1,370 search results for “de oratie arts” in the Public website
De leefwereld en denkbeelden van Nederlandse & Belgische syriegangers: een analyse van elf facebook-accounts
You can find more information on the Dutch webpage. Click on the “Nederlands” button above.
et bambara d’enfants monolingues et bilingues : étude du babillage et des premiers mots
Cette étude montre que le développement phonético-phonologique en fulfulde et bambara est à la foiscomparable au développement langagier dans d’autres langues du monde et influencé par les caractéristiques phonétiques et phonologiques de ces deux langues notamment au niveau de la phonotaxe.
Reading and Transferring the Sublime. The Scholarly Reception and Political Relevance of the Sublime in the Dutch Golden Age
This research will investigate which aspects of On the sublime received attention in the intellectual milieu of the seventeenth century and how the sublime found its way in the political and artistic discourse of that time. Thus I aim to shed light on the role of art in politics and society in this…
Cultural Representations of Living Nature: Dynamics of Intermedial Recording in Text and Image (ca. 1550-1670)
This project investigates the transposition of natural historical material, knowledge and vision, between different media (collection, scientific drawing, academic texts, the visual arts and/or literature) – a transmission that happens in the borderline between the traditional, emblematic worldview…
Lawyers often too rigid about looted art
Law researcher Evelien Campfens is calling for a better legal treatment of looted art. ‘For lawyers, ownership is a very absolute concept. There is one legal owner and that is that.’ Campfens is a PhD candidate at the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Global Heritage and Development.
voor foute taal: Een open symposium over taalregels in het brein en in de maatschappij
Foute taal? Bestaat niet!
Van Aanvallen! naar verdedigen? De opstelling van Nederland ten aanzien van Europese integratie, 1945-2015
To what extent did The Netherlands' attitude towards European integration change after the 2005 referendum on the European Constitution?
Launch of second student edition of Mediaforum, chaired by Emma de Vries
On 14 February, the second student edition of Mediaforum, journal of media and communication law, was festively launched with a symposium in the Academy Building of Leiden University. During the symposium, the student authors, some of them from our own ranks (Roosmarijn Altink, Roosmarijn Niesing and…
COVID-crisis of COVID-kans? Adaptief en lerend bestuur in het LUMC en de regio
Covid-19 is een disruptieve ontwikkeling die hier en nu veel vraagt van zorgprofessionals, bestuurders en managers. Hoewel de crisis nog volop bezig is, is nu al duidelijk dat het Coronavirus een blijvende impact zal hebben op zorginstellingen en fundamentele vragen oproept over hoe we onze zorg optimaal…
Cultural Production
This research network aims to create a shared platform for debate and dialogue on the broader theme of cultural production and exchange across different area specializations and historical periods.
Shifting Identities - The Musician as Theatrical Performer
The focus of the research lies in the approach of reducing, denying, or taking away essential elements of music making in order to let the musician become theatrical.
The Mermaid and the Lion King - Essays in honour of Hans H. de Iongh.
This liber amicorum is a tribute to Prof. dr. ir. Hans H. de Iongh, associate professsor at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) of Leiden University and guest professor at the University of Antwerp, on the occasion of his retirement on 27 October 2016.
Vacancy: PhD position Digital Art History (UU)
The Department of History and Art History externe link at Utrecht University is looking for a candidate for the PhD-project “The (R)evolution of Reconstruction: an analysis of digital facsimiles”. This project analyses the value of digital facsimiles for researchers, heritage institutions, and museum…
Kahloun, Belhadj & Jentzsch, ‘L’offre plurielle de sécurité dans le Grand Tunis’
This case study (in French)—conducted as part of the NWO/Clingendael Institute project ‘Plural Security Insights’—highlights how the dilemma of security provision in Tunisia is part of a crisis of trust between society and state institutions.
Art Academy students design 450th anniversary logo
Students from the Royal Academy of Art The Hague (KABK) designed the 450 lustrum logo.
