260 search results for “virtual” in the Staff website
Information literacy course
Study support
‘Grassroots projects can help democracy’
Democracy is under pressure all over the world. With the #DemocracyinAction project, university lecturers Sara Brandellero and Kamila Krakowska Rodrigues want to investigate how grassroots art projects manage to keep democracy alive.
Looking at the past with VR glasses: 'It really helps to visualise the impact of policy'
A subject like history is all about the past. That often involves scrolling through old documents, but in the Research Master's in History, Professor Dario Fazzi takes a different approach. His students work with Virtual Reality.
To what extent does your background and your own physical consciousness influence your experience in VR?
Neuroscientists Ineke van der Ham (Leiden University) and Anouk Keizer (Utrecht University) regularly use VR in their research. Their experiences with the medium raise many questions about the ways VR is experienced by different people. Therefore they conducted an VR experiment at the cinedans festival…
Vidi grant for Esther van Ginneken for research into violence in prisons
Why do violent incidents occur in prisons? And how do staff respond? Assistant Professor Esther van Ginneken will use a grant from the NWO Vidi Talent Programme to conduct research into these and other questions. She intends to make use of virtual reality.
On exchange without leaving your student room: ECOLe teaching grant makes it possible
Working from your Leiden room with students from the United States: Univeristy Lecturer Dario Fazzi’ students will soon be able to take up this challenge. He receives a grant from the Faculty of Humanities and ECOLe to set up a ‘virtual exchange programme.
Grassroots en Grass shoots grants awarded to seven teams
PhD workshop for cultural heritage researchers: apply by 8 February
Organisation, Research
Matthew Canfield and Danielle Chevalier receive NWO Grants
Matthew Canfield (Assistant Professor, Van Vollenhoven Institute) and Danielle Chevalier (Assistant Professor Law & Society, Van Vollenhoven Institute) both received XS Grants from the NWO Open Competition SSH for their respective research projects. These grants are a maximum of €50,000 and enable…
Visit of Rector Magnificus and chair Executive Board: 'We would have preferred to do this physically as well'
On 3 June, Annetje Ottow (chair) and Hester Bijl (rector magnificus) met the Humanities faculty. Although a physical introduction was preferred, this visit also had to be done digitally.
Open call: submit a research proposal for Lowlands Science
Grassroots en Grass shoots grants 2024-2025 awarded
Using VR to experience how it feels when a patient throws a shoe at you
Psychology students usually only get to meet patients very late in their studies. Therefore, neuroscientists Ineke van der Ham and Judith Schomaker want to research whether students learn more effectively from a virtual experience with a patient with dementia than from a text. Schomaker: 'We have plans…
Democracy in action: Horizon grant for policy-oriented research on grassroots culture and democracy
Dr. Sara Brandellero and Dr. Kamila Krakowska Rodrigues from Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society will lead a collaborative research project funded by Horizon Europe Work Programme on Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society. #DemocracyinAction studies arts and culture-based grassroots…
Leiden University’s intake numbers are stable, also for international students
The number of students enrolled at Leiden University remained stable this year. As at other Dutch universities, the growth in recent years seems to have levelled off. Leiden University is also following the national trend in terms of intake at the bachelor’s and master’s levels. The number of international…
Teaming up with Portugal: as a doctor, how do you talk to a patient?
As a doctor, coming to a decision together with a patient: how do you do that in the best possible way? Researchers Geert Warnar and Roosmaryn Pilgram, who jointly teach a course within the MA in Dutch Studies, are entering into a virtual collaboration with the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa to find the…
Artificial intelligence as the co-pilot for drug discovery
There are more molecules that could conceivably be candidate drugs than there are stars in the universe. How can we ever efficiently identify those molecules? Professor of AI and Medicinal Chemistry, Gerard van Westen: ‘I’m going to use artificial intelligence as the co-pilot to make an automated search.’…
Leiden Law School joins Global Law Consortium
Leiden Law School has joined the Global Law Consortium (GLC), a global group of leading law faculties including many partners of our faculty.
A new environment boosts your memory (but not for everyone)
However tempting it may be to lock yourself in your room or in favourite library nook in the days running up to an important exam, it's not a very wise choice, stresses neuroscientist Judith Schomaker.
New professor Ineke van der Ham on our dependence on GPS: It’s making us needlessly vulnerable'
Ineke van der Ham has been appointed professor of Technological Innovations in Neuropsychology on 1 January. She researches how virtual reality and games help people navigate better. And this matters, as good navigation skills are about more than coming home safely.
FLAMINGO: dark matter, ordinary matter, and neutrinos in the biggest cosmological simulation ever
Not only dark matter, but also ordinary matter and dark energy are tracked in the largest ever cosmological computer simulation ever. In the FLAMINGO simulations, you can see virtual galaxies and clusters of galaxies emerging over the course of billions of years. This is no easy task: with more than…
Illusions as the key: how spatial technology can help patients
Spatial technology such as virtual reality can help patients who have difficulty with spatial cognition, for instance if they keep on losing their way. In her inaugural lecture, neuropsychologist Ineke van der Ham will talk about the importance of avatars, the patient experience and room for innovat…
Archaeology brings 3D scanning into the classroom
In the course 'From Ceramics to Plastics: The Mediterranean in 12 objects' students were taught to work with 3D scanning technologies. One of the underlying reasons to introduce students to this technology was to teach them to reproduce objects. ‘More and more archaeological information is stored in…
Is a cancer pill a matter of time?
A cancer pill, preferably without severe side effects, is something we’d all welcome. Is it a matter of time before such a pill is a reality? We put this question to three Leiden researchers and asked how they themselves are contributing to new cancer treatments.
