1,475 search results for “literature and data” in the Public website
About the programme
The master in Media Studies is a one-year programme with four specialisations. Each specialisation explores connections between the various media and examines both present-day and historical material.
- Application deadlines
Call for papers: XIII International Medieval Meeting Lleida 2025
The International Medieval Meeting Lleida invites you to participate in this new edition. Deadline paper proposal: before 30th March 2025
- Application deadlines
- Application deadlines
Erik Kwakkel confesses his love of Medieval books
As Scaliger professor, Erik Kwakkel is responsible for the academic context of the complete Special Collections of the Leiden University Library. His inaugural lecture on 15 May will focus mainly on the section closest to his heart: Medieval books.
Working with datasets that are larger than the entire university
Radio telescope LOFAR maps the sky. It produces incredibly detailed images of the universe - and vast amounts of data. Huub Röttgering, director of the Leiden Observatory, talks about the challenges of working with those enormous datasets.
- Humanities
Machine learning for radio galaxy morphology analysis
We explored how to morphologically classify well-resolved jetted radio-loud active galactic nuclei (RLAGN) in the LOw Frequency Array (LOFAR) Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) using machine learning.
Don't Blink: Detecting transiting exoplanets with MASCARA
This thesis describes the Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA (MASCARA), which consists of two small robotic telescope designed to detect exoplanets around the brightest stars in the sky.
X-ray spectroscopy of merging galaxy clusters
This thesis focuses on the X-ray spectral analysis of merging galaxy clusters and the plasma code development for future high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy observations.
New project on maintenance prediction for industries
With the use of big data, Leiden University is aiming to develop a system that sends automatic alerts when certain Industrial parts are starting to wear out. Researchers of the the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) are developing a predictive maintenance platform together with, among…
United Nations Fellowship awarded to Statistics PhD Kevin Duisters
United Nations Global Pulse, an initiative of the UN Secretary-General on big data and AI, recently launched the Data Fellows program. Kevin Duisters, PhD in Statistics at the Mathematical Institute, was selected to take part in its first cohort of eight international students.
Open Acces data and working paper income inequality 47 countries
Proud. We did it. All the Ginis. Open Access. Income inequality and Fiscal Redistribution in 47 countries 1967-2014.
Upcoming ILS Lunch Seminar: core rights, data and peace agreements
During this lunch seminar series all researchers from Leiden Law School can present their research. The idea is to hear in a simple and nice way what researchers from other research programs and institutes are working on. During a seminar two or three speakers will present their research.
Bioinformatics (MSc)
The master's specialisation Bioinformatics at Leiden University focuses on research, development and application of computational tools and approaches for expanding the use of biological, medical, behavioral and health data.
Centre for Digital Heritage (CDH)
The Centre for Digital Heritage undertakes collaborative international research in the field of Digital Heritage. It is an initiative of the University of York.
Industrial Ecology
- Programme structure
Artificial Intelligence (MSc)
The master’s specialisation Artificial Intelligence offers future-oriented topics in computer science with a focus on machine learning, optimization algorithms, and decision support techniques.
Advanced Computing and Systems (MSc)
The master's specialisation Bioinformatics at Leiden University focuses on research, development and application of computational tools and approaches for expanding the use of biological, medical, behavioral and health data.
Scheduled protocol programming
With the advent of multicore processors and data centers, computer hardware has become increasingly parallel, allowing one to run multiple pieces of software at the same time on different machines. Coordination of these pieces is best expressed in a coordination language as an explicit interaction protocol…
Online price discrimination, justice and regulation
The data-driven economy allows for the collection and processing of large amounts of data. Such data can be used to optimize profits by (dynamically) differentiating prices for different consumers.
The Netherlands X-omics Initiative
The Netherlands X-omics Initiative is a new facility as part of the National Roadmap for Large-Scale Research Infrastructures. It is partly funded by NWO with a total budget of 40 million euro. The project started on September 2018 and will last for ten years.
Metabolomics assisted with stable-isotope labeling: exploring neuronal metabolism related to Parkinson’s disease
The progressive loss and degeneration of dopaminergic neurons is a major pathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease (PD). The onset and progression of PD can be triggered by multiple risk factors, for instance, genetic mutation, environmental exposure, and aging.
