1,922 search results for “de oratie arts” in the Public website
Walking as a Research Method in Art and Design
The Lectorate Design at the KABK explores the research method of walking from a design perspective, and features the working process used by public space and landscape designers Krijn Christiaansen and Cathelijne Montens (KCCM) who teach field research in BA Interior Architecture and Furniture Design…
Ruurd Halbertsma
Faculty of Humanities
Marijke Klokke
Faculty of Humanities
Hans Theunissen
Faculty of Humanities
Dick van Broekhuizen
Faculty of Humanities
Ivo Smits
Faculty of Humanities
Francesco Walker
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Weixuan Li
Faculty of Humanities
Lieke Smits
Faculty of Humanities
Revolution in Humanist Commentaries on Pliny's Natural History and Mela's De situ orbis (140-1700)
'The World Upside Down. The Geographical Revolution in Humanist Commentaries on Pliny's Natural History and Mela's De situ orbis (140-1700)', in: Enenkel, K.A.E. & Nellen, H. (Eds.), Neo-Latin Commentaries and the Management of Knowledge in the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period (1400-1700).Humanistica…
Nienke Beets wins prize for connecting nature and art
Nienke Beets of the Leiden Hortus botanicus has won the brand new Joke 't Hart Prize for connecting nature and art. For the botanical garden in Leiden, she developed a series of colourful plant icons and an educational board game. On 20 May, the Dutch Association of Botanical Gardens (NVBT) unanimously…
creatIef, Creatiever, creaTiefst? Onderzoek naar het belang en de werking van creativiteitstraining bij Bachelor ICT-studenten
This dissertation presents the results of the importance of creativity for ICT-students of Dutch universities of applied sciences (in Dutch: hogescholen), and the functioning of training courses that aim to promote creative abilities is highlighted.
Leiden Socio Legal Series
Starting this academic year (2016-2017) Maartje van der Woude, Professor of Sociology of Law at the Van Vollenhoven Institute will organize the Leiden Socio-Legal Series (LSLS).
Combining art and science in the recovery of Ukraine
How wonderful would it be to use art, technology and science in Ukraine's recovery? Young Ukrainians currently residing in Poland get guidance to develop creative programmes and activities that can later be implemented. Leiden astronomers Pedro Russo and Kateryna Frantseva cooperate in the project.
Laurie Cosmo
Faculty of Humanities
PhD defense Merel de Bruin-Van de Beek
PhD defense by Merel de Bruin-Van de Beek, 'Building Communities on Civic Terms Civis and civitas in Late Antique Episcopal Preaching' on 20 December 2024.
The Modern Arabic Book: Design as Agent of Cultural Progress
Huda Abi-Fares defended her thesis on 10 January 2017.
Dag van de Medioneerlandistiek
Bijna vijf jaar na de laatste ontmoeting hopen we opnieuw samen te komen met alle medioneerlandici. Ditmaal wordt de Dag van de Medioneerlandistiek georganiseerd in Nijmegen door de Radboud Universiteit, op vrijdag 24 maart. Het thema luidt: ‘De medioneerlandistiek en de wereld van nu’.
Exhibition on art, culture and architecture along the Silk Road
Ornately decorated head pieces and jewellery, images of imposing mosques and photos of local people. The 'Splendours of the Silk Roads' exhibition depicts life and different cultures along this important trade route.
Archeologie en de stad
Op vrijdag 4 april 2025 organiseert de werkgroep Stedengeschiedenis een bijeenkomst bij de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed onder de titel ‘Archeologie en de stad’. De studiedag is gratis en voor iedereen toegankelijk.
Prix de Paris 2021
De Prix de Paris is een aanmoedigingsprijs voor jong, Nederlands talent. Deze prijs (ter waarde van 15.000 EUR) is bedoeld ter stimulering van wetenschappelijk onderzoek over Frankrijk. De deadline voor aanmeldingen is 1 mei 2021.
‘Visual art has been a form of communication since its inception’
Visual art played an important role in the development of cooperative human behaviour. This is the finding of Larissa Mendoza Straffon, a PhD candidate in archaeology, whose dissertation explores the biological and psychological foundations of visual art.
Ideals of Femininity and Female Representation in Nineteenth-century Ukiyo-e
The goal of this research is to examine the emergence of new types of female representation in nineteenth-century ukiyo-e (woodblock prints from early modern Japan) as these images relate to the ideals of femininity of the time.
Time and Identity in Indigenous Narrative and Aesthetic Strategies
This research hopes to contribute to social awareness of the consequences of colonialism for Indigenous Peoples, to the deconstruction of still existing colonial and discriminatory notions and to a better appreciation of Indigenous art and thought.
Leiden University and Royal Academy of Art The Hague launch double degree
Students from the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) can combine their visual arts program from the academic year 2017-2018 with the bachelor program Arts, Media and Society at Leiden University.
Steven Lauritano
Faculty of Humanities
Modern and Contemporary (1800−Present)
This research cluster centres on regional, national, and global intersections and interactions between a variety of artistic expressions and society. It focuses not only on objects (artistic, literary, cinematic, and medial), but also on practices (aesthetic, political, and cultural).