Junior / Medior System Administrator
Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
SSH labs: ‘Researchers are amazed at what we have here’
Just outside Leiden city centre is the Sylvius building. This building of the Faculty of Science houses no fewer than 25 labs where FGW and FSW scientists conduct their research.
Grassfields Grant Applicants
Education, Organisation, Research
ULLA workshop 2023 Leiden
This week, we are hosting the ULLA workshop 2023. We are proud partner of the ULLA. It is the European University Consortium for Pharmaceutical Sciences in which LACDR participates for already 30 years.
Upgrade remote workplace
Andrea Evers awarded Proof of Concept Grant
Professor of Health Psychology Andrea Evers has been awarded a Proof of Concept Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). This additional grant is awarded to previous recipients of an ERC grant. They can use this to further explore the potential of their work for new innovations and thus bring relevant…
Caribbean archaeology in times of corona: ‘Instead of fieldwork, our students worked on an online exhibition’
Recently, in the midst of coronavirus situation, Professor Corinne Hofman and her team became part of the NWO project Island(er)s at the Helm. Both the application process as well as the start of the project were challenged by the limitations set by Covid-19. ‘As a preparation we travelled through the…
With this algorithm, new medicines can be found more quickly
Did he dare take a gamble with his PhD research? Jeroen Methorst didn’t have to think long about it. It could fail or turn out very well. The latter is the case. Methorst developed a computer system that helps researchers find the protein they need. ‘Our whole group is now using this program.’ Methorst…
Four VIS grants for Humanities projects
The new VIS grant has been awarded to four projects from the Faculty of Humanities. In a Virtual International Cooperation Project (VIS), Dutch and foreign students work together remotely on a project that links local issues to an international perspective.
On this page you find video tools for educational purposes.
Student well-being in the spotlight at the EUniWell symposium
‘There’s so much knowledge, research and experience in the field of student well-being. Let’s put this topic on the agenda, work together to promote it, and learn from each other.’ This was the message of the two-day virtual symposium on Good Practices for Student Well-Being.
Researchers tackle antibiotic-resistant bacteria
When a bacterium becomes more resistant to one antibiotic, it sometimes becomes more sensitive to another. To better understand this interaction, researchers from the Leiden Institute of Biology (IBL) and the Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research (LACDR) under supervision of Daniel Rozen and Coen…
Striking similarities in how humans and other primates search for food
How unique is the human capacity for learning and adapting to an environment? In field research – in the rainforest and Artis Zoo – primatologist Karline Janmaat is studying how humans and other primates adapt to their environment in their search for food. She will give her inaugural lecture as Professor…
The usefulness of science: ‘Room for exchanging questions, values and ideas'
Is scientific research useful? In his dissertation, Jorrit Smit argues that in order to answer this question one should not look at, for example, prominent scholars or influential organisations, but at places where knowledge exchange and co-creation take place. Promotion 6 May.
Researchers get free rein with new Social Sciences and Humanities Labs
There was a lot of interest. In front of nearly a hundred researchers, supporting colleagues and Martijn Ridderbos, the Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board, Lotte van Dillen, Research Director of Psychology and Saskia Goedhard, Director of Humanities Operations jointly opened the new lab with a classic…
New research project makes the internet even better
How is it that the internet works so well, with billions of users sending millions of gigabytes all together every day? That's because the foundation of the internet is solidly set up. Yet sometimes there are problems on the internet. For example, when certain systems misbehave and disrupt the routing…
GLOBTAXGOV team and CIAT launch general anti-avoidance rule toolkit
The launch of the 'Toolkit for the Design and Effective Implementation of Domestic and International General Anti-avoidance Rules' generates strong interest among tax administrations.
Lorentz Center kicks off lustrum with TEDx talk
The Lorentz Center is 25 years old. A good reason for them to contribute to a series of TEDx lectures for Leiden City of Science. Arjen Doelman, director of the Lorentz Center, was the first to enter the virtual stage.
New Year’s Reception like old times, faculty vision and strategy plan presented
After two virtual editions, the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences could finally come together in real life again to celebrate the start of the new year. So it’s no surprise that the central hall of the Pieter de la Court Building was filled with lively chatter during the New Year’s Reception,…
Santino Regilme wins Cecil B. Currey Book Award for ‘Aid Imperium’
The peer-reviewed article by Salvador Santino Regilme, titled “Crisis Politics of Dehumanisation during COVID-19: A Framework for Mapping the Social Processes through which Dehumanisation Undermines Human Dignity,” has been named as a finalist for the John Peterson Best Paper Prize 2023 by The British…
Explore how to make an impact with your research by starting a company
Education, Research
Get inspired at the Blended Education Event
Natalia Ortiz – Winner of the 2019 - 2020 KNCV Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology thesis prize
Natalia Ortiz (Division of Drug Discovery and Safety) has been awarded the 2019-2020 PhD-thesis prize by the Division of Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology, from the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society (KNCV-MCCB). The KNCV-MCCB thesis prize is a biannual award which is granted to the best PhD thesis…
Helen Westgeest
Faculty of Humanities
Secure online workspace from home
Since we are working from home we are extra vulnerable for cyber attacks and data breaches. Please create a secure online workplace, by executing the following steps.
How Oncode-PACT is bringing new cancer medicines closer with 325 million in Growth Fund money
How can you ensure that more experimental drugs reach the finish line? At the moment, only one in twenty cancer drugs that are tested on humans makes it to the market. This is an enormous loss for patients and society. With a grant from the National Growth Fund, Oncode-PACT aims to efficiently select…