Paula Harvey
Faculty of Humanities
Criticismo y materialismo en los escritos tempranos de Theodor W. Adorno y Max Horkheimer
The dissertation focuses on the work of German philosophers Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer, founders of critical theory at the Frankfurt School. Specifically, it is a study of the “early” writings, dated between 1925 and 1940, to reconstruct the early stages of critical theory. The thesis argues…
Josua van Iperen (1726-1780) : gereformeerd predikant ten tijde van de Verlichting
Willem Peene defended his thesis on 12 January 2017
Van Constantijntje tot Tonio. Het dode kind in de Nederlandse literatuur
The representation of death children in Dutch literature through time
Een overheid op drift : de strafrechtelijke beheersing van seks en jongeren
The study at hand focuses on the control of sex and youngsters through the response by authorities most notably from within criminal justice.
Barbarism: History of a fundamental European concept and its literary manifestations from the 18th century to the present
This collaborative project aims to explore the history of the concept “barbarism” in Europe from the 18th century to the present, with a particular emphasis on the role of literature and art in the concept’s shifting functions.
Pedagogies of Prohibition: Time, Education, and the War on Drugs in Rio de Janeiro’s Zona Norte
Benjamin Fogarty-Valenzuela published the article 'Pedagogies of Prohibition: Time, Education, and the War on Drugs in Rio de Janeiro’s Zona Norte' in Cultural Anthropology 37. The article’s three sections focus on three forms of temporal control—busyness, punctuality, and rhythm—and each demonstrates…
Kanonbildung im transkulturellen Netzwerk. Die Rezeptions-geschichte des Moskauer Konzeptualismus aus deutsch-russischer Sicht
How did a circle of Soviet artists and writers virtually unknown until perestroika turn into Russia’s most influential contemporary art movement? This book reconstructs the cultural history and canonization of a group of painters and poets known as the Moscow conceptualists, who paradoxically did not…
Interacting risk factors for impulse control behaviours in de novo Parkinson's disease
Up to 45% of patients with Parkinson's disease experience impulse control disorders, characterised by a loss of voluntary control over impulses, drives or temptations. This study aimed to investigate whether previously identified genetic and psychiatric risk factors interact towards the development…
Rapenburg - backdrop for art and knowledge
Street theatre, drama, poetry and a lot of science: Leiden's Rapenburg was the backdrop for the fifth Night of Art and Knowledge on Saturday 16 September. Many University buildings - from the Observatory to the Hortus - opened their doors to artists, scientists and a public curious to know more.
Barbarism and Its Discontents
This study interrogates contemporary and historical uses of barbarism, arguing that barbarism also has a disruptive, insurgent potential.
Making a field of interpretation for biosolar cells
This project investigates the role of art in the public and academic debate on biosolar energy
Three new professors Academy of Creative and Performing Arts
Appointment of three professors represents jewel in the crown of 15-year partnership between Leiden University and the University of the Arts The Hague.
Alverata, a present-day, European typeface with roots in the middle ages
The subject of this thesis is Alverata, a twenty-first-century typeface whose design was inspired by the shapes of Romanesque capitals such as those found in inscriptions of the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
Publication: Making Matters - A Vocabulary for Collective Arts
The publication Making Matters - A Vocabulary for Collective Arts marks the end of the NWO project 'Bridging art, design and technology through Critical Making', led by Janneke Wesseling and Florian Cramer. The book contains the outcomes of this project.
Le tifinagh au Niger contemporain: Étude sur l’écriture indigène des Touaregs
In this dissertation a large corpus of letter signs and texts gathered during fieldwork in Niger, and to a lesser extent Mali and Burkina Faso is used to show the graphemic diversity of the traditional script of the Tuaregs, tifinagh, and to analyze the orthographic system.
