3,055 search results for “political institute” in the Public website
Legitimacy and Justice
The legitimacy and justice of political institutions and arrangements are among the perennial and defining subjects of the field of political theory. Political theorists who participate in the research cluster ‘Legitimacy and Justice’ engage in both systematic and historical reflection on the ways legitimacy…
Ben Schoenmaker
Faculty of Humanities
Wouter Kalf appointed Education Director at the Institute for Philosophy
As of 1 January, Wouter Kalf has been appointed Education Director at the Institute for Philosophy.
‘Belief in the end of time slowed down modernisation’
In the nineteenth century many Dutch people believed in the end of time and the coming of God's thousand-year reign. This belief effectively slowed down the process of modernisation that was taking place in the Netherlands at that time, concludes historian Rie Kielman. PhD defence 13 April.
Buddhism and social justice: doctrine, ideology and discrimination in tension
In Sri Lanka, a prominent Singhalese Buddhist monk publicly proclaims that it is not a sin to kill Tamils. In Japan, the family register kept in a Buddhist temple and specifying the outcaste status of a lineage is provided to private detectives investigating the marriageability of a young woman. Throughout…
Introduction: maritime conflict management, diplomacy and international law, 1100-1800
Maritime conflict management is the regulation of conflict in relation to the sea. It comprises conflict enforcement, conflict resolution and conflict avoidance. How did victims of maritime conflicts claim and obtain damages or demand compensation or reparation?
Announcement of Scaliger Institute Research Fellowship Winners
With support of several publishers and private foundations, Leiden University Libraries (UBL) and the Scaliger Institute welcome around 15 to 20 Fellows and guests per year to consult and research materials from our Special Collections. The Scaliger Institute received applications this year from domestic…
Yoonai Han
Faculty of Humanities
Global Perspectives on the Bretton Woods Conference and the Post-War World Order
The historiography of the Bretton Woods conference of July 1944 is dominated by the personal clash between the principal negotiators, Harry Dexter White of the United States and John Maynard Keynes of Britain.
The Life and Death of the Shopping City: Public Planning and Private Redevelopment in Britain since 1945
How have British cities changed in the years since the Second World War? And what drove this transformation? This innovative new history traces the development of the post-war British city, from the 1940s era of reconstruction, through the rise and fall of modernist urban renewal, up to the present-day…
Campaigning Culture and the Global Cold War
This book explores the lasting legacy of the controversial project by the Congress for Cultural Freedom, funded by the CIA, to promote Western culture and liberal values in the battle of ideas with global Communism during the Cold War.
Introducing: Lauren Lauret
In February 2015 Lauren Lauret started her PhD project titled 'Meeting practices of the Dutch States General and the continuity of the early modern world of the political (1780-1848)' at the Institute for History, supervised by prof. H. te Velde.
Call for proposals Scaliger Institute fellowship grants
The submission deadline for applications to Leiden University Libraries (UBL) Scaliger Institute fellowship programmes has been set for 1 April 2024. The Scaliger Institute, the special collections research centre of the UBL, supports scholars in any field of study and from anywhere in the world to…
Multistakeholderism: Prospects of an Institutional Design
On 8 April 2022, Jan Aart Scholte gave a keynote lecture on ‘Multistakeholderism: Prospects of an Institutional Design’ at the T.M.C. Asser Institute.
Book presentation Edwin Bakker and Peter Grol: 'Dutch Jihadists'
Peter Grol and Edwin Bakker, professor of Terrorism and Counterterrorism at the University, presented their book ‘Dutch Jihadists’ for a large audience. The book tells individual stories of jihadists in Holland and of Syria-goers and should contribute to a better insight into their backgrounds and m…
Promising new collaborations with Institut Teknologi Bandung
The Faculty of Science forges new research collaborations with the Institut Teknologi Bandung in Indonesia in the fields of tropical diseases, e.g. tuberculosis and medical biotechnology.
Europa Institute participates in Odysseus Summer School
Europa Institute staff members Jorrit Rijpma, Melanie Fink and Kristof Gombeer participated last week in the Odysseus Network’s Summer School on EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy (Brussels, 2-13 July).
Peter Stevenhagen scientific director Mathematical Institute
Professor of number theory Peter Stevenhagen has been appointed to up the position of scientific director of the Mathematical Institute of Leiden University on 15 September. In this position he is the successor of Aad van der Vaart, who led the institute for the last four years.
Kees Goudswaard joins board GAK Institute
Kees Goudswaard has been appointed as a board member of the GAK Institute on 1 October.
The Institute of Political Science has a multi-dimensional research programme that promotes the unity of the institute as an intellectual community rooted in the social sciences and especially political science, while enabling overlapping groups of colleagues to develop particular research agendas within…
Ruben van de Ven
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Call for proposals Scaliger Institute fellowship grants
The submission deadline for applications to Leiden University Libraries (UBL) Scaliger Institute fellowship programmes has been set for 1 April 2023. The Scaliger Institute, the special collections research centre of the UBL, supports scholars in any field of study and from anywhere in the world to…
Call for proposals Scaliger Institute fellowship grants
The submission deadline for applications to Leiden University Libraries (UBL) Scaliger Institute fellowship programmes has been set for 1 April 2025. The Scaliger Institute, the special collections research centre of the UBL, supports scholars in any field of study and from anywhere in the world to…
Institute of Political Science
Europe as A Global Actor? – The Common Security and Defence Policy in Question
My research project aims to analyze reasons of the European Union’s (EU) inadequacy to develop a strong Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) with regard to the role of main EU member states, namely Germany and the United Kingdom (UK) and find the answer of how the EU overcome the CSDP question…
Europa Institute delegation attends FIDE conference Budapest
From 18th -21st May, a delegation of the Europa Institute attended the 27th biannual FIDE congress in Budapest, Hungary.
