr Al-Baghdadi in Dutch newspaper de Stentor
Jelle van Buuren, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, discusses the death of Al-Baghdadi and whether this could also mean the end of IS.
De kat, de kameleon en de zwaardvis die zich een walrus voelde: Publieke audit en verantwoording als wezenlijk politieke en emotionele activiteiten
Inaugural lecture
Second ILS Lunch Seminar with Dr. Cuyvers en Dr. Broekhuijsen
After the kick-off on 28 November, the next ILS Lunch Seminar will take place on Monday 19 December. During this lunch seminar series all researchers from Leiden Law School can present their research. The idea is to hear in a simple and nice way what researchers from other research programs and institutes…
Incunabula on Late Medieval Spirituality, Religious Practice and Visual Culture in the Low Countries
This project investigates how the first generation of Dutch printed books (the incunabula, 1473-1501) affected late medieval spirituality, religious practice and visual culture in the Low Countries.
Promovendus Joris van de Riet: 'Studentenverenigingen zijn een verrijking, knijp ze niet af'
De plannen van het kabinet-Schoof om een langstudeerboete zorgt voor veel ophef. Promovendus Joris van de Riet schreef een opinieartikel erover voor Trouw. Zijn argument is dat een langstudeerboete desastreuze gevolgen kan hebben voor studentenverenigingen.
Bart Schuurman in Dutch regional newspaper 'de Gelderlander' on the threat of unwarranted jihadism fatigue
On 27 September 2019, Bart Schuurman, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs spoke to Dutch regional newspaper 'de Gelderlander' about the decline in attention for jihadism.
Tanja Masson-Zwaan over de gevolgen van de oorlog in Oekraïne voor de ruimtevaart
Wereldwijd worden veel samenwerkingsverbanden met Rusland stopgezet vanwege de oorlog in Oekraïne. Hoe zit dat met de ruimtevaart, waar de Russen ook een groot aandeel in hebben?
Cross-craft interaction in the cross-cultural context of the Late Bronze Age East Mediterranean
In tracing intra-site, local and regional craft networks in Late Bronze Age Tiryns (Greece) the project aimed to understand technological changes, (dis)continuities and social practices from the Late Palatial until the Post Palatial periods in Mycenaean Greece.
Kanonbildung im transkulturellen Netzwerk. Die Rezeptions-geschichte des Moskauer Konzeptualismus aus deutsch-russischer Sicht
How did a circle of Soviet artists and writers virtually unknown until perestroika turn into Russia’s most influential contemporary art movement? This book reconstructs the cultural history and canonization of a group of painters and poets known as the Moscow conceptualists, who paradoxically did not…
TOP Grant NWO for Prof. Dr. Aad van der Vaart and Dr. Robin de Jong
OP Grants NWO are awarded to 16 scientists in astronomy, computer science and mathematics, or a combination of these disciplines (multidisciplinary) by NOW Exact Sciences. The scientists received a total amount of 6 million euros.
Cultural evolutionary modeling of patterns in language change. Exercises in evolutionary linguistics
This thesis describes the use of the evolutionary approach in the study of language change, aiming to provide a better insight in the mechanisms that play a role in language change and to validate this approach in the field of language change.
Maartje Janse
Faculty of Humanities
Carla Cisternas Guasch receives research grant of the Slicher van Bath de Jong Foundation
Carla Cisternas Guasch, PhD candidate at the Leiden Institute for History, is one of the winners of the 2023 call of the Slicher van Bath de Jong Foundation for the advancement of study and research on the history of Latin America. She receives a research grant of €10.000 (max).
De gespannen relatie tussen privacy en cybercrime
Inaugural lecture
H.J. van Mook and Good Governance in Indonesia and the World
Was the progressive colonial civil servant the precursor of the postcolonial development-aid worker?
Inkomen en afkomst zijn risicofactoren bij kans op hart- en vaatziekten
Nederlanders met lage inkomens lopen tot 1,5 keer meer risico op het krijgen van een hartaanval of beroerte dan rijkere landgenoten. Bij Surinaamse Hindoestanen is dit risico 1,9 keer hoger. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van het LUMC en het HagaZiekenhuis. Nederlandse artsen kijken tot nu toe niet naar deze…
- Effatha-gebaren - Het ontstaan van een dialect in Nederlandse Gebarentaal
Le tifinagh au Niger contemporain: Étude sur l’écriture indigène des Touaregs
In this dissertation a large corpus of letter signs and texts gathered during fieldwork in Niger, and to a lesser extent Mali and Burkina Faso is used to show the graphemic diversity of the traditional script of the Tuaregs, tifinagh, and to analyze the orthographic system.
Zane Kripe
Robert Ross
Faculty of Humanities
Fitri Murfianti
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Joan Booth
Faculty of Humanities
Simay Cetin
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Verena Ly
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Surya Suryadi
Faculty of Humanities
Rick Honings
Faculty of Humanities
Geke Burger
Faculty of Humanities