Jacqueline Hylkema
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Svetlana Kharchenkova
Faculty of Humanities
Anna Loh: ‘Art is the one constant factor in my life’
Anna Loh is a third-year student of the BA in Arts, Media and Society. We spoke with Anna about what it’s like to write a thesis during COVID-19, Instagram selfies at the museum and growing up abroad.
The Routledge Companion to Sounding Art is now available as paperback
In addition to the hardback edition, a paperback edition is now also available of The Routledge Companion to Sounding Art, edited by Marcel Cobussen, Vincent Meelberg and Barry Truax.
Fanny Wonu Veys: ‘I want to introduce students to the art history of Oceania’
Fanny Wonu Veys was appointed Professor of Art and Material Culture of Oceania on 1 August. Time for an introduction.
Van woord tot akkoord. Een analyse van de partijkeuzes in CPB-doorrekeningen van verkiezingsprogramma's en regeerakkoorden, 1986-2017
This PhD-thesis analyses the relationship between the parties’ choices in the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis’ assessments of the election manifestos and coalition agreements over the period 1986-2017, and tries to explain this relationship.
about new book on the missionary's perspective on New Guinean ritual art
Protestant missionaries have provided the earliest and most detailed sources regarding the ritual art of the Papuan peoples of the Geelvink Bay. Raymond Corbey brings these sources to bear on circa 300 ritual objects and their itineraries in the book KORWAR - Northwest New Guinea ritual art according…
Defense: The Magic of Projection; Augmentation and Immersion in Media Art
On December 7th & 8th, visual artist Sophie Ernst will defend her thesis The Magic of Projection; Augmentation and Immersion in Media Art, to obtain her doctoral degree. The public defense takes place in two stages. On Wednesday 7 December 2016 at 4 PM Ernst will publicly elucidate the artistic work…
Marleen Waaijer-Linders
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Masterclass: Investigating Disegno: Drawing and the Decorative Arts in Italy c.1500-1900
This masterclass examines the idea of disegno in relation to the early modern decorative arts by investigating the collection of Italian design drawings in the Rijksmuseum. Meaning both design and drawing, disegno was a fundamental concept in the development of artistic theory in early modern Europe…
The Turn of the Soul
The Turn of the Soul: Representations of Religious Conversion in Early Modern Art and Literature
for abstracts Symposium: "Absence as artistic strategy in contemporary art" , 11 June 2025
The symposium will be held on 11 June 2025 from 10.00-17.00 and is organized as a starting point for the publication of an edited volume – a selection of symposium attendants will be invited to submit book chapters.
Update development of the new joint Platform for Arts Research in Collaboration (PARC)
In 2021, the KABK, KC and ACPA established a joint research platform, called the Platform for Arts Research in Collaboration (PARC). How did PARC move forward the last year?
A Selection of the Poems of Sir Constantijn Huygens (1596-1687)
A Selection of the Poems of Sir Constantijn Huygens (1596-1687) was published in July 2015, edited and translated by Adriaan van der Weel and Peter Davidson.
museums: ‘A lot of museums have a dormant collection of pre-colonial art’
What effect do trends in the art world have on the formation of museum collections? University lecturer Martin Berger wants to answer that question in his research within the Museums, Collections and Society project, which asks ethical questions about the origin of collections.
publication: The Auditory Setting Environmental Sounds in Film and Media Arts
We are excited to announce the book publication of our alumnus Dr. Budhaditya Chattopadhyay: The Auditory Setting Environmental Sounds in Film and Media Arts.
Vacancy: Full Professor of History of Art and Architecture 500-1500 (RU)
The History of Art section at Radboud University is looking for a Full Professor of History of Art and Architecture between 500-1500 CE (1,0 FTE). Apply before: May 2, 2023.
Never-Neverland Revisited: Malay Adventure Stories
This study presents a re-evaluation of Malay adventure stories.
Why looted art lawsuits often fail (and what can be done about this)
There are as good as no clear rules for the return of stolen art. This means that rather than in court, many cases are decided in the political arena instead. In her PhD research Evelien Campfens suggests how this could change. PhD defence on 11 November.
Advice to EU on looted art claims: ‘An agency could bring order to the legal chaos’
What practical steps can we take to resolve cross-border claims to looted art and prevent illicit trafficking in cultural goods? That's what the European Parliament asked Leiden legal scholar Evelien Campfens. Her advice: develop a registration system, issue art with a ‘passport’ and set up a European…
Goodbye Janneke, and hello Anke, our new professor at ACPA
There’s a change of staff at ACPA. The institute is bidding farewell to Professor Janneke Wesseling and welcomes Anke Haarmann, who is not only a new professor, but will also take over Wesseling's responsibilities as Director of PhD Arts. In this interview we look back and ahead with them.
Hoe beïnvloedt de fysieke leefomgeving de gezondheid van mensen?
The Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) has received a 4m grant for the ECOTIP project. In this project researchers will study how our physical environment affects our health. The aim is to find tipping points: at what point is there a real lack of greenery, healthy food or clean air in a neighb…
Staff and students together visit the Ars Electronica Festival for art, technology and society
We are happy that the Media Technology staff and students will together again visit the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz (Austria). The five-day study trip offers a shared source of inspiration and a basis for discussion to students and lecturers.