2,503 search results for “in de analysis” in the Public website
The Patriot behind the pot
The Patriot behind the pot tells the story of pottery, people and politics in the Netherlands during a time of great revolutions -revolutions both in a political and industrial sense.
Using synthetic control method to estimate the growth effects of economic liberalisation: Evidence from transition economies
Jaroslaw Kantorowicz and Rok Spruk examine the contribution of institutional reforms to economic growth.
Data-driven Predictive Maintenance and Time-Series Applications
Predictive maintenance (PdM) is a maintenance policy that uses the past, current, and prognosticated health condition of an asset to predict when timely maintenance should occur.
Statistical methods for microarray data
Promotores: J.C. van Houwelingen, S.A. van de Geer
Van woord tot akkoord. Een analyse van de partijkeuzes in CPB-doorrekeningen van verkiezingsprogramma's en regeerakkoorden, 1986-2017
This PhD-thesis analyses the relationship between the parties’ choices in the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis’ assessments of the election manifestos and coalition agreements over the period 1986-2017, and tries to explain this relationship.
- In Memoriam
DNA analysis of historical mosquitoes will help us understand malaria transmission
Researchers from Leiden University, McMaster University and Public Health Ontario are calling on colleagues to track down archival specimens of mosquitoes from museums and other collections and to examine them with modern methods. This will tell them more about malaria transmission.
Data analysis is really helping the Dutch national women’s football team
The European Football Championship for Women, in the Netherlands this summer, is the background for a large and innovative data research project. The Dutch football union is working together with Leiden University and Sportinnovator. The research is expected to uncover links that have thus far remained…
Laboratory for Artefact Studies
Commercial enterprises who want to make use of the expertise and facilities are referred to LAB , the commercial unit responsible for specialized laboratory work.
Spatial patterns in landscape archaeology
This PhD project develops and applies a GIS procedure to use legacy survey data in settlement pattern analysis. As part of the research by the LERC project (NWO, Leiden University, KNIR), legacy data produced by surveys in central and southern Italy are examined in a comparative framework to investigate…
Detection of Archaeological Sites in High Resolution Satellite Images
In this project we develop algorithms to automatically detect a particular type of archaeological sites in satellite images of the Alps.
Hoe beïnvloedt de fysieke leefomgeving de gezondheid van mensen?
The Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) has received a 4m grant for the ECOTIP project. In this project researchers will study how our physical environment affects our health. The aim is to find tipping points: at what point is there a real lack of greenery, healthy food or clean air in a neighb…
The potters’ perspectives
A vibrant chronological narrative of ceramic manufacturing practices in the valley of Juigalpa, Chontales, Nicaragua (cal 300 CE - present)
Onzekerheid bij Professionals in Wijkteams
De decentralisaties van de zorg aan langdurig zieken en ouderen, jeugdzorg, en werk en inkomen die vanaf 2015 zijn doorgevoerd in Nederland hebben geleid tot een transitie van een centraal naar een lokaal stelsel van zorg en welzijn. Deze transitie beoogt zorg en ondersteuning dichter bij de inwoners…
Elk jaar organiseert het LIBC in samenwerking met de gemeente Leiden een Publieksdag over hersenonderzoek.
Hoven in Holland, 900-1300
In welke mate hebben domaniale structuren de machtsvorming en nederzettingsontwikkeling in en van het gewest Holland bepaald?
Jeu d'argile: céramique, indentité culturelle, créolisation
Une étude archéo-anthropologique de la céramique des sociétés caribéennes multiculturelles de la période précoloniale à nos jours
The Founder of Bon, the Birth of a Myth
In this dissertation, the life account is constructed of of the founder of Bon Religion, Shenrab Miwo.
Pottery in Hellenistic Alexandria
This publication brings together two contributions born of different intentions but which are both dedicated to Hellenistic pottery of the Alexandria region.
Nieuwe publicatie Bas de Melker
Op 14 oktober 2021 verschijnt "Metamorfose van Stad en Devotie". Het gaat om een handeleditie van de dissertatie van wijlen Bas de Melker over het Amsterdam van de jaren 1385-1435. De dissertatie zelf wordt uitgegeven naar de tekst van Bas de Melker uit 2002, maar er is een epiloog aangehangen over…
Sobre la ciudad de Leiden
Organizamos el décimo congreso de la AHBx en la ciudad de Leiden, Holanda. La ciudad tiene una larga historia y muchísimo carácter, gracias a los canales, hofjes (casitas con un patio común) y el ambiente vibrante, que caracteriza a las ciudades universitarias.
Save-the-date Dag voor de Medioneerlandistiek
De vijfde Dag van de Medioneerlandistiek wordt georganiseerd in Nijmegen door de Radboud Universiteit op vrijdag 24 maart. Het thema luidt: ‘De medioneerlandistiek en de wereld van nu’. Zet de datum alvast in je agenda; nadere informatie volgt. Graag tot dan!
Zoonímia Histórico-comparativa: Denominações dos antílopes em bantu
On the 26th of February, Joane de Lima Santiago successfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Joane on this achievement.
Seascape Corridors: How modelling routes through the sea can illuminate early island culture
What are the capabilities or limitations of traveling between islands and how does this reflect seasonal variation? Is it possible to show higher levels of connectivity between islands based on generated pathways between several sites on two separate islands?
