2,627 search results for “experimental onderzoek near leesontwikkeling” in the Public website
A theory rarely proves true in practice
Leiden students often prefer complicated theory and a difficult test to experiments. Yet associate professor Paul Logman believes students learn a lot from practical teaching. He challenges his students to come up with their research questions themselves. The Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) is at…
Dr. H. Enno van Gelder lecture and research grant 2021
Met de H.E. van Gelder Onderzoeksbeurs wordt beoogd interdisciplinair onderzoek naar munten, bankbiljetten en penningen van een impuls te voorzien. De beurs heeft een waarde van € 10.000 en stelt de onderzoeker (m/v) in de gelegenheid een publicatie voor te bereiden en aan de hand daarvan vervolgonderzoek…
- Career prospects
- Career prospects
Admission requirements
To be eligible for the MA Ancient History at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
Admission requirements
To be eligible for Assyriology at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
Admission requirements
To be eligible for Egyptology at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
Archaeology of West Asia
In the master’s programme in Archaeology, you can follow courses on the archaeology of West Asia, deepening your understanding of this region’s fascinating past.
About the programme
Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) covers two years and can be studied in four programmes, one of them is the Assyriology (Research) programme. When you choose to study Assyriology, you will both be guided through the broadness of Assyriological sub-disciplines, as well as gradually led to…
Keetje Hodshon Prijs 2023
De inschrijvingen voor de Keetje Hodshon Prijs zijn geopend. In 2023 is de Keetje Hodshon Prijs bestemd voor onderzoek op het gebied van de Historische wetenschappen, als aanmoedigingsprijs voor onderzoekers die in 2018 of daarna gepromoveerd zijn. Voordrachten dienen digitaal te worden ingediend uiterlijk…
Near-infrared fluorescence imaging with indocyanine green in vascular surgery
PhD defence
Chasing gravitational waves: damping vibrations in underground Einstein Telescope
Leiden scientists and companies receive 1.37 million euros to develop technology for the Einstein Telescope. This underground telescope will measure gravitational waves and must therefore be extremely sensitive. To that end, the consortium conducts research on the damping of vibrations at temperatures…
Treasure hunting takes toll on Eastern Badia archaeological site
The Jordan Times has interviewed Peter Akkermans about the damage done to the Early Islamic archaeological site of Khirbet Al Umari, Jordan.
Research by Leiden archaeologists in The Jordan Times
Recent fieldwork at the vast desert region in north-eastern Jordan has revealed an immensely rich heritage of an area that is difficult to access and archaeologically less known. Professor Peter Akkermans was interviewed about his groundbreaking research in this area, known as the Black Desert.
Former research assistant Hannah Plug appointed at Liverpool University
Until September 2016, Hannah Plug was Research Assistant for the Consolidating Empire Research Project under the direction of Dr. Bleda Düring. Now, she has just begun her new appointment at Liverpool University, UK. Here she tells all about it.
'I cook, therefore I am'
For a new food-related exhibition in the Wereldmuseum, Rotterdam, archaeologist Dr. Joanita Vroom has cooperated in creating the Taste Lab, where one can look, listen, taste and cook. Moreover, she designed a series of food workshops.
The conquest by Rome brought profound changes to large parts of Europe. Unprecedented infrastructural works such as roads and harbours were created, towns sprang up, a ribbon of fortresses was laid out along the frontiers and there is a vast increase in material culture to inform us about the lives…
Leiden Observatory
With each discovery that is made, the universe reveals a fraction of its secrets: the most distant galaxies and quasars, the atmosphere of exoplanets, evidence of dark matter, complex molecules in space. This is what fills the days and nights of the researchers from the Leiden Observatory and their…
- Career prospects
Why Leiden University
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
- Career prospects
About the programme
Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) covers two years and can be studied in four programmes, one of them is the Hebrew and Aramaic Studies specialisation. When you choose to study this programme you will both be guided through the broadness relevant sub-disciplines, as well as gradually led…
Ancient Worlds network
The Ancient Worlds Network brings together staff and graduate students in LIAS working on the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern world.
