174 search results for “starting” in the Library website
Urban Studies
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Urban Studies
Leiden University Libraries (UBL) owns over 5 million paper materials. Loanable items can be picked up and returned at the UBL library location of your choice.
Rare Books
Some books have particular features such as design, unique illustrations and descriptive annotations. These features can be of interest for specific research.
Computer Science
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Computer Science.
Embed information literacy in your course
Knowing where scientific information can be found and how to use it is of great importance for getting through university. In collaboration with teachers, UBL guides students in information literacy skills: from assessing information to searching in the Special Collections and citation management.
Libraries back to regular schedule
- Introduction to Digital Humanities
Room for everyone at a sun-drenched EL CID
Thousands of first-year students and hundreds of mentors kicked off the EL CID on Monday morning. This year for the first time, the introduction week of Leiden University and Leiden University of Applied Sciences was also open for students of Regional Training Centre mboRijnland and the Leiden Instrument…
International Studies
This Subject Guide will provide you with an overview of useful databases and online resources available within and outside the University Library. This subject guide is your starting point, aiding you in finding sources for any research field within the field of International Studies and International…
Lingling Wiyadharma Fellows do research in Leiden Special Collections
In November, Leiden University Libraries (UBL) welcomed the first Lingling Wiyadharma Fellows in the Special Collections reading room. Fellows Chin Nyuk Tin, Evi Fuji Fauziyah and Arman AZ are all working on different research projects, yet their goals are the same: building bridges between Southeast…
Back to regular opening hours
From Monday August 22, Leiden University Libraries apply regular opening hours again.
Library card fees
Training data management
The Centre for Digital Scholarship offers several opportunities for training on data management. Topics included are policies and requirements, sensitive data and GDPR, data sharing and consent, publishing and archiving data, Data Management Plans, FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and…
- Theses
Brill Fellowship
Since 2006, publishing house Brill in Leiden has sponsored the appointment of so-called 'Brill Fellows'. The Brill Fellow researches items in the department Special Collections of Leiden University; as much as possible, this research is based on any of the specific publishing areas of publishing house…
Easy access tools
Our list of commonly used tools facilitate your work and research online.
Islamic World Special Collections
The main focus of the Islamic World Special Collections is on the Middle East and North Africa, with smaller holdings from Indonesia, the Indian Subcontinent and Central Asia as far as Xinjiang, China.
French Language and Culture
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in French language and culture.
South and Southeast Asian photography
The photo collection of South and Southeast Asia contains material collected by the Kern Institute and the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV). In addition to photo prints in various techniques, the collection also includes (lantern) slides, picture postcards…
Robert van Gulik Fellowship
The Robert van Gulik Fund has established a Robert van Gulik Fellowship at the Scaliger Institute with effect from 2025. The fund thus supports the promotion of research on the sinological collections of the Leiden University Libraries.
Southeast Asian Special Collections
The Southeast Asian Special Collections contain text and audiovisual materials pertaining to the languages, histories, philosophies, religions, literatures, and (material) art of the region. The focus lies on the Malay world, in particular on the Nederlands-Indies/Indonesia. Apart from books and periodicals…
South Asian and Tibetan Special Collections
The South Asian and Tibetan special collections provide material pertaining to the languages, histories, philosophies, art and material cultures of the region. The focus lies on Sanskrit, Tibetan, Lepcha, and Buddhism, but the collections also hold rich visual material for educational and academic purposes…
Leiden European City of Science
In 2022, Leiden was European City of Science. During this year, Leiden presented a public programme brimming with science, knowledge, arts, and skills for anyone with a curious mind. Leiden University Libraries (UBL) organised an extensive programme of activities on the theme of Leiden European City…
Elsevier Fellowship for Digital Scholarship
Do you have plans to conduct scientific research on the basis of the extensive digital collections of Leiden University Libraries (UBL)? Then the Fellowship Program for Digital Scholarship sponsored by Elsevier is something for you.
Renewals and returns
The standard loan period for items borrowed at Leiden University Libraries (UBL) is 3 weeks.
Study areas
The libraries offer over 2300 study places. Some are freely available, some are available to Leiden University students only.
Leiden University Libraries to contribute 55,000 old printed books to online library Google
Starting in September, 55,000 books from the Leiden University Libraries will be digitized. This marks Leiden University’s contribution to the successful partnership between the National Library of the Netherlands (KB) and Google.
Noise due to Evening of the Middle Eastern Collections and Middle Eastern Library
Education, Facility, Library, Research, Social
Leiden University celebrates Dies Natalis: ‘Ahead of the times for 450 years’
An extra-long cortège, three honorary doctorates, a quiz about 450 years of university history, a Dies Natalis rap and a call to defend academic freedom: these all featured in Leiden University’s 450th Dies Natalis celebration and the official start of its jubilee year.
Chinese Studies
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Chinese Studies
Exhibition on art, culture and architecture along the Silk Road
Ornately decorated head pieces and jewellery, images of imposing mosques and photos of local people. The 'Splendours of the Silk Roads' exhibition depicts life and different cultures along this important trade route.
Noise due to replacement of windows UB facade
Open access agreement with Taylor & Francis
A renewed agreement between VSNU and the publisher Taylor & Francis for 2016 and 2017 offers the opportunity for Leiden researchers to publish open access without additional costs in all hybrid journals published by Taylor & Francis and Routledge. We consider this to be an important step towards facilitating…
Leids Ontzet: University closed
We celebrate Leids Ontzet, the Relief of Leiden, on Monday 3 October. This means that all University buildings in Leiden will be closed. The University buildings on Campus The Hague will be open, but there will be no classes.
Open Science stimulus: Call 'Citizen Science voor Gezondheid en Zorg'
On 11th February 2021 ZonMw and Health~Holland jointly launched the call 'Citizen Science voor Gezondheid en Zorg (CS4GZ)'.
FAQ Data Management
In this FAQ we try to answer a selection of the most important questions on research data management that we compiled over the last 5 years.
Requesting (digital) course reserves
A (digital) course reserve shelf offers the possibility to set library materials for a designated period aside.
Newspaper articles (International)
Leiden’s University Library provides access to a large collection of digital (contemporary) and digitized (historical) newspapers. These newspapers can be found through the library’s catalogue and through the library’s databases. Furthermore, the Dutch National Library offers access to several international…
Open science means better science
Leiden University has an active open science community. Open science means transparency in all phases of research by precisely documenting every step of the way and making this publicly available. ‘It’s time to be open,’ say psychologists Anna van ’t Veer and Zsuzsika Sjoerds. There is increasing awareness…
‘I miss the smell of old paper in the vault’
Curators devote a lot of attention to their collections. How is Martijn Storms, curator of maps and atlases at Leiden University Libraries, managing to do this now he is working from home? And how is Silvia Vermetten digitising Eastern manuscripts from home?
Honorary doctorate for Arabist Beatrice Gründler
Beatrice Gründler, professor of Arabic Language and Literature at the Freie Universität Berlin, will receive an honorary doctorate in Oriental Manuscript Studies from Leiden University.
Donation photo archive of Volkskrant Journalist and Photographer Hans Beynon
Can you still remember the assassination of Indira Gandhi in 1984, or the Dutch royal state visit to Indonesia in 1971? These are only a few of the dramatic events covered by Hans Beynon, whose archive of 7.000 photos was recently donated to the Leiden University Libraries (UBL) by his family.
Leiden University Libraries acquires 16th-century Chinese imperial edict from Robert van Gulik’s collection
Leiden University Libraries (UBL) has been able to acquire an extraordinary Chinese manuscript at auction in Hong Kong. It concerns an Imperial Edict (dated 1582) from the Ming dynasty period, at one time part of the former collection of well-known sinologist and author of detective-novels Robert van…
Fourteen hundred international students explore Leiden during OWL
With its FestivOWL theme, Orientation Week Leiden (OWL) promises to be one big festival for new international students in Leiden.
Anoma van der Veere did Japanese Studies at Leiden University
Alumnus Anoma van der Veere did Japanese studies and talks in this interview about his studies in Leiden and his work as a researcher at the Leiden Asia Centre and as Japanese correspondent in Tokyo.
Memorial Year makes visible the continuing effects of historical slavery
Research into our history of colonialism and slavery, heart-to-heart conversations at a Keti Koti table, exhibitions, lectures and podcasts that establish the link between present and past. Staff and students participated in the national Slavery Memorial Year in many different ways. What have we learned…
This was the Leiden Asia Year
2017 was the Leiden Asia Year. Leiden has had connections with Asia and built up extensive knowledge of the continent over many centuries. This Leiden-Asia link has been in the spotlight for the past year.
Leiden researchers make their publications more findable via ORCID
In 2018, Leiden University Libraries (UBL) has worked on a project in which all researchers affiliated with Leiden University were encouraged to create an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) for themselves. ORCID is an international system for the persistent and unique identification…
Online exhibition Borderlands - Ukraine in historical maps
The war against Ukraine did not start in February 2022, but in the spring of 2014 when Russia suddenly annexed Crimea and supported separatist militias in the Donbas. Last year, president Putin called for a restored geopolitical and spiritual trinity of Greater Russians, Belarusians and Lesser Russians…
Archiving email of leading scholars
One of the tasks of Leiden University Libraries is to manage academic heritage, including letters and scholarly archives of leading researchers. Much of this material is nowadays created digitally and email is one of the main forms of communication. Hence, the UBL launched a pilot for acquiring and…