1,390 search results for “hybrid driven” in the Public website
Rosalie Hagenaars
LIACS part of AI-driven VR-film
During this year's Dutch Film Festival (NFF), which took place from 27 September to 5 October in Utrecht, a new Artificial Intelligence-driven Virtual Reality project was pitched for BoostNL. This project, The Great Orator, was conceived by the Dutch interactive illustrator Daniel Ernst and realized…
Viral Infections Research in a Data Driven Era: Infectious disease surveillance and real-world causal inference
PhD defence
Steven Lauritano awarded Comenius Teaching Fellow grant to improve hybrid education in object-oriented classes
University lecturer Steven Lauritano has been awarded a Comenius Teaching Fellow grant. Lauritano will use the grant of 50,000 euros to improve hybrid education in classes featuring particular objects.
Verena Ly
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Resolving a bioindicator diatom species complex using genomic approaches for freshwater biomonitoring
This thesis pioneers diatom molecular identification and quantification through genome-scale methods, with four key aims: (i) reviewing DNA/RNA sequencing methods in aquatic biomonitoring to highlight their strengths and limitations;
NWO awards curiosity-driven research Ariane Briegel with grant
Professor of Ultrastructural Biology Ariane Briegel has received a grant in the NWO Open Competition Domain Science in the XS category. This grant emphatically encourages curiosity-driven and bold research with a maximum of 50,000 euros.
Yingjie Fan
Spin-triplet supercurrents of odd and even parity in nanostructured devices
Triplet superconductivity refers to a condensate of equal-spin Cooper pairs (pairs of electrons with equal spin).
More effective data-driven policymaking
More collaboration, combining data and asking the right questions. These are a few of the recommendations that policymakers and researchers formulated at the conference 'Data gedreven Beleidsontwikkeling' on 28 November 2017.
‘Standing Room Only’ at eLaw’s CPDP Panel on 'Dark Patterns and Data-Driven Manipulation'
With the conference circuit slowly reopening after Covid forced almost all academic interactions online, thousands of conference attendees descended on Brussels for Europe’s largest technology conference. eLaw’s annual sponsorship of one of the many CPDP conference panels brought a diverse range of…
GTGC lunch seminar: Sarah Giest on Digital Access, Data-Driven Policymaking and Public Service Delivery
Dr. Sarah Giest presented her paper on Digital Access, Data-Driven Policymaking and Public Service Delivery during a research feedback seminar.
Prevent children becoming victims of a data-driven world
It is becoming increasingly common to collect data from children and young people through digital means. The impact of this so-called ‘dataveillance’ on children, who are monitored from birth via smartphones and Fitbits, is great.
Niki van Stein
Join our Online Experience Day
Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) offers a 3-year Bachelor's programme with a focus on Global Challenges: Peace & Justice, Sustainability, Diversity and Prosperity. The programme offers room for flexibility; you get to specialize in a major of your choice and combine this with a minor or electives.…
Delivery of Biotherapeutics
The Delivery of Biotherapeutics research group is led by Prof. Matthias Barz and focusses on the synthesis and characterization of polypept(o)ids and their application in nanomedicine to improve existing therapies or enable novel diagnostic or therapeutic approaches.
Join our Online Experience Day
Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) offers a 3-year Bachelor's programme with a focus on Global Challenges: Peace & Justice, Sustainability, Diversity and Prosperity. The programme offers room for flexibility; you get to specialize in a major of your choice and combine this with a minor or electives.…
Promise, Pretence and Pragmatism: Governance and Taxation in Colonial Indonesia, 1870-1940
On 2 Juni 2021, Maarten Manse defended his thesis 'Promise, Pretence and Pragmatism: Governance and Taxation in Colonial Indonesia, 1870-1940'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. R. Arendsen.
More JAZ in the orchestration of jasmonate-mediated plant defense
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Memelink
Research: Europe increasingly targeted by Russian sabotage
Since the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Russia has been conducting a covert sabotage campaign against Europe. The ‘Bewaken en Beveiligen’ (Surveillance and Security) project team at Leiden University has investigated the scale of these operations and compiled its findings in the report Russian Operations…
The complicated conservation problem of genetic pollution
How does invasive hybridization affect threatened native species?
How Electrostatic Interactions Drive Nucleosome Binding of RNF168 & PSIP1
The studies presented in the work show the potential of the integrative use of biophysical data in defining the structural basis of protein interactions.
EuroScience Open Forum
In July 2022, Leiden hosted the ESOF conference.