Why Leiden University
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
About the programme
Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) covers two years and can be studied in four programmes, one of them is Egyptology. When you choose to study this programme, you will both be guided through the broadness of Egyptological sub-disciplines, as well as gradually led to develop your own specific…
Useful information
An overview of frequently asked questions
Researchers from Leiden University have received awards in Nationaal Groeifonds Quantum Technology programme
Three researchers from Leiden University have received awards in the Quantum Technology programme within the National Growth Fund, organised by NWO in collaboration with Quantum Delta NL. Read more about these three futuristic projects.
Johan Kuiper: vaccin tegen aderverkalking
Ontwikkelen van een vaccin tegen aderverkalking
Call - Van Gelderbeurs
Met de Van Gelderbeurs beoogt de Van Geldercommissie onderzoek naar en studie van geld en geldgeschiedenis in Nederland te bevorderen. De Van Gelderbeurs heeft een waarde van max. € 10.000 en kan ingezet worden voor onderzoeks- en/of educatieve doeleinden zoals bijvoorbeeld het maken van een (digitale)…
Oproep voor posters: jubileumcongres Nederlandse Boekhistorische Vereniging
Schrijf je een paper, scriptie of proefschrift over een boekhistorisch onderwerp? Of ken je studenten die boekhistorisch onderzoek doen? De Nederlandse Boekhistorische Vereniging (NBV) nodigt studenten en promovendi van harte uit om een poster over hun onderzoek te presenteren op het jubileumcongres…
Radicals in arithmetic
Promotor: Prof.dr. P. Stevenhagen, Co-promotor: Prof. dr. B. de Smit
Anisotropy, multivalency and flexibility-induced effects in colloidal systems
We have studied the impact of particle shape anisotropy, multivalent interactions and flexibility on systems of micron-sized colloidal particles.
Common Dwelling Place of all the Gods
Commagene in its Local, Regional and Global Hellenistic Context
Improvisations in phototrophy
Microbial rhodopsins are photosensitive pigments implemented in the growth and adaptation of a large population of microorganisms.
Electronic spectroscopy of molecules of astrophysical interest
This thesis revolves around the electronic spectroscopy of molecules in the laboratory and the search for the carriers of the diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs).
The Honours Academy is housed in the Old Observatory, on the outskirts of Leiden's city centre.
Designing Ships using Constrained Multi-Objective Efficient Global Optimization
A modern ship design process is subject to a wide variety of constraints such as safety constraints, regulations, and physical constraints.
Novel Immune Cell-Based Therapies for Atherosclerosis
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kuiper, Co-Promotor: S.C.A. de Jager
- Jordi Tura Group (Applied Quantum Algorithms)
Phenotypic engineering of photosynthesis related traits in Arabidopsis thaliana using genome interrogation
Promotor: P.J.J. Hooykaas, Co-Promotor: E.J. van der Zaal
Networks and cooperations
Both on a personal and institutional level, the staff of Leiden CADS collaborates with:
Episcopal social networks and patronage in late antique Egypt: Bishops of the Theban region at work
The proposed research project examines the social role of two monk-bishops in seventh-century Egypt, Abraham of Hermonthis and Pesynthios of Koptos, by reconstructing their social networks on the basis of their archival documents.
Searching for the sibling of the earth
Are there other planets like the earth, and will there also be life? Astronomers study planets around stars other than the sun, with the aim to find out what kind of gasses their atmospheres are made up with.
Allosteric modulation and ligand binding kinetics at the Kv11.1 channel
Promotor: Prof.dr. A.P. IJzerman, Co-Promotor: L.H. Heitman
Chemical tools to monitor and control human proteasome activities
Promotores: H.S. Overkleeft; G.A. van der Marel Co-Promotor: B.I. Florea
Microfoundations of Debt Crises (MIDEBT)
How do citizens think about government debt? This project investigates the political roots of government debt crises by exploring the drivers of citizens’ preferences towards fiscal policies.
Harnessing the soil microbiome for improved stress tolerance in crop plants
Which compounds and microorganisms that live near and inside plant roots are beneficial? Can we use this knowledge to improve the health and growth of crop plants?
Spinning worlds
Promotor: I. A. G. Snellen, Co-promotor: M. A. Kenworthy
How to get there
Route descriptions to CML by public transport or car
Green Bikes & Repair Points
Bikes are one of the most sustainable ways of travel which use should be promoted by the University.