Een gedreven buitenstaander: J.H. van 't Hoff de eerste Nobelprijswinnaar voor Scheikunde
This dissertation presents a new perspective on the life, work and character of the Dutch physical chemist Jacobus Henricus van ’t Hoff, first recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and one of the most important and colourful scientists in Dutch history. The image of Van ’t Hoff that emerges from…
Propaganda Art- From the 20th to the 21st Century
On January 25th, artist Jonas Staal will defend his dissertation which explores the development of propaganda art from the 20th to the 21st century.
Technical Art History Days (Utrecht, April 4-5)
The Dutch Research School Art History (OSK) and Utrecht University organize the Technical Art History Days. On April 4 and 5, experts present and discuss current research at Utrecht University that brings together material and digital approaches for the study of art and heritage.
Presale tickets for the Night of Art and Knowledge
On Saturday 17 September Leiden will once again be the setting of the Night of Art and Knowledge. Come along and enjoy a fascinating mix of knowledge, theatre, music and art in the museums and academic locations such as the Hortus botanicus. Tickets are now on sale.
Leiden scientists during Night of Arts and Science
Many Leiden scientists will be taking part in the Night of Arts and Science on 17 September. Find out what's on for English speakers.
New installation 'LAWKI-Passages' at Digital Art Festival Taiwan
Digital Art Festival Taiwan commissioned the collective ARK / Roosje Klap to develop a new installation for Taipei's National Digital Art Center. On show during the Digital Art Festival between 30 September-10 October in Taipei, Taiwan.
Two new publications on Art and Living Presence
The studies of two researchers previously working within the VICI-project ‘Art, Agency and Living Presence’ are now published by Leiden University Press in conjunction with Akademie Verlag.
Photographs & Preservation. How to save Photographic Artwork for the Future?
How can we understand the material instability of photographic (mixed media) artworks (1960s - present) from an integrated approach of Art History, Conservation Science and Chemistry in order to preserve these works for the future?
Our students at the Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo
On a thursdaymorning our students were guided around a new exhibition in the Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo. This exhibition displayed photographs and documents from the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century Western Arabian Peninsula.
Students exhibit at interface between art and technology
Abstract sounds that draw visitors upstairs, an 'escape womb' and a Christmas game that gets you thinking about the limits of creating our own happiness. Master's students of Media Technology created a special exhibition on the theme of 'self', in the Old School art centre in the Pieterskerkhof in…
Royal Academy of Art (KABK) appoints new director
Ranti Tjan has been appointed director of the Royal Academy of Art as of 1 June 2022. He succeeds Henk van der Meulen, who will stay on as director of the Royal Conservatoire and Chairman of the Executive Board.
Imagined Voices- A Poetics of Music-Text-Film
Imagined Voices deals with a form of composition, music with on-screen text, in which the dynamic between sound, words and visuals is explored.
- Leidse lezingen over de Arabische taal en cultuur
Master Honours Class 'Leiden Revisited': making an impact with art
To achieve societal impact, you need to do more than solely writing academic articles. That's the idea behind the Master Honours Class 'Leiden Revisited', in which students demonstrated with art how residents at the outskirts of Leiden experience the city. 'It's the perfect way to start the debate.'
New Platform for Research Collaboration in the Arts
The Royal Conservatoire and the Royal Academy of Art have a long tradition of stimulating research in the arts. ACPA is currently developing with both institutions a new platform for research in and with the arts, with an emphasis on collaboration.
Overwhelming Architecture in Amsterdam in the Seventeenth-Century
The hypothesis of this research is that the municipality used the impressive the Town Hall to enforce its rule and represent its political ideas and make use of sources such as biographies, poems, pamphlets, sermons and governmental documents.
Barbarism Revisited: New Perspectives on an Old Concept
The figure of the barbarian has captivated the Western imagination from Greek antiquity to the present. Since the 1990s, the rhetoric of civilization versus barbarism has taken center stage in Western political rhetoric and the media. But how can the longevity and popularity of this opposition be accounted…
Germany and Maillol
Dutch Title:
The poet as pop star. Literary celebrity in the Netherlands 1780-1900
In which way was literary celebrity constructed in the nineteenth century and what forms of fandom were there?