Evaluating European imports of Asian aquaculture products using statistically supported life cycle assessments
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo
Automated Decision-Making and Effective Remedies
Simona Demková, Assistant professor at the Europa Institute of Leiden University, publishes her book ‘Automated Decision-Making and Effective Remedies: The New Dynamics in the Protection of EU Fundamental Rights in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’.
ANO-NET: Anonymity in Complex Networks
This project develops methods for ensuring the anonymity of individuals in social network data.
Judgmental Adjustments in Revenue Management
On 12 November 2019, Larissa Koupriuchina defended her thesis 'Judgmental Adjustments in Revenue Management'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. J.I. Van der Rest.
Science based business
The mission of science based business (SBB) connects the domains of science, business, and policy. Scientific research we focus on at Leiden in areas such as artificial intelligence promises to reshape our societies for the better. Translating science into positive societal impact however requires new…
Staging the Archive: Art and Photography in the Age of New Media
Staging the Archive: Art and Photography in the Age of New Media is dedicated to art practices that mobilize the model of the archive, demonstrating the ways in which such archival artworks probe the possibilities of what art is and what it can do.
Enhancing the societal impact of academic publications (Creatieve Industrie – NWO KIEM)
The central goal of academic publishers is the dissemination of the results of research and scholarship. Their audiences can generally be divided into two categories. Academic publications are firstly made accessible to the scholarly community, so that these texts can form the input for new academic…
About us
The Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) is a centre of excellence for multidisciplinary research and education in computer science and artificial intelligence (AI).
Linking global crop and livestock consumption to local production hotspots
International trade plays a critical role in global food security, with global consumption having highly localized environmental impacts.
Pascal chair 2023
Peter Flach is Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bristol. An internationally leading scholar in the evaluation and improvement of machine learning models using ROC analysis and calibration, he has also published on mining highly structured data, on knowledge-driven and explainable…
Progressive Indexes
Interactive exploration of large volumes of data is increasingly common, as data scientists attempt to extract interesting information from large opaque data sets. This scenario presents a difficult challenge for traditional database systems, as (1) nothing is known about the query workload in advance,…
- About this minor
Prepare for your studies
You’ve been accepted! Leiden University looks forward to welcoming you as a new student. Your next step is to prepare for your studies. Below you can find some tips to help you get a head start as you embark on your studies at Leiden University.
You can find an overview of events organized by the Platform for Post-Colonial Readings below.
The Netherlands enthralled by Spanish theatre
Joost van den Vondel is considered to be the greatest Dutch poet and playwright of his time, but he certainly wasn’t the most popular. The 17th- and 18th-century public preferred to watch ‘Spanish theatre’. University lecturer Olga van Marion has written a book about this, together with Frans Blom (University…
- Career prospects
Programme structure
The English Language and Culture programme focuses on four areas, namely: philology, literature, linguistics and language acquisition. It also offers several specialisation options, ranging from renaissance literature to the use of metaphors.
Book recommendation from ... Robert Stein
Every month a member of the Institute for History tells about a book that inspired him or her. Afterwards, the pen is passed on to another colleague. This month dr. Robert Stein tells about the book 'La Vérité sur l'affaire Harry Quebert' by Swiss writer Joel Dicker. It is not so much the whodunit that…
Massively collaborative machine learning
Promotor: J. N. Kok, Co-promotor: A. J. Knobbe
Yes/no question-marking in Italian dialects - A typological, theoretical and experimental approach
This dissertation provides an account of polar questions in Italian dialects from a typological, theoretical and empirical perspective.
Translating China: Henri Borel (1869-1933)
Audrey Heijns defended her thesis on 28 June 2016
The Founder of Bon, the Birth of a Myth
In this dissertation, the life account is constructed of of the founder of Bon Religion, Shenrab Miwo.
Prepare for your studies
You’ve been accepted! Leiden University looks forward to welcoming you as a new student. Your next step is to prepare for your studies. Below you can find some tips to help you get a head start as you embark on your studies at Leiden University.
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