- Persian 2
- Persian 1
New polymyxin antibiotics for old problems: addressing nephrotoxicity and resistance
Polymyxins are clinically used antibiotics, discovered in mid-20th century. Once abandoned due to excessive nephrotoxicity, they are now used increasingly to address infections caused by multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacteria.In this thesis, we describe the development and synthesis of analogues…
PiP Research Internship Leiden University Digitalization Strategy
Blended and hybrid teaching are presented as crucial in promoting teaching innovation, as well as more flexible study approaches allowing students to develop their own tailor-made study programmes. While the strategy document focuses on the positive aspects of digital teaching tools, no systematic study…
research project Next Generation ImmunoDermatology: Towards Biomarker-driven Dermatology practice in the Netherlands
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has, within the framework of Research along Routes by Consortia (NWA-ORC), awarded the research project Next Generation Immuno-Dermatology (NGID) with a prestigious grant of 11.7 MEuro. NGID is a nationwide, large-scale project to unravel novel biomarkers for six different…
Cognitive control in context: Neural, functional, and social mechanisms of metacontrol.
To argue that people can control the relative contributions of goal-driven and stimulus-driven processes to decision-making and action selection.
Accelerating the Photocatalytic Water Splitting in Catalyst−Dye Complexes
As a virtually inexhaustible source, solar energy plays a major role in future global energy scenarios.
A macro level assessment of material circularity
A sustainable resource management is an essential aspect to satisfy the current human needs without compromising the needs of future generations.
- Media Technology exhibition HYBRID in V2_ gallery space
Book Presentation of Beyond the Mulatta: Haunted Hybridity in Advertising
Book Presentation | Studium Generale Lecture
Effects of slug herbivory on seedling recruitment in Brassica napus and B. rapa
Promotor: Prof.dr. P.G.L. Klinkhamer, Co-Promotor: T.J. de Jong
Anthropology of Law in Muslim Sudan: Land, Courts and the Plurality of Practices
Anthropology of Law in Muslim Sudan analyses the hybridity of law systems and the plurality of legal practices in rural and urban contexts of contemporary Sudan, shedding light on the complex relation between Islam and society.
The ecological relevance of chemical diversity in plants: pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Jacobaea species
Promotor: P.G.L. Klinkhamer, Co-Promotores: K. Vrieling, P.P.J. Mulder
Conceptualizing consultation approaches
Bert Fraussen, Assistant Professor at Leiden University, Adrià Albareda, a PhD candidate at Leiden University and Caelesta Braun, Associate Professor at Leiden University, identified combinations of consultation tools and analyzed their implications for stakeholder diversity.
- Non-Liberal States and Global Governance
Nanoparticle – redox protein biohybrids
Artificial photosynthesis aims to produce fuels from solar energy using chemical processes. In semi-artificial photosynthesis, a hybrid approach is taken using both chemical and biotechnology approaches. We aim to develop hybrid systems between light-harvesting nanoparticles and redox-enzymes (oxidoreductases)…
ESA grant to improve the Earth's 'digital twin'
Global warming, deforestation, nature conservation. All major environmental challenges that call for major measures. To see what the effects of these measures are, observation data from the Earth is used. Researchers at LIACS receive €90,000 from the European Space Agency (ESA). With this they are investigating…
Development of novel metabolomics and systems pharmacology methods
We are developing biology-driven platforms to measure metabolites based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), gas chromatography-MS (GC-MS), and capillary electrophoresis-MS (CE-MS).
About us
Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) is a reputable institute in the field of linguistics, offering excellent research and education opportunities covering a broad range of languages of the world.
Archaeological Forum: Nathalie Brusgaard and Martin Berger
Anisotropic Colloids
While colloidal aggregates are often undesirable due to their random shapes, we exploit them as a starting point to synthesize patchy particles.
Just Future
Which key factors contribute to effective land justice pathways for the protection of people’s land rights and prevention of conflict?
Quantum Lab (aQa)
Quantum computing is a novel paradigm for computation, which is nearing real-world impact with the coming generation of limited, but nonetheless powerful quantum devices.
Transdiagnostic mechanisms
The overarching aim of this theme is to increase our understanding of the mechanisms underlying altered cognitive, affective, and social behavior in relation to mental health problems.
Mast cell-mediated immune modulation in experimental Rheumatoid Arthritis and Atherosclerosis
In this research project, we aimed to obtain more insight in the role of mast cells in the immune driven disorders rheumatoid arthritis and atherosclerosis.
Data Driven Donation Strategies
PhD defence
LUC Experience Day Livestream
Are you interested in Leiden University College The Hague, but unable to travel to our experience day on 16 February? Not to worry! We will offer this event in hybrid format. On this page, you can tune in to the information sessions taking place in our building on February 16th. When the date gets closer,…