- Why Leiden University?
Graduation ceremony MSc Political Science
De Jongh & Fougère, Specters of Arendt
The threat of totalitarian domination; the rise of bureaucratic expertise; the resurgence of nationalisms and xenophobia; the claims of religion in secular societies; and the importance of robust legal and political institutions: these are among the main issues that mark—or specters that haunt—the 20th…
‘Liberal American foreign policy was always entangled with illiberal interests’
American foreign policy in the period after the Second World War is often characterised as liberal. This is, however, not the full picture, argues university lecturer Andrew Gawthorpe. He has been awarded a Vidi grant to research and rewrite this popular narrative.
Arco Timmermans in HP de Tijd: Percentages are not always indicative for the social debate
The Social and Cultural Plan Bureau (SCP) published the report “The social state of the Netherlands”. In this research is it stated that there is no such thing as a political shift to the right. In view of the fact that the right wing is better represented in the House of Commons, this is a remarkable…
Institute of Biology Leiden assessed as excellent
An external visitation committee gave the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) an outstanding assessment. In terms of research quality and relevance to society, the IBL gets the highest score: excellent. The increase with five new female professors also receives praise from the committee.
Working together to make the institute flourish
The youngest institute of the Faculty of Science has had a real growth spurt in recent years. It is up to Martina Vijver as the brand-new scientific director to secure that growth and further develop CML. 'This is a challenge that I am really looking forward too,' says Vijver. 'Together with my colleagues…
Citizens, Elites, and the Legitimacy of Global Governance
Jan Aart Scholte, Professor Global Transformations and Governance Challenges, is a co-author of this book that offers the first full comparative study of citizen and elite legitimacy beliefs toward global governance.
PhD Workshop: Scholarship and Politics
‘Grassroots projects can help democracy’
Democracy is under pressure all over the world. With the #DemocracyinAction project, university lecturers Sara Brandellero and Kamila Krakowska Rodrigues want to investigate how grassroots art projects manage to keep democracy alive.
North Korea: Disentangling a Gordian knot
The announcement by US President Donald Trump on 9 March in response to the invitation for a summit meeting with the North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un came as a big surprise. Media analyses vary from being very positive to almost cynically negative. However, according to researcher on Korea Koen…
Institutions for Conflict Resolution holds Stakeholders’ event
On Thursday 30 November 2023, the research group Institutions for Conflict Resolution held an event for stakeholders in Utrecht focusing on ‘The government as (ineffective) conflict resolver: legitimacy under pressure?’ The aim of this annual event, each time addressing a new topic within the overarching…
Johan Christensen: 'The Power of Economists within the State'
This month Johan Christensen, assistant professor at the Institute of Public Administration, published his new book: ‘The Power of Economists within the State’. The book explores four countries, Denmark, Ireland, Norway and New Zealand and analyses why these similarly sized and wealthy countries have…
Mission adapted: the hidden role of governors in shaping central bank operating missions in Hungary
In this article, Makszin developed a conceptual framework for the operating mission of an independent Central Bank and traced changes in the operating mission of the Hungarian National Bank over its recent 27-year history together with Sebők and Simons. This study aims to understand the dynamics of…
The Van Vollenhoven Institute has temporarily moved
Due to the renovation of the Law School building, the VVI has moved to another building until the beginning of 2019.
Paul Abels on the ‘dragnet law’
There was a lot of fuss last week about the ‘dragnet law’, in which intelligence services are now authorised to conduct large-scale tapping of cable communications. The public image here is that the privacy of innocent citizens will almost certainly be violated. Paul Abels, professor of governance of…
Staatsrecht en conventie in Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk
On 2 September 2021, Gert Jan Geertjes defended his thesis 'Staatsrecht en conventie in Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. L.F.M. Verhey and Prof. W.J.M. Voermans.
Jan Melissen in NRC on the diplomatic situation in Venezuela
The political situation in Venezuela is increasingly complicated. On Monday morning, February the fourth, several EU countries, including The Netherlands, recognised Guiadó as legitimate acting president. Dr. Jan Melissen, attached to the Clingendael Institute and the Institute of Security and Global…
Janet Connor
Faculty of Humanities
Emotions in EU foreign policy - when and how do they matter?
Politicians' statements often involve emotions, shaping public perceptions. This study highlights the role of emotions in EU foreign policy.
Alexandre Afonso: Can the French “Enemy of the Republic” pull off a victory?
In the second and final round of the French elections this Sunday, the French will vote for who is going to become their next president. In an article for the Washington Post, Alexandre Afonso, assistant professor at Leiden University, has tried to project the votes in order to predict whether Marine…
Octogenarian underground poets, political language turned on its head, and more: unofficial poetry from China in Digital Collections
Over 30.000 pages of new material have been added to the online collection of unofficial poetry publications from China in the Leiden Digital Collections. Produced outside the system, these journals and books are hugely influential yet very hard to find. To address this paradox, Leiden University Libraries…
system was supposed to elevate the colony, but turned out to be token politics
In the late 19th century, the Dutch government introduced a tax system in the Dutch East Indies, with the intention of transforming the colony into a modern state. PhD student Maarten Manse wrote his thesis on this development and discovered how grandiloquent colonial ideals became bogged down in daily…
Geerten Boogaard
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid