967 search results for “laten american” in the Public website
GLOBTAXGOV team meets Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations
On 15 March 2023, the GLOBTAXGOV team at Leiden Law School met with the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) to explore opportunities for cooperation, to discuss the needs of tax administrations in the field of international taxation and evaluate ongoing projects and new initiatives where…
Carina van de Wetering
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
HZ Kenniscentrum Zeeuwse Samenleving
HZ Kenniscentrum Zeeuwse Samenleving doet op vraag van regionale overheden en maatschappelijke organisaties onderzoek naar actuele en maatschappelijke thema’s in de provincie Zeeland. De uitkomsten van onderzoeken en analyses worden gebruikt voor kennisopbouw en als basis voor beleidsopbouw en -ontwikkeling.…
Havar Solheim
Faculty of Humanities
Americans more likely to finance presidential candidate with broad support base
Americans more often donate funds to a presidential candidate if the campaign is backed by financiers from different, recognised social groups. This is the conclusion of Leiden researcher Vincent Traag in an article in Plos One published on 14 April.
Francisco Aranda Ordaz Award (Latin-American Prize) for Julián Facundo Martínez
During the CLAPEM (The Latin American Congress of Probability and Mathematical Statistics by its initials in Spanish), held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia in September 22-26, 2014, Julián Facundo Martínez received the Francisco Aranda Ordaz Award for his PhD Research in Probability, with the thesis:…
Jorge Duran Solorzano
Faculty of Humanities
Marcella Schute
Faculty of Humanities
- Brought under the law of the land
How the eating habits of a limited group of Americans determine sustainability
Masses of hamburgers, steaks, cheese and a lot of eggs: Americans love their animal products. But researcher Oliver Taherzadeh discovered that only a relatively small group of high-volume consumers need to modify their diet to achieve an enormous environmental gain.
Ben Van Rompuy speaks at OECD-IDB Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum
Ben Van Rompuy, assistant professor of EU competition law, was an invited expert at the 23th Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum (LACCF) organised in Quito, Ecuador on 28-29 September 2023.
Onzekerheid bij Professionals in Wijkteams
De decentralisaties van de zorg aan langdurig zieken en ouderen, jeugdzorg, en werk en inkomen die vanaf 2015 zijn doorgevoerd in Nederland hebben geleid tot een transitie van een centraal naar een lokaal stelsel van zorg en welzijn. Deze transitie beoogt zorg en ondersteuning dichter bij de inwoners…
Kennemerland in metaalvondsten
Duizenden metaalvondsten die door detectorzoeker wijlen Herman Zomerdijk zijn gedaan in de regio Kennemerland schetsen een uniek beeld van Noord-Holland door de eeuwen heen. Hij zocht en verzamelde decennialang historische metalen objecten in Noord-Holland en bouwde zo een unieke metaalcollectie op.
Over lokalisme, liefdewerk en lonkend perspectief: Verkenning naar participatie en burgerinitiatief in de Nederlandse archeologie.
Dit rapport maakt deel uit van het project Receptenboek burgerparticipatie in opdracht van de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE) en met steun van het Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie.
Book Review of Sofia Ranchordas’ scholarship in the American Journal of Comparative Law
The prestigious American Journal of Comparative Law (2016, pp. 790-4) just published a book review of Sofia Ranchordas monograph ‘Constitutional Sunsets and Experimental Legislation’ (Edward Elgar). The book is partially based on her PhD dissertation for which she was awarded a cum laude doctorate degree…
Twitter attacks on Hillary Clinton are about gender, rather than politics
Political scientist Rebekah Tromble (Leiden University) and computational sociolinguist Dirk Hovy (University of Copenhagen) analyse how much hostility and sexism Clinton faces on Twitter, as well as who seems to be behind such attacks.
