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Basis reduction for layered lattices
Promotor: H.W. Lenstra
Single-molecule microscopy in zebrafish embryos
Single-Molecule Microscopy (SMM) techniques constitute a group of powerful imaging tools that enable researchers to study the dynamic behavior of individual molecules.
A new era for nature conservation using hyperspectral and lidar data; Oostvaardersplassen as a case study
This project aims to develop advanced data analysis methods for monitoring and increasing our understanding on biodiversity dynamics in nature reserves such as the Oostvaardersplassen.
ELS Academy
ELS@Leiden is part of nation-wide network of law schools organizing events and pooling resources to be at the service of individual scholars and research groups at law schools in the Netherlands.
Speech Prosody is the biennial meeting of the Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG) of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).
Career prospects
When graduating from our programme, you will be a starting researcher who can bridge the gap between research and practice. You will be prepared for a PhD position.
Information activities
Want to know more about the MA/MSc Archaeology and experience what it’s like to study in Leiden? There are a number of activities that can help you choose your study.
PhD programmes
A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years.
How do you choose the right programme?
Choosing a study programme is fun and exciting, but it’s not always easy. Your choice of study is a major decision; after all, it is about your future. At the same time, it’s good to remember that this choice will not determine the rest of your life.
Career preparation
The IEG specialisation integrates professionally-oriented activities in the curriculum to prepare students for the job market. For example a 2-day Challenge is organised each year during which you meet potential employers, learn practical skills and solve a policy, organisational or ethical issue.
Career prospects
Completing your Master’s in Biology gives you an internationally recognised degree which you can follow up with a PhD track. With your acquainted skills, you’re a much requested professional in and outside research.
Career preparation
You study in the heart of The Hague’s many international diplomatic organisations and will hear from practitioners working in the IRD field during lectures, helping you start your professional network. And as noted, your internship gives you practical hands-on work experience and a professional netw…
- How to Apply
The role and analysis of molecular systems in electrocatalysis
Molecular complexes can be used as electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction, water oxidation, and/or hydrogen peroxide production.
Borderless counterterrorism: mapping cross-border cooperation
This project compares and explains dynamics of cross-border cooperation among European actors in the field of counterterrorism (CT).
Plant-soil interactions determine ecosystem aboveground and belowground processes in primary dune ecosystems
Soil biodiversity is of great importance for the maintenance of multifunctionality in terrestrial ecosystems.
- International Relations Seminar Series
HANDS!Lab for Sign Languages and Deaf Studies
The Leiden HANDS!Lab for Sign Languages and Deaf Studies hosts research activities in the area of sign language linguistics and Deaf studies, with a focus on Africa. In addition to various research projects, we have our Deaf studies lecture Series in International Sign and offer various regular and…
Burkina Faso: Global Gold Expansion and Local Terrains
The book Global Gold Production Touching Ground: Expansion, Informalization, and Technological Innovation is edited by Boris Verbrugge and Sara Geenen. In recent decades, gold mining has moved into increasingly remote corners of the globe. Aside from the expansion of industrial gold mining, many countries…
Narrative Science: Reasoning, Representing and Knowing since 1800
Narrative Science examines the use of narrative in scientific research over the last two centuries.
Koenraad Schalm Group - String Theory and Experiment
Truth is stranger than fiction. In 1997 Juan Maldaceña discovered a remarkable dictionary that translates equation for equation the physics of black holes in string theory into the more conventional physics of quantum mechanics of interacting particles. The remarkable possibility exists that…
- Research
The Function of Jus Post Bellum in International Law
Jens Iverson, Assistant Professor of International Law and a Researcher in the Jus Post Bellum Project, defended his Ph.D. dissertation on 21 September 2017.
Surya Tjandra defends his Ph. D thesis ‘Labour Law and Development in Indonesia’ on 4 February 2016
In his thesis Tjandra analuses the development of labour law in Indonesia. He focusses on the developments after the fall of the Soeharto regime (1998), the so called reformasi period.