- Effatha-gebaren - Het ontstaan van een dialect in Nederlandse Gebarentaal
Revolutie of zinsbegoocheling?
Wordt het nog wat met de Arabische lente?
Topics in mathematical and applied statistics
Promotor: A.W. van der Vaart
Recalibrating India’s Middle East Policy
After an initial suggestion of a move toward Israel, India’s Prime Minister Modi has signaled a significant recalibration of his government’s engagement with the Middle East region. Now, India seems to be prioritising strong ties with the Gulf states.
Mirjam de Baar reappointed as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
Mirjam de Baar has been Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and portfolio holder for education of master’s and research master’s programmes since 2016. As a result of her reappointment, she will continue to fulfil this role for an additional four years. ‘Being asked by the Vice-Rector and the Dean…
Profile 4. Monasteries and society in the Northern Netherlands
Since my master's thesis on the landed property of the Frisian monasteries in the Middle Ages I am highly interested in the do ut des-aspects of the relation between religious houses and the lay world. Key words here are: property, power, patronage and the role of religious institutions in the 'salvation…
Gaining control of lipid-based nanomedicine by understanding the nano-bio interface
Dit proefschrift beschrijft een collectie aan alternatieve strategieën voor het begrijpen, ontwerpen en toepassen van lipide nanosystemen, waarin de rol van de bio-nano interacties centraal staan. In het bijzonder wordt gekeken naar de interactie van RNA-lipide nanosystemen, bekend van de toepassing…
New minor Sustainability, Climate Change and Food ‘A full spectrum analysis of global society’
In September 2023 the new minor Sustainability, Climate Change and Food starts. This minor critically examines the complexities of food sustainability through ecological, socio-economic, political, and cultural systems.
What’s in a plant?
Tracking early human behaviour through plant processing and -exploitation.
analysis of the speech from the throne 2020: A woolly speech
This speech from the throne was a little less woolly than last year's, you might think. Gerard Breeman and Arco Timmermans know that for sure. Breeman and Timmermans from the Institute of Public Administration have been analysing the speech from the throne for years. Just like Tuesday 15 September 2020.…
Stéphanie van der Pas wins ASML Graduation Prize Mathematics for analysis new research method
On November 29, Stéphanie van der Pas receives the ASML Graduation Prize for Mathematics at the Royal Holland Society of Sciences (KHMW) in Haarlem. She proved that a new method to choose a research model works better than the usual standard method.
Analysis of court rulings on ACM decisions under Dutch Competition Act
Prof. Ottervanger, professor emeritus of European Law and Dutch Competition Law has analysed 36 final court judgments concerning decisions by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) in competition cases. The report was part of the review of the ACM that was conducted by the Dutch Ministry…
Frans de Ruiter appointed Honorary Member of the European Festivals Association
On April 13 2018 during the Arts Festivals Summit in Ljubljana, Prof. Frans de Ruiter has been appointed Honorary Member of the European Festivals Association, of which he has been President for 14 years.
De nieuwste onderzoeken in kaart op de publieksdag Brein & Recht
How does our brain interpret traces of evidence? Can someone who is suffering from brain damage be held accountable for criminal offences? And should it be possible to adjust a criminal’s behaviour with deep brain stimulation? These questions were addressed during the Public Scientific Day Brein & Recht…
Mingming Hu
Université de Fribourg - Job offers
The University of Fribourg has a vacancy for both a "professeur" and a "maître d'enseignement et de recherche" in Medieval History. Deadline for application: 30 June 2021.
- Laboratory for Ceramics Studies
Buuren discusses the death of Aboe Bakr Al-Baghdadi in Dutch newspaper de Stentor
Jelle van Buuren, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, discusses the death of Al-Baghdadi and whether this could also mean the end of IS.
Procederende belangenorganisaties: ‘Zo worden ook de meest kwetsbaren gehoord’
Interest organisations are increasingly taking legal action and that’s a good thing for democracy, says PhD candidate Rowie Stolk. ‘It means that the most vulnerable social groups – including children and refugees, who tend to have a weaker political position – are protected.’
Ancient Charm
The aim of ANCIENT CHARM was to develop neutron-imaging techniques and the associated equipment, and help establish neutron imaging as a mainstream archaeological analytical technique. In particular, one of the goals was a new imaging technique which called neutron resonant capture imaging combined…
Serie workshops waarin mensen werkzaam op het terrein van Midden-Oosten- en islamstudies vertellen over hun ervaringen in de praktijk.
Here you can find an overview of all our publications.
Personalised medicine for multiple outcomes: methods and application
The main objective of this thesis was to develop clinically relevant survival models for patients with high-grade soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities, in particular the development and validation of prediction models for use in clinical practice.
Tromble & Meffert, 'The Life and Death of Frames'
Political scientists Rebekah Tromble and Michael Meffert (Leiden University) address the question why certain frames persist over time in the media while others fade away and still others disappear very quickly. They suggest an approach based in event-history methodologies for assessing the causes of…
Introducing: Sam de Schutter
Sam de Schutter recently started working as a PhD candidate in the ERC project 'Rethinking Disability: the Global Impact of the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) in Historical Perspective'.
Kamran Ullah: ‘I love working at De Telegraaf’
‘People talk at the coffee machine about what’s on the front page of De Telegraaf.’ Kamran Ullah took office as deputy editor-in-chief of De Telegraaf on 1 January this year. Ullah began studying Public Administration at Leiden in 2002.