Briitta van Staalduinen receives Best Dissertation Award from the American Political Science Association
Assistant Professor Briitta van Staalduinen has received the Best Dissertation Award from the American Political Science Association, Section on Class and Inequality. Her dissertation, Ethnic Inequality in the Welfare State, aims to reconcile the persistence of ethnic inequalities in expansive welfare…
Randal Sheppard
Faculty of Humanities
Juan Masullo Jimenez
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Black lives matter: ‘Why the American protests have resonated in the Netherlands’
The death of George Floyd at the hands of the police may have sparked the Black Lives Matter protests in the United States and here in the Netherlands, but they are about more than that alone. We asked Karwan Fatah-Black, a historian who specialises in the Dutch colonial history, for his analysis. ‘We…
Invertebrates on the edge
What invertebrates live in the fields and edges? Do the populations change with landscape complexity?
- Effatha-gebaren - Het ontstaan van een dialect in Nederlandse Gebarentaal
The American president's Pardon Power
Sara Polak
Faculty of Humanities
Iranian orientalism: notions of the other in modern Iranian thought
This study addresses and explains the issue of negative descriptions of the Arab Other in modern Iranian thought.
Utterance-final particles in Taiwan Mandarin: Contact, context and core functions
This study explores regional variation in the use of utterance-final particles by analyzing spoken Taiwan Mandarin data recorded from spontaneous conversations.
Damian Pargas
Faculty of Humanities
‘Do Not Say They Are Dead’: The Political Use of Mystical and Religious Concepts in the Persian Poetry of the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88)
The chief aim of this study is to explore how classical Persian poetry and the Persian mysticism that is interwoven with the poetry have been used in the new politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially during the Iran-Iraq war.
Latin America and the UN
Subproject of the ERC project 'Challenging the Liberal World Order from Within: The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South'.
Jacky Nieuwboer
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Bram Eenink
Faculty of Humanities
About this minor
Everything you need to know about the minor American Studies.
About the programme
The multidisciplinary one-year master’s programme in North American Studies provides students with comprehensive knowledge of North American history, literature, film, and culture and their connection to contemporary social, political, literary and cultural developments in an international perspecti…
The Leiden University Institute for History has a wide-ranging academic scope unique for the Netherlands. This is directly reflected in the participation of her staff in various Master's and Bachelor's programmes at Leiden University.
Introducing: Håvar Solheim
Håvar Solheim started his PhD at the Institute for History and the Centre for Study and Documentation of Latin-America, Amsterdam (CEDLA) April 1st 2011.
Elective credits (15EC)
Does your programme have an elective space of only 15EC? Then you can follow a modified programme of the American Studies minor, which we call 'Elective credits'.
Black lives matter: ‘Racism takes different forms but it’s a world issue’
It all started with demonstrations protesting about the death of George Floyd from police brutality in Minneapolis, but the Black Lives Matter protest is spreading like wildfire across the whole of the US. Every day, thousands of people are taking to the streets. We asked American Studies expert Sara…
Financial Law (LL.M.)
Financial Law is a specialisation of the master’s programme Rechtsgeleerdheid (Law) at the renowned Leiden Law School of Leiden University.
Reasserting America in the 1970s: US Public Diplomacy and the Rebuilding of America's Image Abroad
Reasserting America in the 1970s brings together two areas of burgeoning scholarly interest.
Related master’s programmes
Did you know that after succesful completion of the minor American Studies, you can apply for the master’s programme North American Studies? Find out more below.
- Career prospects
- US Diplomacy
Hans de Iongh has given a Skype lecture for American students of Duke University
On 23 February 2011, Hans de Iongh gave a Skype lecture for a group of 15 students of the Duke University of North Carolina, USA on the invitation of Dr Andrew Jacobson.
Admission and application
Find out how to apply for North American Studies at Leiden University by following our step-by step guide.
About the programme
During the Latin American Studies Master's programme you will focus on key social, political, linguistic and cultural developments which are currently shaping the complex reality of Latin America.
About the programme
This programme focuses on the ideas and practices of resistance and change in Latin America and the Caribbean. You will be able to specialise in one of three areas: Culture and identity; State-society relations; and Literature, arts and media.
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Admission requirements
To be eligible for North American Studies at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
- Cold War
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