Essentiality of conserved amino acid residues in β-lactamase
Evolution acts via mutations in amino acid sequences. Substitution of essential amino acids leads to a nonfunctional protein. l.
Pyrrole-based photoswitchable anion receptors
The main goal of this thesis is to achieve advanced control of binding properties in bis-pyrrolic and macrocyclic pyrrolic receptors by light.
Imaging of alkyne-functionalized ruthenium complexes for photoactivated chemotherapy
In photoactivated chemotherapy (PACT), a biologically active compound is caged by a light-cleavable protecting group.
Canal Run
Leiden University and the annual Canal Run both have something to celebrate: 2019 is the year of the 44th Canal Run and the 444th birthday of Leiden University. Come and run with us on 5 April.
SFA of Chlorine in Europe: A MacTempo Case-Study
An overview is given of the flows of chlorine and chlorinated hydrocarbons through the Europian Union.
Linguistic Advances in Central American Spanish
Covering all seven countries on the isthmus, this volume presents the first collection of original linguistic studies on Central American Spanish varieties, which have long been neglected in Hispanic Linguistics.
Research themes
LUCIS’ research on Islam and society is guided by three overarching themes, which are fundamental to our research programmes.
Unity and Diversity: Negotiating Islam
From the formative period of Islam to the contemporary world, Muslims have negotiated changing modalities of being Muslim.
Join us
Participating, expressing your ideas, asking questions, and giving feedback can be done in a variety of ways. It is important to make yourself heard.
The δ-machine: A new competitive and interpretable classifier based on dissimilarities
Does the δ-machine have higher accuracy than the other feature-based classifiers in some conditions?
Jentzsch, Auxiliary Armed Forces and Innovations in Security Governance in Mozambique’s Civil War
Political scientist Corinna Jentzsch (Leiden University) about the organisation of rebel and government auxiliaries in the civil war in Mozambique (1976–1992).
Development of organ-on-a-chip systems for translational and personalized medicine
We have developed a microfluidic platform for complex 3D organotypic cell cultures (so-called organ-on-a-chip systems) which are suited for integration in 96 or higher well plate format.
- Getting started!
- Getting started!
Raja Ampat Ritual Art
Spirit priests and ancestor cults in new guinea's far west
Tilling and manuring prehistoric and early historic fields in western Europe
Since the adoption of agriculture people have cultivated fields. The project concerns all kinds of aspects related to raising crops.
Social Influence and Vaccination Willingness
Is willingness to receive Covid-19 vaccine affected by social relationships? To what degree do relationships convey information, social pressure and role-models that alter individual’s willingness to be vaccinated?
Leiden Science Run
Do you like running? Then take part in the Leiden Science Run on The Leiden Science Run is a 4.44 km charity run at the Leiden Bio Science Park on 28 september 2019. In 2019 Leiden University will be 444 years old. This special birthday calls for a special celebration. That is why we have adjusted the…
External Knowledge Absorption in Chinese SMEs
Today, knowledge is the most crucial element to stimulate organizational competitiveness and economic development.
Unveiling the nature of giant radio galaxies
The thesis deals with the study of giant radio galaxies (GRGs), which are radio galaxies of megaparsec sizes.
Leiden’s City Criminologist
How safe do you feel when you’re walking around the streets of Leiden? Do you generally feel safe? Are there any situations when you feel unsafe in the city? These are the kinds of questions that Leiden’s City Criminologist Marianne Franken – from Leiden University – hopes to be able to answer. In collaboration…
Causing a stir: Radiative and mechanical feedback in starburst galaxies
Promotores: Prof.dr. F.P. Israel, Prof.dr. P.P. van der Werf
Applied multivariate data analysis
Linguistic and Cultural Foreign Policies of European States
The policies relating to language pursued by European monarchies and states have been widely studied, but far less attention has been given to their linguistic and cultural policies in territories outside their own borders.
Late Ceramic Age Societies in the Eastern Caribbean
Biological model representation and analysis
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.N. Kok, Co-promotor: F.J. Verbeek